30 September 2023 5:22
You know they are not their for our children. 1970 s we can't forget what they did to those children keep your family and children far away from this group
15 July 2023 6:20
This is the most terrible service you can possibly deal with I'm your life. Agnes, my case officer made terrible mistakes and ignored her mistakes afterwards. She doesn't know how do her job. She is rude and unreasonable, and doesn't listen at all. After dealing with her for more than 10 hours on the phone my file is not fixed, and terrible mistake which are dangerous for your creditablity is Canada.
18 May 2023 23:55
Absolutely garbage service. Have been trying to reach my caseworker for days. Constantly unavailable. Call back requests can take up to 5 business days which is absolutely unacceptable. When you try to talk to an operator on the phone all they do is tell you to log into the website and submit a call back request. The first time i called they submitted it for me but on subsequent calls would refuse to do so and told me my only option was to go to the website. Never have I dealt with a more unhelpful and poorly run organization.
03 May 2023 14:58
Years ago they changed the online login, so i cant get online. Every other year I've phoned and got what I needed. This year I get an 'Im sorry we cannot process your request at this time' response. Cant even talk to a person.
28 March 2023 11:30
“She Said”…. So madam Justice grants Unrealistic amounts. MEP just like fat sugar lacking spoiled kid right away contacting and demanding money
Inform them I’m on Alberta low income assistance making $530. A month. Living in my car or friends couches
Unable to work because of mental health issues. Hence being on low income assistance yet Even thenAlberta Maintenance program. And Alberta Supports are both ……. ALBERTA programs. Yet no desire or want to look into sister company and see I was indeed telling truth. So instead fast forward. I’m supposedly to pay well over $2000.00 per month. Yet been off work for years and ex had been working more than me With financial hand outs from relatives, church, government. So out of $530.00. Supposed to buy food, shelter, basic necessities, car insurance etc and $2000.00 Plus per month. Retroactive 8 months. Just because madam Justice jufdge must’ve felt Powerful so Now my licences registrations etc Cancelled and oweing horendous amount of money while ex and her 2Adult sons MILK the government and church’s to make sure they don’t have to wipe their Own Hiny That someone else will do it for them. But if She says well then there’s more he’ll to pay Women fought for equality years ago. Now the expect equality when it works best for them. Otherwise they just want
13 February 2023 0:30
Never consistent. And never releases support in December when moms could use it the most. They are horrible for both parents.
05 February 2023 5:12
Dec/ 2022
I'd like to update this. I have been waiting for a decade to get my internationaI child support package accepted by the state my ex is in. I was getting very impatient. But due to the diligence of this office, Dan in particular, they finally accepted it. I haven't seen any money yet, but I now have hope! My confidence in MEP has grown a lot! Thank you, Dan, for putting up with me all these years!

I realize this may be a
difficult case because its international. I know they aŕe doing what they
can. Being overworked because of such a high demand. I became very impatient with them.and feel bad. It can't be easy!
25 January 2023 1:00
Couldn't make my Child Support payment on January 1st because the lack of hours and work during Christmas. I had my kids for a week during Christmas as well! January 14th, they send me an email threatening my credit. Like parents need this extra stress in life!
12 December 2022 6:46
I'd rate zero stars if it would let me, its a corrupt organization with zero accountability and they make it near impossible to get in touch with the organization. As a tax payer I had requested a new worker, I’d never done so in the whole time I’d had three different ones. Only to be denied.
20 October 2022 17:53
Case officer is rude. Trying to get ahold of anyone to see your online account is impossible. My ex and I don't agree on much but we did agree the officer was one of the most ignorant guys we've ever dealt with.
11 October 2022 6:44
I called MEP three weeks ago on a clients behalf to inform them of an enforce POA. I was told a case officer, Maraliese, would return my call - no call. I followed up today and spent 5: 36 minutes listening to a recorded preamble before I could speak to an agent. Once the recorded preamble was complete the recording informed me they could not answer my call and hung-up. I suggest the provincial Minister responsible for MEP read some of these reviews. My next follow up will include the aforementioned Minister. As an aside the one star rating was required before I could post. There is nothing lower I could choose.
08 April 2022 8:51
It is shameful that the government organization that is in place to help parents get the support that they need for their children from deadbeat parents, have to deal with such ineptitude on such a high level, to add insult to injury.
It is absurd that rceipts for expenses cannot be sent in via email, l and must be faxed or mailed in, as anytime I have emailed receipts, regardless of submitting them in the correct format, (as a PDF file), they are conveniently never received.
There's also no way to confirm if your documentation has been received through email. In this digital age, the this is unacceptable. Once your receipts are actually recieved, you will wait a ridiculous length of time before anything is posted, and reimbursement occurs.
Parents who are relying on the support that they are long overdue for, shouldn't have to mail in their documents. It's just an excuse so that the overworked and underpaid government workers can delay the process even further, as they likely can't keep up with the demand, this branch of the government naturally being a non priority.
It is high time this website be updated and modernized, and to not do so is a compete disservice to parents that need the support the most.
27 March 2022 22:16
Their online account system does not allow clients to see if submitted documents have been received. When you follow up with phone calls it is always a runaround of being told nothing was received, but the worker will mention information that was only provided on submitted documents. When you call them on that it's always, oh sorry the documents ARE here. When requesting forms be mailed it is always the wrong form received.
A government office being closed for the week between Christmas and New Years is not acceptable to taxpayers. Being closed on weekends and provincial holidays is the only time they should be closed.
09 March 2022 14:20
My ex paid child support to this program monthly, but they actually held this money instead of forwarding it to me. I called and emailed them many times but nobody has given me an explanation about why they held my child support! Extremely unprofessional and irresponsible agency.
04 March 2022 3:42
Absolutely horrendous service. You have to take a day off work to get ahold of them. Fines are atrocious. They make it so you are unable to live. How are you supposed to pay when you can't get to work? Can't eat? Can't pay rent and live somewhere?
28 January 2022 6:06
Theyve been withholding my childrens money for almost 5 months now, with no explanation. Ex has paid faithfully. Absolutely disgusting.
23 August 2020 21:39
If you have any issues, it is extremely difficult to get a hold of someone. Changed policy based on a form my Ex filled out, they didn't even verify accuracy of information. Wondering why I went to the court when MEP does what it wants.
20 August 2020 17:56
The worst experience ever, I have nothing pleasant to say. They will ruin your life if you're not strong, mentally. Poor customer service, rude people, do as they please. I want to know what the service fees are for? !
06 July 2020 3:35
I cannot comment more GREAT things about AMP and I finally received my first payment today.

I submitted my application in Dec with my court order and within a week my account was already set up. I had no problem getting thru the phone system to get help and the officer who provided me with the login Information was very polite and professional.

In the past five months, MEP has been working very hard and following up my case closely. I truly appreciate their support and want to say thank you.

I strongly believe that MEP is an important department within the justice system and they are doing their very BEST to help people in needed even in this challenging time.

Please be patient and treat the employees with respects as I believe all of them are here to us.

Thank you MEP and please keep up the amazing and meaningful work you are providing.
06 June 2020 15:28
Left a call back request 5 days in a row now and still no call back. Last friday case officer hung up on me also. Very poor customer service
01 April 2020 9:09
Very hard service to deal with. I feel lucky if my online account is working, call backs never happen, trying to get a hold of your worker is next to impossible.
20 March 2020 5:46
The customer service level in this place is unbelievable and I'm the one that's supposed to be getting money. I cannot imagine how they do treat the people that owe the money. A lady hung up on me because I told her she was being rude. I would almost rather not get money than have to talk to the likes of someone like that.
10 February 2020 1:35
After giving up on getting any further funds, MEP stepped up and I am now getting at least something from the arrears accrued from my ex. I now get regular follow up calls pertaining to my account. Much appreciated.
05 February 2020 13:11
Have been paying support for over a year with no notice of deductions or status of my claim. Attempted to email and phone with no solution given. Moved from ontario and was told by the recipient that this was who to contact I had no clue they even existed. Recipient often has missing payments and withholds contact due to maps disorganization missing funds and again no resolution or attempted contact by the organization.
15 January 2020 14:07
Called in with a specific question about my situation. Was given an incorrect answer that will cost me quite a substantial amount of money. Rarely does anyone answer and even more rarer is getting a call back. If a business was run like this it wouldn't last a week.
05 January 2020 19:29
Unfortunately my husband owes. They put a hold on our account. They dont care that there's 3 babies to provide for and rent to pay. All they care about is that his ex gets her alimony, the funny thing is, it isn't even his money they are holding and took.
07 November 2019 10:50
Twice me has stopped sending my support without notifying me. Both times they were in the wrong. This time my support is 2 months behind and how am I suppose to pay bills and food. My ex gave them money but they won't forward to me and won't tell me why.

The first time was during Christmas they held my support and I had bills bouncing all over. Thank goodness for Christmas elves or we wouldnt of had food. I did receive an apology letter but no money for bounced check fees.
05 November 2019 8:06
Below 1 star.and the agent hung up on me because.she needed to finish speaking AT ME.instead of letting me explain something to her (as a customer) which was both pertinent and important.and this was after a 20 min hold that turned into over 1.5hrs!
All I needed was to get info for online access.that's it!
18 September 2019 12:14
While the people who work for maintenance themselves are often very pleasant and helpful the system itself is flawed and almost archaic. The whole system should be reavaluted so that procedures that actually work can be put into place.
05 September 2019 22:10
Our current judicial system couldn't be more lopsided and unfair then it is currently. MEP is an absolute disaster. They arnt there for the custodial parent, they have one motive someone has to pay there salary. There's big money being ruthless and destroying people regardless of their well-being or financial situation. How anyone can be given the power these clowns have, without having to hold any accountability. Or being held to a fair standard there is not ethical a out MEP I support the idea of there being support, but it's a two way street. Over the past few months I've went through the run around with there automated systems. You would think that a grade 3 class was in charge of this operation. Very very very hard to actually talk with someone. And when you do they transfer to your "so called" case manager. From there they give you an approximate day not definet and should you miss that call a week later they dont leave a voice mail or nothing of that matter. I myself have been dealing with alot of uncontrollable circumstances, you think they would give you the time of day to explain anything. Nope your not even a human being in their eyes just a legal paycheck. I can see while there's people are completley unwilling to cooperate, defiant. After the whole run around, and you know my lack of communication because I'm hiding or something. I received a letter in the mail stating that I need to provide information on my current financial situation. Following Tuesday after the holiday I receive another letter from my source of income stating they've receive legal documents giving permission to garnish. There wasnt even a day given to me so I could provide information. They had already took it upon themselves to proceed with whatever they do. How is it fair that if my income is cut down by more then half of what I was making while I was working currently on EI there is no recalculation in place for a serious financial hardship. But if I decided to say maybe go to school or some how better myself and get a wage increase they are immediately down your throat, milking the maximum amount the legally can. From my understanding the dollar amount to be payed for support is based off both parents income while together, so the child can maintain the same level of financial support as nothing had changed so backwards. Anything for that paycheck. MEP Is used as a weapon more so then it is for helping the custodial parent. For 5 years I helped support (2) children from a previous relationship and nothing was pursued in that matter. Because one wasnt happy about the next relationship falling apart they decide to put you through the meat grinder. Where is the respect in regards to someone stepping up. Eatting at the food bank once or twice throughout that time when things got slow. These guys couldn't care less about you or anything going on in your life. Its inhuman and unacceptable treatment from MEP, I have my own evidence to back any of the above statments made, I'm not in anyway crying wolf. My child is very important to me I have
14 August 2019 12:28
Hate to tell you its been 17 years and I still can't reach anyone up there in the office. They must honestly think we sit around drinking coffee for days waiting for them to call and have no other responsibilities. My file is frustrating my ex owes me the money (Guess what a female can sell the matrimonial home without your signature call you a treat keep the kids when she has mental problems and doesn't even go to that family assessment, a male would get the electric chair.) So it took forever but for $25.00 a month I keep the account open with the hope of a trial someday (glad I didn't hold my breath on this one) but over the last few years the problem is the ordinary staff looks at the file decides without the help of a Justice that I must owe the money suspend your licence try to garnishee again (thats interesting would I get my own money back.) I do agree with a lot of these comments they are unconstitutional and maintenance and Alberta court practice has it set up so the lawyers get paid first before children and the affected spouse (male or female) sees any relief. Thats wrong everyone else uses small claim court what gives lawyers (law society) privilege to use government paid employees to gather their money? Might as well add through ethics and conditions reverse client solicitor privilege and take say your tax return which makes that order under debtors law legal. Its a total violation of our privacy rights and money under direction and Constitution 7-8 legal rights. Might as well touch on the rest of the story, the Alberta law society is non profit and they need to be re visited and made more accountable (when they are real corrupt have a tribunal lay charges make them public to educate the public) I opened a non profit and took them on full time for 12 years, people they threw everything at me false arrests manufactured traffic fines ($20,000.00 one year alone) spent a month in the remand on a false arrest warrant (My police buddies would phone me at home to let me know it just appeared and they have to follow the conditions but they warned me) I sued for 3 companies and won in Queens Bench for 15 million. End result? They got dirty in the Supreme court locked everything down and maintenance still hassles me from time to time. They did however change about 40 different acts so divorce is more fair, but this mess? Used to be the REMO act they simply changed the whole thing to Family orders and stole my logo "We put children first" People at one time I had members from BC to Manitoba, I have made case law in Alberta Law (more than some lawyers ever do) got two top appeal layers who want to write up memoirs and a author who wants to write a book. This is a interesting platform wouldn't it be fun to solicit and run an advice column on their own website? I used to hang around the courthouse the guards sent referrals our way they can't stop a non profit. So give me some feedback I do believe in fair treatment and the courthouse is for the people to use not lawyers. A good lawyer never gos to court he gets a agreement for you and fixes it, there done. Think about that. Good luck everyone, I'll mention this right now I deal with facts only I won't give an opinion any other way. The truth will only come out one way, remember St Augustine

Well took a week but they phoned and straightened it out as per agreement. Thank you maintenance enforcement, your s little slow but the system works. So be patient people. Have a great day
09 August 2019 13:18
At the time of being a single Mom of three boys', I was forced to open this MEP file in order to receive help (assistance) from Alberta Works. Needing the help that I did, I agreed to it never knowing I'd come to regret it! I think it was 2009 that it was finally court ordered that my boys' Father had to pay a certain $ amount on a monthly basis. Fast forward to 2019 I've seen maybe a total of 5 times where a payment has actually seen my bank account! 2-3 Months ago I called as a creditor of this file, requesting my part of the file to be closed with documents mailed out to me, saying that my part of the file as a Creditor is closed. I was told that it would be closed and even confirmed my address, so they could send those documents out to me. I also fully understood that my boys' Father "owes money to the crown" claims MEP & due to that they couldn't fully close the file. Since those 2-3 months passed, I've called requesting a call back into regards of having NO documents mailed out to me & I still haven't heard anything! If I could go back, I would have NEVER signed those papers knowing what I know now! It wasn't worth putting my boys' Father through Hell & for that I'm sorry! MEP really has a way of making a debtors life hell without any real civilized progress!
09 August 2019 6:59
Our current judicial system couldn't be more lopsided and unfair then it is currently. MEP is an absolute disaster. They arnt there for the custodial parent, they have one motive someone has to pay there salary. There's big money being ruthless and destroying people, regardless of their well-being or financial situation. How anyone can be given the power these clowns have, without having to hold any accountability for their actions. Being held to a fair standard, there is nothing ethical about MEP. I support the idea of there being support for custodial parents, but it's a two way street.
Over the past few months I've went through the run around with there automated systems. You would think that a grade 3 class was in charge of this operation. Very very very hard to actually talk with someone. And when you do they transfer to your "so called" case manager. From there they give you an approximate day not definet and should you miss that call a week later they dont leave a voice mail or nothing of that matter. I myself have been dealing with alot of uncontrollable circumstances, you think they would give you the time of day to explain anything. Nope your not even a human being in their eyes just a legal paycheck. I can see why there's people are completley unwilling to cooperate, defiant. You have 100% honest fathers that love their children killing themselves because of relentless unfair treatment.
After the whole run around, and you know my lack of communication because I'm hiding or something. I received a letter in the mail stating that I need to provide information on my current financial situation. Following Tuesday after the holiday I receive another letter from my source of income stating they've receive legal documents giving permission to garnish. There wasnt even a day given to me so I could provide information. They had already took it upon themselves to proceed with whatever they do. How is it fair that if my income is cut down by more then half of what I was making while I was working currently on EI there is no recalculation in place for a serious financial hardship. But if I decided to say maybe go to school or some how better myself and get a wage increase they are immediately down your throat, milking the maximum amount the legally can. From my understanding the dollar amount to be payed for support is based off both parents income while together, so the child can maintain the same level of financial support as nothing had changed so backwards. Anything for that paycheck. MEP Is used as a weapon more so then it is for helping the custodial parent. For 5 years I helped support (2) children from a previous relationship and nothing was pursued in that matter. Because one wasnt happy about the next relationship falling apart they decide to put you through the meat grinder. Where is the respect in regards to someone stepping up. Eatting at the food bank once or twice throughout that time when things got slow. These guys couldn't care less about you or anything going on in your life. Its inhuman and unacceptable treatment from MEP, I have my own evidence to back any of the above statments made, I'm not in anyway crying wolf. My child is very important to me I have and always will be a big part in their life. To be treated like a deadbeat run away because of a couple hard months really feel compation.
How is it even legal for them to pursue and charge administration fees, fines, interest and all the other lovely add ons if through visitation my child was in my custody for a timeframe over 30days consecutive. If this is actually about the wellbeing of the child, and financial support why em I paying someone else for the needs of a child in my presence.
Must be nice to sit back cry wolf, poor deprived mother, trying to raise her kids all on her own without any help. But book over half the summer off on holidays payed off the back of a finically strapped dead beat father. It will be just over 2 months total my daughter has or will be in my custody. Your welcome for the funded trip provided for by myself. Cause yo
04 August 2019 5:22
If I could give negative stars I would. My boyfriend has been making his child support payments twice a month, on time. This month he was a few days late and his ex called MEP (she's upset we have a child on the way). His bank account was immediately frozen. He got a cheque from his second job, deposited it into my account, took out cash and paid his child support a few days later. It has now been two weeks and we have no money. I'm laid off for the summer, we're moving into a new house and our damage deposit and his paycheck is frozen in his account. We have no money for food and my 7 year old daughter lives with us fulltime. He can not get a hold of his case worker. He is waiting for a call back a week later and calls MEP multiple times a day and they can do nothing to help him because "he needs to talk to his case worker". How can he do that if she won't call him? To top it all off he got pulled over on his way to work and his car got towed because apparently MEP also had his license suspended. We don't have the 400$ to get it from the impound lot. Needles to say MEP is an absolute JOKE.he paid is child support over a week ago. His case worker said she would call his ex, confirm he paid child support. She said she would call his 2 places of employment to confirm he works there and then unfreeze his account. It's been a week since he last talked to her. She hasn't called his works or his ex yet. And he can't get a hold of her. The fact someone can have the power to freeze someone's money to live and then ghost them after the problem is resolved is utterly disgusting. Today he is supposed to send the other half of child support but cant because MEP froze all of his funds. So really they also are hurting his ex now. What a great program to protect people.
01 August 2019 18:57
I Wait on hold for over an hour to be transferred to my case worker (as they dont seem to have a direct line). Case worker does not answer phone, always have to leave a message and wait for them to call back. More often than not they do not return your call that day. I've been playing phone tag with this guy for almost 3 months to set up a payment plan. Now they are just taking half of my cheques.
04 July 2019 0:47
I can not believe this place & what they they do.you think a government program such as this would have some sort of rules. This place is a one way street, if you are male & have to pay support your branded as a dead beat regardless of your history. They called my work & started deducting payments directly from my check even though I never missed a payment & was always on time. When I contacted them they simply told me this is what they do even if I was doing everything correctly.they make me look like I didn't want to pay support when I was. My ex told them I owed her some money & no problem they added it to my account, but when I got laid off and called to see if I could lower my payments because I had no income they told me not unless I have a court order stating it could be lowered.but when my ex calls it's a no problem we will get on that right away. Her only worry is about how much money she can get & she doesn't even use it for my daughter, I still have to take her and buy her cloths and pay for all the activities she's in.
26 June 2019 13:04
So i owe then child support for the only child i have who. He lives with me and they have taken all my refund money in taxes, they have drained my bank account, they have taken my drivers license demanding more money but costing my driving job, they took my alberta works check meant for my son and i. So they put the minor i owe child support for (only child i have) that lives with me, on the street. Telling me the whole time its for the childs well being. Just another rip off scam by our corrupt self serving government employees and filthy politicians
18 June 2019 7:14
Pretty much impossible to get in touch with any one.there phone system sucks, my pin # wasn't working for me to log in & it just kept telling me I could make any changes online, except I couldn't get on line! This system that is inefficient and unorganized A huge waist of tax payers money.
30 May 2019 19:11
They are crooks. I am working on a class action law suit against them and the federal government for violating my parental rights and billing them for my time and resources involvement. Anyone interested in understanding what I'm talking about look me up
12 May 2019 2:02
The worst government ran agency, they dont care if you have no work, and if you have no work, they will take your license away so good luck finding a job in this great economy of ours anyway.good job Gov of Can
27 April 2019 1:30
Do not trust anything that they say they are doing, even under the heading, Court Actions that have been Taken. Personally check into any liens that MEP says have been put in place. I was lied to for 7 months, didn't know any better until I did my own lien check. Even lawyers tell me that, they don't actually do anything in that office. The men on this review site should just go work under the table like my ex, the missing link does, and then move your account to a different province every 3 and half months. As long as you know someone who lives in a different province, and who will lie for you and say you're staying there, just change your address to there. It takes mep 4 months to catch up to you, so move your account every 3 and a half. To the women on this site, if you are a stay at home mom, don't ask for mep's help, just do it yourself, you will get WAY better results.
12 April 2019 8:59
These people are paid to do a job. They barely do anything with my case file. They do not enforce their orders or keep track of a deadbeat dad. The Alberta MeP is useless!
03 April 2019 19:13
About 6 years ago I went to MEP to try to enforce the divorce agreement/child support court ordered agreement my ex and I had. My ex is in Ontario and I'm in Edmonton. When I went I was told that it would be a waste of time, that I would spend a lot of time waiting for nothing, and that I had to be approved in Alberta, then apply for Ontario Maintenance, and it just wouldn't be worth it. I should let it go. Meanwhile my ex husband had stopped paying child support because I wouldn't lie to the government on his behalf. Not all women are evil and take everything.in my case I had to fight for child support for 3 kids. The program discouraged me to the point where I dropped it for awhile.then I applied to Ontario, and heard nothing. I haven't been able to get any help since, yet my ex is an Air Traffic Controller and makes lots of money. The system is so broken, and it's unfair to those of us that are not getting support.
05 March 2019 13:04
Worst people on that planet to ever have to deal with. They never return calls, they never act in interest of any child. They create division between family's and drive people into poverty with an unethical form of extortion.
26 February 2019 10:26
A great program if being robbed of your soul is your thing. I would have been better off emotionally and financially had I endured and stayed with my physically abusive ex. Had I had known what was in store with MEP and Family Court I would have stuck it out until the kids were finished school. No parent should have to fight for equal shared parenting or be forced into poverty while paying excessive monthly amounts that the family Justice System in Canada has disguised as social justice for the sake of the child. The child support formula behind these laws is a fairy tale formula based on no evidence or documented study and the awards in many cases impoverish the non custodial parent and can reward the custodial parent with a tax free monthly stipend that’s enough to fully pay the rent or mortgage. As January is mental health awareness month, maybe instead of “let’s talk” the slogan should be “enough talk, let’s get rid of the guidelines and MEP” and treat both parents equally, which is what truly is the “best interests of the child! ”

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