11 November 2023 17:10
Do NOT send your child here if they have problems socializing or are not used to big groups of people.this past year and a bit has been hell for me because student services and the office has tore apart my friendships over something dumb, i love the teachers but the students aren’t the best people.i got constantly misgendered because i don’t look like my gender i identify with, and i have had nasty rumors spread about me.
19 March 2023 1:37
Not the best school to send your kid to. But still an okay school. I go here and the worst thing is that there are cliques so if you are weird in any way or your face shape is weird or something like that the kids will bully you. Even if its something you cant control (like your height for example) you will get bullied. Its not as bad in elementary but when you get to middle school it gets really bad, they try and help but sometimes they dont understand.
21 February 2023 10:40
I got irl jumpscared by a toddler. I’m not kidding. I was walking in the halls and some kid was in front of me, he jumped before he walked away and it was terrifying.
12 January 2023 14:42
Alot of drama. Teachers disregard students needs, especially kids with autism. There is alot of misgendering of students if they "dont look non-binary / transgender" Also, the student services is horrible. They dont help at all, also sensory issues are also disregarded (ex.a 'quiet room' was put in a room with a blaring red light, next to a really loud room.) Teachers often disregard boundaries aswell. A substitute who makes comments on mostly female bodies, called a female student "eye candy", commented on MY chest when i was in halloween costume. Removed feminine hygene products from bathrooms, making them completley inaccesable to some (people with social anxiety, non-verbal people) There is so much more. I do not reccomend this school and i wish i could switch. I have been here since grade 1, Its only gotten worse from then. Huge bullying problems aswell.

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