06 June 2020 19:07
He doesn't respect clients enough making me feel like like we are there as a bothersome fly on the wall. I get that they as lawyers charge for everything, but when you first meet them and tell them details that are personal to you, they like a dr, should read your file before you enter into their office and expect them to act in such a way that you can understand them. It's called meeting the client's needs. Not everyone shows their disabilities out for the world to see.
18 April 2020 9:34
Durring a difficult custody case involving covert abuse and high conflict. Ron has always had the best interests of me and my children at heart. He will not waste time on things that wont help and he is honest and upfront about the situation. Ron and Natalie have been wonderful and are awsome at keeping me calm and focused. Together we are focusing on the children and have succeeded in litigation to ensure the best interests. I am grateful to have them on my team.
13 April 2020 11:04
Very good family lawyer, responds fast and gets the job done! Wont take attitude from anyone and will defend you! Highly recommend him!
09 June 2019 16:22
Ron has been a great help and offered proper guidance to be fair and to put the children first. He has given me the legal support to get through the ups and downs and always given me the choice but also to not be taken advantage of. He has worked with me on monetary issues and has been patient. I highly recommend Ron as a Family Lawyer!
17 May 2019 12:22
Completely rude and got ignorant because of what my question was like omg won’t ever refer this place to anyone l even people I don’t like can’t believe how rude he was over the phone!
17 May 2019 9:29
I found Ron through researching reviews and I wasn’t disappointed.
The first time I talked to him on the phone he gave me a long list of information and papers I would need to collect and bring to him for our first in-person visit. I was impressed and appreciated that greatly, it saved me a lot of hassle, time and money.
Right from the start it was a very “facts only” appointment which I also thought was pretty impressive as well because we were able to cover a huge amount of work in the first hour, rather than chit chatting and wasting time.
In the weeks leading up to court Ron was always available and answered any questions that I had very promptly.
Ron was able to negotiate with an extremely difficult, arrogant opposing party like it was a breeze. Ron does not back down.
Not only did Ron ensure that my children were safe but he also negotiated child support that I did not expect. I was clearly emotional in court and he took the time and concern to make sure that I was alright.
I will definitely be hiring Ron again for another matter and I fully and completely recommend Ron.
27 May 2018 5:46
I believe that Ron Billingsley is an outstanding lawyer. Not only is he professional but he actually cares about his clients. He helped my friend deal with a very difficult, nasty and painful divorce by always returning phone calls and making time to explain every application set before the court by my friend's ex. (and there were many applications)
Ron had a strong presence in the courtroom and made sure that my friend's intentions and needs were heard.
This case turned out to be a very long process and Ron was there the entire time encouraging my friend and going above and beyond to be helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.
Ron understood that this was an extremely emotional time for my friend and was sympathetic to that.never rushing due to time limits.
Ron Billingsley is a wonderful lawyer, who is fair and honest. I can't thank him enough for what he has managed to accomplish for my friend.
May God bless him always.
07 May 2018 14:31
Ron is great at his job he fights for Father's rights and his knowledge is awesome the best lawyer I have had. He calls back or email in a timely fashion and tells you how it is and what to expect so there is no surprises.thanks Ron for all your hard work
07 May 2018 0:47
Ron represented me in a custody case in which I successfully obtained 50/50 custody for my child. The case was challenging and emotionally charged as my child was withheld by her mother, forcing me to hire a lawyer and pursue court action. Ron worked diligently on this case from the onset. He was extremely quick to complete paperwork, get a court date and move forward with court action, ensuring that I had my 50/50 and moving me into a position to fight for primary custody. Ron is aggressive, fair, hardworking, and able to utilize his professional skills to get the best possible outcome in the courtroom. Ron is straightforward and honest. He communicates options realistically and will work hard to ensure that his client is exceptionally represented both in front of the judge, and during out of court process with opposing council. Ron bills fairly for his time, and is also conscientious of his client's budget. I am very pleased with Ron as a lawyer and highly recommend him.
04 May 2018 3:09
I regret not meeting Ron before wasting my time and money with two previous lawyers I had and did little for me. If you have a difficult divorce with a bulling ex-spouse, Ron is the professional to hire! He is knowledgeable, efficient and aggressive when necessary. He was ready to do the best for me in court; however, I appreciate his capacity to listen and understand my decision of not going to court. I will hire Ron if I need a family lawyer in the future.
02 May 2018 9:01
Ron is amazing. I told him i was completly lost and i knew nothing about the process and my rights. I had hired another lawyer that told me nothing and made me anxious Ron took care of it all for me made me feel more at ease in a very stressful time. I have a daughter that i was allowed to see very little he helped me get way better custody of her and secured my 2 oldest sons with 50% custody.he is direct and to the point and i apreciate that. Definetly glad i called and hired Ron. Great man amazing lawyer. Were still in the process but im glad Ron is with me
26 April 2018 16:09
I was lucky to have Ron Billingsley as my lawyer with an extremely hostile party. Ron was fair with his pricing and also the billing time. All contracts were put together in a timely manner and if I had questions he was always there with the answer. He helped make the situation a lot better. I would recommend Ron Billingsley to everyone as he is passionate about his profession as well as his clients.
23 April 2018 12:42
Ron has been an excellent lawyer throughout my divorce process. He is very down to earth and gets to the point quickly resolving issues in a timely matter. I appreciate the respect and empathy he has displayed throughout this very difficult stressful experience.
He has a passion and commitment to his work that is difficult to find in the previous lawyers I have dealt with.
I would highly recommend hiring him for any family /divorce law conflicts.
22 April 2018 5:37
I feel very proud I found Mr Ron who is in the form of god, on earth, an excellent and professional lawyer. He has handled my case very well regarding my child support and my divorce process. I got my house back. He is a very good heart and sincere person. I highly recommend everyone to hire a lawyer like Mr Ron S. Billingsley. Believe me you won't lose with him.
20 April 2018 18:39
Mr Billingsley was instrumental in having success in dealing with child support and custody issues in court. He was very knowledeable and quick to deal with my concerns. He will definitely go to bat for you and your rights! I have had him represent me twice and will continue to in the future. I highly recommend him.
16 April 2018 12:59
Worst lawyer ever, my fiance hired him believing on his words of he is a Bull lawyer to handle a case of Child support, overall repetitive but true He is very unprofessional, rude, meeting you in his house with heavy smoke odor, does not do anything other that "emails" back and forth tends to intimidate you by asking for more money in order to proceed with the case, lost in the case, always making the same notes and charge you again, PLEASE if you care about your case and money, DO NOT HIRE HIM, I wouldn't place this complaint if everything I just said was not the thruth. P. S. Ron Billingsley I do not care if you are reading this, because at the end this is exactly how you handle your "Lawyer profession"
31 May 2017 7:20
I would never recommend this man as a lawyer in any situation you have. He is screwing over my mother with her case right this moment and all the money she has payed him was possibly all directed to the s*** that he is probably on! Never hire him in any situation as he is useless and will drag out your case for as long as he can for the money!
25 May 2017 0:49
You have to Question a guy who has to write himself the only raving review. Run while you still can.
23 May 2017 19:20
There are far more professional and honest lawyers out there that will care about your best interests.
17 May 2017 23:57
I hired Mr Billingsley to represent me in an exclusive possession application regarding my home which my ex gained possession of after false allegations and acquiring an E. P. O against me.
After a year and a half during which I hired 3 separate lawyers on my behalf all of whom would not bring the application forward and cost me thousands of dollars to have nothing accomplished. I retained Mr Billingsley whom assured me that he would bring the application forward and did so in a timely manner.
He assured me that I had a strong case and fought hard for my legal rights. He was honest and straight forward in dealing with my issues and always had extra time to reply to phone calls and answer emails.
I won my application and gained exclusive possession. I am extremely happy with Mr Billingsley’s representation of my case and have further retained his counsel in finishing off my divorce, which includes a matrimonial property trial set for later in the year. I have full confidence in Mr Billingsley’s abilities and would recommend him to anyone regarding these issues.
Mr Billingsley went above and beyond in helping me understand the legal process and I am truly thankful for all his advice and excellent knowledge regarding our legal system
Marvin Klym
14 May 2017 18:18
Although Ron is not currently my counsel, I would recommend him to anyone looking for a "no-nonsense" lawyer who doesn't beat around the bush. He is direct and does not sugar coat anything. This was the exact type of character that I would want to represent me in a courtroom.
I was naïve when I first started this entire process. Ron helped me to understand many facets of family law and offered me valuable advice, although we were parting ways. His assistant, Natalie also gave me information that I did not have and she helped me realize how much I was entitled to under the law in my circumstances. He even managed to earn the respect of my father, which isn't always the easiest thing to do.
I would use him again if I found the need for representation. He gave me his opinion on what I should do in my ongoing battle in the courts and offered some free advice, we left on good terms and parted friends. I have no doubt Ron Billingsley will have a long and successful practice in family law, I wish him and Natalie the best of luck and success. I am positive they will help many other people who find themselves overwhelmed and uninformed, as I was, in unpleasant dealings with the legal system and family law matters.

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