03 December 2023 17:58
These people save lives. Shout out to Randy and the psychiatrist, both were amazing and so compassionate. You are all doing God's work. Keep it up!
10 November 2023 3:35
I called them to help a boy that was in my care 3 times in 1 week later that week he killed me I was brought back but I lost my hearing I got brain damage and I lost my ear cuz he bit it off but they said ge was fine all 3 times I called them I pleded with them to take him for a 72 hold but they didn't listen now I'm filled with trauma and struggles every day in my life which has made my own mental health worst mose days I try not to think about how much I lost for their incompetence and now even when I need help and ppl say call access 24/7 is a huge trigger for me I'm totally traumatized by them
06 October 2023 13:47
They were kind on the phone when they called to set up the appointment and I felt heard by the staff about my needs for my appointment. Unfortunately I was not able to see a female psychiatrist, however the fellow I say was kind and gentle. He offered options. I would go back.
20 August 2023 13:07
I don't know why this place gets funding.probably so the UCP can say they're doing something. Rep had no idea about programs, and told me to contact my family doctor about getting a referral to some place. Very unhelpful.
31 July 2023 2:43
I had a haunting experience here a few years ago that still gives me occasional flashbacks. A pamphlet had been given to me at U of A when I had gone into emergency with severe anxiety that was causing me physical symptoms which resulted from mounting verbal and emotional abuse by my live in partner at that time.

I remember going in with my partner and asking if they offered couples therapy, the therapist initially told me she would try although it was outside of her training, and I accepted because I was in agony and afraid of going home. She said she would speak to me in a room privately before seeing both of us. When we got there she was visibly angry with me, and tried to make me feel as if I was forcing her to give us couples therapy which she had just agreed to. She was also rushing me and interrupting me over and over when asking me questions.kept pounding her nails on the table. I was embarrassed of my extreme anxiety as it made it more difficult to speak and my voice was always shaking. She cut me off after roughly two sentences to tell me my story sounded one-sided and implied the abuse was my fault because I hadn't left him already. She told me in a very patronizing tone that I needed to see someone for panic attacks as if it were rediculous that I would go to them, a mental health clinic. I told her then that I didn't need to take this and that I was leaving, to which she angrily responded "Well that is your choice", because nothing like a little victim blaming as a means to evade accountability.what a way to set an example. I left feeling helpless and defeated, and was too afraid to pursue any kind of recourse so I didn't.

There is no worse feeling than being treated that way when you are already at your lowest, so thanks, Nicole.

I sincerely hope my experience was somehow a fluke of some sort so that no one else would have to go through this, my only regret for not pursuing their complaint process. Unacceptable is an understatement.
25 June 2023 19:05
Some of the people are nice and are helpful but most of the time they don’t do much. I would advise against using access 24/7 as they do not help the way they should.been trying to get help for a loved one for a few years and they arnt able to help. We are on our own. I guess it has to come to a suicide before they will help. Great job AHS.
20 February 2023 2:06
I went here in hopes of finding help. After being asked what brought me here today and explaining what was going on, I was told that this was not what this place was for and that it was for urgent matters. I was still given the intake interview where I was asked a series of questions to assess where I was at. After the questions were done, I was told that group therapy could be an option. After expressing that I was not comfortable with group therapy, I was told about a book on Amazon. I wasn’t given the name of the book, just that it was green. I mentioned that I had tried therapy before but didn’t get anything out of it. I was then asked if I would consider therapy again. I reluctantly said yes and an appointment was made for 2 months later. I asked if I could see a physiatrist for a medication review and after the intake person reviewed with the nurse I was told that there was no indication that I needed a medication review. I would absolutely not recommend coming here as it was the least helpful thing I have ever done for myself. I came out of this appointment worse than when I walked in. I was treated as if there wasn’t anything wrong with me and I felt like I was wasting their time. If anything I left there being a more suitable candidate for them as I am now experiencing worse thoughts than before. My mental health has taken a giant leap backwards after going here. Do NOT go here.
27 January 2023 20:40
Just over two years ago I was in a constant crisis, I would sleep for days, threw up every meal (not on purpose) mild hallucinating, attempt on my life a few times, I dropped to unhealthy weight was anorexic, etc. I was in Newfoundland and attempted to get help through my GP and local psychiatric hospital (one of the worst in the country) both failed and did nothing for me, and actually made me worse and lose faith in the system.
As a last resort I went to Edmonton with my aunt who is RCMP, she discovered this place and I did a over the phone assessment and they got me in almost right away, I saw Doctor Achor, who actually listened to my concerns and diagnosed and treated me, I gained all my weight back and then some, I was no longer depressed or suicidal, and I could actually eat again, my sleep issues, present since I was a toddler, were gone (who knew all I needed was a mood stabilizer!) This man and his staff saved my life, very compassionate and empathetic.everyone from the nurses to the man I spoke with on the phone assessment were fantastic to me, and I will be forever grateful to them, I wish I could see Dr Achor again but I'm back in NL dealing with the horrible system here again however I am no longer in crisis as since his treatment and diagnosis I still get the same medication and it does a fantastic job. Dr. Achor, I am in your debt. Thank you again.
20 September 2022 16:23
Some nice people there but they fail to recognize the mental stability in a person when dealing with certain issues instead they put me in not just one but two a very high volatile situations triggering my mental instability leading to having me banned for 48 hrs denied my fundamental right of basic access to help and created a more volatile situation I had gave alot of description and warning prior to theincident now have to wait even longer to access help i may or not make it that long very disappointed i also told a couple ways they could of dealt with the situation but they never seemed like the cared basically is what it is
16 September 2022 15:33
They will only help you ONE time. So if your family doctor tells you to go here for a “fast”referral to a psychiatrist and then one day in the future you have a bottle of pills in your hands and you call them crying because you have taken half of them and you don’t know what to do because you have 3 kids and you are the only one watching them - too bad. The only thing they will tell you is they can call the police or you can walk in to the hospital.

They should call this Access 24/7 ONE TIME ONLY SORRY!

I would give this zero stars if possible

Told her I won’t kill myself today but sometime this week after I have written letters to my kids
29 August 2022 10:12
I travelled from an hour away as there are no supports where I live. I was worried what I was going to be faced with because of mental health stigma, but I was very impressed with the service I received. It was timely (sometimes you’ll have to wait just deal with it lol), professional, helpful, thorough, and actually felt like someone cared. I was given compassion, listened to, and given appropriate resources for what I needed. I highly recommend this place for anyone who is willing to receive treatment for their mental health issues. Please reach out for support if you need it and remember you’re not alone!
01 August 2022 2:21
Really a waste of time. Disorganized reception. Heavily focused on addictions. Called me "dear", which is very insulting, I may be older but I have a name. If I scored the help I received from them it would be 1/10.
03 September 2021 0:53
I am an Alberta mental health service recipient. This is my endorsement of Access 24/7. Access 24/7 staff have many hours of flight time and are highly qualified. I venerate all souls working backstage and onstage to provide this service. Thank you.
20 July 2021 6:44
I just want to thank this clinic for the incredibly good and important work they do at a time when so many people need mental health crisis assistance!
21 March 2021 23:55
If you have mental health issues, I urge you to seek help. Even if you think they might be minor, it's a good idea to talk to someone about it. Access 24/7 provides Edmontonians with a service that is desperately needed in this city, and I am very thankful for what they do. All of the doctors and intake staff are kind and understanding.

I met with Doctor Orok to discuss medications that I was taking. At the end of the visit, I would regard Doctor Orok as someone who is genuine, thoughtful, and brutally honest. This man has a ton of experience under his belt, and has practiced in many different countries. He told me that he does not agree with any of my mental health diagnosis, with explicit reasons as to why. I listened to him, and was very open with what he had to say - I am glad that I did. This one visit changed my perspective on my issues and what I have been through, and has given me a new way to approach the most detrimental root of my current state of being.

I would suggest to be open to listening to him, and you will find he will provide you with incredible insight into your life and the issues you face. Be honest with him, and trust that what he has to say is the truth.
29 September 2023 2:59
Michael, this is interesting to hear because aniekan orok tried to kill me and succeeded in permanently ruining my life out of sheer racial hatred of jews. To me, id describe aniekan orok as a wizard eater
07 February 2021 2:02
I have contacted Access 24/7 a few times over the past year. Every time I have had to call, it has been for loved ones in crisis. They have helped me and the people I reached out for. Each time we were met with empathy and understanding, and together we made a plan. They have called to check in on us afterwards and have always walked us through what we had to do with patience. They always ask me if I am okay and whether I could use support. I am so grateful for this service and am confident in having them in my own mental health action plan, as well as recommending to others who are in crisis. This is a great bridge to finding the right help. A life saving bridge.
27 January 2021 9:58
I am grateful to Access 24/7 for the supports they provided me during a mental health crisis. The nurses were absolutely incredible. I met with them both in person, and spoke with them on the phone. Thank-you to the empathetic nurses on the team that I had the privilege of speaking with during that dark and difficult time.
16 January 2021 15:35
One door is unprofessional just a pretend center went there for help
staff are rude also there just a homeless shelter also they dont offer any real solutions or help just a front for big pharma pills they make you sicker.
25 December 2020 5:20
Lady on the phone that did a call was very rude they dont help with anything
also just offering SSRIS and intake numbers game.
04 December 2020 10:15
Staff are interesting.
Clients dont get real help.
Front for pills and intake numbers.
12 November 2020 5:36
Lady talked to me like my whole problem was school stress.wouldnt listen when i told her i have a diagnosis.told me the only medication available were ssris.not very knowledgeable
26 August 2020 10:28
I went there last night with earlier in the evening thoughts of how to help myself die. The lady told me because at that exact second I was ok to make a feel better box. You know add a fav tea thoughts written down on what I can do to feel better like take a bath? My husband babysat me and today I am still trying to figure it all out. Do yourself a favour don’t go here if you are in crisis
30 July 2020 22:33
After being failed by my pediatrician on a really hard day I'm thankful to have found help here with the wonderful staff. Being turned down and told to "take a walk" while experiencing terrible effects and increased anxiety and depression was scary. I'm thankful this place exists.
23 July 2020 3:33
This was a very good solution until I got into my family doctor. The psychiatrist there put me back on track. I know some people have an issue with a one-and-done appointment but if someone has proper follow-up it can be a lifesaver
16 July 2020 8:50
I went there in crisis for an ongoing mental health disorder. In 17 years of suffering this is only the second doctor who has known what I'm dealing with and properly diagnosed and treated it. This is a valuable service that I credit with helping to make my life worth living. I have so many wonderful people and things in my life but my mental illness makes it hard to give them full appreciation sometimes. This service changed that. If you are in crisis please reach out. I've had so many missed opportunity from different physicians but when you receive the help that you need it is so worth it.
17 September 2019 7:30
I'm a bit confused. 6 weeks about to get an appointment. All I've done is wait for help to cope with numerous issues.for a few YEARS! And I've no doubt that I will hear. "no we can't help you. I'll give you another number to call. " That is what I've heard for a few years. Exactly how long should i be made to wait? Giving up every now and then, then trying again, with the same result! Isn't that what they call "insanity. Is it the heart attack or the stroke that will get me an appointment sooner?
23 July 2019 8:25
This place has been open all of 2 days and there is already a 4 week wait to see someone! Does anyone in this city actually care about peoples Mental Health? No They do not. What a joke!
It is no wonder people commit suicide. Trying to get help is impossible!

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