25 October 2023 12:14
The website is very basic and doesn’t have a good gallery of images to look at. Staff aren’t overly friendly either, and it seemed like I was always getting passed off to somebody else when I asked a question.
25 September 2023 3:28
It’s an okay place, I’m a girl that would usually enjoy this kind of place but a lot of the men there are pretty gross. I wish it was more clean
22 June 2023 1:48
Really clean, regularly maintained facility. Great for a short getaway from your usual at home, also loads of fun for meeting up with somebody new you aren't ready to have in your home (or go to theirs). Two (or more) people who want to get together, but can't host, possibly because you have kids, roommates, or a bed that can't support three adults? Perfect. Even the main floor rooms are adequate for this. Though, the themed rooms upstairs aren't a lot extra but sure do add a lot!
21 June 2023 0:48
Great fun if you are respectful of the people that are there and don't break the rules. The staff are friendly and quite helpful as well. I heard that there are going to be some renovations so an already great place will be made better.
30 May 2023 6:41
Aquarius is where me and my boyfriend could enjoy ourselves The rooms are clean. And very comfortable. We also enjoy the hot steam room where everyone can enjoy as its welcome for everybody. The staff are friendly and people are respectfull. I would do it all again, when we the chance.
09 April 2023 16:09
Great place.need more women.what's best day to go?

Is creepy when only men walking around lol.
07 April 2023 4:51
Definitely had fun here with some females on a Saturday night! Dark and Dingy but to be expected. Felt safe while inside but located in a not so nice area of the city.
26 February 2023 20:18
No women, lots of men walking around, creepy at times, not much public action. Use to be good before all the cab drivers showed up
17 February 2023 10:42
Well, for a change, the owner was in a good mood. He's usually the most miserable person on the planet to deal with. Because of COVID, maybe having no income for 12 months kicked in a reality awakening. Aside from him, it's always a good time, that is, if you get out and make it your own. Nice to see it was busy.
07 February 2023 1:38
Adult oriented for open minded singles and couples A Shangri-ia of sort a gathering of Metropolitan people. Enjoy.
01 February 2023 13:56
Super fun place, if you're into the scene. Something needs to be done about hallway zombies. Single dudes, please stop following women around, its creepy how do you not know this. The only reason this place loses stars is because of you guys. Straight dudes seem to think its attractive to quietly follow you to your room until you lock them out. If this is you change your behaviour or stop going.

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