18 January 2024 18:12
I got discharged from the hospital after having anxiety attack for hours with no sleep or food and water. They were giving me 2 Ativan whatever I needed but once they thought I was okay they discharged me without me feeling better. And on 0.5 pill of Ativan for the night. Of course it’s didn’t last a hour before I was sick again
Throwing up water, whatever I try to eat.
Now I can’t eat or sleep more then 1 hour
08 January 2024 11:41
Last week was very scary when I first arrived. I wasn't sure if I'd make it but Dr. Wilson helped me get better and Nora on 7th floor East was absolutely Amazing.she treats everyone soon well and works soon hard. BEST NURSE AWARD. She deserves a raise in pay.she will take late breaks and just keep going to make sure the patients are okay.
22 November 2023 5:26
We had terrific companionate care for my mom as she went through surgery and then recovery. Doctors and nurses were caring and gave our family space to grieve as mom succumbed to cancer. We are so appreciative of the care we received.
16 November 2023 18:20
The most condescending staff I’ve ever met. I don’t care how long we have to wait, but to give an estimated wait time for parents with a toddler should be basic kindness. Also staff don’t want to deal with anyone, they just treat people like animals.
15 October 2023 1:40
I’m not going to comment on the hospital itself, but on one nurse in particular. She works on the fifth floor and her name is Fiona. This woman is an absolute credit to her profession. Kind, caring and takes the time to comfort you when you’re at your lowest. They need to clone this woman and get copies of her in every hospital in every country.
17 September 2023 4:05
Had a terrible experience in the ICU unit with a particular nurse. She was very verbally abusive towards me. I was having brain seizures and was transferred into the medical unit the next morning. The unit I was transferred to was not good to be in, as the patients were not allowed day or evening passes at that time. The clothes washer did not work properly, yet no one bothered to get it fixed, and the DVD player was also left broken and not replaced The doctor in charge of my case completely messed up my medication. He sharply cut back on a mild sedative that I had been taking for almost thirty years with generally good effect. He then gave me too much of a strong medication and gave me a sleeping pill to take at night instead of my usual mild sedative. He also incorrectly diagnosed the cause of my problems, made me pursue a course of action that was inappropriate, One of the doctors in charge also incorrectly put down that I was suffering from epilepsy on my Alberta Health online record. After a year of being discharged from hospital, I am having major problems with daytime anxiety and trying to get an alternative sedative that works the same as my old, now sharply reduced sedative. I now wish that I had not been admitted as a patient to this hospital.
28 August 2023 19:24
I have used this hospital so many times over the years. Glad to see some improvements coming to emergency department as they are very much needed
25 August 2023 4:45
25 August 2023 4:04
My mom (in her 70’s and a retired AHS ER nurse) recently went to this ER with slurred speech/unsteady gait…. R/o stroke…and was sent to wait in a remote waiting room for more than 2.5 hrs…are there no code stroke/stroke protocols in the Alberta healthcare system? If I could give zero stars for this review I would…
23 August 2023 5:17
Stereotypes, judgment, and pure disregard. Met with rude tones, assumption and contradictory under the breathe comments from the emergency doctor and unit clerk.

Emergency doctor was accusing my partner of being intoxicated when in reality he had blunt force trauma and his dizziness and confusion was due to a fractured skull, with bleeding in his brain! Unbelievable inconsiderate lack of empathy and professionalism.

We come here for help when we're hurt, not to be belittled and disrespected by all the male staff. It is normal for those in pain to express their discomfort and should not be told to "stop acting out"

Females were somewhat more kind and empathetic. But we were still advised to stop expressing any discomfort cries.
06 July 2023 3:01
One of worst places you put yourself in. Avoid at all cost. My wife was admitted at 3: 45 pm today, it's 8: 45pm and no doctor has seen her. First world country my @ss.
26 June 2023 7:37
Unit 5W, you are brimming with amazing staff (though perhaps a tad crazed for their hometown Oilers), like Ada a lovely human being, filled with compassion and good cheer.

To find a smile to share, with all the cuts to health spending in this province, but the staff were able to do it time and again. The 5W Unit Clerk, you were there for me with good cheer despite the sheer volume of work that has been heaped up on your plate. It is noticed, and it is appreciated.

So many unsung sweet souls.

You made me smile time and again as I was doing my post-operative laps around the unit, and trying to not trip over my clumsy feet.

Thank you.
06 June 2023 6:09
Despite Covid protocol in front it's business as usual. Employees are doing their Best to keep you comfortable while you at your appointments.
30 May 2023 7:14
I would give this hospital 0 stars if I could. The nurses in ER are all rude. AHS tell you to hit emergency after surgery if you have pain then wanna make you sit for hours on end, meanwhile you could have a clot and be dying. All they say is discuss it with the surgeon. If you can avoid coming here I would.
19 May 2023 8:05
If you’re Indigenous I highly recommend you avoid this hospital. They are so grossly dehumanizing towards Indigenous people, it’s sickening. If you try to submit a complaint they try to paint you as aggressive and a threat. Experienced so many hateful incidents, witnessed so many hateful incidents, and heard so many hateful incidents. It’s appalling
08 May 2023 15:34
I had a hip arthroscopy surgery on March 14th. My paperwork was lost by the office for 3 months prior. If I didn't call to get an update, I'd still be waiting to hear back! I had to do my own research about the procedure as well. I arrived at 6am with my family members on the day of the surgery. My family was told to leave the hospital, and come back when I was post op. This didn't make sense, as other patients around me had support systems. My first nurses name started with an S, she was extremely rude. She told me "You're going to feel like we're rushing you, and that's because we are. " I was shocked to hear this, as this was my first surgery and was already nervous. This nurse would continue to speak to me in a rude tone for an hour and a half, until I went for surgery. Nurse Lana was very kind, I appreciated her help post op. I feel like I didn't receive the full care I deserved being a patient at this hospital.
26 January 2023 0:23
13 hours, 8 in the Patio. No blanket, robe, heat Admitting nurse skimmed Dr's note in c. 7 secs. Her assistant laughed when I told her my bp had soared 50 pts. I take it daily and coordinate ave.with my GP. Resp. Therapist did not know what SABA and LABA meant. I explained and said I had used a rescue inhaler 21 mins earlier. She told me that I was wrong, that I had been in Miz 3 hrs. So I was, she implied, lying or demented. I suggested she read my admission report in her hand, and she could note my rescue inhaler was in my pocket for such use; and the data sheet proved I was in my 10th hour not my 3rd or 4th. No apology.no meds, no call to my doc.n close reading of his 2 page note. No bed, nothing in re breathing and BP threats, and no O2 in 13 hrs 275/79 is stroking out territory. Not breathing is 3B emergency. BuI I used delf-, taught diaphragmatic deep breathing and it worked, -my 2 unnoticed cyanotic crescents on fingers turned pink, my bp fell 49 pts.and I left at 4: 4t a.m. With relief. I reported the treatment to med.authorities and they were appalled. Miz had treated me badly, derisively.insultingly. To be fair. I.saw a doc after 8.5 hr. He was furious and fine. 2 nurses got me a bite at his suggestion àt 1: 35 am. Good people. A terrible experience.
05 January 2023 13:48
All nurses care about is their pay cheque. Nurses on phone or shopping at amazon most times.
22 December 2022 15:55
Very very bad nurses, I went tonight with my brother, he's a victim of shooting and he have a truamatic brain injury, and he was soooo sick and have lots of pain in his throat and he couldn't swallow, I told the first nurse that, she didn't care at alllll and we waited 3 hours then I went and spoke to another nurse, she didn't care at allllll too.
16 December 2022 4:47
If I could give 0 Starz I definitely would! My daughter was rushed in by ambulance because she had a seizure.they brought her to emergency and she was put in the waiting room.while waiting she not only had another seizure but also had a panic attack as well. As she was seizing the nurses and staff stood there for at least 5 minutes and watched as I struggled to help my daughter.the nurses are rude especially the male nurse Adrian. I'll never bring my daughter to this hospital again. And will refuse to have her brought there.
15 December 2022 23:36
I had my baby born today at misericordia Hospital, they are so nice, thank u for the Doctor and staff, if i could them 6 star i will do
Thank u so much!
06 December 2022 21:45
My son was born here. The care and comfort they took in a Christian environment is second to none
19 November 2022 13:50
Disgusting place. No care for human lives. Everyone who works here should be ashamed of themselves for letting such atrocities take place.
17 November 2022 15:03
I just hope that an emergency situations must be emergency and dont have to wait almost a day to be seen by a doctor.this problem has been present for a long time and i dont see to have solutuon bieng done by the management. The health case system is so bad and continously declining with the growing population. I dont think this hospital can keep up. Please fix this asap
14 October 2022 3:24
We spent 8 hours waiting in the emergency room here with my toddler who couldn't walk due to a leg injury. We waited so long with no update and no compassion for a small child in pain that eventually we left out of frustration and went to the stollery. I understand it's busy and I understand there is no way of giving a timeline of when we can be seen but we asked for anything, maybe even information of where my son sat in the priority queue and we got a rude tap on the sign "sickest patients go first". It makes you wonder where a 3 year old who can't walk due to pain and cries everytime he moves would sit on a priority list. Anyone with a toddler would know how frustrating a long wait in a boring place can be for a small child. Yet my son sat there the whole tike unable to move without pain. After sitting there for 8 hours we were fed up with it and took him to the stollery. Once at the strollery (A MUCH BUSIER PLACE), we waited for maybe 30 min before he got in to get an xray and it turns out he had a fracture in his leg. The experience at the misericordia compared to the stollery was a night and day experience. We were not met with care or compassion at the misericordia, not to mention the state of the hospital itself. Holes in the walls, food on the floors and dirt. Not once in my 8 hours there did I see anyone sanitize a single surface in the emergency room. I lost faith in the canadian healthcare system at the misericordia but regained it at the stollery. To summarize my experience: If I were minutes away from dying I would risk the extra 10 minute drive to a different hospital. I would never recommend going to this hospital to anyone else if they can help it. There are many other excellent, clean, accommodating hospitals.
24 September 2022 3:11
Been waiting in the Emergency waiting room for over 10 hours now. A guy just fell and banged his head, two attendants came but rather than help him they let it be known to every one that the guy (Harry) is just a regular that hangs out in the waiting room. One patron exclaimed that maybe the guy was really hurt.security came and removed the fellow that was defending the guy that banged his head.this is a scary time and place in history to require medical attention. Shame on you front end staff and security guards shame on Alberta health.
22 September 2022 20:28
Went in for surgery, and the nurses before i went in were super sweet.when i came out, the nurses were all gossiping about me and the other patients.when it was time for me to leave, a nurse asked if i needed help getting dressed.i said yes and she proceeded to dump my clothes on the bed and leave me to get dressed by myself.
23 May 2022 14:24
Telling me I’m next but having me wait another 2 hours wasn’t very nice. I have been sitting here for 4 hours with a potentially broken wrist. I don’t know triages but i think i could go in before someone with a stomach ache.very upset and irritated right now as the wait times online said only half an hour. I am miserable and I’m so much pain.
07 May 2022 3:19
Nurses are rude. Except for one very reasonable and thoughtful nurse who got me through it. Facility is filthy. Consider yourself lucky if you see a doctor within 2 days. 50/50 shot they feed you if you're here longer than a day. The only way I'll ever come back to this dump is as a corpse.
07 May 2022 0:33
The Nurses that ware working up in the front desk was vary rude to me when i said my stomach hurts and thay did noting abot it
but outer its a good hospital
07 May 2022 0:07
Long wait times in ER. But I’ve had two babies here in the labor/delivery ward and was very happy with the care I received!
23 April 2022 19:18
Some of the staff are Very good. In emergency department some of the nurses are very rude and has no compassion for sick people. Rember people do not choose to be sick any one of us can get ill be careful of the attitude around sick people.one day you might the same compassion.
20 April 2022 18:02
Absolutely terrible no parking went for doctors appointment twice received ticket because appointment was late $82.00 for 15 minutes late we are being they are taking advantage of sick seniors
13 April 2022 20:15
When a family member was having a psychotic break they let them leave without calling their emergency contact or making sure he had a safe way of going home. He was clearly out of it, he had a few moments where he calmed down but that's normal with these things, a hospital of all places should know that. Having to sit there for hours waiting for a call, only to give up, call them, and hear "oh, he left about an hour ago". Extremely dangerous for everyone, and the icing on the cake is he ended up needing to be put back in the hospital as soon as we found him since he obviously wasn't any better. Came back without shoes and bloody feet. Extremely stressful, such incompetence imo, I get that there was stress from COVID but this was preventable by a single phone call which would've taken a minute. I would not trust this hospital, who knows what else they're cutting corners on
13 April 2022 17:00
I’ve been here a few times and every time the nurse are just so amazing, sweet and understanding. Going into the ER I worried what kind of doctor I would get but I got a great one who listened to me and made me feel safe and not so worried about my unborn baby. The whole 6+ hour experience was definitely boring but the staff made it great.
12 April 2022 1:21
This place is a joke, if i become ill i'd rather die than step foot in this hospital again just because of how rude and horrible the nurses are.nurses left me without food or water for hours on end and refused to let me contact my mother.
05 April 2022 13:42
I broke my ankle and tibia on Saturday January 22 and had to wait for surgery for 4 days. During this time I as in the orthopedic unit floor 6 east wing. I have never been so appalled by the staff. The various staff members were loud, shouting down the hallways to each other while people were trying to sleep. Banging around with the cleaning buckets, just ridiculous. I asked the nurses to tell the staff to speak quieter and the response was"she is always this loud! " Its a hospital, people are sick!
One of the nurses (there were many) tried to give me the wrong meds. They were for a patient coming off oxycontin.
There was a dispute with two nurses of where the patient was to be taking for which tests.
There was a nurse who told an elderly lady she had an irregular heart beat and asked her how long she had this. The elderly lady said she was unaware of this condition. This set her into an anxiety and panic attack where she thought she was dying. This nurse had no right to say this in such an incompassionate way.
For the surgery I had you are to be kept for 24 hours, I was out the door without seeing my surgeon with release papers that had the wrong surgeons name on it. I told then the doctor's name on the release papers was not who operated on me, I left the hospital later that afternoon.
As always the food was awful, The elderly lady across from me was Celiac. She was given food she was not supposed to eat and felt sick.
I felt so bad for her. She had a very tough surgery on her leg and the nurses were not very kind. She kept her spirits up so as not to upset the staff.
Yes, the staff who would come in at 3: 00am to throw the lights on and speak as if we were deaf. I would ssshsshh them everytime.

Unless this is your last resort do not go to the Misery Hospital. COVD was irrelant in this ward. I would have to say the idea we are short staffed may be true in ICU but not where I was. This unit needs a shape up.
29 March 2022 15:41
I arrived on Monday, February 9,2022 by ambulance, with unbearable pain by Wednesday morning I was in the operating room, my stay and experience with the staff
was excellent from the moment I got there.
Thank you.
29 March 2022 14:07
The very worst experience in any hospital. The burn unit staff are absolutely cruel and heartless. I was told point blank my loved one was going to die so no time was being wasted on him. Simple as. They also sat outside the glass windowed rooms, where burn victims writhed in agony when they held out meds until that exact second. TALKING NON STOP OF HOW BADLY THEY ARE PAID AND MAKING THREATS OF WHAT THEIR UNION WAS PLANNING.
27 March 2022 12:45
I'm so baffled to read the reviews for this hospital, as I also received poor care from (specifically) female nurses. I was rushed to the ER, I felt suicidal and did something that I regret 100%. I can recall the paramedics being more concerned compared to the nurses, the surgeon and doctors were very nice, it was just the nurses that invalidated my feelings, they made me feel like I was being dramatic and needed a reality check. I was assured by the paramedics along with one nurse that I would get a taxi voucher. Once they found out I was 18 there attitude towards me switched and treated me as a joke, they joked about me doing what I did to myself. I got a few remarks stating "so were not going to be slitting our wrists anymore hey? " That was one of them. I DO NOT recommend going here or sending your child here because they treat patients struggling with mental health with no care, just judgement. I was also discharged with no prescription needed for pain, or any antibiotics, not even a pack of rolled gauzed or gauze pads to change every other day. The nurses are MEAN and I can't find any word to describe the experience I had here.
19 March 2022 22:51
Seem like a good bunch of health care workers who are dealing with lots everyday I’m sure. I had to wait a bit at emergency which is to be expected. But was prioritized according to there system and was seen and treated well.

Thank you guys for doing a job well at the ER.
07 March 2022 13:06
I was afraid when I was transferred to this hospital from a rural hospital because of the reviews. The staff took such good care of me. There were some rowdy individuals in the waiting room and they not only recognized I was uncomfortable being in there but made sure to find me someplace I felt safer to wait and help ease any anxiety I had being so far from home alone in a busy hospital. They fast tracked me on tests my local doc was saying could take months- instead I just have to wait three days. Im not trying to invalidate anyone elses experience, but if you're nervous about this hospital, know they treated my very awkward and anxious self so well, I was fine.
21 February 2022 4:09
My wife is in for a broken leg that got infected. I've read a lot of these reviews and our experience with this hospital is that all the nurses and doctors that we've dealt with have been very friendly, cordial and professional.
22 January 2022 17:59
Just had an emergency c section last night. Felt very informed and taken care of. From the nurses, doctors, anesthesiologist, I actually had a very pleasant experience. Thank you!
20 January 2022 5:55
Don’t go to this hospital! Staff are rude and like to argue with patients. Instead of a nurse explaining to me why they had multiple people in the emergency room waiting with their partners and I wasn’t allowed to wait with mine as he could not see out of his eye, the nurse started arguing with me which made me leave the hospital with my partner as we were treated so poorly. Do not recommend this hospital to anyone.
11 January 2022 3:28
Honestly the only thing saving this rating is the NICU staff, who are amazing. Post partum is a joke. Half the nurses there can't be bothered to check a patients chart, nor do they listen to patients. L&D is hit and miss. I've met great staff in there but there's one doctor who just totally dropped the ball- badly.
10 January 2022 7:23
This morning i have been to the hospital along with my spouse and my son who is 3years old while my spouse attended her routine pregnancy stress test meantime we were at waiting area my son wandering at the waiting area had crossed the security barricades twice, which is dividing the waiting area in two sections where the screening station is placed for patient screening, i have been asked to take him out reason being the hospital have other elderly clients. I was clueless and had to walk out of the hospitals waiting area and take him away and had to wait outside in the gallery until she finished her routine pregnacy stress test. I felt humilated and felt helpless being a father i couldnt even rescue my kid of being such lame excuse from the hospital staff. I just had to follow what they did it with me and i do not recommend any family to visit this hospital if they have kids who wants to explore and active kids and dont like to sit inplace because hospital staff have the reasons to keep you out. If the hospital staff is willing to keep the kids accomadated i am sure they will limit the screening area to a minimal size and waiting area be more so the kids and elderly both can be accomadated with out hassle.
03 January 2022 6:27
I had a wonderful experience with Misericodia Hospital. I just had my surgery yesterday for hysteroscopy, D& C. Even though not allowing my husband with me for support due to covid protocols, the team of health care professionals made me feel so comfortable. As new canadian with asian ethnicity in this country, I sometimes felt discriminated in some places but not in this hospital. The team of nurses, anesthesiologist, aids and my doctor are very nice, informative & supportive. I am still in the road to recovery but I am glad I allowed them to do my surgery. I hope my review helps.
29 December 2021 19:15
Had to go in for a stress test at 35 weeks. The Covid check in lady was super nice and told me where to go. Registration was super helpful. I got lost to the elevator and a random doctor could see my confusion and helped me find where to go. Once in L&D, the nurses were so attentive and had absolutely no wait for the test. All my questions were answered and the nurses were super nice. I was nervous about having my baby at mis just because of reviews and knowing it was an “older” hospital, but I’m very impressed. Every L&D doctor working with them have been incredible to me and so helpful!
29 November 2021 1:21
Have been waiting for more than 5 hours now. Asked for a single bottle of sanitizer for the waiting room that they call the extended area. And the the lady named Charity, same lady I shared the pain with what medical issues I'm going through (calling out names who don't behave like human) at the front gave an attitude, not a single word, nothing. Just picked up the bottle and left like seriously! That extended area is for patients with covid symptoms. Not all patients in that waiting room are covid patients. You guys have sanitizer everywhere installed in the hospital except that room. Use some basic IQ and have some compassion towards the patients. You don't like your job or you don't feel like helping people in this sector then leave. Do not try to justify your negative actions and attitude because it's a pandemic going on. The entire world is dealing with it. I SIMPLY JUST ASKED A SANITIZER THATS ALL!
19 November 2021 10:54
Would you people please stop having pay parking at your emergency entrance? What are you thinking, seriously. People pulling up with unidentified medical problems, and you're telling them to go pay for parking rather than seek immediate medical attention!? What were you thinking. Do you have any idea how unethical it is to trap people like that? Precise ParkLink then tickets and starts harassing people for not paying the ticket! Morally corrupt. Do better.
19 November 2021 2:37
Not clean. I saw nurse picking oral temperature measuring tool from dirty sink countertop and putting in patient mouth. I am telling you do not go there if you love your self.
14 October 2021 3:45
I am working at this hospital. The parking for employees so hard to find. Specially now a days there construction going on everywhere it’s nightmare to drive there and find parking. Very expensive parking for staff can’t able to afford $16 a day, this is ridiculous. We all day work hard with Covid patients when finally go home see got parking ticket $75 that’s completely unfair. There should have daily bases low parking fee for staff. People come to work hour and half before their shift otherwise can’t find parking. Lots of employees they quit jobs because of this parking hassles. Hope management do something they are immensely working hard.
Second thing street parking they put so many different signs like seasonal parking wit no parking sign people get confused and then guess what TICKET. Please stop making money from poor employees who work so hard with covid patients.
06 September 2021 8:00
I have never written a review before on any place I have been to but this place is so worth 5+ and even more of I could. I had a miscarriage and was in extremely pain because my cervix was tightly shut and everything was just sitting there in top of it. The first nurse that tended to me was extremely sweet she was comforting me and giving me warm blankets to help the excruciating cramps. Then I waited a little while and this male doctor that was extremely also sweet was talking me through what had happened and this Russian nurse came in with him because I had to do a Pap smear and she omg made me feel so so so so comfortable and Was rubbing my hand to comfort me while I was getting a Pap smear with the doctor that made me also feel comfortable by talking me through what he was doing. The ultrasound lady was also absolutely a gem, she was comforting so so much I honestly forgot for a while I was having a miscarriage just because everyone was so sweet. The gynaecologist lady and her team made me feel so comfortable in the surgical room and the anesthesiologist did a great job putting me to sleep. The nurses afterwords were probably the best nurses I’ve ever had in my life. Every person tending to my needs was extremely sweet and made me feel so comfortable. I had my delivery scheduled for this hospital before I miscarried, but when I get pregnant again I know for sure this Will be the hospital I will deliver at. Like I said I would give this place even more than 5 stars because I felt so comfortable and had a great experience. I just loved the team I had! Highly highly recommend this place!
04 September 2021 2:23
Nothing but bad experiences and memories here. I had to conduct my wife's peritoneal dialysis treatments because there were no trained staff in the hospital available to do it.
And that's nowhere near the worst of it!
Enter at your own risk.
23 August 2021 11:50
This is a horrible hospital. I have a severe back pain and I have been waiting from 8: 30PM till 4: 00AM and still no one has attended to me.
13 August 2021 16:47
I went in because I had a pain below my ribs and by my back. I arrived at 11: 40PM and wasn't able to get a bed until about 3am. I know these guys were doing what they could and I was happy with how accommodating and helpful they were to me. It turns out I had a gallbladder issue so the surgery was planned and went amazingly. Yes my pain and discomfort made my time difficult there, but the nurses and the doctors all did what they could to make it just a little bit better there. Dr. Berg was heading the surgery and I cannot thank him enough for getting that necrotic organ out of my body. Shout outs also to nurse Katie when before I had my surgery she did everything she could to help me and nurse Kelsey who I had after my surgery during my recovery who made the resting time a lot easier to deal with. I want to thank so many more such as Ken the guy who was with me in the recovery room and everyone else who helped me along the way, I couldn't remember everyone's name as the pain I was in was excruciating but know that I appreciate everyone's help! Thank you all!
11 August 2021 13:39
I was there on July 8 for day surgery. The reception, the nurse, the doctor, every staff are friendly and helpful, they all helping each other to make the process go smoothly, some even though wasn't their responsibility.

20 July 2021 20:34
I just had knee surgery today at this hospital. The nurses where absolutely fantastic to those men and ladies thank you so much. Doctors also great. Thanks to all of you.
19 July 2021 3:22
They lost my chart and so it took forever to get me my prescribed medication by the doctor. He prescribed hours ago. They tried to take me for a scan but I was so uncomfortable I wanted my medication first. They the threatened to call the peace officer because I wasn't be cororprative. I said go ahead. They are now scrambling to find my chart. No peace officer has been called.
18 July 2021 12:58
Whoever is answering the phones to book appointments needs to be given hearing aides and some customer service skills. They didn’t hear me even after repeating my information multiple times. Lots of awkward silence and mumbling as they tried to figure out how to reschedule. They basically acted like I asked them to do the impossible and was so rude while I explained why I had to reschedule. If this is the first impression people get, I can see why people choose to avoid seeking medical attention. Train your staff better.
12 July 2021 20:52
The last time I went into their emergency department I was having an appendicitis rupture and this girl Jessica at the emergency desk took 5 minutes to look up from her phone. Then, once I got into see a doctor "Andrews or Adamson"? I couldn't lay down for CT scan because I was having pain displacement and would go into convulsions when I laid down because it felt like there was a knife In my collarbone. The doctor forced me and my Mom to go home and come back when I laid down so my Mom and I signed the document "under duress". The next day the doctor "Andrews/ Adamson" called my house and told me to come back. I still couldn't lay down so I forced myself over the next day to lay by using ice packs and heating pads and sheer will. I also think the rupture had happened so it wasn't such a sharp jolting pain. So 2 days later and no sleep the doctor tells me to come in in the morning. He made us wait 13 hours in emergency before admitting me to a hospital room. There were a particular couple nurses who don't stick around long enough to ask for an ice pack and a jello or ice chips so when you ask for the second thing they snap at you "what else can I GET FOR YOU!? !? 3 days later, no food, I was diagnosed with sepsis, appendicitis and had a drain in my stomach. I was set up with a picc line and on IV therapy for 1.5 months while being told the organ would calcify. After having severe convulsions for 3 months I was finally given a surgery and then was told that I had a hole in my bowel the whole time and was going septic. Before the surgery happened my surgeon told me to go back to the hospital to get a CT scan because they needed it before my surgery and Jessica at the emergency desk was again extremely rude to me, acting as though I was wasting her time, her words were, so you just decided to show up here at 5 in the morning? Like yeah lady, I've been having convulsions for 3 months and going septic but I'm great, thanks for the 3rd degree as I'm literally still at a 40% chance to live based on what the surgeon said.
Certain people should not be in healthcare and this hospital should seriously look into having a superior come in to observe their practices because this emergency room is terribly run. If I'm ever near death again I'll be going to the UofA.
11 July 2021 16:46
This is the place were my dad got spine surgery, and I'm grateful for the Doctor and the team that pretty much fixed my dad's life. It's been almost 3 months after his surgery and he has never been more happy. God bless the people that work there.
04 March 2021 9:06
Came here because of a bad uti. Turns out I was in septic shock and it was actually a kidney infection. They seemed to be on it the first day. Besides the horrible covid waiting room. It was a nightmare waiting in there while cold and with a migraine.
Then the second day. No treatment. Every time my fever gets bad it takes over an hour to get any help. I've even tried to call them early and it still got bad before they got to me. No anti biotics. No tests. It's one am and I can feel the pain getting worse again. Never should have come here.
17 February 2021 3:04
Thank you to the amazing staff and volunteers in Misericordia Hospital and NICU for your treatment and outstanding care of our Grand daughter, Daughter and Son-in-law. A pandemic is a difficult time and that didn’t keep you and your staff from shining. God Bless you all.
10 February 2021 10:31
I had a badly sprained wrist 4 Tylenol 3's wouldn't take the pain away. Dr told me to go home and take a couple of Advil. Haha funny
19 January 2021 11:28
Waited 4hrs as i can't breathe, didn't see a doctor. Decided to go back home. I guess the only difference between going to the hospital or not in emergency situation is where you die. The whole system is broken.
22 December 2020 5:27
Hats off to the staff working so hard I was just in the emergency had a trip to x-ray they didn't turn me into dust. Thank you for helping me out. Great job peoples you had smiles that means lot
13 December 2020 5:26
No complaints. Wish I could say that about stony plain emergency. Arrogance (with no substance to back it).
04 December 2020 5:53
I went into the emerg department yesterday morning, for a d and c on the advice of my ob. My experience was a great as can be expected given the situation. I waited about 6 hours before my surgery, which is to be expected for a non emergent procedure. The ER nurses were fantastic, and super helpful. They could see my distress and discomfort and did whatever they could to help me feel relaxed and calm. When I finally met my OB-Surgeon, she was fantastic. She was reassuring and took all my concerns seriously. I have a severe phobia of vomiting, and she made sure my anesthesiologist knew, and gave me every anti-emetic available. I never saw her after my surgery, but the nurses in recovery and my room were fantastic. I was able to go home about 10 hours after I arrived at emerg to recover at home. Yes the waiting sucks, but it's to be expected and I'm more concerned about the care I receive than how long I waited, and I received great care. Definitely recommend the Mis for healthcare.
30 November 2020 10:12
Slowest personal, emergency room is not quite an emergency it’s been three hours and no help or consultation.
29 November 2020 23:51
My daughter gave birth on November 3rd in the evening at the Misericordia hospital. She was discharged the next morning at 10am, sent home with no blood work taken from baby nor was the baby bathed. By 6pm she's back at the hospital because she's having very bad pains all in the right side of her body and her whole right leg is swollen. As soon as she gets there they put her in the hallway put in an intravenous and it's not even put in properly. Her arm starts to swell and starts to tingle, she calls the nurse several times and she gets totally ignored. My daughter ended up having to pull out the intravenous herself. She was also told that she still has some of the placenta lefted in her and that's what's causing the pain. Come tomorrow morning I'll be phoning lawyer
15 November 2020 18:33
Sitting here in Emerg for the last four hours.there are more important cases than me. But I am watching the meanest most miserable person.a nurse. She attacks people as soon as they come in the door.so so sad.yes I know there are a few weirdos tonight.but man oh man.she's the poorest excuse for a nurse. 400 pounds of miserable. I hope all these people file a complaint.
23 October 2020 5:54
I had my son here in late March and the L&D nurses and doctors were absolutely amazing. They were all so kind and caring. They checked on me ever half hour at least and came right away if I needed help. Every nurse I had was so sweet to me. Unfortunately my experience in recovery was another story. The nurses there were pretty dismissive and made me feel like a burden. I was only checked on once through the entire night and I had to ask more than once just for some Tylenol or a bottle for my son. Plus the nurse who gave my son his first bath was not gentle with him at all and seemed like she was in a rush to get it over with. I was also not informed that my son tested positive for jaundice and had to find out once I got home from the home visit nurse. It’s a shame that the two units have such a huge difference in their level of care.
16 September 2020 8:23
The staff are friendly helpful and caring.
Doctors are amazing. I believe that the care they give is the best available. We have had numerous visits in various wards that have been initiated by bad experiences. It has been good to leave each time in better shape than arrival.
The Emergency is smaller than required with a far greater population in Edmonton than it was designed for 50 years ago. However they do well with what they have.

2020 UPDATE:
Here I am a year later to say that the emergency department is getting an amazing brand new wing, complete with much larger ambulance bay. This presently under construction and should be able to handle west Edmonton’s emergencies for many years to come.
12 August 2020 19:17
My boyfriend has always had a clean bill of health.so when we had to go to the Misericordia because his heart rate was elevated, blood pressure was (terrifyingly) high, and blood sugar was high, we were both scared.

He was met with skepticism and lectures on how he has too much weed. (he had less than a joint an hour before we went to the hospital and he had been doing weed for 3 years, and this never happened)

When somebody with a clean bill of health tells you there's a problem, no matter what they've been on, take it seriously! This entire endeavor was unacceptable and unprofessional
08 August 2020 21:50
My heart goes out to this hospital. I was born here 43 years ago. We always you've your care. So please help them
06 August 2020 17:01
I was just at the misericordia hospital to visit my mother. The woman across from her in the next bed had diarrhea on the floor and herself from across the room to the bathroom. We called the nurse and nobody came for 10 minutes. And when 2 of them came in at different times, nobody attended to it. When a nurse came in with an ultrasound unit, she rolled right through it even after she was warned it was there. I wonder how many other rooms her feet and that machine will be going into tonight. Wow! And this is with hyper attention to germs!
22 April 2020 7:47
Had some gravel removed from my knee, the nurses during the day were sweet, Visited the ER. Last night, it was empty, lovely and quick to get inside, and apperantly i was the first on the list to be seen, 2 hours later, there was still noone to answer my 1 question.horrible attitude on these nurses that i met. After the first hour siting there, i asked about the delay. And they took it very personal as 3 of them were standing chatting, joking around for 45 minute. Too much for saving lifes when you cant answer a question on probably one of your slowest nights. I walked out after the second hour.im finding it hard to beleive there was a dr. In there at all yesterday.or he was sleeping?
17 April 2020 14:22
They v posted most ill people will be seen first but there is nothing like that, if you know any of the staff you are in otherwise be ready to wait for 5 to 8 hours.

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