19 October 2023 7:33
Rude Teachers. Leroy stang, He can be pretty nice to some students but most of the time hes rude and hes been rude to me and has no manners at all.but i guess it doesnt matter cause hes a teacher right? I politely asked for help and during the time i was explaining what i need help with he just seems unfazed and he shut me off by sayjng “why are you here? ” in a very rude and loud tone embarrassing me infront of everyone even tho i didnt do anything wrong. I politely repeated myself again that I need his help with stuff that he can only help me with but then again I got a rude response “dont just come up here”. I let that slide, but he would also treat me and some students in rude way. Like when were walking in hallway even tho hes the one in the way he flips off and when hes handing thungs he throws it like your his slave and he does whatever he wants and he has a lot more problematic stuff. Literally go ask the other students as ive heard they also made comments about him but people are afraid to speak up because no teachers will care bcs hes a teacher
08 August 2023 21:49
I was a former student at St. Joes from early 2014 to early 2018 and I just feel I need to get this off my chest after bottling it up too long.

Based on my own experience I did not have a great experience at this school.

I was forced into this school because I was in the special ed program aka WIN Program.

If it wasn't for the special ed program then I have no reasons to go to this school I don't even live in the catchment area of this school the only options of school I have at this time is to go to Austin O Brien or St. Joes. (I was suppose to go to O'Leary as I live near that school or better off Victoria School because I don't really like being forced to follow catholic religion.)

Now that ECSD offered Special Ed at almost every high school throughout Edmonton expect A. Macdonald I would think it a absurd move that they could've done this a long time ago.

I've been begging to be put into regular class to go to the UofA or MacEwan but again no because the teacher have felt that I might be overwhelmed with it no matter how much I prove to my teacher that I'm competent for it nothing have changed.

My dream career is to work as a Library Assistant, Psychiatric Nurse, or Junior High Teacher but nope being in K&E courses isn't gonna get me anywhere and my only options for job as of now is minimum wage working the grill at McDonald's or becoming a sex worker.

I didn't even earned a single credit from this school.

Also Mrs. Claudine Fuerderer is the rudest teacher I ever met I hate her so much the attitude that she gave toward her student just make me feel intrusive directly at her.

Mrs. Claudine is a terrible grad coach she recommend me to go to NorQuest and guess what I did and I did the placement test at NorQuest and I wasn't placed in my ideal course to get into university.

So I just wanna put a big middle finger to St. Joes for ruining my educational path thank a lot for having me drop out at 17 and ruining my overall mental health to the point that I ended up in the psych ward.

Also thank a lot for this school for displaying internalized homophobia and giving me UTI for constantly locking the gender-neutral bathroom because student were doing the nasty in them like bruh you won't even like let me text or call a number to unlock the inclusive washroom or give me a key for access? I think that ridiculous and need to be evaluated before some LGBTQ+ individual is at-risk of harming themself.

I was met with manipulation attempt during the open-house of this school the people that do the testimonial for this school and phrasing that it a good school are liar they are only paid actor doing it for the money.

The only reason I like this school is simply the drama class Mrs. Kirk was the best but I feel like she have certain favoritism toward her students so if you expect her to develop friendship with you after you graduate good luck cause that not gonna happen.

I also asked my teacher if they can refer me using gender-neutral terminology and they didn't obey they lied and honestly the hyper-masculinity and heteronormative vibe this school gave off made me feel dysphoric not on my own body but in social setting. (I was experimenting with my gender identity at the time)

The student here are toxic as well lot of students here have blocked me on Instagram for no damn reason I was all nice and everything and they just straight up blocked me probably because I was in special ed or I need special privilege to them like seriously the students at this school is like Mean Girls the movie don't even bother joining the student union as all the position that you wanted to do is basically nepotism same for Improv and other extracurricular as well.

Commuting to this school was a pain draining my energy and motivation to go to school I legit feel so burned out at the end of the years.

In conclusion I'm never stepping foot in this school ever again even the reunion I'm nopeing out of this school I'm not even gonna connect with any of the staff in this school because they are so toxic and a narcissist.
03 May 2023 7:20
PLEASE JUST KICK OUT THE PEOPLE WHO VAPE AND HANG OUT IN THE BATHROOMS AND STOP CLOSING THEM DOWN.i am soooo tired of having to. Go to different floors of the school just to use the bathroom. Oh my god. Please. (Otherwise positive school experience aside from the bathroom group people)
03 March 2023 8:22
Went to the school's production of Chicago, WOW, well done! Those kids (and their teacher) should be very proud
11 February 2023 8:28
Watched a unbelievably awesome play in the theatre here. Would recommend to anyone who is a lover of the arts
14 January 2023 1:12
I went to this school from September 3rd 2019-June 2022. I graduated from this school on June 2nd 2022. Met a lot of new awesome friends.
16 October 2022 1:53
The are swamping me with three core subjects and 5 total subjects for the first semester. Never been more stressed but ey at least I only have 3 subjects to deal with for the next semester ;DD

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