12 October 2023 7:12
Tried to buy a boy’s jacket, which was clearly marked $25 but the till rang up $55. I brought it to the attention of the lady at the self check-out. She said, well it’s $55. I showed her the tag that was $25 and asked if a boy’s jacket marked $25 should be $55, to which she replied yes. I went to customer service, and she cared at much as the lady at check-out. This is the second time I’ve had this happen and it’s not okay “customer service” to charge more than double the price indicated on the tag. Not that one person matters, but you have one less person shopping at Walmart Steinbach after today!
17 September 2023 0:36
I really hate to say this. I nearly threw up after going shopping there last weekend. The body odor of the cashier was so bad I actually hurled several times. Unacceptable
03 April 2023 23:57
They forced me to use the regular checkout and wait in a line for 20 minutes to have my groceries all bagged wrong, because they didn't wanna open the self-serve. It's less work for you. And why have the express lane open but not the regular self checkout? I have to rebag all my groceries in the car when it's freezing outside. Worst grocery store ever, im canceling my Walmart Mc and switching to superstore
24 February 2023 12:07
Why have 2 self checkout sides and then Close one? And have one side 20 items or less, dumbest idea ever. I prefer to use self checkout at all time. Now we have to wait in a long line for a chaser to do it? That’s the point of SELF CHECKOUT. I will no longer be shopping here
09 February 2023 19:05
Worst worst worst shipping and handling ever! We had ordered our tv from Walmart and it took 2 months for it to come in. In these 2 months they had the same TVs in stock and refused to give us one. When our tv did end up coming in the store the box was completely destroyed along with our tv inside of it! They also refused to exchange it when it was destroyed, just wanted to give us our money back. We waited 2 months to give this tv as a gift and they completely screwed us over!
Will NEVER order anything from Walmart again!
Customer satisfaction guarantee doesn’t mean anything to Walmart!
01 February 2023 13:15
My Fiancé bought a TV in early November during Black Friday. We waited almost 2 months to even get the TV. They had some TVS of the exact same one we had ordered online so I went in and asked why ours is still in transit when they have 15 of the same TVs in stock on the shelves. They said they can’t give us one from there unless we purchase it for the price it was currently listed at. And that they couldn’t refund us until the one we had ordered arrives in store. So we patiently WAITED WAITED AND WAITED SOME MORE. FINALLY the TV arrived so we went on to pick it up. Upon the arrival of the TV we noticed that the TV box was completely destroyed so we had mentioned it that possibly the TV would be destroyed as well but they didn’t care and refused to acknowledge. We took the TV home and opened it up and took it out of the completely destroyed box and noticed that the screen of the tv had been ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED. Didn’t work what so ever. SOOOOO we went back to Walmart to see what could be done and they refused to help us with anything except give us a refund. I don’t want a freaking refund, all I wanted was the TV in perfect working condition we had bough and payed for and may I mention again WAITED 2 months for. NOOE NOPE NOPE couldn’t help is, didn’t care to help us and was completely rude. Soooo we decided to just give up and take the refund…. May I mention that will come only in like 2-3 business days. WHAT A JOKE WALMART. Absolutely PATHETIC. WORST COSTUMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEE I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED
10 October 2022 15:49
I do enjoy shopping here, but it is very noticeable that staff are interacting more with one other and not doing their job.
I went to pick up an over the door organizer and that area like others was very messy, couldn't find one. As I was walking away there was a big package of these organizers on a shelf, not hung up where it was supposed to be.
22 August 2022 4:16
Customer service is poor most are very inexperienced getting help with heavy items is almost impossible. I have had to hunt down a guy outside doing buggies to help me with heavy items. I am 75 and many times things on top shelf I can't reach so I have to ask a taller customer or climb on a shelf to reach.lets hope I don't fall.
21 June 2022 0:23
U need to bring ur own bags nomore plastic and they don't tell u at the door so ur forced to buy there bags
17 June 2022 4:48
Found what i needed but dbl lineup at self checkout and only about 1/2 of them open took awhile
12 June 2022 23:56
I use to like shopping at Walmart but not anymore since the on line shopping.
There’s absolutely nothing good in clothing
and shoes
I been there 3-4 times and it’s a total waste of time.
12 June 2022 4:37
Customer service is always so terrible. When you have to deal with customer service and they just pass you on to somebody else or ignore you and make no progress whatsoever, makes a person very excited to come back. Asking for help to find something in this place is unbelievably useless. I was hoping it would get better but it's gotten worse. Management stinks. I hope to see things improve but will not count on it
05 June 2022 4:09
At least they have Lays
Edit: Superstore did not have Frito Lay products at the time of my initial review (Mar, 2022) due to a pricing dispute between them and Loblaws. This issue has been resolved since then and I will no longer need Walmart for my Frito Lay products.
25 May 2022 4:14
Checkouts are often almost all closed with line ups becoming quite long, employees in the electronics area are either hard to find or are standing around talking to each other, and I occasionally get overcharged for items. Sometimes when buying electronics I tell the cashier I don't want the protection payment but they will sometimes add it anyway increasing the amount I have to pay. I sometimes get overcharged $10 for items. Some areas in the food aisles often have shelves close or near empty, and employees tend to stock the shelves shortly after opening time and occasionally block most or all of an aisle.
05 May 2022 21:54
Almost every trip i take i open a container to find the tamper seal messed with. Ive bought 4 open products now and its gross. 3 were in health and beauty and one was FOOD a jar of honey was open and had an obvious finger scoop out. Unscrew and pull the lid off before you buy anything. I wanted to add that incase anyone thinks im just not looking as i pick things up. These are opened and resealed to look untampered till you get home.
08 April 2022 3:36
+ Staff are very pleasant.
+ Store is usually well maintained.
+ nothing bad to report.
19 March 2022 10:12
It's a Walmart kinda like every other Walmart but cleaner. I find there's lots of holes on the shelves like low stock but either than that it's pretty good.
28 February 2022 1:20
There are all kinds of species here. The oversized, the racist, the special-attention-needed and unprofessional employees
24 January 2022 1:38
This review is in regards to the everstart Maxx batteries they sell. I bought a pair of batteries 3 years ago and now they are completely shot! I went to Walmart for the 5yr warranty they claim they have and I was told they couldn't help me there, and gave me the manufacturers Johnson Johnson group phone number so I called them and of course they turned me away as well with all sorts of excuses why they can't exchange or refund me. I would suggest never to buy that brand of batteries!
25 December 2021 3:07
Grocery section is smaller than it's competitor but some of their great value brand is very competitively priced and we're quite happy with it. The non-grocery section is definitely more appealing to me than the competitor down the street and I have found quite a few of the things that we needed from time to time, at competitive prices.
10 December 2021 16:50
I’m not impressed with the managing of the store. When some people complain about the staff’s mood, you have to question the manager and how they treat their workers. It has been obvious that the management is poor not only with how they treat their workers, but the unavailability of items, and the uncleanliness of products on the shelves. Are you seriously going to sell a food item coated in dirt and grime? My friend used to work here, and I’ve heard about the treatment they had to deal with despite them being a very hardworking, and kind individual. This isn’t a daycare, nor should you make an individual feel unsafe in the work environment. This place needs better management who can do the job properly. Do better Walmart. And treat your customers and employees better. I expected better from a big company. Shame.
07 December 2021 4:20
Very well stocked this visit. Need more cashiers as usual. That was the worst part of my visit. Common problem.
31 August 2021 16:11
Every time I come here there is an older lady with longer gray hair who works as a cashier and I would rather stand in the longest line then deal with her. She is so rude and scowls at everyone. I saw her register was open so I went over and put my stuff down. She looked behind me at someone else and told me to move somewhere else because she'd rather take the other person first!
05 August 2021 5:48
If you’re looking for a place of employment, this isn’t it. I’ve had 4 interviews here and they refused to tell me the reason why they wouldn’t hire me. A month later I heard they’re desperately hiring so I try again. I got hired from a Walmart recruiter and orientation was set up.then the orientation leader emails me saying I’m no longer accepted for the position without telling me why.
Full availability and experience doesn’t matter to them. Go elsewhere for job searching, they don’t deserve you.
21 July 2021 15:30
Customers laugh at handicap and think it is funny to just stand around and just laugh at them.and the workers could care less of how Customers are treated. I don't plan on going back
20 July 2021 15:53
It is June 23 2021 10;30 AM.
I was at the store this morning and I as well as many customers were very disappointed with the cashier set up. There are many cashiers in all Walmarts and Steinbach is no different. Yet at this point of the pandemic managers have not planned for the 6ft distancing guide lines. The only two cashiers opened were right next to each other. This made it impossible to keep 6 ft apart. There were many customers in line which made it extremely anxious for we were very much together as customers moved up side by side of each till. As I brought attention to this they quickly opened up another till. The assistant manager told me " We can not police everything". This was very insulting. It had nothing to do with policing. It had to do with <<smart>> planning. Many customers cheered and agreed with my concerns and complaint. This situation created anxiety because Steinbach<s vaccination rate is below the provincial one which of course means transmission rate is at a higher level. I am also concerned for the employees of the store. I plan a to follow up on this. It is not like we are at the beginning of this pandemic. Plans and protocols should have been in place long ago.
02 July 2021 20:52
Great location! Self checkout area is newer and very efficient. Typically the store is clean and service is friendly.
30 June 2021 5:27
A big thank-you goes, to Courtney - a staff member who went above and beyond in her customer service today. She helped me to find the hollandaise sauce packages that I could not locate in the food department of the store. Her customer service skills were amazing and I felt valued as a customer.
18 April 2021 1:56
Walmart just cancelled 2 online orders without explanation. Lost out on the good deals I got when placing the orders
13 March 2021 7:56
Dear Walmart Steinbach.

Before I order those non essential online, I check your shelves and on display first in your store.

And all of them are just right there. So why do I need to wait 3 weeks to one month just to pickup that item after I purchased it online?

Please educate me how you manage your curbside pickup and online orders.
14 October 2020 16:48
Has a good selection of items from housewares to groceries. Prices are good and the sales are worth looking out for
27 August 2020 14:32
Ahh Walmart, great place to see strange people. But mainly to get what you pay for. They have a little bit of everything, like a supped up convince store. But always have good staff and they are willing to help out and serve with a smile
11 August 2020 16:35
This place has the worst managers ever. My wife works here She is one of the hardest working people they have she dose every possible. The next day she manager says you do the worst job.so this 1 star I'm giving you is worth Negative 100
09 August 2020 4:23
Visited Walmart today in Steinbach. Was glad to see no more lineups and things feeling more normal. Appreciate the care given to wiping down carts, cashier counters and the debit machine. Great going! People in the store are mindful.
19 July 2020 12:00
The ladies in the garden centre were sooo wonderful. Very helpful and friendly.
Wish i knew their names but it was probably 3 or just after 3 i arrived. (June 2nd)
One went into the garden side inside the store to grab me the little stick gnome i wanted so i wouldn't have to go into the store too!
Super group of ladies! They all asked if i needed some help.which was nice as gardening is all new to me lol
Thank you!
10 May 2020 17:32
Should have your staff, especially your managers learn some Customer Service Etiquette! Disgusting how they treat customers!
20 April 2020 9:11
Would appreciate community notices board. Parkinson's Canada support group Tuesday March 3rd 7 - 8: 30 pm. Speaker Tim Hague Sr. "Lived Experience, Boxing & Yoga" at Bethesda Place, 399 Hospital St. Steinbach. Please come!
29 March 2020 4:12
NEEDS TO BE OPEN ON SUNDAYS. Not the best produce, and the clothing selection definitely leaves something to be desired. Aside from all that, it's convenient for the basics, otherwise it's worth the trip to Winnipeg.
17 February 2020 13:08
Was very disappointed in your Sporting Goods dept. I was there a few days ago looking for ice fishing equipment. Other than a few ice fishing rods & tippers, there wasn't much else.
06 February 2020 4:48
I'm usually really satisfied with Walmart. I have a few favorite cashiers that I'll wait inline for and the greeters are my favorite. Always so welcoming.
04 February 2020 23:20
This was my first time going to the Walmart in Steinbach. I have to say I was very disappointed. The isles were dirty and unorganized. There were empty displays just sitting in the middle of the isles making it hard to get around other people. The photo department had boxes and papers everywhere, very messy looking. The guy in the photo department was by himself with 15 customers to deal with seemed very overwhelmed and stressed.poor guy!
15 December 2019 7:32
I continue to be disappointed in the photo department. They constantly change the sizes of which to print photos (I could print one particular size the last time I was in but this time they weren't available). And no matter how hard I try the USBs didn't want to work. All I was told was to try a different kiosk. This problem happened in multiple stores, multiple days and three different USBs. When needing help the customer service was poor at best. And after spending several minutes working on getting pictures ready to print the kiosk deleted the entire order.
04 October 2019 12:53
So we went in here and my buddy was refused a mobility cart. It is alway good to chew on a few chips now and again after all. Anyway He had a torn acl at the time and he really need a boost for his peg legs. We left the stupid thing we on the table and then he went back and asked ole buddy ole pal for another one and he was again refused. Then the crazy president or who thought he was back in 2013 when obama was, Henry had the nerve to kick him out. We managed to continue hobbling around the store and looking for various merchandise we finnaly gave up the struggle and went for a cart again. He was angry and shouted several times about the price of coconuts which I think is right around 5 bucks which is waaaaaay to much he got us a cart after a long struggle with much kicking scratch g and biting. Like talk about customer service. Back in 1492 when Columbus crossed the ocean they had better service on the dumb ole boat which was waaay in the ocean and he was probably in a bad mood This place clearly doesn't care about their customers.
30 September 2019 7:03
Most local shoppers go here for the pricing and not necessarily the service although it isn't bad service. Sometimes the meat section is rather under stocked and the cashiers are never fully staffed.
17 September 2019 13:51
Uuuuuumm no tap? Is this ice age or monfredo. And no hunting camping stuff cmoooon. Now don’t go cry to mummy cause you really have a pretty neet store or at least ok. Only open till 10 tho. I enjoy shopping here exept if their closed i love to shop here. Walmart is a good name if you think of it wrong their shopping carts are made of heavy duty metal
10 September 2019 19:31
These guys apparently have mobility carts for there valued customers my friend was on crutches and the great and mighty high ranking greater told him he couldn't have a cart buddy walks for a bit then realises there's no way he can spend lots of money without a cart and goes back, mister snorts a paws the dirt with indignation that a man on crutches wants a mobility cart and tells him to leave buddy tells him he wants to shop and asks if he wants to push his cart for him the great and powerful greater realises this would look ridiculous and let's him have a cart would've gone to the mall and pushed his cart ourselves if they weren't closed
10 September 2019 9:49
Today I’m going to tell you some stuff, like it or not. Inside of my mind, I have a platypus named Gioff. I got him at Petsmart on sale. One night while I was sleeping, Gioff climbed into my head and started randomly singing STYX songs. Once I was done screaming like a little girl who just got the **** scared out of her because somebody jumped out from behind a bush with a monkey, I tried to stick my hand inside of my head and retrieve the damn platypus. I didn’t fully succeed. So, with half a platypus hanging out of my ear, I went back to Petsmart and complained. I told them that I’m never buying an animal from them again because they crawl inside of me. They were shocked, and I clarified that it went through my ear, and then they were relieved. They told me that there wasn’t anything they could do about it. I threw myself on the floor, making a scene, and demanded a free hamster. That night I was eating my dinner and all of a sudden Gioff, still hanging out of my ear, started to cry. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he doesn’t like it in here anymore. I told him to shut up and that it was his fault, he didn’t like that. I attempted to get a shower the same night, but it’s a little hard whenever you have a platypus hanging out of your ear. I did what I could and headed off to bed. But, just then, I remembered I left my free hamster in the car and by this time it probably already ate the cheese puffs I had hidden under my seat. I dashed down the stairs, Gioff screaming from the sudden movement, and bolted through the garage to the car. I than opened the door cautiously incase of a sneak attack from the vermin. To my surprise, my cheese puffys were still there, and the hamster was asleep on the back seat. I went to pick up the hamster carefully, but it freaked out and bit my finger. I tried to yank my hand away from it, but it latched itself on pretty well. Running up the stairs, Gioff now screaming even louder, I remembered I had forgotten my cheese puffs in the car. Running BACK down the stairs, Gioff in hysterics from the stress, I safely got them cheese puffs. With the hamster still biting and Gioff still flipping out inside of my head, I managed to work my way up the stairs. Once upstairs, I gave my hand a good whack to the wall, and off came the sadist hamster.
25 August 2019 0:30
This Walmart could really use some proper management. The cashiers are not bad some are friendly and some not so much. Sometimes the greeters are not very friendly and one can be very annoying. One thing that I think that they could do is get rid of some of the handicapped and baby parking stalls. They have far too many. I was parked on the side waiting for someone to come out of the store and then this guy came to my window and asked me if I was picking up soil and I said that no I was just waiting for someone to come out of the store. He then said that I have to move because this is only for picking up soil and it’s also a fire lane. I moved but when I left I saw that there were to other vehicles parked there on the side. They should really get their minds made up. Over all this is definitely not the best Walmart.
14 August 2019 9:29
Great customer services great best of all you guys have gadgets and electronics so we don’t have to go to Winnipeg for sure five stars
02 July 2019 8:52
Sometimes the staff seems to be dragging through the day but it is an excellent place to shop. Great prices and very clean building. Also they have added wifi to use while shopping, this is very handy because of the poor service in the area!

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