20 October 2023 8:55
I would not recommend this hospital to others. My experiences here left me disappointed. While I understand that medical care for pets can be costly, I found the pricing at Pembina emergency hospital to be higher than other options. In addition, I had two bad experiences here.

First, my cat had an ear hematoma, I sought help at Pembina. The treatment involved a cut to drain the blood and a recommendation to squeeze her ear for several days. This ended up costing over $400. Next morning when we wanted to squeeze the ear to make the blood out, we found the cut was already healed. We can’t do anything. Her ear swelling like a balloon again today. They charged the most money, but the problem wasn’t solved.

In another experience, A few months ago, my dog ingested something and started vomiting blood. In response, we took him to Pembina Veterinary Hospital. They conducted an initial examination and provided treatment, which I can appreciate. However, during this visit, I felt that the doctor exaggerated my dog’s condition, encouraging us to opt for hospitalization with a projected cost ranging from $1,000 to $2,000. To them, money is like a number. They only care about making money, they don't care about the animals. Finally we choose to take our dog home to take care and came back to do the reexamination.

Those experiences make us feel upset. And I won’t choose this hospital again.
24 September 2023 19:30
I was sent here by my vet as my cat Eddie had a suspect blockage. Dr. Anseeuw was wonderful and explained everything to me so clearly and let me know every step she was taking which was extremely helpful for me a nervous cat mom. Turns out it was just a bad side effect of a drug he had just started. I would also like to mention that the all the other staff that I came in contact with from the receptionist who checked us in, the staff member who brought us Eddie to go home and the staff member who checked us out were all wonderful. The clinic was extremely busy and they still all had smiles on their faces. We also did not have to wait long at all and I was so impressed with that for with how busy the clinic was.
05 September 2023 18:09
I was sadden that a place that use to be friendly and welcoming has now become all about the money and not about the care for pets. I was told to surrender my pet because I couldn't afford what unnecessary procedures they wanted to take on my cat. The vet threatened to call animal services because he thought I would let my cat suffer.eanwhile she had a small issue, I would never come back here again
20 August 2023 22:41
I feel the lack of care given by this clinic caused the decline and death of my cat. Will never step foot in this clinic again.
09 August 2023 11:38
Said I didn’t call even tho I did to make sure it was okay to go in, then called again when I was there, called the number on the sign said they would be right out I went in and they go oh sorry we didn’t talk with you? Come on and I called the EXACT number on the website!
24 July 2023 0:17
Terrible place, gender-dominated by like-minded females. I walked in there, and nobody addressed me for the first 30 minutes. I had to go up to the receptionist to ask for assistance, because they were all too lazy to serve me when I walked in. All they do at this place is take pets, balloon the vet bills, collect money, and disclose as little details as possible. I went in as a single man and it felt like these women hustled me. These people purposely misspelled my name into the system (didn't apologize), and demonstrated zero compassion as I sought help for my Cat. Don't go here alone, because they will treat you a step below. Go with a loved one, friend or family member. Otherwise, these women will try to hustle you, while disclosing as little as possible about what is going on with your pet. Once you surrender your pet to the human society, expect to be hit up with a bill and given zero information. These so called 'professionals' aren't helpful at all if you surrender your pet. Not recommended.
28 June 2023 18:32
Terrible, extremely unknowable, bad rude customer service. I recommend taking your pets elsewhere. Vet is very kill happy.
23 June 2023 0:54
I would give 0/5 stars if possible. My family's dog was diagnosed with a level 4/5 heart murmur a little over a year ago by our regular vet. We were made aware by our REGULAR vet that within 1-2 years his condition would worsen and his outlook would not be good. So we were not taken by surprise when he went into respiratory distress suddenly, which quickly got worse over the course of 48 hours. We took him here because he was having difficulty standing up, was wheezing, would have coughing fits after taking a couple of steps and was incontinent. All of these things were completely out of the norm for him and he was clearly uncomfortable. He was severely coughing just outside this hospital's doors and continued to cough upon walking out. We even had a video from a few hours prior that showed him very loudly coughing. We were told that a full exam was done and he appeared to be in great health with a low grade murmur. After pushing back, a blood test and urine analysis was offered. We were also offered an echo but we said no because he has had several done already with our regular vet. Several pets came in and had left in the time between this and hearing back with an estimate for the tests - a couple of hours at least. The vet would not speak with us again and we decided to leave without the tests, knowing that we have an appointment with our regular vet after the weekend and the doctor here clearly did not want to do anything to help. I am horrified at the clear lack of credibility and quite frankly do not trust that they even conducted an exam or listened to his heart. I am horrified at the lack of care for this animal and that they would ignore a dog in distress like that. I do not want to talk to anyone there about this - they clearly do not care. They'll probably just reply to this with more gaslighting as I see they do with every other poor review here. I just want to warn anyone considering taking their animal here, especially if the vet you are talking to is Dr. Camara. This type of conduct from a Doctor is disgusting. Our regular vet has told us before that the animal hospitals in the city are awful but that there isn't much that can be done. I am sad and disappointed to have that confirmed.
21 June 2023 9:08
I took my pupper there last Tuesday. As family we decided to put her down, she 14, bleeding out of her what's its. The vet said no she is fixable. That it would be suicide to our dog. We asked if they would take payments. They said no you would have to apply for a pet credit card. We said we couldn't do that. That we as family discuss to put her down. The vets you would have to surrender her. We ended up surrendering her. We did find out where our pupper is. The rescue will not let us get her back, we even offered to make some sort of payments They said no because we surrendered het.
01 June 2023 9:46
Pembina Vet has been so helpful for our dogs. We deliberately moved both over in the context of our little wiener dog's spinal surgery. They helped us solve a significant obstacle in getting a referral to our preferred rehab facility. When many, many other vet clinics refused care citing liability reasons, they helped us fairly and compassionately. They have been available to answer questions and offer advice. They have treated us fairly in billing. I highly recommend.
14 May 2023 7:09
Absolutely ridiculous that they won't let you in with your animal even during an emergency. The girl on the phone was incredibly rude and it would have been nice if they told me that before I came all the way here. There are only two emergency vets in the city and my recommendation is bridgewater vet.
I hope you shut down payment of Veterinary hospital. Rude and uncaring and you don't deserve the income that comes from our precious fur babies.
10 May 2023 10:42
I usually do not write reviews but I received such good service from PVH in contrast to the negative reviews I see. People, the Covid peaks were tough for everyone; PVH did their best to accommodate and provide care for our beloved animals despite the challenges with restrictions, protocols and staffing levels. People, medical care for animals is expensive everywhere; it's a burden we take on when we commit to housing our friends. I've had several visits to PVH; the staff have been friendly, courteous, helpful and timely. PVH has also twice now offered me suggestions to actually save some money when it came to medication options. So thank you to the PVH team; keep up the great work!
06 May 2023 20:08
Kind and compassionate staff. Really felt listened and heard. I’m confident that my cat is going to be taken care of and loved
14 February 2023 10:12
Front desk staff were helpful and friendly, Dr. Cavanagh was amazing! Very compassionate and kind, they clearly explained the steps going forward for caring for my cat. Thank you!:)
05 February 2023 0:59
I had an excellent experience with every staff member when my dog needed emergency care. They went above and beyond for us and were a pleasure to deal with. Highly recommended!
28 January 2023 9:51
We recently had our dog in with a serious complication from diabetes. From the moment we stepped inside, the staff were kind, sympathetic and did everything possible to reassure us. From the Vets to the Techs to the support staff, everyone took the best care of our dog Mason. He was in the best hands all weekend We phoned many, many times, and each time we were greeted on the other end with a comforting voice and helpful information. Now that Mason is home, we are still in contact with the staff, still receiving care and compassion that is truly beyond our expectations.
Thank you to everyone. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. We highly recommend taking your pet to Pembina.

Tracie and Morgan Ganetsky
07 January 2023 4:31
This vet is money-grabbing and has bad business and inhumane practices.

Our family dog had an emergency surgery. They asked $5,000 which is a ridiculous amount of money. Fortunately my parents were able to pay it. They said the next morning he was already doing fine and can be discharged, then later in the day called us to let us know our dog needed another surgery because the surgery failed. Again for another $5,000 or they would have to euthanize him because he is struggling and there is no guarantee that he will recover from the second surgery.

My parents went and refused the second surgery and what they’re saying that our dog had to be euthanized. They signed a waiver and took him home. 2 weeks after the surgery he is fully recovered without help from this hospital. We fully believe the vets in this place do not care for animals and just want money. Do not let them fool you, they take advantage of the owner’s’ vulnerability because they know you will do anything for your pet.
23 November 2022 21:29
I would never recommend this vet to anyone. I took my dog here after-hours a few days ago for an injured paw. I was not allowed in the building with my dog, I told the employee I handed my dog off to where the injury was and specifically mentioned that it felt like a bone was moving in his paw - not sure if she didn't listen or if the veterinarian didn't listen, but regardless, the vet had a rude and annoyed tone in his voice when calling to inform me that supposedly nothing was wrong with my dog, when I pushed back on this he attempted to gaslight me by saying "Why would I lie to you? ". After a bit of further observation, he called back and decided that his knee was sprained. I paid $177.09 for poor service plus an anti-inflammatory to administer for the next 5 days at home.

When I took my dog to his regular vet the next morning, it was determined through an xray that he had in fact broken a bone in his paw that required a splint to heal it. The healing process will take 6 - 8 weeks.

As a pet owner who loves my dog with all my heart, I'm absolutely furious. Had I not had the good sense to take my dog to his regular vet, he would've been walking around on a broken paw, suffering for the next 5 days while I administered the prescribed anti-inflammatory, that would've never repaired his injury. I'm sure the injury would've become worse. The vet on duty that night did not do his job, was disrespectful, neglected to give my dog the care and attention he needed, and was more of a danger to my dog than anything else. And the worst part is, I'm sure someone from that establishment will read this and not give a damn to do better going forward.
12 October 2022 0:25
More to follow. Here is a little bit of what's going on if make an appointment be prepared to wait and wait and wait and wait if you're on hold for more than 10 minutes the recorded message has interference. When you voiced your displeasure with what's what's going on you are given the option to Continue talking about it or get your pet looked at. The older lady that I just spoke to she was very abrupt.
05 September 2022 21:12
Best people around town, had to Surrender my cat and they were so supportive of the return of my Toby! I did get him back a week later. I'm so thankful I went there
28 August 2022 9:40
My dog was rushed here due to her peeing blood constantly. Before they put her to sleep, they shoved a catheter inside her. Fully awake. Now we have to take her to get surgery for the 3rd time. Whoever did that to my dog and traumatized her.
23 August 2022 4:06
Can't be more impressed and happy with their service. Quickly saw me, and diagnosed the problem on two different occasions. Very attentive and compassionate treatment. Extremely reasonable charges. Could not be more satisfied. Thank you for your service.
19 August 2022 22:17
I find it pretty ridiculous that you can go here, spend so much on your pet and for some reason, you can’t even enter the building. When you pull up, you have to play telephone tag for at least 30 minutes and wait on hold to receive service at the door. Why does this place operate in this way? It makes no sense.
16 August 2022 13:09
The vets are lovely, but dealing with this place is such a hassle. No one is allowed in the building, so you have to sit in your car- in the sweltering heat or frigid cold- for 45 minutes while your pet has an appointment. It’s inconvenient, and I’m not wild about sending my pet inside by himself.

Every time I call, I have to wait on hold for ages. Right now I’m sitting in their parking lot- on hold again- for someone to answer the phone so I can pick up a prescription. The first person I spoke to yesterday said the prescription was unavailable. The second person said that it actually ~was~ in stock. Even a simple task like this takes multiple phone calls and a lot of waiting around.
10 August 2022 13:33
I only dealt with them once for my 12 week old puppy but they were outstanding. Took her in during triage after she hurt her back. The vet tech was very polite and comforting to my dog as they took her in. After a few hours the doctor contacted me and again was very polite, clear and professional.

Pricing was communicated clearly and was fair.no issues with medication amount. Highly highly recommended.
26 July 2022 22:00
Brought my cat in for what we assumed was crystals or a UTI.
I was greeted by Natalie who explained all our questions we had, if she didn't know she went and checked with the Veternarian working that evening and ensured we felt comfortable the entire process. They notified us of all possible charges over the phone so we knew what to expect before any work was done and everything was handled very professionally. I will be coming back here should my cat ever need immediate medical attention again. The entire process was comforting and you could tell they actually cared. The spam reviews below complaining about this place is way far fetched. Just looks like someone had a bad experience and needed to take it out in anyway they could. Doubt half of it is true. Thank you Pembina Veterinary Hospital, Natalie for your accommodation to all our questions and concerns, and Dr Lim for looking after our furry friend.
25 July 2022 11:53
We took our old grumpy cat Daisy to this vet location this past weekend. She hadn't eaten for several days and was very lethargic. The intake nurse was very nice to deal with as was the vet when he called (humans have to wait outside in their vehicles). We were "lucky" it was "just" constipation (for a 16 year old cat, we were expecting much worse) and they were able to help clean out her system and give her some much needed fluids. Costs were explained up front along the way and I never felt pressured to spend more than we determined was needed. After thinking the worst, today she is happily purring beside me again, despite being incredibly growly and "bad mannered" with the vet staff yesterday! I'm appreciative that they could help on a Sunday evening and that we have our old grumpy fluff ball back. There was a bit of a wait to have her seen but that was expected and is very understandable - everyone wants their pet seen quickly but it makes sense that the most urgent cases are seen first. I'd want that for my pet too, if it was a major emergency.
19 July 2022 9:51
My baby boy Domi had what they call a blockage. This vet was very quick and thorough to diagnose and treat! I’m super grateful I chose to bring him here. Great place for pet emergency. A bit expensive but it always is for animals.
26 June 2022 8:11
I took my dog who was in so much pain she couldn’t walk to PVH the older staff person who came out told me to “calm down” and then proceeded to tell me if I didn’t I “could go all the way to Bridgeport “ Instead of trying to reassure me in my upset state she kept telling me that my dog was not in distress and that she would be looked at “in a couple of hours”. Another staff member came out and basically treated me like I was a criminal and they both slammed the door shut on me so I couldn’t even talk to them about her symptoms- then the older white haired lady came out and yelled at me “are you going to phone the office or what? ! ” 800.00 later and 6 hours later they gave her back to me and said “we don’t know what’s wrong with her “ This is the second horrible experience I have had here and I will never take any of my pets here again. There was only one staff member there who had any compassion and she talked to me like a human and reassured me about my dog. Her name is Sarah. Sarah, I hope you go and work for a better vet hospital because Pembina Vet is the worst!

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