13 December 2023 3:40
The security is nothing but ignorant rude to me and it's always the nurses normally I would have no problems at a hospital but this hospital I've been having nothing but problems from day one
12 December 2023 6:00
It’s my first time in Canada I got best service in hospital they was so friendly my waiting time was not to long doctor, Rn Joel, Tina, Imigent PSW ROSE they made me so comfortable my family was not there with me 3days they made me so comfortable Thank you
12 December 2023 0:18
This healthcare is not appropriate I'm the least.people are dying in waiting rooms because of complacency. Or is it OK to let people suffer and die? Are we not in Canada? CALL YOUR MLA EVERYDAY AND HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!
04 December 2023 10:53
After a total of 12 hours, 3 of them in a private waiting room, when I asked by the nurse why I was still there when others that had arrived hours after me, were discharged; she told me I was being rude and that if I didn't like it I could leave. She refused to give me her first name. I was not asked if my pain was present, getting worse, if I was OK. She just sat on her behind and never moved from the chair, as she had been sitting with her colleagues engaging in laughter. I have never received such treatment in any hospital or service place like this in my life. This particular nurse accused me of being rude to them, and I had to point out I had only been speaking to her. Don't know if it's because I don't speak French, or if my phone number is out of province; but being rude was the last thing anyone would call me. I felt so defeated, dehydrated, and had been awake for 24 hours. I hope to write a complaint about this employee. She does not own the hospital. It is a public service.
03 December 2023 11:57
Went in by ambulance due to blood pressure being 160/80. Had two eco-cardiograms back to back. That was it. No Dr.seen, no urine sample, no blood work. No answers after being there 10.5 hrs. Friday Dec 8th, 2023. What a mess with one Doctor.
24 November 2023 1:14
Visited the hospital yesterday and had a very disappointing experience. Despite arriving early, I endured a 19-hour wait without being seen by any medical staff. This extended wait was both exhausting and frustrating, especially as I was feeling extremely tired and hungry. It was disheartening to notice that several individuals who arrived after me received attention within just an hour or two, while I, along with some elderly patients, were left waiting for almost a day. I do understand the challenges faced due to a shortage of doctors, but a 19-hour wait seems excessively long and rather inhumane. I will move to Moncton Hospital in the hope to be attended.
04 March 2023 6:33
Atrocious wait times. Every single hospital in New Brunswick suffers from chronic under staffing, overworked and underpaid healthcare professionals. Higgs government needs to stop trying to invest millions into our sick education system by trying to revamp french immersion and concentrate on fixing this severely dysfunctional healthcare system. People die waiting to see someone for emergency services all across New Brunswick. I bet if his Lordship Mr. Higgs had an emergency, he would be seen to asap and would not have to wait. God bless our precious puppeticians.
13 December 2022 8:50
They have always been very quick to see my daughter and get her the care she needs though they can be very busy they have always prioritized my daughter considering her multitude of health issues and they have never not admitted her when necessary the nurses are wonderful and the doctors are great
30 November 2022 0:44
I couldn’t believe what I just experienced at the ER tonight! Out of the blue, I arrived to the hospital with high blood pressure, and I am not a hypertensive person. Had a electrocardiograma done, no heart attack. I was almost crying because of the burning pain on my chest, So, I asked if they could give me something for the pain or bring the blood pressure down because I started having a hard time to breath. Well, I was told to go back to the waiting room, without giving me anything or seeing a doctor yet. I told the assistant nurse in a very calm way that I could not believe that because I wasn’t having a heart attack, I had to endure that crazy pain and keep up with that high blood pressure until I was called again.
Well, my friends, just for telling the truth in a very soft way, I experienced the worse way someone can be discriminated and mistreated. An hour later, still with chest pain and tingling all over my face, I asked the triage nurse if she could please take my blood pressure again (which would be only the second time) and her answer was, “ I am not a blood pressure taker “ you either wait to see the doctor or go home”
I couldn’t believe it! Just for making that comment with the other nurse the other one comes and mistreats me in such a way!
I left the hospital right way with my pain and everything. Called a naturopath friend of mine, and told me what to do.

It’s very sad to see what is happening at the ERs. The long waiting time, the lack of compassion and quality care. And yet, patients have no voice on all this. It is no right! People deserve more respect and better care.
I can count with the fingers of one hand, doctors at the ER that really love their profession and give outstanding care.
Things gotta change because people don’t talk but they are tired. Run a survey and you will see.
18 November 2022 16:35
Understand the wait time and staff shortages but just some advice.
Compassion goes a long way.
Be honest with people, about there wait times. Monitor clients in room especially those passed out for over 8 hrs.
We are not farm animals? The waiting area was disgustingly dirty.
Keep people feeling that their issues are important. How did the system become so cold. Lastly when you triage people put viral cases in a different area than trauma.
I have copd and sat for 10 hrs with my husband who was in severe pain
So much more you could do even with limited resources
Perhaps the right people in certain areas would help.
17 November 2022 21:39
Was here for my entire pregnancy, up to having my child. Majority of the nurses are absolute angels. I had a great doctor every time up to having my child everything went pretty smoothly. Coming from out of province with no family doctor& waiting on medicare I was worried I would not be able to have someone see me regularly but they took me on as a patient and started seeing me right away. The nurses in the postpartum area took such great care of my baby and I and we are forever grateful for their care, and compassion.
11 October 2022 17:05
The staff in radiology particularly the nurses are fantastic. Despite being understaffed and busy they took exceptional care of me. Guiding me through a procedure that I was terrified of, making it a walk in the park.

Completely empathetic professionals, every one of them.
07 October 2022 5:30
I turned to emergency care because I had an allergy. I did not know what to do came to them. I sat in line for about 3-4 hours, but then I began to notice that patients who came after me went to the doctor. I asked what was happening to which I received an answer (what else can you tolerate, like it’s not so important). Sorry, but who decides this? Since I've come here, it's important to milk me. The worst service I have ever seen.

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