30 August 2022 23:25
Since my journey to better sleep began, Aria has been extremely helpful. First with a comprehensive sleep study, followed by a loaner C-Pap machine, Sharoon has been very accommodating. Her professionalism has gone beyond the limit and she explains each step thoroughly.
I just got approved for my own machine! Sharoon again shone through and I couldn’t be more pleased with improving my health and well-being! Her continuous help and advice is going to make all the difference. I would recommend Aria Sleep Centre to anyone who needs their professional and courteous expertise.
20 August 2022 22:35
I just came here to say that Sharoon is a fantastic RT. She is knowledgeable, kind and very informative. She went above and beyond for me and it was a really experience because of her! Sharoon if you see this, thank you!
04 May 2022 19:04
Written by my mother:
When I received the diagnosis of having sleep apnea, I googled the condition and the risk factors I read about were problems with high blood pressure and the heart, diabetes, depression and dementia. At the time, the increased involvement with car accidents did not stand out to me. At 71, I do not have issues with the first three but I definitely do not want to develop dementia as I age. I could certainly appreciate the increased risk of impaired mental function if the brain is not receiving optimum oxygen with each breath. According to the assessment, I was having 14 episodes an hour of not breathing! That scared me. I was waking myself with the occasional gasp and my snoring was certainly interfering with my husband’s sleep. I invested in the machine and have been committed to using it every night and carrying it with me when I travel. I believe my doctor saved my life by ordering the test, and certainly increased my quality of life in years to come. Sincerely, Betty Anne Ross, St. Albert
12 April 2022 15:17
Aria sleep centre downtown is a good place for sleep care solutions. I talked to Mrs Sharoon over their. She was very helped in arranging me a new CPAP machine and helping me in getting through my benefits. She is very knowledgeable and caring. Although she said the machine waiting time would be 1to 3 months. But she got me within 3 weeks. I am thankful to her and Aria sleep centre.
28 March 2022 16:16
This clinic is extremely uncaring and are clearly only out for your money. My husband went in and was deemed to have severe sleep apnea but they continue to mess him around for a machine that he was approved for weeks ago. This clinic was even told directly by the health coverage provider that they will cover the machine in full and they still refuse to release a machine to him, that he is in need of. These machines are extremely high in their pricing here compared to other clinics but he wanted to show loyalty and good faith by sticking with these people. Something that he's regretting now as they've been nothing but a headache to deal with. They also charge you $250 for a 5-10 min visit. Beware - Go elsewhere!
27 March 2022 2:09
I have been well taken care of by Aria MD Sleep Centre for 3 years, and after my most recent follow-up with Sharoon, a respiratory therapist, I received even more excellent personalized information and CPAC settings with positive impacts on my sleep. Thank you for the regular 6-month check-ins and follow-ups to continually improve my sleep!
22 March 2022 22:26
I don't usually bother reviewing but felt it was necessary for this experience and since it was health related. I recently was referred over by my family doctor to have a sleep study done. The front staff was very accommodating and answered my questions before I was taken into my appointment. Once in the respiratory therapist helped me understand what my doctor referred me for in much more detail and set me up with a test to take home. After my appointment my results were reviewed with me and I was able to select the best treatment option for me. The respiratory therapist was very knowledgeable and patient with me since I didn't fully understand what sleep apnea was or how treatment helps. I'm glad I was sent here and told my doctor the same. Thanks to the Aria team for a great experience.
10 April 2021 18:15
All I knew was that I snored, and was keeping my wife awake, had heard that if you snored you probably suffered from sleep apnea. On my doctors referral I booked a sleep study with Aria MD Sleep Center, was astounded with my study results, I got an education from Christina on why I had little to no energy right from getting out of bed to when it was time to go to bed, I could fall asleep anytime anywhere, all a result of my severe sleep apnea. With advice and great explanation I choose a CPAP machine from Aria, an Air Sense 10 Auto that Christina could communicate with and make adjustments to remotely, I had two or three minor adjustments in the first 10 days and since then I have used the machine nightly since Sept 8,2020 without making any adjustments. I get up and I have energy to start the day and it carries through the whole day. I highly recommend Aria MD Sleep Center.

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