12 November 2023 4:31
This is the absolute worst place and needs to be shut down. Greedy money hungry losers who have no regard for the towns and people that live in the area.
19 October 2023 0:41
Terrible smell plaguing the town of highriver, cannot believe people would think this was a good idea placing so close to a town where more than 14000 people!
08 October 2023 6:31
Rimrock Feeders reeks of putrid manure, that frequently permeates the air quality in High River. The feedlot is in the worst possible location, 5.6km east of High River that frequently has westerly winds from the Mountains. The citizens are prisoners inside their homes, can't open your windows or sleep with the window open. Had to purchase A/C in order to cool down our house.
06 October 2023 0:49
Regardless the hundreds of complaints, Rimrock's response is to increase operations resulting in ruining the lifestyles and health of citizens living in nearby towns and farms and continuing to ignore or disregard the concerns. I would rate them a -100 but to post a review, a star is required. More manipulation.
05 October 2023 3:16
Absolutely irresponsible operation when it comes to neighbours and the municipalities close by. For over 2 years, they have done Absolutely nothing to control odour and do not care about the quality of life, and health of people nearby. Shame on them. They're too busy putting the proverbial heel to our throats to shove the largest biodigester, not approved, but already being funded via an 8.4 million $ grant from our corrupt government. This whole debacle needs a full review from RimRock, to Tidewater, to investors, to who was involved in the sell of the property, to High River Town Council, to MD Foothils, to NRCB, to our Provincial PC government.
28 September 2023 21:19
The only reason I have given one star is to get an opportunity to leave comment. Otherwise the rating would be negative. For past two years residents of High River are subjected to unhealthy strong odours of cow manure. So much so, we spent lot of our summer indoors with windows closed. Many of my neighbours resolved to installing air conditioners so they can stay comfortable during hot summer nights. We have lived in HR for for eleven years and remember when feedlot was managed by Western Feeders. Never had as many problems as we have now! Rimrock is making our Iives miserable. This is not how good neighbour operates!
24 August 2023 0:44
If I could do a negative star I would. This company has no regard for the people that live around their facilities. When the High River location was owned by Western Feedlot there was little to no door. Now we suffer daily with the horrific stench coming from the feedlot PLUS the incessant sound of trucks “Jake Breaking” as they drive beside the residential areas. Absolutely disgusting respect for all the residents of High River.
15 January 2023 1:43
I Don't know how the owners of this place even sleep at night knowing they create this Disgusting unhealthy foul smell and consistantly subjecting the residents of High River to on a regular basis. This place needs to be shut down. The politicians of High River need to step up to the plate and support its residents
07 January 2023 8:21
Rimrock is not considerate to the residents of High River. The stench is so bad; I don't want to live here, and I've been here for 20 years. It cannot be healthy to breathe these fumes all the time. It was never this bad in the past because the previous owners were considerate and followed the regulations set out. Not to mention the living conditions of the animals on this lot. If it's THIS BAD, your animals must be diseased or something, or you're just breaking the law, so which is it?
09 November 2022 3:27
They should be ashamed of their operation. I have lived around feedlots my entire life and never have I experienced a smell as bad as generated by Rimrock. They are failing at basic practices and deserve to be shut down. Do not send your cattle here. A smell this bad tells me that cattle living conditions must be extremely poor.
05 November 2022 2:42
The smell this place creates is absolutely unbearable. - chose the worst possible location for a feedlot.

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