20 January 2024 1:46
This has to be the most Disrespectful and unprofessional medical clinic I have ever been to. When I injured my ankle I was sent for an Xray and nothing was broken so I was being sent away. I asked about the ligaments and tendon and got an eyeroll before they sent me for an ultrasound. After which that walkin doc refused to see me because I was rude! For asking for help! When I went in for the ultrasound results I was lectured for 20 mins like a child by Dr. Claassen and told that I had to change my attitude! All because I wanted proper medical care. There is not a single doctor there that has a professional bedside manner. Thankfully I managed to find a great Doc elsewhere. Don't recommend this place at all!
15 October 2023 2:55
Should give zero stars. Should not be listed as a walk in as they only provide walk in for their patients.
26 July 2023 18:07
I just seen Dr. Sissons for the very first time and she is truly amazing! I found her very caring for what I was going through.
08 July 2023 15:45
Dr Krooger was very rude and made me feel stupid. I tried to explain to him why I was there and he would interrupt me, he told me my assumption was wrong. Duh, that’s why I’m at the doctors office! He also made faces while I was talking, like I interrupted his day.
27 May 2023 12:15
Its hard to get ahold of this clinic. No wonder i just go to emergency if i need a doctor, or I just do not go at all.easier to just ignore my health.
10 April 2023 13:51
UPDATED: While some things about the clinic are positive, I was treated very poorly by my male family physician, Dr. Claassen. As the female audience would know, asking about female health is uncomfortable enough as is, but during my visit, he scolded me (aka language was judgmental and non-professional) to the point I left the office feeling ashamed of myself and in tears. This man was highly inappropriate toward me as a patient and I haven’t been back to see him since 2022. I have also heard from coworkers and friends that many doctors in this clinic are degrading, dismissive and rash with their medical approaches with very little regard for a person’s situation and feelings. Fast forward to the present day: I decide to “suck it up” and attend walk-in at the clinic after so much time because I need medical support for a possible bone dislocation or concern in my toe. After waiting 50 minutes, I finally see Dr. Kruger, genuinely hoping he can examine this physical issue as I have had no luck with it so far and I am in major pain. Not only did this physician NOT examine my toe, he also took ONE glance at it and said he “did not see anything wrong with it” stared at me in silence, then proceeded to type on his computer for 3 long minutes in complete silence. He then suggested referring me to a specialist, I agreed, but he did not tell me if he was 100% going to refer me, but started typing again. THEN this man proceeds to get up from his chair, leave the room, open the door to the patient room next to me, and starts greeting another patient. Meanwhile, I’m sitting in an empty room with no more information about my toe than when I came in AND I wasn’t sure if the appointment was finished or not. I then left the clinic in tears because my needs felt ignored by the doctor for the second time. I am a licensed social worker and because of my education around empathy and mental health, this feels like horrendous bedside manner. At the very least, doctors should validate their patients and help them feel at ease, even if they have no answers or relief. That seems like the bare minimum & I did not receive the bare minimum today, sorry to say. The clinic itself is very clean, organized, and structured and reception has been very polite to me. Unfortunately, the doctors I have seen have completely tainted my accessing this clinic in the future. Please be mindful when you attend this clinic and use your best judgment!
30 March 2023 9:00
It’s impossible to get these people on the phone to make an appointment. Every single time I’ve called I’m on hold at least 30 or 40 minutes, they work maybe 4 hours a day while the rest of the city struggles to find medical care and a family doctor. It’d be nice if they’d work at least 8 hours a day like the rest of society. Maybe they wouldn’t be so bogged down by incomplete tasks then
16 March 2023 15:18
Have to wait months to get an appt with with your doctor. Staff aren’t very nice at reception or when you call in too book/cancel an appointment. My doctor left this clinic with no warning, no letter- I called to book and appointment to find out he’s no longer practicing there, and when I had questions (obviously) the lady over the phone was helpless and rude.
21 February 2023 7:35
What a joke. The doctors here love to use nurse practitioners who are rude, roll their eyes at you, then ask why you didn’t make an appointment with the actual doctor (when the doctor scheduled you with the nurse), and that they can’t do anything regarding what the appointment was for. Then when you try to make an appointment with the actual doctor and it’s 3 months out only for them to cancel it the week before.
30 December 2022 18:09
I think doctors should be like car dealerships, after every visit you should get a satisfaction survey. This clinic thinks doctors are interchangeable because you information is in the computer, any doctor will do. Those doctors are hit and miss. It takes 6 weeks to see your doctor most often. If you go to walk in your get gaslight by the doctor that does know anything about you, so you better make sure it is only for a prescription refill.

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