12 January 2023 20:48
I suffer from extreme anxiety and have reached out to multiple counselling practices. When a staff member at interactive counselling returned my call I was met with a very kind individual who was very patient with me. They assured me that I would be taken care of by a counsellor and that they are very committed to their clients. I was put with Samantha which was very convenient since she worked evenings which accommodated my schedule. Through my time spent with Samantha I have been provided many tools that I use on a daily basis. My anxiety levels have plummeted since attending counselling at interactive counselling and find myself calmer and happier. Samantha was able to break down my anxiety in ways that I had never thought of before. If you're struggling with such illnesses, I highly recommend reaching out to Samantha at Interactive Counselling.
20 December 2022 14:51
Fringina at interactive counselling is the most amazing counsellor that I have ever seen. With limited options here in Grand Prairie, I have seen a few other counsellors at other counselling practices, and after coming to interactive counselling I will never switch. She is kind, compassionate, and encouraging throughout the whole process. She brings wonderful points to me to hold me accountable, provides thought provoking homework, and has improved my mental health drastically. She always says that it is my doing, but I could have never done it without her.
20 November 2022 13:01
Interactive Counselling has been amazing from the first moment I reached out. I have extreme anxiety and was crying and barely able to talk when I called. I was met with compassion and reassurance from the person answering the phone, and they matched me up with my Counsellor. I have known I have needed help for a long time but have always been too anxious to actually take the step to ask for help. When I saw Interactive Counselling on Facebook, I don't know why but I felt like they were different. I felt like they cared about actually helping people, and I was right. If you're scared, nervous, anxious or anything really; I would recommend you reach out to Interactive Counselling. With ongoing counselling I have taken back my life, and I actually look forward to going for therapy!
17 September 2022 17:14
My husband and I got a divorce recently and we have noticed that our children are really struggling with the significant change. Although my husband and I are struggling to agree on many things at the current moment, we both agreed immediately that our children needed counselling. I've had multiple friends highly recommend interactive counselling, and with them seeing different people at Interactive Counselling, I read through the profiles to see who was the best fit. We agreed on our children seeing Samantha, and I'm so glad we did. Samantha makes counselling for our children not a sit on the couch and how does that make you feel type counselling session. She is extremely engaged and interacts with the kids on their level. She gets on the floor with them, does artwork with them, crafts with them, and plays games with them. Samantha has also brought my husband and myself in to discuss different things that we can do for our children to help them along the way. She helped us build a co-parenting plan which keeps the children on a fluid schedule and prevents them from having the back-and-forth struggles that she says many kids face. Although my husband and I don't agree on everything, having cement has helped to bridge the gap on the parenting situation has been priceless. It's enough it's helping our children, and even ourselves, work through the emotions that go with such a situation. If you had kids that are struggling in co-parenting situations are you find yourself struggling with it I like many others, recommend interactive counselling. Samantha has been such a significant benefit to such a difficult transition in all of our lives and we all look forward to seeing her each week.
16 September 2022 3:08
I found Fringina on 3 Best Rated for marriage counselling. I cannot believe the changes that she has made in my world both individually and as a couple. We connected instantly, and even my husband loved her (which says a lot considering he was hesitant to come in the first place). She even brought humour into our sessions which made it fun and easy going. Fringina created a space for both my husband and I to open up, divulge our true feelings, and work through the issues that we have been facing for a decade. There was not a moment where I felt like she took sides, but was professional and provided a third party input that we respected highly. We learned tools both as a couple and individually that strengthened our relationship and I am happy to report that we are better than ever. Thanks Fringina! If you’re looking for a Counsellor for yourself and/or your relationship, I HIGHLY recommend Fringina.
13 September 2022 1:16
Interactive Counselling has been extremely helpful with my mental health. I was very anxious to reach out for help, not sure what to expect but was met with kindness from the very beginning. My counsellor was extremely knowledgeable and I felt truly cared for and heard. I did not feel judged, but instead compassion and kindness. I was provided with homework each week which was significant in my Improvement as it ensured that I was mindful about my mental health instead of just going through the daily habits. I found this technique to be extremely beneficial to me, having me think about myself, instead of others, which made the biggest impact.
12 September 2022 3:54
My husband and I have been having ongoing issues for the last few years. We have decided that it was either go to counselling or get a divorce. We went to counselling and saw Samantha and are so thankful that we kept our relationship going. Samantha helped us get to the core of our issues, which Wasn't even what we thought was the problem to begin with. It was a very interesting process and now we have new skills to rely on to keep our relationship flourishing. We went from being absolutely miserable, fighting all of the time, and having different expectations to actually wanting to spend time together, working together as a team, and being better parents. We are so thankful for Samantha and what she has done for our relationship. If you find your relationship struggling and you're looking for a counsellor, you really should reach out to Samantha at Interactive Counselling.
08 September 2022 4:19
Interactive Counselling has been amazing from the first moment I reached out. I have extreme anxiety and was crying and barely able to talk when I called. I was met with compassion and reassurance from the person answering the phone, and they matched me up with my Counsellor. I have known I have needed help for a long time but have always been too anxious to actually take the step to ask for help. When I saw Interactive Counselling on Facebook, I don’t know why but I felt like they were different. I felt like they cared about actually helping people, and I was right. If you’re scared, nervous, anxious or anything really; I would recommend you reach out to Interactive Counselling. With ongoing counselling I have taken back my life, and I actually look forward to going for therapy!
07 September 2022 1:45
I was diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety and depression. I had been in and out of the hospital and truly just felt like a number. I was provided my “labels” and then left to fend for myself once I was good enough to not being needed in the hospital. My Mom found me a Counsellor, and it happened to be at Interactive Counselling. I was overwhelmed and felt like what was the point, but I committed to my Mom that I would try. I am so glad I did. Fringina was so compassionate. She truly cares about her clients and I no longer felt like “just a number”. I have so much to work through, but she consistently shows up for me, with a big smile that makes me feel comforted immediately. If you’re like me, and feel like just a number in the system, I suggest you make an investment in your mental health and go to Fringina! She doesn’t look at you as a bunch of labels, but a person who is struggling and she helps! Thank you Fringina!
05 September 2022 19:14
Well my child came out to me. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I didn’t know what to do or where to turn to for help. I did a search and found Sam online. I immediately booked a session for myself to go in and get some guidance on how to deal with this appropriately as I never saw it coming. Going into my first session I was in crisis mode and she completely diffused the situation. She made it feel like she was on my team and I was not in this alone and we would figure out. Breathe. We worked through my feelings, and then addressed what had been brought to me. I learned acceptance, compassion, and communication with my child. I even had a session with my kid that was absolutely amazing. They told me more than they ever had, and it really was a fresh start. It is crazy to think how being panicked one moment, getting help, and then realizing that the relationship with your kid actually wasn’t the best to start with is nuts! We fixed it, and we continue to see Sam through all of the emotions and changes throughout teenage years going through this process. I would tell anyone who is going through or has friends/family going through LGBTQ+ questions/transitions/exploring/issues, to reach out to Samantha.
05 September 2022 5:23
I suffer from extreme anxiety and have reached out to multiple counselling practices. When a staff member at interactive counselling returned my call I was met with a very kind individual who was very patient with me. They assured me that I would be taken care of by a counsellor and that they are very committed to their clients. I was put with Samantha which was very convenient since she worked evenings which accommodated my schedule. Through my time spent with Samantha I have been provided many tools that I use on a daily basis. My anxiety levels have plummeted since attending counselling at interactive counselling and find myself calmer and happier. Samantha was able to break down my anxiety in ways that I had never thought of before. If you're struggling with such illnesses, I highly recommend reaching out to Samantha at Interactive Counselling.
03 September 2022 13:11
My girlfriend and I have been going to interactive counselling for the last couple months. We found ourselves at a point where we either needed to solve the issues that we kept going back to or we needed to break up. To be quite honest we weren't sure what was going to happen when we went into counselling but we knew that we had to do something one way or another. Our counsellor told us that they did not guarantee relationships. But they did promise that if we did the work at the end of the process we would both know what would be best for both of us and would have no regrets. My girlfriend and I were both committed to the process and both wanted to try as we had been together for a few years. After working on some issues in counselling we were able to adjust our approach on how to solve them with the help of the counsellor. It was so interesting to see how an outside view was able to put things together that we were unable to for years. I won't say that it was easy but I will say it was worth it. It's saved our relationship and we are now engaged and continued to see our counsellor for maintenance. We find that it is a safe place to open up to one another when we are unsure or worried that we might hurt each other's feelings. Going to interactive counselling has created such a safe space for us to care for our relationship.
24 August 2022 19:31
Samantha has been extremely helpful for my relationship. She had the ability to break down issues and simplify them so my husband and I could understand one another. We also did individual sessions to help us work on ourselves, well also participating in couples counselling. Both my husband and myself found this extremely helpful for the progression of our relationship. How quickly we found results through the counselling process was absolutely amazing. It took a lot of hard work, reflection, and time on our part but it was well worth it. If you're needing a counsellor I highly recommend Samantha at Interactive Counselling.
19 August 2022 14:05
If you're facing mental health struggles I highly recommend interactive counselling. My counsellor is Samantha, however I know that regardless of who I saw I was well taken care of. It is clear that they have a well-known reputation within Grand Prairie for being excellent support systems and for providing wonderful service. My employer recommended that I see interactive counselling and uses them exclusively for all of their staff. I realize that I am so lucky to have a wonderful employer to have set me up with such a supportive Counseling Practice.
13 August 2022 13:23
My Husband and I saw Amy a few years ago. And although she no longer lives in Grand Prairie she still sees us virtually sometimes. We find going to Amy periodically create stability in our relationship. We I have so many strikes after seeing her, but find that we don't allow ourselves to get to a point that we were at prior to seeing her. We simply reach out to her and she gets us in as soon as possible and resolve the issue immediately. So many people think that you need to go to counselling only when you're in crisis, but we learn to be proactive instead of reactive and reach out to Amy whenever we need. The part that we loved about that is that when Amy sees us she's actually excited to get an update and to get the problem solved right away. Even if we don't go for many months at a time we still feel as equally welcome as if we were to go week-to-week. Sometimes we do need to go week-to-week, but others you're doing very well but also know when it is time to go back. We are so thankful for virtual options so we could have kept her counsellor throughout her move and her life transitions.
09 August 2022 8:41
Samantha was wonderfully supportive through my counselling journey. I highly recommend her to anyone who's needing a counsellor in Grand Prairie. She is so easy to talk to, it is shocking. You can definitely tell that this is the career for Samantha, as she has helped myself and my husband so very much. Samantha has provided a third party to walk my husband and I through the issues that we are experiencing and helped us get a solution to something that has been ongoing for years. Having multiple children with different partners, blending our families, has created a lot of resentment and frustration between everyone. We were able to set up boundaries, routines, and become a cohesive family. Even co-parenting with other parents has improved drastically. I never would have guessed that when we went to counselling that it would have been a family affair, but it was definitely necessary and Samantha pointed that out to us. Our kids go to her which we have seen a significant difference in them as well. I am thankful for Samantha because she has taught us to care for our own mental health and also teach our children to care for theirs. Thank you Samantha for helping my family so much.
05 August 2022 20:47
To say that Interactive Counselling has changed not only my life, but my family’s life is an understatement. She started working with myself and my husband to go over co-parenting tools. I also assumed that co-parent counselling was just for those who are experiencing divorce or a separated family situation. When we first went in, we assumed that it was our marriage that was the issue, but she quickly pointed out that we have different view points on parenting which comes with two sets of expectations on our kids. This is why our kids were struggling so much. We both thought that we had depressed and angry kids, but in reality, they were confused and didn’t feel safe because of our co-parenting. With their help we were able to make parenting changes, become cohesive together, providing our kids a safe and stable environment where they now know what to expect from both of us. She also supported my kids through these changes and helped them understand the purpose of what we were doing. My kids went from being angry and disruptive to engaged and smiling. We do family things regularly, and I now enjoy being with them again. Thank you Interactive Counselling for helping us, showing us compassion, being non-judgemental, and greatly changing our family for the better.
29 July 2022 7:35
I have been seeing Fringina for the last 2 years on and off. I find that when I am in a situation that I cannot handle on my own I reach out to her. No matter the length of time that it has been since I had last seen her she always welcomes me and helps me find a solution to my issue.it is so wonderful knowing that I can be comfortable with someone and that they are there for me no matter how often I see them. Fringina offers me such great advice, and hold me accountable for the mistakes that I make. A lot of times I can fall back into old habits and all I need is Fringina to look at me a certain way to know that I truly do know better. I have done so much work with her and am so thankful to have her as my counsellor.
25 July 2022 20:07
I suffered a significant loss in my family and have been dealing with grief. It has been overwhelming, and I find it a daily struggle in finding my way. A family member was attending counselling at Interactive Counselling and had suggested that I make an appointment for myself. Although Counseling doesn't take the pain away, it helps significantly in processing on how to move forward without this person in my life. I am extremely thankful to have an outside support system who is there to just focus on me and the things that I am currently dealing with. It has lifted a weight off my shoulders and provided me ways to grieve in a way that is healthy and prevents me from falling into the depression that I was starting to at the beginning.
22 July 2020 23:37
The Counsellors are so supportive at Interactive Counselling and I would recommend this counselling practice to anyone who is seeking mental health help. They have greatly improved my quality of life.
17 June 2020 8:43
The counselors at Interactive Counselling were a great support. Very friend and approachable vs other counselors I have experienced.

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