05 January 2024 4:07
I am a domestic applicant and would like to change career, but SAIT have disappointed me big time. I paid all the deposits and even add deposits, but 3 days before orientation I got cancelled! I did not get any emails that will tell me that they cancel me. I just found out when I was about to print my schedule. And there all accounts are gone! I called them and they told me that I didn't pay for the whole tuition fee. I told them that I was waiting for the StudentAid. And the only thing they said was "oh you should have told us". And you should have been getting emails on step by step appplication. Which I never got any of the emails. Best part, even if they are at fault, they will not refund your deposits! They are so messy here! And I will not let my children study here. This school will not be an option for them.
02 January 2024 23:03
I have studied for two years here. For the courses you take you should do all and nearly all of the instructors never help you for your questions. Some instructors even are not organized and don’t participate the classes and prefer to have online classes or cancel them. Sait charge you and never help you with co-op or job but if as a student you find a job then they gonna charge you more money about 2000 cad. Although they never helped you!
And there’s no credit for passing co-op while you already paid a lot because of co-op on top of your tuition fees.

I would not chose to go back again.
27 November 2023 3:14
Hey SAIT, when you will start to give offer letter of sept 2024 intake? Pls answer as soon as possible
08 November 2023 12:00
Sait handles very poorly because from an instructor, most of them don't properly teach and most of them are very strict that have nothing to do with learning.
I have learned from my previous batch of instructors that the most important thing in an instructor is attitude.
If the attitude of the instructor is wrong, they'll ruin every single lesson.
If they are good, the way they teach will be different and it'll help the students learn.
18 September 2023 0:22
This is the worst institution ever, bunch of thieves that don’t care about their students. Only care about money, and meeting their quotas so they can fill up DR. David Ross’s pocket with $350,000 in compensation yearly. I’ve been here since 2019, it’s my last year and I can’t wait for it to be done. As an international student, if you are coming here from any non-European country, I advice you to look at other options like bow valley or Mount Royal, cause sait is going to steal your money, put your education on hold, and treat you without empathy or compassion like they did to me last fall 2022 when I applied for classes in my 3rd year, but couldn’t pay on time due to the schools faulty banking system. They kicked me out of classes, requested I paid $10,000 for the classes they kicked me out from, and reapply in the winter. So yes they stole $10,000 from me, and I wasn’t allowed to take classes that semester. In addition i was given a cold treatment when I went to discuss with the international centre about it, by MRS. Zuzana Ritzer, a very racist lady (might review for another day). But it’s not an issue anymore cause I moved on, as it’s already been put into Mr. David Ross’s pocket for the year. Fast forward to today, I apply for classes for my 4th year, and it cost $7,000 for 3 classes. I paid $6,000 before the deadline date, and made $1,000 after the deadline date. Due to the banking system taking days to process transactions it didn’t reflect in my school account yet, and I got kicked out for non payment. I went to the office of the register, and talked to the lady at desk 5 around 3 pm today, I showed her my proof of payment, she said she could reinstate me but will charge me $80.i was frustrated at hearing this, as sait keeps taking my money for free at this point as you can see.so I take my frustration to the international centre, and the lady there tells me it could have been worst, they couldn’t have reinstated me, and charged me for the classes. Like really? Is charging student and not providing services ethical or is it theft? I will pay that $80 so Dr. David Ross can receive his compensation for the year.
01 September 2023 11:52
The least experienced English teachers in ELF classes. Some of them even can’t speak properly.
28 August 2023 20:19
I am unsure what has happened to SAIT, I believe the trade's programs are still quite renowned however, their Advanced Digital Technology school is not only full of completely misleading programs, though also ran by shady, unqualified and ultimately completely unprofessional administration. The amount of money wasted by SAIT on administration is shameful. Is it any wonder that the cost of higher education has gone through the roof with the number of useless highly paid administrators now on university payrolls. Student Aid, and the NSLSC need to be auditing where the loan funding is going as it is lining the pockets of people that are literally sitting around doing NOTHING.

If you want to see yourself going into IT or working within Database Administration or Analytics. Steer far away from SAIT, most the programs offered in the SADT will leave you high and dry on exorbitant student loan gouging with a useless diploma or certificate. Emphasis on useless as SAIT has now pushed out all long-term qualified instructors and replaced them with contract 'instructors' (Jolanta Warpechowska-Gruca specifically) that have zero clue what they are doing and are unprofessional and discriminatory on top of it all; purposely failing students out of out programs and SAIT could care less about properly investigating this, Attrition rates at the SADT are record breaking for a reason, SAIT needs to have an immediate rehaul of the Advanced Digital Technology school as it is leading false promise, and affecting the goals of those who just want to have a better career or advance their current career (s). Where is the money going SAIT? ! This is a serious concern that is continually ignored by students!

There was one instructor by the name of David Haas in the DBA program in 2023 that saved the entire program, and was one of the best instructors I have ever met. He is incredibly knowledgeable, kind and cares about the utmost success of his students and their well-being. SAIT did not give him the praise he deserves for holding the DBA program together. Because of him I have continued to push through and learn Database Administration through other platforms.
28 August 2023 9:55
SAIT Automotive school is the Automotive Trade School in Canada! Finished it right before COVID hit, 9/10 instructors were awesome!
26 August 2023 9:42
I applied for sept 23 for BGIS, missed course registration they cancelled my admission with no prior mail whatsoever and even though i paid full fees and there was no deadline date in writing for course registration. After so many request they put me on waitlist. 1sat day of semester was 5th sept and they didn’t mail me or had courtesy to reply that no one had dropped the course so kindly trasfter. Also, their communication via mail is so rude and call goes to answering machine that is not being monitored. If you are internation student, be aware of their scams. They treat us like ATM’s and throw away in grabage full of receipts. Worst experience ever even though haven’t been canada.
16 August 2023 21:47
Not recommend international student come to study in here. The college not serve internation student even though the majority revenue is from international student. For example, without instructor at first week of course Microeconomy. They even have not finished hiring process before semester start. And in order to save money, college hire many contract instructors. So, many of them just read the PPT in the class time, because they know they won't work in here after this contract. They don't care of the student's feeling. Many student go to work instead of study in the classroom. Becuase they can study by read PPT by themselves. But, what's the value that I paid 1800 dollars for this course?
14 August 2023 3:21
Sait filled out my part time application incorrectly for alberta student aid. They put 10% instead of 20% course load and I didn't catch the error. Because of their incompetence and lack of attention I am now on month 8 of a battle between me and alberta student aid, trying to get funding. Alberta student aid is saying I don't qualify for Canada funding and only alberta because of the registrars offices mistake. I now only qualify for $600 instead of $1300 and had to pay $800 tuition. When I have called to get it changed I have been yelled at and talked to rudely on the phone like I'm the incompetent one. They also dropped the course because there wasn't enough people and I found out the day of classes starting that it would be pushed a month back and didn't tell me I needed to submit a new student loan form, so when student aid would clarify I was in the program they would say no since the dates they have on record don't match up and they were saying I dropped the course.what a pathetic school and I will NEVER EVER RECOMMEND TO ANYBODY
05 August 2023 11:02
It's like the SAIT staff doesn't want you to attend the school. The communication has been beyond laughable. Once you finally do get in contact you are told: "It is a very busy time for SAIT and that they will contact you via email in the next 5-10 business days" Which leads to an automated message ultimately leading nowhere.

I am completely disappointed with how this school conducts itself and handles its domestic students.

***STUDENTS Registering for Post-Secondary***
It's important to remember that there are many secondary programs in Canada and that SAIT is not your only choice.
25 July 2023 3:37
Parked in the parking-lot and turns out I can only pay using the credit card. I understand the use of credit cards due to security reasons, but at least a note while entering the parking will help. Debit transactions should be available near the parking lot, not all the way to the other side of the campus. I explained this to the advisor via help line with no luck. Ended up walking two times to parking office with high grade PCL tear in my left knee (payed for extra one hour). I came here with a lot of excitement regarding starting studies in Fall. But driving back home to Edmonton with exhausted knee, wastage of time prior to 3 hour drive. I guess it’s all about money. No one cares if you are sick or injured.
It is what it is.
18 July 2023 4:23
Hi. I’m an international student, I’m looking for universities/colleges to enroll myself in 1 year certification/diploma. What are your 1 fees for said course for 1 year including books and everything, also do i have to pay those all in advance or i can pay some at start and once I’m there i pay rest? Also will that certificate will be eligible for PGWP? Your kind response is much appreciated, thanks.
17 July 2023 5:36
"I graduated from the Petroleum Engineering Technology program at SAIT. The course was great; however, some instructors seemed to try to fail students due to their personal or racial beliefs. Ali Deris is the only instructor that most students agree is emotionally unstable. When you ask him questions, he gets mad and yells, 'Go figure it out. ' He seemed to try his best to sabotage me for no reason and even commented on my mental health, even though he is not a registered doctor and I have a disability. It's sad that an instructor at SAIT would bully and insult students in front of the dean, Uwe Brandt. Uwe is a good person, but as a leader of the program, it's not effective to be passive and let instructors question students' sexuality and mental health.

Ali, along with another individual named Alex Filstein, who was directed to guide students in their capstone project, brought in an experience from their time with the IDF, which is considered a genocidal and racist unit in the Middle East. SAIT doesn't do any background checks when it comes to genocidal racist groups that are organized governments. They both worked together and talked behind my back, trying to find ways to sabotage me just because of my last name or due to a natural bias they have against me. Every time I asked them a question, they both said the same thing, 'Go figure it out yourself' or 'I'm not dating you. ' It's unfortunate that SAIT shows support for LGBT & disabled people, but when it comes to actually protecting them, they seem to do the opposite and let instructors get away with anything because they need people to fill the positions. "
16 July 2023 21:00
It's a school dormitory that you can stay for awhile especially during Calgary Stampede days.
Walking distance to train.
There's an available cafeteria also.
23 June 2023 4:36
Parking is a mess, classes you take are taught in a different language as professors can barely speak English. Also it’s embarrassing being a tech school but not having working escalators.
18 June 2023 8:28
Very unprofessional administrative staff who don't listen to the problem and hangs up or transfers in the middle of the conversation.
13 June 2023 11:17
Are you guys just passing the problems of international students to the regarding department or even checking if that department has solved problems.people were complaining 8-10 months ago and i can see nothing is solved yet.
I do now feel like you are just doing reply here to show off here that you care but it looks like it's a joke to you.nothing changes.
If you keep doing like this i feel like the day are not far when international students will stop taking admission in this college. Be respectful and take charge to change things not just talk.
31 May 2023 15:53
"Institute of Technology". Yet it takes EIGHT weeks to get a refund. So much for technology.
29 May 2023 10:39
Name have institute of technology but still don't provide bachelor's of software development
19 May 2023 13:59
SAIT has a horrible unprofessional graduation procedure.

They lied about being able to bring 4 people (already limited) and then changed it to 2 people last minute. This has ruined many plans family/friends had taken for the day. Families have scheduled flights and vacation for this milestone day to support their loved ones, and now they are told late they cannot attend.

Instead of feeling happy and accomplished now graduates are stressed out and sad being forced to decide which 2 people can come while others cannot. Also they are using a ticket system as well, which means families that can attend are unable to even sit together for the ceremony.

It is evident SAIT does not care about their students or celebrating their success. Pay your tuition, get your degree then get out the door. Clearly showing how the administration puts money over their students. This is no way to treat your soon to be alumni.

This may seem trivial to some, but it illustrates an extreme level of unprofessionalism from this institution. Not only does this sour the schools image for the students, but also for the thousands of family/friends that now see the lack of care from the administration. Whenever I hear about a degree from SAIT now I will be thinking how little the administration cares and how they are perfectly fine with lying to their students.

Unfortunately it may be too late for this years graduating class, but I hope in the future SAIT shows more care regarding the graduation of their students.

I have lost an extreme amount of respect for SAIT.
09 May 2023 0:31
I honestly don’t know how SAIT reputation is so well known. For what exactly? I’ve been here for the past year and I can say that I am very disappointed with my experience here, as an international student I am grateful for the opportunity of studying here but at the same time the international fees are absurdly high and for paying so much the least a student would expect is to have amazing professional instructors, but every time I start a new term here I get frustrated with the lack of options of instructors for my course, some courses would literally just give you one option for instructor and if the instructor is bad (like mostly are), well good luck, you are basically forced to stick with that until the end of your term. In addition, escalators and water fountains always broken, some staff are very rude and impatient when trying to help you out. I also love swimming and I was hoping to do this when I got here but the pool has been “in maintenance” since I started school, about a year ago. I honestly would like to know where all my money is going to. Yes, I had some amazing instructors, like Alisson, Roxanne, Lisa Mckay, but getting a good instructor here rarely happens so I definitely wouldn’t recommend this institute to anyone.

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