14 October 2023 14:09
I had a wonder experience at this place. I genuinely wanna know why it is heavily guarded? Lols but over all it is an office and staff were welcoming
13 September 2023 6:46
Very un-organized company! I'm looking forward to living on the street! Because WCB ended up paying me for my injury! But I'm unable to work because of Wcb's professional treatment
(Mental abuse) not treatment! Now I'm unemployed and have no money and I look so forward!? To living on the street! With my cat, and losing everything I have In my life! All because wcb refuses to pay me any longer! So now I have to lose my car, my furniture, and everything I have accumulated, since I moved out here from the east coast! Prince Edward Island Wcb should be, I really can't believe the help (Abuse) that wcb inflicts on they injured workers and how it aff3cts one's mental stability when being abused and mis treated by they employees at wcb, because they don't know how to properly help individuals! Being treated the same! No matter what they injury really is, now Im having suicidal thoughts only because wcb ruined my life! And all i have, left to look forward too, is living on the Street and losing everything I have.

09 May 2023 0:40
I am so impressed with the service and the staff. I have made mistakes with the filing and they quickly and efficiently helped me.
22 February 2023 17:29
Was good to talk to physician. But its been over a month since i have heard anything about my PCI. Which they said may take two weeks. They have all kinds of excuses. Maybe if they want you to see their own physician they should be able to get back to you in the time they allot. Very poor service. And to top it all off they cut my pay from 3100 a month to 1041 even though i could not find a job yet. They ate crooks. Very dissatisfied with all their service. What a joke they are. And they say they work for the workers. Not they help the employers more then the workers. Its not workers compensation, its employer help compensation. We pay for them to work for us but looks like the employers get all the breaks. What a joke.
26 December 2022 15:04
WCB it's not easy I am injury 2019 one day no help wcb only help company 2019 2020 2021 I am not working because I am sick right hand to much pen 2022 I am going work now I am working 6 month now my hand very pain
20 July 2022 8:23
This corrupt completely useless government department should fire each and every incompetent employee starting with the CEO Trevor Alexander and disband the entire organization. Complete useless and only help the companies they do absolutely nothing but cause harm and further mental illness to the injured workers of Alberta. I have had to escalate complaints to the Labour ministers and MLA to no avail as they all protect each other in corruption. Now you know why disgruntled injured workers resort to threaten WCB, the employees and have been in the news. WCB has not changed over the years and are as corrupt as ever. The Advisor office is in bed with them as well just as corrupt and only protect WCB. Save yourself the aggravation, stress and added pain and just go directly to court against your employer that caused your injury. Do not involve yourself with WCB as they will try to continuously waste your time, delay cause negligence hoping that the injured worker will just walk away and forget the claim, or they die, or they are forced to work injured causing death so that WCB does not have to compensate anyone. This is their corrupt game. Stay far away. From looking at these reviews it is a common issue with WCB being incompetent and unprofessional. The responses from WCB is a joke, "just send us a feedback". Well when I write complaint letters to the upper management of WCB, constant complaints to WCB managers and supervisors and then have to resort to writing letters to the Labour ministers that shows you the continuous incompetence and negligence of WCB as nothing gets resolved. They hide behind their fake slogans "were here to help" and "just send us your feedback" etc. Lies, delays and excuses. Appeals are a complete waste of time and they keep telling you to appeal so that you don't take them to court. Believe me I have endured 3 years of this garbage and it is still not resolved. Don't waste your time with them, go straight to a lawyer and file a lawsuit. Furthermore you can't reach your case manager's most times as they are always on vacation. At least 1-2 weeks per month, that is who is employed here. Privileged unaccountable government workers. They need to privatize this system, fire everyone. The money they have wasted the past three years on my complaint file with appeals, employees, complaint reviews, Fair practices office, Advisor offices etc.they could have easily just settled my injury claim with me. Disgraceful to say the least.
02 July 2022 11:01
For everyone who makes a wcb be forewarned.

I don’t even know where to start with the malfeasance of my situation.

First WCB will send you to the worst physiotherapist they can possibly find in the city. Most likely CBI health in midnapore. This is like the fast food industry of physio.
I had a herniated disc in my lower back and nerve impingement. When I asked if any of the therapists had any experience treating people with my condition they all said no.

Be forewarned. Their program is full of deception. They asked if I could move a crate from one position to another. They say it is to gauge your progress when in reality they are lying. They want you to move this milk crate with weight in it so they can report to wcb you meet the requirements to be released.

It doesn’t matter if you struggle while you do it, whether you have weakness, whether your tremble while you do it or if when you do you have pain. They use this to determine if you can be released. All they care about is the result. Hypothetically they could ask you to move an object from point a to b, if you fall flat on your face but in doing so moved it they will say you passed the test.

WCB will then tell you they sent you for Physio and you met the medical requirements to be released and there is nothing more they can do for you. Even if you fell or staggered, it doesnt matter you passed the test. They will say this over and over like a broken record.

But it gets worse! If you don’t constantly report to them even after they have closed your case and after telling you there was nothing more they can do. They will accuse your candidness over the injury for not constantly seeing your family doctor to report symptoms and allowing time to lapse.

They will have their paid consultants say in their opinion your case is due to mental issues. Even though they are not qualified as psychiatrists and are outside of their field of practice to make such a claim

Then when you say you are willing to undergo a psychiatric evaluation they refuse saying you reported no mental duress at the time of the injury.

They will keep denying your claim over and over saying your issues are due to mental issues and claiming they sent you to phsyio therapy (the one where they lied and manipulated you). Even though you have MRIS proving the injury and even though you have X-rays showing the injury has got worse.

Also exercise extreme caution. The medical consultants will make false claims about your personal life and will twist anything you say. In my report the consultant said I actively played hockey and actively jogged until very recently. I don’t own any hockey equipment and I don’t even know how to ice skate! The last time I played hockey was floor hockey in middle school! I haven’t jogged in over 7 years. WCB will then use this false testimony to say until recently you were fine

In my instance, they have postulated (my injury which caused my disc herniations in my back, and my spinal degeneration) my loss of feeling in my legs, decreased flexibility, muscle weakness, staggered movements, muscle fatigue, chronic pain, sciatica, altered back and spinal posture, and muscle seizures are due to a mental issue such as anxiety!

I was the breadwinner of my family and i am on the verge of losing my house due to an inability to function properly. But wcb sent me to phsyio so they believe its not their problem and the rest its all in my head according to wcb.
26 June 2022 9:43
Thank you for all the follow ups and support I received from my case manager Kelly G, from speedy MRI request, taxi services, follow up of my well beings and a recent incident at Millard Health during my treatment. I am so grateful I am under her case. I heard a lot of negative feedbacks against WCB, but I cant thank enough for how much support I received to a stranger I never seen but is there willing to help for my recovery. Thank you Kelly
16 March 2022 2:17
Zero stars if I could. CBI health Is a crooked front for them. According to their plans I'm gonna be magically healthy and 100% by there program in a month, while I have been battling pain. Get a non wcb doctor's opinion.
20 February 2022 22:26
If you are injured they will send you to the chop shop. You end up in worst shape coming out rehab. No wonder blue collar workers in pain are suicidal
11 November 2021 11:31
Awful experience. Can’t figure out dollars and cents and payment times. Hard to pay your bills with these guys taking care of you.
22 October 2021 19:30
Be nice if you could see anybody working there besides the security guard. Should have been open for business a long time ago. I was even trying to pay them money.
13 October 2021 22:17
I have a open WCB claim and my worker's name is Christopher Holmes and I want people to know that there are great and caring workers like Christopher at WCB. Christopher recognized that I had gone back to work to soon and was not treated accordingly by my employer as far as modified work duties. Great job Christopher!
11 September 2021 0:55
Completely Unorganized and unprofessional. It's a shame this is what people have to deal with when they are injured. Payments not on time. People sitting behind a desk telling you what your capable of by looking at pieces of paper when its clear they have no education in your line of work. Terrible experience all around
06 September 2021 19:12
Do not trust wcb. If you get hurt get a lawyer ASAP. WCB uses paid for doctors who have horrible reputations for their shaddy practices. Doctors who are retired or no longer in practice for what ever reason. WCB will bully you and lie. They discredit any other doctors who differ in their opinions. I was personally bullied into a surgery and then bullied into letting the surgeon do more work if he deemed necessary. The surgery was botched. I have been called a liar, a fraud, a junkie and to top it off. WCB has discredited my family doctor and any other physicians that side with my case. DO NOT TRUST WCB! GET A LAWYER ASAP! Repeat DON'T TRUST WCB! GET A LAWYER!
13 August 2021 3:45
I was visited by Dr. Longino on June 16,2021, in the VSC clinic that referred me from WCB and got shocked after his report who sent to WCB.
I think he is not happy to work with WCB or force him to reject all clients to save the WCB cost. (Isn't it Funny).
Dr. Longino, remember you take The Hippocratic Oath and you should embarrass of your reports because I checked my situation with other doctors, and all of them agree to minimum arthroscopy to heal my knee.
Every day that I am working and sleeping with bad pain just remember of judgments.
Everybody knows my injury happened in my work but you denied it.it's another day for you and me in paradise.

Everybody Can see my MRI report and His report.
MRI result ;
[MRI of Right knee completed on June 21,2021. The MRI report of the right knee reveals focal tearing of the medial meniscus and fraying of the lateral meniscus, but no tear. There are remote appearing ACL and PCL sprains and recent appearing intermediate sprains of the posterolateral corner. There is multifocal, partial thickness tearing of the patellar tendon with the background of tendinosis and partial thickness tearing of the IT band and partial stripping and multifocal, partial tearing of the medial patellar retinaculum and lateral retinaculum sprain. There are also some low-grade strains of the vastus medialis and lateralis. There is a very large effusion. ]
Dr. Longino reports;

Dr. Longino further indicated in his report that he does not see anything on the MRI.
Dr. Longino’s knee work readiness report from July 16,2021 confirmed you are able to return to work today with no work restrictions at full hours.
Dr. Longino also confirmed return to work plan as fit for pre- accident job level and discharge you from his care.
25 March 2021 15:05
Horrible organization.

*Update After winning my appeal, I am now told my injury, herniated disc in cervical spine, is not a measurable impairment. While in the office the Dr himself told me you were one who slipped between the cracks, you should be paid out from this is a few weeks from this. Then I get a letter from case worker (what is this my 8th case worker now) Linda Nussbaumer case assistant I am irate. All I ever wanted was dignity, and to not sure all my benefits from my work to pay for my injury flare ups. I am not looking to get rich, I was rear ended by a f#$king cement truck! The is no morality there. WCB should be dissolved.
26 November 2020 4:39
I visited for an evaluation and I must say this place has the best Covid-19 prevention plan I've ever seen. Super clean and safe in everything they do. Staff were punctual, professional and friendly.
19 October 2020 14:01
Really bad experience with WCB good to have your personal insurance.
Way better than WCB very hard to communicate with case managers or who ever handling your case totally worthless
19 June 2020 19:08
Not sure who these people are working for.
Too many false claims have ruined this system.
12 January 2020 16:09
I came here to pick up my cheque and the staff at the counter were extremely helpful and friendly gentlemen
01 December 2019 19:55
Every single person in that building is nothing more then a paid shill.
I highly recomend doing a review search on any so called dr they send you too.
Sending me to a hand specialist for neck and back injuries. Even my advocate cant figure that one out.
16 September 2019 20:47
These guys are not trust worthy. I hurt my back on Feb 14. They screwed up my back more.sending my to stupid places like CBI. Ripping of in my pay.i pray that this government department should close ASAP.
This department is under government, and they ripping all of us
08 August 2019 11:10
Dealt with Debbie and Angela and both were amazing! Super helpful and caring. They were able to help us understand our account better and were very patient with explaining. We were very pleased to have this level of service after reading previous negative reviews here.

Even the security guys were awesome!
07 August 2019 17:16
I still regret even trying to open a case. I took the time to detail everything - from the time and location of the incident to a list of witness.and even screenshots of some dated emails.

The woman I talked to on the phone kept acting as if I was attempting to pull a scam. She literally had all of the provided information in front of her, and yet I was treated like a liar. I told her that I wasn't able to talk at the moment because I had some guests over. It is INAPPROPRIATE to try to force someone to discuss an uncomfortable incident and their mental health in front of a bunch of people (I was using a wired phone). I decided to immediately close the case based on her tone and language alone. She was trying to discredit everything I said and provided. She was trying so hard to find every reason to not help me. She kept asking me, "What are you expecting us to do about it? "

I'm sorry.aren't you guys here to help the workers? !

I took the time to first email WCB to make sure I actually had a case - and they said I did. It took me months to feel comfortable enough to even open a case. I was initially worried about it not being taken seriously since it was a psychological injury. I was worried about the backlash I may get from my employer. I worked in an extremely toxic work environment, which in the end, affected me physically. I talked to a lawyer who encouraged me to go to WCB, telling me that they'll be able to help. He was so wrong.

I was treated like a liar and scammer.
16 June 2019 1:32
Saying they are scumbags is an understatement. I fractured a vertebrae in sort of a freak accident at work. I had several witnesses, their contact info, times, dates, etc. Basically anything you could think of other than video evidence. However, when WCB saw the seriousness of the injury, they didn't just ignore details, they flat out lied about details they claimed I gave them in the initial report. The report they had filed was not even remotely close to the same one I had given them.

It didn't end there. They used their BS version of the report to say there were inconsistencies between my story and the witnesses'. I tried a lengthy appeal process but they just put their fingers in their ears and that was it. I was forced to go back to work in extreme pain and not able to get proper treatment which means it's now permanent back pain for me at 30. I'm sure with a minor injury they will help you a bit. But if it looks like a fair amount of down time, well, good luck. A one star rating is FAR too generous.
04 June 2019 7:00
Not impressed and in a very unfortunate position. WCB lost my cheque that I was heavily relying on to eat and pay my bills. The quickest option to get paid is going to take over a week! So now I really don’t know what I’m going to do without my pay check I was expecting today.
02 June 2019 19:00
I am grateful, I found a lot of supportive individuals that are there to help. Thank you for a very positive experience.:)
14 January 2019 15:00
Very swift, courteous and professional. They solved our issue promptly and got us back in business. Thank you
12 October 2018 11:13
I was injured on a rubber shingle job May 1st, and they came through for me, and we're very helpful and curteous, through the whole thing. I've been back to the grind a few days now, and feel much better about paying the bill every 6 months.
Money well spent!
15 September 2018 9:45
As a business owner I find WCB Alberta is quite easy and pleasant to work with. Their clearance letters are also very easy generate for jobs we bid on!

James Szojka, Owner
Yard Dawgs Ltd

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