31 August 2022 10:12
Yesterday was my first and last osteopathic appointment with Amy Shantz. I know one appointment isn't going to solve it all, but I left that appointment with no resolve whatsoever (not even a bit) to my initial concerns, despite me indicating many times why I was there and what I wanted the focus to be. Whatever she did to me also left me with a limited range in my left arm and shoulder which was not at all an issue when I came in. I have seen a different osteopath before for a considerable amount of time and have never left being more messed up then when I came in. I am angry and frustrated that I now have to go and pay more money to a physio so they can fix what she messed up- I can't even reach behind with my left arm to scratch my back. Really left feeling frustrated with this experience and would advise people to go elsewhere. Wish I could give 0 stars. Might as well have thrown the $147.00 I paid out the window.

Update: To be truthful for the review I was offered a full refund for services- I did not seek or ask for this but did accept the refund. Although I appreciate this it does not change my experience or review.
24 April 2022 0:49
When I first met Dr Hislop my periods were 6 months apart. I was struggling with a plethora of symptoms and any MD I saw didn’t listen to me or would try and push me towards contraceptives rather than actually trying to figure out the problem and fix it. Dr Hislop spent time listening to me to gain a whole picture of my health and history, and made a few tweaks. To my absolute disbelief, for the first time since I was 15 my periods are now regular! (And have been for a long time). I was so worried about my fertility and Dr Hislop changed all of that. And without going on a contraceptive or on any pharmaceutical drugs and their various side effects. I owe a lot to her and I can’t sing her praises enough. She takes the time to explain things properly, and checks in to ensure you’re on the right track to tweak where needed, as the same course of treatment/dietary changes etc doesn’t work for everyone the same way. If you have been struggling with irregular periods or any female health issues I’d highly recommend Dr Hislop.
26 February 2022 20:55
Just amazing place. Worth every penny. Going back again next week. And lady receptionist is 110% wonderful.
09 October 2019 8:31
I went to see Dr. Cook, July 2019, when my family Doctor could not help me with my stomach issues. Dr. Cook gave me his advice and the needed supplies to start to heal my stomach, my foggy brain, my roller coaster of being up & down, & achy joints. After a month of treatment, I felt fantastic. I lost 14 lbs of weight. The stomach bloating and inflammation ceased and I have learned how to eat the foods my body will process easily to give me the nutrition I need. Dr. Cook explained to me about listening to my body and just because something is healthy to eat does not mean it is good for me. Thank you Dr. Cook!
26 May 2019 18:53
Friendly, attentive staff. Worked with me to provide results based on my health needs - highly recommend!
17 May 2019 19:39
Dr Derek gave me my life back after a medical problem so severe I had almost given up any hope.
I had gone blind in my right eye. I had serious (serious) intense pelvic pain and UTI symptoms. I couldn't take a full breath. I was always so so so so tired and anxious. Borderline hysterical at times because I couldn't take the pain and urinary urgency. Tests through my GP, specialists and even the ER could not find the source. I wound up in the hospital with the same condition more than five times. Between October 2018 and May 2019, I was unable to work. I was hardly able to walk. Due to my bladder symptoms, it was impossible to sleep more than an hour at a time.
It felt like every week my GP and specialist teams had a new and more ridiculous or scary theory. I was told I probably had MS TWICE in four years. They threw out theories that were increasingly rare. But all their tests. Showed nothing physically wrong with me except a perforation from an IUD. My symptoms did not resolve after removal.
I suffered night and day with symptoms that kept getting worse. Physically and mentally. I was on the brink.

I saw Dr Derek and everything changed that same week. He was able to send requisitions to my doctors for my charts and spent a lot of time with me carefully going over the timeline of my symptoms. No medications had helped and it had gotten more severe.
My symptoms revolved around one thing: infection. My bladder and body gave all signs of a UTI and despite 35 uti tests; dd not show one. My skin, body, everything, gave all signs of infection.

Dr Derek immediately started me on his own medical regimine and I wish I had all the words to express how miraculous it was. But by day three I could sleep through the night. By the end of the week I was pain free. My right eye that had been declared nerve dead? Could now pick up colours and shapes. It wasnt perfect vision.but it was totally unexpected.
I went to my GP office, shaken up a little by the SUDDEN remission of symptoms, feeling like maybe I had gone a little insane.and he also saw reflexive reaction in an eye they had stopped looking to treat.

What I had was common but they do not test for it at the ER, specialist or labratory. It was Candida. And it was everywhere. Candida can come from the uterus in the case of, say, an IUD perforation to the bladder. Yeast gives off air, which is why they always measured extra inside the bladder organ. They had given me antibiotics which made it stronger. My body was doing all the right things and giving all the right signs. My doctors were excited about weird and bizarre cases.and didnt consider that my case was not weird or bizarre.but that they simply hadnt tested for it at all.

I spent a YEAR of my life suffering from a yeast infection that simply did not present as a "textbook" case to my medical team. I spent time hating my body for being broken, when in fact, it was doing an EXCELLENT job fighting off an infection that was taking hold INSIDE of my body and killing me. I spent hours crying over BIG SCARY long term medical diagnoses. I spent days adjusting to new medications and then withdrawing from them to try another.

Candida can happen to anyone, anywhere on or in the body. Unfortunately.unless it shows external signs.they simply wont consider it. And if it hadnt been for Dr Derek and Dr Michelle listening to me.and listening to my body by carefully considering the symptoms it was giving. I would still be suffering now. I forgot what it was like to.forget I had a bladder. It had hurt so deep and for so long I thought it would be forever. It's weird to be able to see out of both eyes. The world is bright again.

My GP is also extremely pleased with these results (even though it was not his idea) and is marvelling over my little miracle.

I intend to consult Dr Derek going forward to ensure my body ALWAYS has someone on its side. It was talking for a year and he was the first to listen to it.and I can not recommend him enough.
03 May 2019 4:38
I have visited Dr. Hislop and the team at Healthflow on multiple occasions as I have been dealing with neck, shoulder and back pain. They always alleviate the pain quickly and offer advice on injury prevention, recovery and readily answer any various health questions I may have. A very professional team that I would definitely recommend.
26 January 2019 2:12
I was finally diagnosed with SIBO by Dr. Cook, after months of regular medical testing. The protocols and steps it has taken for my gut issues to get under control has been difficult but well worth it. Dr. Cook has been a constant help and support throughout this process. After starting off great and then having a setback we were able to come up with a strategy to get me back on track. It has been a journey but with Dr. Cook on my team, well worth it. The staff at this location is very friendly and helpful. I would definitely recommend seeking out assistance through this clinic.

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