23 July 2023 1:24
A place that doesn’t value your time in the slightest. I’ve been coming to this clinic to for over 10 years now and I continuously get let down. First off, the front end staff are extremely rude, on the phone as well. Every time I have an appointment booked, I wait a minimum of 30 minutes before being called back by the nurse, and then minimum another 10 before the doctor comes in. I had to walk out of the clinic today before even being seen by the doctor because I had been waiting over 30 minutes. Someone who came in for walk-in got in 20 minutes earlier than me. Absolutely ridiculous.
11 July 2023 20:41
Hands down the most unprofessional, worst doctors office I have ever been to.the lack of professionalism is actually CONCERNING. Also expect to wait 3 hours AT LEAST if you try to walk in.this place should be shut down
06 June 2023 18:55
Always closed long before their hours are finished, the staff are often rude and dismissive on the phone. If you can go elsewhere, do that.
02 June 2023 20:06
Fast, professional, caring I think the negative reviews are because people don’t ask questions. I forget the doctor I had but every question I had she answered quickly and just didn’t embellish she got to the point and got me on my way which I appreciate!
22 April 2023 22:06
I’ve been going to the doctors clinic for 12+ years yet lately it’s been very bad service. I made an appointment twice with my family doctor, and then when I arrive there I have to wait over an hour each time for an appointment and all of the walk in patients are getting in before me. That is not acceptable especially when I make an appointment days in advance
28 February 2023 7:40
Absolutely the most terrible service. They did NOTHING for patients.
Never visit again.
13 February 2023 7:47
I have been here several times and the staff are always respectful and helpful. The doctors are senior docs and very well experienced. I have only ever had very good experiences at this walk-in clinic. I think some folks need to remember how stressed our healthcare system is overall, and many of these doctors would have likely retired by now if not for the heavy demands of Covid and Covid related illnesses.
12 January 2023 22:48
Read the reviews and decided to try for myself. All I did was was call to book a professional drivers medical. Was put on hold instantly and nobody ever returned. Called back and before I could say anything the ignorant receptionist put me on hold again. I’ll take my business elsewhere. Truly the worst of the worst lol avoid at all cost.
02 January 2023 0:42
Call in morning to see if I could be seen as a walk in and was told 1-4pm. Get out of bed having a rough time breathing and get turned away due to doctor deciding no walk ins at all today
31 December 2022 14:57
Dec 10th 4: 30pm. Website says close at 6pm. This is one is third time that I tried to come here for walk-in during regular hours and always is closed.
30 December 2022 5:36
I have to acknowledge that eventhough there is a lack in the processes in the clinic, some of the staff made an effort to make things happen for us and we finally got our results. Thank you!
24 December 2022 17:36
If I could rate no stars for this place I would.wasted the day just to get a lecture by the doctor about me not vaccinating kids for covid or flue, gave no medical prescriptions for children that have been coughing and been uncomfortable for two weeks.told me to keep them hydrated and keep checking their temperature regularly that coughing can last even up to six months.are you serious with this nonsense? I feel like I went to see a mother in law type of a person rather then a doctor
03 December 2022 2:14
Very unhappy with a visit to this clinic today. A mom came in with an unresponsive baby in a car seat. She informed staff that she couldn’t wake her baby and she was clearly very distressed. The front desk staff responded with “our doctor is full today”.

Myself and another person in the waiting room jumped up to assist the baby and someone else instructed the receptionist to phone 911. The receptionist seemed to have difficulty communicating effectively with 911 on the phone. They clearly did not know how to respond in an emergency situation. An ambulance arrived shortly after. The mother was not offered any comfort or assistance from any of the office staff while she waited. I sat with her and offered support and water etc. Nobody retrieved the doctor who was in with a patient. I am very unhappy about this experience and we will not be returning to this clinic.

Medical office staff should be trained in first aid and know how to handle an emergency situation. This obviously is not the case and needs to be addressed.
29 November 2022 13:29
Why would you say your closed T 7pm and you lock all the doors at 6pm…. Just say you close at 6pm waste of my time getting all the way here on a bus…
23 November 2022 5:04
I have been a patient of Dr. Ali for over a decade now and she has been hands down the most dedicated and caring medical professional I've ever encountered. Her bedside manner and compassion are next to none and her medical advice is always professional and well-balanced. Anyone who is is a patient of hers ought to consider themselves lucky.
30 October 2022 2:52
Absolutely terrible! Whatever you do, don't come here. I never had time to write a review and I could've just forgotten but the service was so atrocious that I've finally got around to leaving a review.

I came here because my family doctor would not write a certain note due to the time of the medical incident and the fact that she only recently became my doctor.essentially i cam here as a walk in for a third opinion and letter.
Initially reception told me that there should not be any issue with what I needed but that they would have to ask the doctor if he did such notes/referrals. Then they said to come in to the clinic because "it should be fine". When I got there, all the front end staff were rude, told me that they couldn't help me. One visibly coughed all over my healthcare card and had the audacity to ask me to wear a mask when she herself was not wearing one, in a medical office! I explained what they had told me on the phone all of an hour earlier, and in bizarre fashion, they laughed!
Finally they began to understand and told me they would ask the doctor and that I could take a seat, "it shouldn't be an issue". I waited nearly TWO HOURS only for them to get my name wrong and to tell me that the doctor wouldn't be able to help me.
Don't ever come here unless you want to waste time and enjoy a comedy show of ineptitude. Pathetic establishment.
17 October 2022 5:23
Really infuriating experience with weekend staff. You needto hire more staff and competent staff at that. Unacceptable service.
02 October 2022 1:04
My family has used Dr. Sub.for years now. He is excellent and is very patient. Although he can come across as being a bit speedy its because is straight to the point which I appreciate. His a great listener and always ensures you are taken care of.
30 September 2022 9:45
Absolutely terrible place. Went to go get a wrist injury checked out and as soon as I walked in I was meet with the most dead eyes from the front desk. I asked if I could get my wrist looked at and I was straight up told “there’s no doctor here” in the most rude way possibly. Not even a follow up on where the doctor is or where else I can go and she just stared at me until I left. What kind of customer service is this. This place seriously needs to go and the workers need a career change.
25 September 2022 7:12
My experience can echo those of others on here, I seen the doctor last Friday for my hand I jammed/ sprained my thumb. He sent me for xrays to get on Saturday morning, which I did and said that he would call with a treatment plan after I got them done, however in the meantime he gave me no recommendations on what to do as to how not to make my injury worse or take care of myself or an assessment of injury. He didn't say to use the R. I. C. E method or get a brace or anything, as my hand has gotten worse I have had to rely on the internet for how to take care of myself which is ridiculous because I went to see a doctor. I have not received a call from the doctor or the clinic, and after reading other reviews on here it makes me feel like I am not likely going to either. I am frustrated because I did the tests and still don't have any answers, and it seems like I will have to spent more time and resources that I don't have going to another doctor to find them.
11 September 2022 1:04
I saw Dr. Paul today and was very disappointed. She was very unfriendly, and when I asked for a refill of my regular prescription she refused to give it to me (this is a common prescription I get for an ongoing skin issue.) So I asked her to at least refer me to a dermatologist because I cant just go without any medication or my skin will scar badly. She refused to even refer me to a dermatologist! She instead gave me a prescription for a gel that will be useless to me. Totally unprofessional and made me feel like I was asking for Oxy's or something.
03 September 2022 13:50
A walk in clinic, that says open until 7 but shuts at 6 and turns patients away. Avoid in all scenarios, they are a disgrace.
06 August 2022 6:15
Dr. Sub is my family doc, great doctor.
Dr. Payne and Doctor “Moses” have been unbelievably helpful on a walk in basis as well. Grateful for these wonderful folks:)
11 July 2022 1:02
I attended this clinic today with my two year old and 5 month old, my 2 year old has been sick with a fever cough vomiting and runny nose, conjunctivitis which started approx 2 weeks ago. I spoke to one receptionist who insisted I have a negative covid test or else he can’t be seen, I didn’t have this as he is 2 and getting an accurate test is pretty impossible! The receptionist was rude and dismissive while I was struggling with my two kids!
The other receptionist ran out after me and offered an appointment for later in the day she was really nice and caring. The first receptionist clearly has no compassion, not every illness is covid and to turn away a toddler in pain is inhumane. I understand we are in a pandemic but there are other serious illnesses that need attention and no need to treat someone so ignorantly
11 July 2022 0:41
Refused to see my 5 year old daughter who was coughing badly because she “had a covid symptom”. Unreal. You can’t deny care because of a cough.lots of illnesses have coughs and frankly, most people have caught Covid already.

Ended up going to South Health who saw her immediately and put her on several puffers. Cleared her up within a few hours.

I hope this place burns to the ground. Judging by all of the negative feedback and the “oh, we’re sorry” replies, this place blows.
30 June 2022 6:54
I had a good experience here. It was pretty busy that day but I got in relatively quickly. Dr. Payne was professional and understanding. I recommend this clinic.
15 June 2022 15:53
Someone from here just phoned. They did not introduce themselves, in general sounded confused that they were even at work.
I feel sorry for the people still going to this clinic. I was asked to call back, I have no intentions of doing so as they always hung up on me before I could ask for an appointment.
05 June 2022 21:01
I have been to this clinic on two different occasions and was very impressed with the staff and the doctors. I have nothing but good things to say about them.
12 May 2022 19:40
Went for walk in Saturday morning due to ear pain. Good experience from receptionist to nurse. Checked me in right away and nurse even say thank you after the visit. However felt rush by doctor, barely even say anything. Left with no information as why my ears hurt and no prescription. Wouldn't recommend the dr.
07 May 2022 12:41
Absolutely the worst. Completely inept from beginning To end. Name entered incorrectly on arrival. Also identified as male when I am obviously female. They weren’t busy when this happened. Doctor did not introduce himself. Sent me for ultrasound and X-ray. Did not call me with results. I was told they don’t call if they don’t find anything. I had the results sent to a specialist and there is a problem which the specialist will treat. The doctor knew I had pain. The doctors office offered nothing in the form of further treatment. Definitely find somewhere else if you want to be treated with any kind of courtesy and respect. They did not care that I can hardly walk and could not even bother to contact me. Ridiculous.
22 January 2022 7:07
I don't care how "dead" you are if you say you close at 7 for walk-in, the doctor does not go home until 7. That way when you come in with a baby with an ear infection at 5: 45 you don't get sent away! Completely unprofessional!
16 October 2021 15:22
Terrible admin team, poor reflection on the clinic. Turning down sick children because they want to get off work early. In my opinion they are in the wrong profession. I would not recommend you try this walk in. Go to professionals who care.
03 October 2021 11:47
Both times I came here I was denied due to Covid even if I am fully vaccinated because I wanted to get a referral for a pulmonary doctor despite them knowing I have asthma and not Covid. Second time I got denied for having diarrhea. If you have any problems don’t go here they will deny you and tell you to get a Covid test for any problems you have. Both time I had to take transit which was an hour bus.
03 October 2021 2:15
I needed a urgent prescription for an inhaler I was told I’d have a consultation w the doctor over the phone because of my lung infection and asthma only to have some lady phone me back giving me a prescription for something completely different and didn’t even give me a prescription for an inhaler was super rude and didn’t even remember our conversation — her names ellinor if you can avoid talking to her.
27 September 2021 18:34
My understanding of this new "Restriction exemption program" was that health services were out of scope and not allowed to discriminate against patients. This clinic is.
14 August 2021 8:28
Awful, rude and dismissive reception. Using web MD to misdiagnose yourself would be more useful than that staff.
07 August 2021 22:34
Listen to the reviews, the reception there is unbelievably bad.i wouldn’t trust anyone in there whatsoever.this place needs new workers or to be SHUT DOWN
19 July 2021 10:54
I usually go to MCI on weekends because my family doctor is not open. Today I arrived for their opening time of 0900. I called them when I was outside as per their policy and spoke to reception who asked what my visit was concerning to which I replied, I hurt my back yesterday at work. I need a note for today (I didn't go to work) and I want to make sure I'm not seriously injured. The reception said "okay, come in, I will open the door".

I waited outside the door for about 10 minutes (crying in pain) before the nurse came and told me I was REFUSED by the doctor because they "don't do WCB". I said that I didn't intend to fill out WCB I just wanted to be seen as a walk in to make sure everything is okay and to get a note for work for today. The nurse said, "oh okay, wait here" and went inside. This left me standing outside the door for 5 more minutes and she returned to say, "yeah sorry, even if you don't want to fill it out, WCB will keep harassing the doctor and the doctor today does not want to deal with it". I said, "I know it's not your fault but I don't understand how I can be refused service like this. Can you please provide me with documentation on why I am being refused today so that I can make a complaint.

At this point I'm crying even more because my back is so painful while standing so the nurse tells me to come inside and sit down while she submits a complaint for me. I asked for a copy of the complaint. She obliged and brought me a copy which basically said that they told me I would not be seen by the doctor because the doctor doesn't do WCB. So I said, that isn't really my complaint that's just you documenting a portion of what I was told. She said "I'm sure you can find another walk in".

I left the office feeling pretty devastated at being turned away but luckily I found another walk in that said it was no problem to see me and found it odd that I was refused at all by MCI. The doctor found that I have likely pinched a nerve or herniated a disc in my spine.

After leaving the compassionate doctor's office, I noticed that I had a voice-mail from a random woman (office manager maybe?) who left a long message saying that it's the doctor's prerogative whether or not to take WCB cases etc. I did not call her back and will not. I will not be returning to this clinic. I am a nurse who hurt her back moving a very sick patient, I loved getting treated so poorly when I was the person needing help.
09 July 2021 10:51
I had a strange experience when I came here yesterday. It wasn't the clinic per say, but the particular doctor that I saw. I popped in here yesterday to get a referral to a dermatologist. I was walked into the doctor's office almost immediately. There was a long wait in there - about 25 minutes. I didn't get the name of the doctor that I saw, but she was an elderly lady. I told her I needed to get a referral to a dermatologist due to changes in my moles that I've noticed. She said I should go to my family doctor. Eventually, she said "I will get a referral for you" and she left the room. I waited - 5 minutes, then 10. I was starting to feel like she had forgotten about me. I even looked at the screen they use and noticed it was still up and running so I thought she'd be back in, maybe it's just taking her longer than usual. About 15 minutes go by. Next thing, there was a knock on the door and it was one of the administrative ladies surprised that I was still there. I told her I was waiting for the doctor to come back - that she had just left and not said anything other than "I'll get that for you" and shut the door behind her. She told me that was not the first time that doctor had done that. That particular doctor needs to work on her manner with patients.
27 June 2021 12:37
I went here to simply receive birth control and Dr. Melenchuk said that he was not going to give it to me because "I don't know enough and it would take to much of his time". The entire time I was spoken down to in a condescending manner. I'm very unhappy with the doctor and his actions.
13 June 2021 23:58
The clinic requires a phone call before entering. The ONE lady working at the front left me on hold for 16 minutes and 12 seconds and let people that just walked up in that had just called because she claimed that she had no proof of who called first. I then stood at the counter for 10 minutes while she answered the phone and typed into her computer. Very short and disrespectful.
01 October 2020 0:12
"she needs to think about other people, not just herself, and that she needs to get over her anxiety"
friend went to get a medical exemption note, as she needs one for work. They refused to give her one. The doctor told her this.

Someone needs to educate the doctors that personal opinions do not interfere with their line of work.lose his license.
04 September 2020 13:43
Terrible people and rude staff. This office doesn’t even deserve one star. I had to wait 1: 00 hour past to my appointment to see a doctor and had no answer when I curious and ask about the waiting time. Bad experience!
11 August 2020 0:30
This doctors office is very unprofessional, rude, and makes no sense how they do things. They will not help you at alll.and becuase ive lived around here ive gone here multiple times thinking it was just the one doctor.wonder why it has so many bad reviews? Reception is just as bad as the doctors.this place neeeds to GO. Just go some where else! The old male doctor has no common sense and will only do everything is way and when he wants it done no matter what your concerns are or how your life or schedule is. Worst place ive ever been.
31 March 2020 19:18
The doctors at this location are really nice and really seem to have it together but the office administration is atrocious.

I have been having an ongoing issue. Every time I speak to someone I get a different story. I would think by this point, given all the complications, they they would all sit down together and come up with one story to tell.

I STILL can't get a straight answer from them. I asked them why I still can't get a straight answer from them and I was literally told "I don't know".

My recommendation is find a better family doctor at another location.
27 March 2020 2:56
Don’t waste your time at this walk-in clinic. I went because I had abdominal pain and the doctor told me that because of the location I might have fractured my ribs and he ordered an x-ray (which I thought it was really odd since I haven’t had any type of injury). Of course, X-rays were fine. I asked if I could have an ultrasound done as the pain has been there for more than 3 weeks and he told me that it wasn’t necessary, he said “It would be a waste of health care money” and he said I should just wait a couple weeks more to see if I get better, if not “go see your family doctor” Like are you serious? So unprofessional and careless. He basically refused to provide care and follow up my case.
22 March 2020 22:26
I went to the this clinic yesterday hoping to seek medical attention for my strep throat. I've had strep before so I knew my symptoms. I've been there before no issues but yesterday I was turned away from the office receptionist without seeing a doctor. She thought I had corona. I have no cough or runny nose. Very unprofessional. You're NOT allowed to refuse medical care to patients. Will not be going here again.
17 March 2020 21:52
Too many bad experiences with this clinic, everytime I call for appointment, they let me hold for more than 5 minutes and when I complain, they are so rude. Receptionist don't know his to handle stress. Don't go with this clinic again
15 March 2020 23:49
Horrible clinic! The doctors are very unprofessional and careless! But they all are very good liars from doctors to the manager.do NOT waste your time going there, rather go to any pharmacy where you will get much better and faster service.anyway in this clinic they treat everything only with painkillers.just horrible experiences for last couple years.never again going there!
11 March 2020 13:35
Went in for back pain, was told I was having extreme back spasms. Gave me a prescription for muscle relaxers. The very first pill I took, messed me up so bad I thought I was having a heart attack, my co-workers wanted to call 911 but I elected to have them drive me home, healthlink told me to throw the pills out immediately and if I get any worse, call 911.
After reading the reviews on here, I’m amazed AHS hasn’t launched an investigation into this doctors office.
I wondered why when all other walk ins closed at 5pm on a Saturday, they’re open till 7. It’s because they need the business, not a lot of return customers.
24 December 2019 8:20
I was sitting for more than one hour and a half as a walk in on a Saturday and the reception do not have any clue as to when I will be seen as there is no doctor in the doctors office, and yet they let patients sit there waiting with no respect to patients time and health, the receptionist did even tell that there was now physicians available, I understand that things happen but your front desk should have informed us rather than wasting our valuable time in vain, respect and take responsibility for your actions after all your are supposed to be the doctors office.
31 October 2019 3:20
Wonderful staff and doctor but the wait time is ridiculously long. Guess it's a busy clinic. Would go elsewhere for shorter wait times if you can find one.
26 August 2019 8:54
I went here today to see a doctor for walk-in (I have an inflamed fingertip.)

The doctor (Dr. Paul) glanced only perephrially at my finger at a single angle, and did not physically examine my finger (nor the rest of my hand) for other warning signs.

She immediately began writing the prescription without even asking me about the duration, nor what (if anything) had preceded the inflammation. She asked only if I had an allergy to one substance and did not ask if I was currently taking other medication.

Dr. Paul then handed me a prescription for a broad-spectrum antibiotic which is unusual to use as a first choice for skin infections, and at a dose that seemed rather high for my current symptoms.
She didn't mention anything else I should do for treatment in addition to taking the medication.

I discovered later the prescription she had given me had someone else's health information printed on it instead of mine, though the drug was correct. I returned immediately to the clinic to surrender the other person's prescription, and request one with my own information on it.

A correctly labelled prescription was given promptly, but I don't think I'd feel confident about seeing that doctor again.
02 July 2019 12:31
I have had really bad experiences at most places around Calgary but this one is always great. To me anyways! Longest wait was 40 minutes. And I can walk there. The staff is also friendly. No issues and would recommend:)
06 February 2019 18:02
I was waiting for almost 2h as a walk in patient. After a follow up to find out when I am finally getting in turns out that receptionist never put me in the system so I was not even on the list Waist of time

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