03 January 2024 12:47
I have a traumatic experience with the triage. My water broke and they sent me home after a check up, no ultrasound was done a few weeks later I lost my pregnancy (at 5 months pregnant) I do not recommend to any pregnant woman. Sorry I am just shaken with the incomplete knowledge of the doctor. The tragedy has left a scar in my heart.and brain.
03 January 2024 11:32
Scott the physiotherapist saw us. He was amazing, you can tell when someone wants to help the patient, it was a good change to the long wait we had under duress, however so was everyone else, everyone had to wait their turn until we got in, but once in, we got the help we needed.

Scott is a professional and well mannered in his human approach that he makes an excelling physiotherapist.

We saw Dr Goshcko afterwards and he was thorough and made sure, we got the treatment in agreement with the findings of the physiotherapist.
28 November 2023 18:17
Worst emerg. There is. 7+hr wait time after we got emergency flown home from mexico. Sitting in pain, nurses said they would bring meds and never did. Will be avoiding this hospital at all costs.
05 November 2023 3:17
This review is directed towards the nurses in the bicuspid valve cardiology clinic, as the doctors were great. The nurses there lack professionalism, lie to patients, and treat the clinic as their personal fiefdom.
My father was a severe stenosis patient doing follow ups up to his eventual surgery, and either due to discrimination towards immigrants, profound laziness in carrying out their responsibilities, or some other undesirable characteristic, they would constantly try to discharge him as a patient so he could no longer see his doctor.
Their strategy revolved around sending appointment summons by mail, which sometimes would arrive and sometimes wouldn’t, and if you did not respond in a week or two to that letter they immediately discharged you, without trying to contact you in any way. My father was first diagnosed at an auscultation with a family doctor, and put on a list for months to see a cardiologist. When a few months had passed he went back to the family doctor and informed him he had not seen anyone yet. The family doctor told him to call in to the clinic, which he did and the nurses answered, informing him they sent a letter for a consultation and he did not respond, so they discharged him. My father was very upset but got placed on the waiting list again, and this time he did eventually get their letter. After the first consultation he needed to get another followup, and knowing the letters they sent out were unreliable due to the mail delivery, he asked the nurses if they were able to notify him by email when he was sent his followup letter in case he did not receive it. They assured him they would do this, but surely enough, after the required months passed and he called in to ask about the followup, he was once again discharged. With no attempt to even contact him they discharged him outright and lied about trying to contact him. Furthermore, despite discharging a patient against his will, they did not even follow Alberta health care protocol which requires at least a referral that can be used at some other center, they simply said they can’t help him and interrupted the call. My father is now receiving great care in Edmonton but had to go through the emergency department to see a doctor. This level of shameless unprofessionalism from the nurses burdens the already struggling ER department and more importantly directly harms patients, by impeding their access to doctors.
20 August 2023 10:50
Waited 10 hours just to see a doctor. Another 2 hours after that.
People coming in to ER have to STAND in line for quite a while when they first get there. If they have someone with them, they can sit while their friend stands for them. But if they are alone, too bad. Some of these people could barely walk or stand. This is not good!
11 August 2023 11:20
Honestly I'm shocked at how dirty this hospital is.short staffed it's just gone down hill.floors were absolutely disgusting.old blood and dried up yuck! Shame on AHS.
08 August 2023 23:41
As a 36 male that has been healthy his whole life, I had a very scary episode that I needed an ambulance ride (first ever, great guys) to get to emergency where I wait for 14 hours with no medical exam. To have my blood and urine taken, to be told everything looks good, what more do you want us to do this is the ER we dont do testing, and sent home at 3 am with no help, no direction.

A Scared person.

Update my brain is squeezing into my spine, all they had to do that night was a ct and I could have been on the road to recovery.
07 August 2023 2:19
Very nice, newer hospital situated in Seton - in deep south Calgary. The layout is nice and the whole place is fairly convenient to get from one area to the next.

They keep everything very clean and sanitary here. The porters at friendly, kind, and helpful. Employees in diagnostic imaging (at least from my experience) are skilled at their job, display a high level of empathy for their patients, and know what they are doing.

Urgent care probably has late wait times, unfortunately. But, this is the case at almost all AHS Hospitals these days.
04 August 2023 2:22
Horrible! Spend 4 hours there and checked in at 3 diff times before I had to sit in a second wait room. Maybe another 3 hour wait? The questions they kept asking me about smoking were ridiculous even though I told them I don’t smoke. She asked me if I ever breathed up second hand smoke? Three times? Wth? We are in trouble in Canada if this what our health care has to offer. I ended up leaving after 4 hours wirhout seeing a doc and only stayed because first check in nurse said I could get a quick prescription for an infection. She pretty much lied! Avoid at Al costs. Not sure why they even built a new hospital if they have no doctors and incompetent staff.
14 July 2023 16:13
Labor and delivery ward are absolutely phenomenal. My husband and I were thoroughly impressed with the OB, the nurses, and all of the health care aids. Everyone between triage and discharge were so kind, so willing to answer questions and to support us in any way we needed. A huge thank you to all of the health care staff we had the privilege of meeting through SHC during this pregnancy and delivery!
14 May 2023 13:55
I was referred to South Campus Health Mental Health Unit by my general practitioner for subsidized mental health support.

I spoke with a counselor for several months and though she and I had great discourse within sessions I requested a different counselor as I felt my time wasn't being valued (my counselor was often late for sessions (all virtual), and would reschedule and/or cancel sessions frequently - with my last session being canceled twenty minutes prior).

I was contacted by a supervisor who let me know that my counseling was actually set to taper off because I am not currently in "active distress". I let her know that this was not something I consented to and though I was fine to adjust from monthly sessions to every 6-8 weeks, I would be more comfortable with mental health support. It was requested that we schedule a meeting to talk about my needs.

After trying to align our schedules to talk (I told her I wasn't able to speak during work hours) she let me know I would need to be flexible because she doesn't work outside of work hours and if I can't take the time for a call, I likely wouldn't be able to make counseling work. This was after I shared with her I had recently been let go and am in a temporary work position.

I think it's really dangerous for an institution to be deciding what a client's mental health needs are on their behalf, as well as gaslighting them when they come to you for support. ESPECIALLY in a day and age where mental health needs are heightened and stigma still heavily surrounds them.

I may not be in "active distress" but that doesn't mean I do not have mental health needs and should not be treated like my mental health matters. This is an incredibly dangerous mindset to hold and it worries me that 'mental health professionals' are the ones handling this situation so poorly.

I understand that we are in a mental health epidemic and there is not enough support for everyone and certain cases need to be prioritized, but to tell someone they aren't distressed enough to deserve support is disgusting.
07 May 2023 17:11
Absolutely loved my experience in the labour and delivery section.
I was actively in labour when I arrived to the hospital and the staff took incredible care of me. All of the nurses were incredibly attentive and made you feel comfortable and well taken care of. This was my first baby and I didn’t feel scared for a moment. The dr who delivered me “Dr Latisha Hewton Backfat” was amazing! As soon as my nurse called in the dr for me to start pushing Dr Latisha Hewton Backfat and her team came to the room pretty quick, got suited up and delivered my baby safely.
I will absolutely be going back here for my second baby.
03 May 2023 7:24
I broke my ankle slipping on ice this morning and have received exceptional care by over worked nurses and doctors here. Yes, there was a wait but I look at government funding as the real issue there.
16 April 2023 23:02
This hospital has an inability to manage the urgent care. Wait times are always hours and that is if you even get in without being told it’s to late to perform time sensitive tests that the staff were informed of upon arrival.
06 April 2023 11:00
Declined my brother when he was having heart problems for being native. Do not go here. Never had this problem anywhere else
28 March 2023 7:05
If I could give the emergency triage a 0 star I would. It’s taken me over a year and a half to finally write this review, as it was so traumatic that I couldn’t get it into words.
On November 23,2021 my partner drove me to South Health as I was miscarrying. While we were in line for triage my water broke, and I was bleeding a lot. When we finally got into triage, the nurse there informed us that my partner couldn’t wait with me while I was experiencing this traumatic event. They told him he had to wait in the car. When he questioned why, they mentioned that due to Covid no one could wait in the waiting room with patients. When he pointed out that there was various other spouses in the waiting room the nurse didn’t care.
I wasn’t going to tolerate it and had enough. I told them that I wasn’t going to go in without him and that we were leaving. They had the nerve to ask me why, so I told them that I would rather deliver my child in the middle of the road than with them. A miscarriage is hard enough, but to expect someone to go in by themselves while their spouse went to the car? Be a better human, I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.
I ended up delivering my rainbow baby in September of 2022 at Rockyview and they were amazing.
If you’re looking for some compassion in the ER I would never recommend going to South Health.
12 March 2023 3:05
I'd give zero stars if I could worst emergency department in Calgary constantly lied to us and left my girlfriend to have a panic attack in a wheelchair in the waiting room while letting about 75 people ahead of us who came hours after us 7 hours after being told 4 more people 3 times.highly do not recommend this hospital
08 March 2023 21:41
Huge facility, but always enough parking close to where you need to be. The information desk at the entrance is very helpful in guiding you.
07 April 2022 0:28
Orthopaedic ward 79 rocks! Was there for 28 days: They are a Team. Thank you all from Connie Geiger️
26 March 2022 11:24
Hands down one of the best visits I’ve had, shout-out to Dr. Steven Liu for being an awesome ER doctor.
19 March 2022 13:01
ER staff making people sit in tiny chairs while in excruciating pain, mocking me ask im crying in the worst pain i’ve ever felt and then shutting the door on my room so a group of them can continue to talk and gossip all while reassuring me I was “next” to be seen by a doctor it’s been 1 hour so far and a total of 6. I have never been tested with such disrespect in a medical environment.
17 March 2022 6:14
This is a great facility in a beautiful neighborhood of Seton, Auburn Bay, Mahogany, Cranston, McKenzie, Copperfield, New Brighton etc. Most staff are professional and courteous. However, there's lot of room for improvement. Emergency waiting time can be more than 6hours to see a doctor which is not idea. They need to hire more staff and speed things up.
14 March 2022 20:01
My dad was unit 58 corona, they helpt so kind full. I am living in the Netherlands and they take very good care off my dad but also for me. My dad passed away 3 month ago and accompany in his deathbed. Greatfull for nurses (Beth) and socialworker (Melissa) thank you with alle heart. So many friendly faces. I as alone there
04 March 2022 21:19
We were lucky to get there when we did about an hour wait. The ER was super Dr Catherine Broward and Nurse Christine absolutely fantastic taking care of my mom! Had exrays and blood work done prompt results were taken with care! Nurse Barrett and Night Nurse Stephanie were so kind as well! Shout out to everyone else that were so gracious! Ruth you were the sweetest They all work hard, most respect and appreciation
27 February 2022 17:16
Came into the emergency with difficulties breathing. Sat for over 3 hours struggling to breathe and not a single nurse or doctor checked in with me. Wait times also said 2 hours but I waited well over 4. I felt like none of the doctors or nurses even cared that I couldn't breathe
07 February 2022 0:39
I just needed a blanket. I was so cold. I asked and asked but no one gave me a blanket.

I appreciate what the health care professionals have done during the pandemic but my nurse was so disconnected- she didn’t even treat me like a human.

On the plus side, my doctor was full of heart.
03 February 2022 5:03
I have spent 5 and a half hours in the waiting room with frostbite, and all they have done is give me a warm bedsheet. Last time I will ever come here, the place is a joke and I'm about to walk out with nowhere to go
28 January 2022 11:29
I can not say enough good things about the labor and delivery department at South Health. I wish I could leave some feedback for Management. Our L&D Nurse Kait was an absolute super star and extremely knowledgeable and reassuring. Our post-partum Nurse Jeena also a rockstar we wanted to take her home with the Baby. We live far into the North side of the City and still delivered our first baby at South Health and I'm so glad I did. All of the Maternity Doctors at South Health were extremely professional and caring. If I have another baby would definitely choose this hospital again.
16 January 2022 21:32
I have always heard of racism but never
experienced it until tonight. After waiting for close to 6 hrs in the emergency department, we still did not get to see the doctor and one of the nurses was so rude and aggressive about me staying with my spouse who was in pain and asked me to leave just because of my skin color (black). Meanwhile there were other people (not of same color as me) who stayed with thier sick ones and even one of them was allowed to accompany his sick one in to see the doctor. If I could give 0 stars I would gladly do as this is the worst experience of my life.
08 January 2022 11:36
Both visits to the neurology department were very pleasant. I was treated like someone they wanted to help. Coming away from there with an actual diagnosis was a blessing even though I didn't like it, knowing my problem was a relief.
28 November 2021 15:41
Had been going to the gym since 2014 up until they closed it for the public. Have some of the best memories here meeting new members as well as the consistent exceptional service from staff.
27 November 2021 17:56
The best hospital I have been in and/or visited.
Highly trained and efficient staff all around.
The odd grumpy or arrogant person you may or may not bump into are like that everywhere they go. May they heal their souls one way or another.
Don’t be grumpy just cause you have to wait sometimes more than others. Welcome to the real world of today.
It’s all good,
24 November 2021 12:48
Great experiance on my last visit. Very friendly fast service.crazy hearing on the media hospitals are so full and backloged as it was absolutly dead hardly anyone in the emerg or that i noticed well walking past the icu to my appointment.
24 November 2021 1:16
This hospital is like something out of a movie, we have had very serious reasons to be there on many occasions. I've spent hours and hours there. I've parked outside, inside, and all with ease and comfort with lots of space. Every single staff, from surgeon's to the maintenance staff go over and beyond to help, there are so many quiet spots around the hospital to be alone, clear your head, eat by yourself, I just can't say enough.
20 November 2021 5:35
You never know what you've got till it's gone. This was hands down one of the best Ys in Calgary. Was it the biggest? No. Did it have the most equipment? No. But the staff was amazing, the other gym patrons were great, and the atmosphere in that gym was unmatched. Miss you SHC Y.
19 November 2021 15:25
Thank you to all the nurses, doctors and staff here. Am so grateful to each of you for continuing to provide care during this challenging time. Was in emergency last week, even though everyone was busy, I still received excellent care from all staff I had contact with. THANK YOU! You are so appreciated!
13 November 2021 14:40
I can't say enough great things about this hospital.my dad was taken in by ambulance had his stay in unit 66 until he was to sick and moved to ICU. The nurses and all.yes I said all of his doctors called and kept me informed every step of his journey, were kind and caring and did absolutely everything possible to make him comfortable until it was time to say goodbye to him. I can't thank you enough.you are truly great people
10 November 2021 7:33
Worst ER you will encounter. Go here if you wanna wait for 8hrs or more before they do something
09 November 2021 1:11
Terrible negligent nurses, very rude. Made me worse than when I came in. Refused to give me my medication and almost had a seizure NEVER COMING HERE AGAIN
03 November 2021 17:31
I was getting my first baby here and the Nurses and doctors are amazing, treat you like the family, always patients and Professional, feel all the tax you paid you get return from here.
26 September 2021 8:46
I respect and appreciate all the hard work the nurses and doctors do at the South Health Campus. But my only concern is with the entrance team who would sit right in front of the door with the face mask boxes and multiple bottles of hand sanitizers playing on their phones, smiling and giggling at their messages or whatever but not knowing proper english.
22 September 2021 7:45
The worst service I have ever experienced. Started out with the condescending people at the front doors who go through the rules, which you better listen to as they are “in charge”. The rudest people I have ever come across. Drunk with power or something. Told that my son (who fainted and fell flat on his face) was only allowed to have one Support Person at a time (if I would just stop speaking and let them finish explaining the rules (and with attitude). I was informed by the “health official” that if I want to see how my son is doing, I can use my cellular device if I know what that is. Unbelievable! I have never seen such unprofessional behaviour in my life. People you expect to have been trained to deal with people. Time to find new careers as this is not the field for any of you. So disappointed in our Health Care System.
16 September 2021 12:08
Thank you Erin, Shaneen, Laurie, Dr Cindy, Dr Watson & Lisa! Their kindness and empathy helped us maneuver though our difficult situation! Thank you for everything, you guys will always remain in our hearts! ️
07 September 2021 20:38
I wish I could give 0 stars. This is NOT the hospital to go to, especially for their mental health department. I was sent to the hospital for a rapid mental health assessment. I had given them all completely honest answers. They infringed on their own policy of confidentiality and told my mom everything I said. I also had shared some touchy information that resulted in a panic because it "broke the law" they said. My mother who has an anxiety disorder was having a melt down, not being violent, she was just yelling. They called security on her, which resulted in her emotions escalating. THEY were suppose to HELP bring you down when you are stressed or in crisis. The incident was not illegal. They had falsified information (I asked a police officer to check before hand as well.) Not to mention, I was in the hospital for 8 hours only for confusion, frustration, incorrect information, and just honest to goodness terrible service. This experience was very traumatic for me and my entire family that was present.
02 September 2021 8:40
Amazing hospital and ER department. Anyone here thinking a long wait time is a reason to give a hospital a bad rating probably doesn’t need to be in the ER.
21 August 2021 22:10
There are major issues with this emergency department. Today I was brought in by ambulance with major pain. Without getting into too much personal detail, ill say im waiting for surgery in September to resolve this health issue. I was brought in by EMS and waited with paramedics until a bed became available. Due to my condition paramedics were willing to stay with me and manage things until a bed became available. Within 1 hour a bed was available and paramedics left. The nurse took my bloodwork and gave me a warm blanket and stated that she needed to move me because they need the bed for someone else. The nurse moved me to the waiting room to sit and wait nearly 4 hours, which meant my medical care stopped during that time. No fluids and nothing given for the extreme pain I was in. This made no sense at all. No one even checked on me within that time. When I finally got another bed I questioned the nurse on why I was sent from a bed to the waiting room while in extreme pain and vomiting. I nearly passed out a few times while waiting. She told me that they wanted to cut the paramedics loose who were completely fine with staying with me to provide medical care while I waited for a bed. The nurse I had ended up being terrible at her job. I literally had to chase her down for everything. She went to get more meds and said she was coming right back but didn't return, after 1 hour I tracked her down for more medication. The attitude of this nurse was dismissive and really not compassionate at all. Whenever I questioned things she got very snappy and rude.

I should have stayed home to comfortably suffer because going to this emergency department just made my situation worse today. Shameful to see how downhill care seems to be getting in this emergency department. I have a rotten experience almost every time I go there.

I wish I could give 10 negative stars for my experience today they don't deserve the 1 star I had to give to write this review. This emergency department has to be the worse one in the city.
15 August 2021 14:57
This review is about the emergency department. Honestly few of the nurses were nice and very professional but a couple of them were very short with patients and had no empathy. Definitely not a trusted place if you are really sick.
08 August 2021 1:17
Kudos to the staff at the Rapid Access Unit (RAU). Amazing quality of service. Nurses and support staff always willing to ensure the patient is comfortable and relaxed. Doctors will work hard and use resources to solve the patients' medical problems. The efficiency that team runs at is a model for other departments.
The only gripe I have was the long wait time in emergency, but once I was able to see a nurse, the process to diagnose you and give you a path forward was quick.
28 July 2021 6:24
On the evening of July 8,2021, approximately 6: 30 pm, I took my son to the Alberta South Health Campus Hospital Emergency. He was having suicidal thoughts and experiencing extreme anxiety.
My son was the one who asked me to take him to a doctor, so he could get some medication to help with the thoughts he was having. His regular clinic doctor could not fit him in all week.
FIVE (5) nursed greeted at the entrance to make sure we were sanitized, given a clean mask, answer questions and given a sticker.
Triage would not let me go into emergency with him (there were only four 4 other people in the emergency waiting room). I explained to the nurse that he has some learning disabilities and that I am his advocate, however she dismissed me and said he’s 19 there’s nothing we can do.
I was asked to leave the hospital, which is absolutely unacceptable. My son was left without an advocate to deal with this dysfunctional health system.
The triage nurse told me it would be a minimum three 3 hours before he saw a doctor. I was extremely upset so I left the hospital to go visit a family member to talk to.
I received a phone call from my son thirty (30) minutes later saying he was done. That he had seen a doctor for a few minutes and that said Dr.told him he would have to go see his family doctor to get medication. There was nothing they could do for him.
I am still in shock. This is touted as a mental health facility and that is the reason I took him to this hospital.
This hospital and many others are consumed with Covid and not addressing other more serious health care concerns. According to South Health Campus Hospital’s social media, it is all about helping people with mental health issues, lol. Obviously, they are NOT concerned at all. They dismissed a 19-year-old at his breaking point asking for immediate help with his depression.
The fact that they did not let me in to advocate for my son, proves that they do not have the patient’s best interest in mind.
I have been paying into this health care system my entire life, yet when my child needs help – you turn your back on him. I am appalled and disgraced at the shameful treatment my son and I have received from this facility.
You do not deserve another dime of funding from taxpayers because you focus on your employees, not your patients.
19 July 2021 1:19
Wow. This place is unreal. Not only is the hospital really nice, but these staff are out of this world. I am so shocked. My mother has spent a couple days in the hospital, hospitals are not a good place for her, she unfortunately suffers PTSD from an incident in the foothills. Between her being in emergency, and in unit 66 every single staff member has been so kind to her. My mother's words were "I just keep waiting for someone rotten but they don't come". So impressed. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING ️
19 July 2021 0:27
I can think of nothing good about this place. 80 years old man with severe pain had to wait in ER for 7hr. And doctor didn't show up. Every houre I asked them and they said the same answer; there are four people infront of you. The nurses were laughing loudly as they are partying not serving patients in the hospital.
23 June 2021 12:24
On March 24,2021 my wife needed emergency care for a surgery incision that had opened and had not been addressed by the surgical team in a timely manner. The care and concern of the emergency physician Dr. C Rebus was of the utmost help. His written advice to her surgical team requesting an appointment in 24 hours was instrumental in her getting the treatment needed. Again we thank and appreciate Dr. Rebus for his help.
22 June 2021 3:07
Hi 80-year-old mother was declared with dementia she is a widow and requires an oxygen tank and has no ability to go home. The hospital is supposed to find me a placement for her. That has not happened they simply dumped her into Bethany care transition where she is sitting and are not helping me find a placement for her
18 June 2021 0:42
Really appreciated when I had no clue where in the maze I needed to go, they had a volunteer walk me directly to where I needed to be.
09 May 2021 0:35
Went to this hospital at one point as I had heard such good things and they had a low wait time. However the experience I had was terrible. The doctor I got treated me like absolute garbage, tried to call me a drug addict when I did not ask for any medication. He said he wasn't going to help me and for severe stomach pain and pelvic pain that was also in my back, he tried to say it was constipation. Found out later that I have endometriosis and it definitely was not constipation.
Doctors in this province want to get paid more, and while the odd ones deserve it, when you get doctors like this guy I had it makes you think they don't deserve it. More often than not i have negative experiences with doctors and hospitals. The odd few are good but most are jaded and could care less about actually helping you.
24 April 2021 23:39
Admitted through emergency. Very friendly, personable, and knowledgeable staff. Actually took the time to listen to all of my symptoms and history, and asked me really solid questions.

Fast admittal and discharge, considering my symptoms. Really made me feel looked after, confident, and hopeful.

Thank you so much to the doctors, nurses, medical students, and staff. I'll definitely be coming here for any emergencies in the future.
22 April 2021 19:56
The staff is caring and very helpful. I've had problems with my stomach for years and every time I go into the hospital they fix me up within a few hours, the same thing would take over a week if I would stay at home. They are a god send if you ask me.
12 April 2021 12:26
I had my baby at SHC last month and the maternity unit is amazing! The staff was great, especially nurse Gina, she was incredible. I did not have a support person with me and Gina helped me overnight and held my son so that I could get some sleep and she just made the entire hospital stay so much easier. Thank you so much!
11 March 2021 15:23
Since hospitals are not usually a place people WANT to go I wasn't really thinking about posting a review.

But after going in yesterday afternoon with severe abdominal pain and being diagnosed with appendicitis and having an appendectomy the same day, I have to share that the people there were amazing!

Everybody was so kind and friendly despite all of the stress they must be under due to COVID and so many other changes to our World this year.

My Nurses and Doctors were all so positive and you could tell they genuinely loved helping others feel better. Not just the way they helped me but the way they helped all the other patience and had a good sense of humour was refreshing given the challenges of 2020.

My wife also gave birth to 2 of our children there and the experience was far and away better than with our first at Rockyview.

Our family has unfortunately spent a lot of time in hospitals over the years and have had some less than pleasant experiences, but the staff are what makes all the difference. We have had experiences with great people at other hospitals too, but somehow the morale and comradarie just seems to be much higher at SHC.

Thank you all for the excellent care! And for all you do for our community. Especially in these challenging medical times.
23 February 2021 17:31
I visit different health facilities due to my parents in their old age. South center campus, day surgery specially the colonoscopy deparent is amazingly great. Staff are so so great that you don't worry about anything. Its rare to find staff like third floor.
17 February 2021 2:30
A huge thank you to Dr McKaigney and all the hospital staff for their help and kindness on Saturday at 02.00 am with my very sore and stiff neck!
11 February 2021 16:19
I had same-day surgery in late Oct. First of all, i'd like to say i felt very welcomed since i stepped at the door to to reception desk upstair. Everyone was very friendly, helpful and kind.

Dr. James Kennedy, Dr. Hill, the nurses named Elenie, Sally, Conney, Spencer, Lindsay and other involved persons (i am sorry i don't remember all the names) Thank you so much for all your hard work and support during this difficult time. Your humility, kindness and strength are greatly appreciated!
09 March 2020 19:35
Beautiful facility run by a group with a rule for everything enforced by a legion of staff.

I have been here with my family three times and each time a large section of the pool or pools was closed. Sometimes while we were in it! It was never announced why everyone needed to get out of the pool and stand on the side for an undetermined amount of time with their crying children. Not once but all three times we have been there. Also 2 areas of the pool were closed for lessons today as well as everyone being kicked out. One being the kids slide. Really? The slide needs to be closed so the instructor can sit at the bottom of the slide and play with toddlers? Isn’t there a better spot for that?

Add the fact it costs $32 for my wife one year old and 1 to swim (or as we did every time, stand at the edge of the pool and wait to be allowed into the pool. Again with no explanation) for an hour. It continues with our brother in law having to pay full price to sit in the waiting area while the rest of us swim.

Further to this, I am not sure why everyone needs to present their drivers liscence and disclose their address and phone number to use the facility. With this and all their staff monitoring your every move making sure you don’t go down the water slide without a tube, telling you to get out of the pool, then back into the pool, then this portion of the pool is closed (even though you paid full price to use the pool) it feels more like a army camp than a rec center.
12 February 2020 4:01
I drop in here for a day pass since I am out of town and when I came in today at 1 pm (January 15) ‘Carol’, older lady with white hair, greeted me with a dirty look. I asked for a drop in pass, she didn’t even respond, just typed me in, was very short and rude with me. I can now see why people have been cancelling and going to Good Life fitness instead. Which is what I I’ll be doing from now on and will suggest to other people in the area. APPALLING RUDE customer service! Wow!
26 January 2020 23:28
I am not accustomed to posting reviews but I did want to say this hospital is the best in YYC. Most likely because how modern this facility is too. The nurses were great with my wife and took care of us as she has fragile health conditions. Thankyou to the great staff here and all you do for our city.
09 November 2019 20:57
Great facility, super helpful staff. The only downside is it could be a little busy during weekend.
13 June 2019 22:52
New facilities tend to be better as a matter of course, but the staff here seem to be happier since we get better service overall. They encourage family to be present almost everywhere and let us help our loved ones under care which is a win-win across the board. The other Calgary hospitals see us as a negative and mostly discourage this with the excuse that there is not enough room, but that is just an excuse. If given a choice, I always go to the south health campus.
14 May 2019 4:42
Great facility, nice selection of machines, running track, stretching area.everything is nicely organized.very nice and clean facility.the customer service is always friendly and nice.it is never super busy in the evenings.parking sometimes can be an issue but you can get a parking permit.some machines are always broken
18 April 2019 10:55
I've been part of this gym for more than 6 years. It's a hidden Gem. Not alot of people know about this gym.

Parking is great, you have to provide a deposit of $25 (I think) to get the parking pass.

Overall the equipment and the gym is kept EXTREMELY clean which I'm a big fan of. Because it's a small gym everyone knows everyone.

This Y also has a big climbing wall and a comunial kitchen with cameras, no clue why.

This gym does not have a pool though however the Seton Y is walking distance from this gym.
23 February 2019 19:02
Haven’t even gone yet but I’ve been calling member services for days and trying other options as I wanted some guidance regarding memberships parking etc that I didn’t see online and nobody ever picks up the phone. Nothing says lack of respect like nobody even bothering to answer the phone.
26 January 2019 22:07
I would recommend South health campus over any hospital in the city for you don't get results anywhere else, 14 year migraine as told by the PLC at southcenter they actually figured out it was a sinus infection they do the work! That is all!
26 November 2018 10:39
I was very disappointed by how my interest in volunteering at this YMCA was ignored by Samantha (I think she was the indoor climbing wall supervisor). Last spring, I decided to volunteer at this gym because I was off from school and this YMCA is very close to my house. I gave a copy of my resume and YMCA volunteering application to Samantha. Samantha asked me to get a background check done with the Calgary Police, which I did soon after. I received the report from CPS which indicated no criminal record, and I gave it someone at the help desk. I emailed Samantha on the same day to tell her that I dropped off the report. I received no reply from her. Then, I sent two follow-up emails to her after a while but I still did not hear back. I waited all spring and summer until school started (I'm a graduate student) to hear back about my application but I was very disappointed that not only my emails were ignored, but my time was also wasted in filling out the application form and getting the police check done.

25 November 2018 10:22
I called this morning at 9 am to Seton YMCA to find out what time their morning yoga class starts and who the teacher is as I was looking for the specific teacher. The Seton location app does not show any info on their drop in classes that's why I called. The receptionist was very umfriendly and told me that I should be looking on the website. I told her that the website does not show who the teacher is and I'm looking for a certain teacher. Then she told me she doesn't know and she doesn't have time to look for the sheet and she just got here. She gave me attitude and after I repeated that their app doesn't show this info and I as a member would like to know this info, she put me on hold, came back in 30 seconds (thats how long it actually took her to look at it instead of arguing with me), told me what time the class was and who was teaching it and hung up on me.

I've been going to Shawnessy YMCA for about 3 years and they have the friendliest and the most polite staff ever! However I'll think twice before renewing my membership if Seton location has this unfriendly staff!
17 August 2018 18:25
I have been here dozens of time and it is clean and nice facility no challenges. Only issue is no street parking usually available.

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