01 February 2024 0:26
The Moncton General hospital is the least professional hospital in terms of cleanliness and surgery aftercare. I am truly convinced it is where infectious diseases are created. When the rooms (and bathrooms) aren't cleaned for 4 days and smells of urine, and the nurses spend more time gossiping and being extremely loud, even after 10pm in the neurology unit where people are recovering from brain surgery, you definitely should fear for you or your loved ones safety. I would hate to have a baby, especially a neonatal baby in this hospital just from my experience with the recovery of a good friend in the neurological unit! Rooms and bathrooms need to be cleaned and sanitized everyday. Health and safety need to investigate this hospital.
24 December 2023 16:46
I have to say I went to the hospital Jan 3 in the morning having pains in my pit of my stomach. The wait was long but it was worth it. I was seen at 730 pm by Dr. Hathaway. The best of the best made me laugh just awesome, patients need that. I was told it could be a gallbladder issue to return in the morning for an ultrasound. I went and did that the next day went back in to emergency waiting for my results. Come to find out from other awesome Dr.that I had gallstones in my tract and needed my gallbladder removed. Was sent off to another awesome Dr.to have a scope down my throat to remove 2 gallstones. I decided to go home that night as the Dr Crozier I do believe allowed said that I would get a call to have surgery after 2. Jan 5 went in to admitting again was treated so amazing. Gallbladder removed Friday night. I will tell you I never felt so treated like a queen. I think the most rememberable experience is how well I was looked after, and the great humor I had with the Dr's. The emergency nurse I talked to she knows who she is I hope put a smile on my face, and was a real person with humor. I will say the jobs they have an the laughing I experienced meant alot to me. They weren't just Dr's and nurses that day I felt safe and the laughter comes along way. The Dr I gave my muffin to cause he said I couldn't eat it.cause I was so starving was amazing. I hope he knows who he is don't know his name. The Dr that did my scope amazing. Honestly your jobs are hard. I wouldn't do it, your patience is appreciated.please know that u r so appreciated what u guys do than u know. I feel so much better and it was all done in 3 days.don't ever get discouraged because truly to the nurses and doctors I had.just so damn amazing. I will never forget what u have done.from my heart Debbie
20 November 2023 17:38
I went to this hospital for the first time last night around 11: 30PM and asked for their emergency mental health services, weary that in the past they were minimal and slightly judgemental- boy was I in for a surprise. The mental health team was incredible (Electra W. Is an icon and was a pleasure), the support staff and Dr. Anthony were all amazing. I really felt heard and supported- something I never expected from an NB hospital. I went there with the hope that even if they weren't believers in mental health they'd refill my prescription; everyone I met truly understood mental illness and took me seriously. My greatest fear was not being taken seriously after many doctors rolled their eyes, and I'm so glad I gave the ER a shot.

Thank you Moncton hospital for giving me the resources I needed. I have had very few positive experiences in New Brunswick hospitals, but glad to say I had a good one here. As long as you are kind to staff and patient, the actual care you receive is fantastic.
14 November 2023 16:10
Pathetic misfits. They set appointments with doctors before the doctor even has the results of tests they have requested. A friend of mine who was diagnosed with Cancer went to an appointment early this morning to find out what treatment he will need before surgery and the Doctor did not have the results from him C-scan. So the 85 km trip to the hospital was a waste of gas and time. Pathetic. No professionalism what so every.
14 September 2023 7:29
The worst hospital experience. I actually just feel so sorry for the people who really need immediate care but it seems that the Government and health care system here is failing their people.
13 September 2023 19:34
Je rejoins l'avis de Lyns Ww plus bas. N'étant pas canadienne, et ayant vu d'autres systèmes de santé ailleurs, j'ai beaucoup de peine pour les canadiens du nouveau Brunswick, qu'ils soient patients ou soignants. Je repars d'ici dans le même état qu'à mon arrivée. Je ne suis pas à plaindre, par la Grâce d'Allah. Nous devons certes nous montrer satisfaits car ça pourrait être pire. Mais ce n'est pas ce à quoi on s'attend venant d'un grand pays comme le Canada. Il faut se battre les amis. Exigez que la santé soit revalorisée. Ce n'est pas normal qu'un service d'urgences tourne de cette manière.
12 September 2023 12:53
Sat in the ER for 6 hours to get a
x-ray before learning that you can't gat a x-ray till 8am
10 September 2023 8:22
Despite all the challenges these past few years, I have been very well cared for at all levels. A very good hospital. And the whole system will only get better.
05 September 2023 11:42
I took my 8 year old daughter for her first blood test this morning.
Aside from not having to wait for more than a minute, the staff were all 10/10!
The two nurses (or maybe they were phlebotomists) who took the blood couldn’t have been more amazing. They kept us both calm, talked to my girl the entire time and were just so kind.
Thank you so much!
04 September 2023 7:03
We can not thank the staff enough for the excellent service. Our sweet baby girl had an emergency this past weekend while we were in the city visiting. The doctor working in trauma and all the nurses went above and beyond for our daughter. They ran tests to rule out anything that could have happened. One staff, Amy M, also came out running after we left because we forgot our daughters meds. We are so grateful. We hope this review finds the amazing staff as a thank you note from us.
05 July 2023 7:55
Waited over 26 hours. During this time my pain was laughed at.
At the 18 hour mark I asked to step outside to get some air. The secruity guard Tammy told me if I stepped outside that she would personally remove me from the waiting que.
As someone with an anxiety disorder who needed air, this was not the right response.
During that night I watched her escalate patients that nurses worked on getting comfortable and back to a healthy state.
Two patients had fallen to the floor, she did not budge.
Ones spouse began to vomit, he was looking around frantically for a bag. When he asked the secruity guard her response was "do you see uniform I'm not a nurse. "
That night patients took care of each other in that waiting room. Thank you to everyone in that waiting room. Despite being strangers we cared for one another.
18 June 2023 3:48
Absolutely unacceptable. Waiting 12 hours in the ER with a broken hand and didn’t even get called. At least 50% of the staff are walking around texting, on their cell phones. And the other 40% are just sitting around. No wonder you can’t get scene by anyone as there to busy scrolling on there phones. Not sure how medical professionals are allowed to be on their phone at work anyway as you’re not even allowed to use your phone at work if you work at Walmart. No one takes it serious and the place is an absolute gong show. Not to mention the place is disgusting, janitors change the garbage and that’s it. Save yourself a headache and just go anywhere else. 0/10
01 May 2023 9:41
Worst experience ever. Waiting time is 12 hours. In the mean time a person could die or get better without treatment
20 April 2023 0:47
I brought my 4 year old son to the emergency ward; he has a temperature of 37.7 and threw up right in the hospital making it the 7th time he’s throwing up within 5 hours. Been here since 12: 40am, it’s 5: 54am and the student doctor I spoke to told me there’s just one doctor attending to everyone!

We are over 17 people still waiting to see the doctor! I’ve never experienced this in my life! This hospital is looking like “a thousand and one ways to die”
16 April 2023 1:52
Mauvais service j’attends ça fait 9h et j’ai pas encore passer vraiment mal organisé et l’accueil se voit supérieur de nous
27 March 2023 22:25
Dr Carole Leblanc mutilated me by performing an episiotomy without my consent. She was visibly annoyed that I was having a baby during her shift. My actual OBGYN is wonderful but wasn’t able to be there for my delivery. My confidence and self esteem has plummeted while my pain level from this unnecessary, untold about and nonconsensual procedure skyrockets. My family, fiancé and me all left the hospital traumatized. During this, she discussed how someone left a sponge in somebody else.here I am, suffering and infected from the incisions she made.
25 February 2023 2:01
It has been 4 years with this covid and the hospital is still got these people stationed by the door asking the same questions and giving us a mask, have no problem with the mask but no need of these people at the door questioning where we are going and the covid questions, time to let it go, we are masked so leave us alone. All it amounts too is giving a job to these people and they think they have authority over us.
28 January 2023 8:40
Coperates racism exist here. What a shame!
Most wicked and inconsiderate set of mangements.
This place is BAD news beware and be warned especially if you re an immigrant!
So I hear in the news, the Moslem/ER incidence. Well I am not surprised at all. Toxic place to work and i guess receive care.
26 January 2023 10:45
The health care in this province is truly abysmal, and nowhere is it better shown than this place. I and my girlfriend are currently STILL in the ER waiting room, in our 15th hour of waiting while the whole time she is in excruciating pain. No updates, no news, just the med students checking vitals every once and a while because people have DIED while waiting. This is beyond messed up. If I could give negative stars I would.
26 January 2023 5:56
Man, the ER crew are phenomenal. Unfortunately our kid was super sick recently so had to visit the ER 3 times in a week as her condition deteriorated. The triage we're friendly and efficient. The nurses were extremely kind and genuinely sweet. The two different doctors we saw were personable, compassionate, and informative.
Was there a long wait the first trip? Yes. BUT that is not the fault of the hospital, nor it's great staff, that's a government funding issue. I could complain re the wait, but at the end of the day, the alternative is a pay more per use system and I don't know if Canada is ready for that.

In short, of all hospitals I've been to in my injury prone life/sporting life (and as a parent), the nurses here are great. They are who you deal with 90% of the time at a hospital and despite the stress of their job, they're sincerely helpful.

. All that said, I hope I'm not back in the ER for a while.
10 January 2023 8:08
I have been here since a little after 12 midnight and its now 2: 15pm, 14 hours waiting and still can't be seen by a doctor, my daughter was in a car accident and still they don't care and people who met us here have come and gone many of them. When are they going to see her, when she is dead. 14 hours and still waiting, this is not good. She is in so much pain and no one is helping.
30 December 2022 22:10
After herniated disc surgery I was force out and few days later I was back again for a bigger surgery for the same disc and bigger damage
07 December 2022 14:03
Worse hospital I ever seen. Nurses are rude to patient I can’t believe how they talk to sick patients. The waiting period is so long is terrible.
01 December 2022 3:26
Poverty province, poverty healthcare. Most nurses are careless and would rather sit in the nurses station and gossip through Facebook. Can't blame them though, Higgs government pays them poorly and they are overworked and understaffed. No money, no compassion. Let's also not forget the outrageous wait times in the emergency department. Up to 24hrs and even longer. I bet if his lordship Blaine Higgs needed to see a doctor, he wouldn't have to wait. New Brunswick government, and all governments are letting the people down in every aspect. I would give 0 stars, but it is not possible. Even 0 stars is too high of a rating.
04 June 2022 5:15
It was my first time here, I was kinda nervous but I met really nice and kind staffs there. The hospital us huge, lol. I had to keep asking and going back and asking for directions. Fast and efficient service all the way! Great place!
26 May 2022 6:01
A beyond awful experience, was told to go their, and then was refused in the door, and witnessed a nurse disrespecting all of the patients, along with myself.an absolute awful service, and awful person who clearly should not be working with people who are sick.so disappointed.don’t go here unless you really have to.so awful.
18 May 2022 0:27
Worst hospital and the worst staff. It will take you a whole day or more to see a doctor and if you get any good luck getting treatment. My advise do not go there if you feel like your gonna die.
09 May 2022 8:48
Omg. I have just made a record of 18 hours in that s**t circus. Triage nurse told me that I was level 2 and would probably see a doctor in 1 hour lol. I believed her. Severely understaffed, people with nail hammered in their feet waiting 12 hours and then quitting. New Brunswick is the worst province for healthcare. Please guys take care of yourself because NB health won’t. They already made a woman wait 11 hours in ER and she died.
03 May 2022 9:23
I'm sat here in the waiting room with severe symptoms of something kidney/appendix related and it took an hour for even a triage nurse to show up, although plenty of staff standing around desks talking. While assessing me she was focused on a million other things, coming and going from the room, talking to other people. I was asked the Covid questions numerous times when I'm here for something completely unrelated. I have autoimmune disease and I'm being isolated in the Covid area for having one related symptom. I overheard a nurse tell another patient that there will be no doctor until after 8am, I got here at 3: 30 and it's currently 5: 00. This is just unacceptable and dangerous. I'm sat here concerned about my wellbeing in the care of this hospital. What kind of hospital is this? No wonder people have died in their waiting room. This is not a safe place to be if you are sick.
01 May 2022 13:46
It's a hospital so it's not going to be a glitzy review but I do know that many good people work here and do not deserve the negative comments that people make about it. They have helped me tremendously over the past few months with professionalism and care. We are lucky to have such a facility.
23 April 2022 9:56
I have all the respect to the staff. I don't plan to berate anyone for being short-staffed. I can understand the extreme wait times and prioritizing patients as they arrive. I do have some concerns in regards to consistency and professionalism.

I arrived around 6pm and left at least ten hours later. Only two nurses and one doctor. Some people tapped out early and others arrived throughout the wait that took priority over me. Okay. Fine.

I ended up being lumped into the isolation unit. I had headaches and fatigue, which are two covid-like symptoms so as a precaution I was placed there. Pretty sure at least a few people that came in later on, were positive for covid. Lots of people throwing up and it wouldn't surprise me if I contracted it during my visit.

By the tenth hour I was exhausted. My phone battery was dead, my eyes were strained, it was hard to keep my head up and I was starving. I'd only eaten once that day and if I left, I'd lose my place in the queue. In the end I became too miserable. I'd actually called the paramedics the previous night before, but they didn't take me to the ER as they believed I was experiencing a panic attack (however, to my knowledge) the numbness, chest discomfort and difficulty breathing don't normally last 24 hours. Two days later I am exhibiting these problems. If it truly was a panic attack, making sure I was well fed and rested was clearly not enough.

One screener told me one thing, the next screener told me something different. Then I overheard they were finally getting to those that arrive around 6pm the previous day, however, they were hiding some of the other patients in the hallway behind the green door. So, despite being one of the 2 left in the waiting room that arrived BEFORE all of these people, I was stuck waiting to the bitter end. I gave up, went home, and figured I could come back after some sleep if things persisted.

With symptoms still persisting, I call in advance to see if I can't get an idea of how many people are in the waiting room so I could better gage if I should go now (if it was around 5 or less) or stay at home if it was 15 or more. Couldn't get a straight answer. They avoided answering the question and instead said things like 'I'm not saying you shouldn't come in, if you feel that there's something wrong, that's your choice', when the staff numbers decrease, etc. But not the actual answer to my question. I can understand not being able to deliver accurate time estimates. I don't expect someone to predict how many patients could roll in at later hours, I just want to be able to make my own assessment.

I have also experienced some other concerning issues but there were so few staff it'd be too easy to tell who is who. I'd rather not end up with a 'waitress spitting into my food', so to speak.
11 April 2022 14:31
Very bad experience with this. I had worse pain. I visited two times and wait for 5 to 6 hours but nobody come to see me. They just have one doctor in emergency at night time. If you have to wait that long in emergency so what happened with normal one.
13 March 2022 6:59
They are taking very good care of my mother in her end of life days. We’re very grateful to everyone here.
01 December 2021 11:22
When i got there i wasn’t expecting to be take right away, but i was still able to be out of the hospital within 5 hours or so (even though they were short staffed)! Everyone was friendly and my physician (i forget her name) was very kind and made me feel comfortable right away! Even with covid, everything went by fairly quickly:)
30 November 2021 3:48
Coperates racism exist here. What a shame!
Most wicked and inconsiderate set of mangements.
This place is BAD news beware and be warned especially if you re an immigrant!
09 November 2021 3:53
Last visit to this location was for the birth of my child, the nurses had tried to force me to be seated while my fiancée is calling my name to hold her hand during contractions, I had stated that I felt very disrespected about not being able to be there while she was in need, DO NOT voice your opinion of disrespect at all at this establishment or the " security and supervisor will be called and notified". Also I maintained a calm composure during the explanation of feeling disrespected
30 October 2021 12:10
Sat there for 12 hours. Didn't sleep stayed from 10pm-10am in serious pain and they said they don't know if I'll go in. I won't be going back
17 October 2021 14:42
Waiting time 15 hours in the Emergency room, after that we left we lost hope. It is a shame that Canada has such a system. Can't any politician do something about this why do we elect them?
29 September 2021 11:22
I have heard horrible tales about Moncton hospital. However I decided to take a chance as my 7yrs old has been having ankle pain for 2yrs and sometimes it can be really bad that he's not able to walk. We spent 15hrs without seeing a doctor today. The nurses are the most insensitive I've met. Their language is "we don't treat based on first come first serve, it's based on the case if you can't wait you are free to go". Meaning people shuold go home and die?
I understand some cases are more critical. But common, a 7yr old in and out of pain for the past 2years, what more do you need? Will they prefere he's crippled before they consider his situation critical? How can somebody spend 15hrs waiting to see a doctor in this age and time and still unable to? Newbrunswick needs to act fast, it's really sad, i was really upset my boy was very disappointed
03 September 2021 9:51
I came in at around 8pm last night. At around 10: 45 I finally got registered and told that the type of doctor I needed to see was only there during the day, so I was advised (by a very kind human being) to come back in the day time. Came back today at around 2 pm. A few other people and myself were asked to go in another waiting room with no heat. Someone brought in some heathers but I was still freezing and after 8pm they closed the lights and Left us there. During that time dozens of people in the main waiting room came in and left. I suppose all these people had been taken care of. NO ONE in the other waiting room where I was got called. I Left at midnight.
05 July 2021 17:34
First time going there. Place looks more like a university than a hospital. People were nice and helpful. The place just needs a slight dusting cause it is everywhere. Not good if you have allergies.
26 June 2021 3:58
My wife passed here, very nice and quite comical! Staff was cracking jokes whilst I puppeteered my wife’s corpse pretending she was still kickin
24 June 2021 17:05
First and last time there.
Parking is an absolute nightmare.
Show up 30 seconds late and they won’t take you. Absolutely RIDICULOUS.
Staff doesn’t care.
Tonnes of bad reviews and good reasons for it.
Avoid this place at all costs.
16 June 2021 15:29
I limp-crawled leaning on a bike crying that I had broken leg. They refused to help me to the wheelchairs and refused to help secure the bike in the bike area. I was there for 8 hours and when I requested to know when I will be seen or to be retriaged they told me my vitals were fine. Meanwhile, the autistic person who was loud got in for making a scene. I started getting frustrated because 2 full rooms of people had come and gone since I arrived and, when I called them out for that they called the police who showed up and left as soon as they heard what was going on.
I had to get my mom to leave work in Saint John to pick me up and take me to Dumont who didn't treat me either. They gave me an xray said nothing was broken and gave me a note for work. I had to approach my family doctor to get an MRI and find out I tore ligaments in my right leg and 4 years later I am still waiting for a specialist.

Before any of this I also came in trying to get blood work as my family doctor was across the province. They refused to even provide me information on how I can get a STI test done
14 May 2021 0:15
Speedy ER if you actually need to go to the ER. I got to the ER with a partially amputated finger at around 3pm. The ER waiting room was full. After giving my information I was immediately brought in to see a nurse. Within minutes they froze my finger to numb the pain. The doctor was already helping somebody else, so I waited 15 to 20 minutes before she came and did my stitches. After that I went and got an xray in no time at all, then I was able to leave. I was in and out of the hospital in less than 2 hours.

Fun fact, if you've been in the ER waiting room for 9 hours, you probably don't have to be in the ER. Go to a damn after hours clinic.
04 May 2021 7:41
I have had a few experiences at this hospital and I cannot complain. My labour and delivery nurse was absolutely amazing. She made me feel safe, comfortable and heard. She managed to make a painful and exhausting process and enjoyable one and for that I can never thank her enough. (unfortunately i cannot remember her name). The 2 nurses I had after delivering were amazing as well. They were so helpful and patient with me and made my first 2 days as a mother run smoothly. I couldn’t wait to go home and enjoy my baby in a familiar setting but once I was home I missed the nurses and wished I would have chosen to stay longer lol. The whole ER staff is also exceptional and I have been there a few times in the past few years. All this to say I would return to this hospital in a heartbeat if I hadn't moved away. Thank you to all the staff who put their hearts into their work, your efforts do not go unnoticed.
29 April 2021 1:24
Tom Tate-Williams. I was recently in the hospital for surgery. Dr. Ojah did a biopsy in my chest. The whole experience was great, from going in to leaving. The preparation was informative, the surgery and aftercare were excellent. I was in ward 5 where the nurses were very attentive and professional. I have had four surgical procedures at the hospital and have had great experience each time. Thank you
07 April 2021 3:46
The Paeditrician clinic was amazing it was clean and staffed with understanding and patient nurses who made my 14 month old daughter comfortable for her blood draw.
20 March 2021 7:28
This is the worst hospital ever ive been waiting 4 hours in the emergency with a broken bone. Nobody does their job, super bad service. I will never suggest this hospital to anyone
21 December 2020 19:12
Horrible horrible heartbreaking experience! Image your loved one has been in a terrible car accident and has suffered a brain injury leaving them very confused and at times agitated and due to Covid rules you are being denied access to be with them even tho everything you read says it’s very important for your loved ones recovery to be around the people that they love and are familiar to them. This is beyond distressing and seems negligent to me, especially knowing they have 3 empty beds in intensive care!
03 December 2020 17:02
I got deep cut on my fingers. Was waiting in ER for 9 hours to finally be able to see the doctor. I was originally only intending to give 1 star without hesitations due to horrible receptionists and nurses keeping turning me away just telling me to wait or choose to go back home without being able to see the doctor. I understand the part of prioritizing patients depending on how much they are getting life-threatened by their medical status, but it doesn't justify of those who are treating other patients with smaller injuries or illness with no caring attitude. We are all in the hospital to be helped to get better.

But doctor Brent has made my experience way better when I finally got to see him at 4AM. He was really attentive and reliable even though he came from doing intensive care for those who came through ambulance. I also felt bad with the fact that other staff had to let me wait to make him be able to focus on treating those patients in needs first before treating other patients.

Still, it doesn't mean I could have digested all the cold comments that I was getting from staff in the front desk in ER, and the hospital or provincial government or even Canadian government that is in charge of improving this sort of medical facility must do something about this situation that some patients end up giving up seeing a doctor from not getting warm or caring support from other staff in the ER or anywhere else in the hospital.

Again, I would like to give sincere thanks to doctor Brent who has been keeping working hard in such a late night as only one available doctor at the moment and attentive and understanding with the patients. I do hope all the best for you and wish lots of lovely things happening with you in the future!
29 November 2020 18:31
Their no recording video or audio policy is an obvious attempt to silence those who have been abused and neglected by these doctors. I'm still going to record audio regardless and this time I did. Was there for blood and a biospy and during this entire time absolutely not one person smiled at me, the receptionists really need a course in social behavior and a large majority of the nurses NEED to lose weight.
28 November 2020 15:51
Absolutely horrible place.gone for the same test twice now over the course of 3 years, and they've made excuses everytime as to why I cant have my results.it's a simple pap test. I should be able to get these results.
I'm scheduled for a third exam (the literal exact same exam again) next week and now they cant even find my appointment OR my Medicare number in the system even though I confirmed all of this with them days ago.the second time, they used me as a guinea pig without asking.they had a male student doctor viewing my pap test without my consent or even asking first.never got those results either.
I will die of cervical cancer before I receive a single pap test result from this hospital.
I traveled for 5 years, and this was the worst hospital on earth I've ever been "treated" by.
27 October 2020 12:27
If you have mental illness and you plan to visit the ER don't bother. I've been to the emergency room 3 times and each time I witnessed the nursing staff over dramatize communications between patients and the worst part is, THEY CONTINUE TO TALK ABOUT THEM while we are all in the waiting room. Absolutely unprofessional and disgusting.what a sick world we live in.
15 October 2020 17:23
After another (5th) attempt at going to the hospital for surgery on my esophagus, as I can’t swallow properly. They were telling people to wait outside or in their cars. A man was bleeding out and was told to go away and check back in every couple hours. What a disgusting way to treat people. Blood on the floor, that was just sort of wiped with an employee’s foot. I do have to say there is some Great staff mostly from greeters and screeners. The other are just working in a disgusting unorganized dishonest mess.
1 star for actually being a hospital.
2 star for having at least the decency to ask if someone was ok.they are in a ER.

0 star!
13 September 2020 6:54
Ridiculous. Went over there today with chest pain, palpitations and hard time breathing. Made me wait 6 hours before I insisted to get an ECG done. Waited another 2 hours for them to say I had a heart episode.
31 July 2020 12:11
The absolute worst hospital in Canada, a year ago they mistreated, ignored and over medicated my father.
Due to their negligence he was taken from us far too soon.
My dad did no deserve the mistreatment from this horrible horrible hospital nurses and staff.
29 July 2020 19:55
They do not care about the patients my mother had cysts drained and they refused to let her use the bathroom for 2 hours.they refused to let her sit up even tho she can not lay on her back due to medical conditions. Theyve not allowed her a diabetic to eat, and anything shes asked for has been met with a rude and snarky attitude. This is the worst care ive ever seen anyone give my family and im from miramichi.
26 July 2020 2:04
I was there last Friday at 1am. My kid had pain in his belly and vomited. He made an urin test, but it was 4am and NO ONE from the people waiting there when I arrived was called. At that point my son was sleeping, his pain was gone due to the Tylenol I gave him at home, so I gave up and came back home. It wasn't a big health problem, pretty much scary only because he was screaming and crying, but I feel really insecure if we have a bad emergency at night, we will probably die waiting for assistance.
22 April 2020 3:13
Went in at 6pm with pain in my lower region, could barely walk. At 8am the next morning I was finally called. All the night being told "oh you should be called up soon" and yet the intercom called nobody from midnight until 7: 30.

The staff are friendly and all, but dang if they ever leave you hanging with soons and probablys and shouldn't be much longers. A 14 hour wait with 3 or 4 "it should be soon" conversations is a little ridiculous
29 January 2020 4:33
I'm sitting in this room, after coming in contact with not a cold, not the flu, but TB, and two nurses have come to tell me that I can't be tested for an unspecified amount of time.

My mother and I have tried everything from asking if we can see a doctor to actually making a sign saying "Possible TB risk" which is very true and all they did was tell us it wasn't allowed and that "we are in the nurse-practitioners pile", whatever that means.

We were waiting in the emergency room for two hours, and in a small room for another two hours, while a group of 5 or so nurses gossip around the nurses station just 10 feet away. No one has come to see us, and the nicest employee we've seen was a man who when we asked if he was our doctor, said "I don't know, I don't think so" as he walked away.

There is a sign on the wall stating that it is the patients right to have a third person in the room during a physical exam. I wish there was a sign stating that it's the patients right to recieve medical assistance.

My mother has to work, I've missed the entire school day, and we are hungry and tired and trying to be very patient. Doctors and surgeons and nurses are walking by, looking in, even making eye contact before hurrying away to somewhere else.
28 November 2019 13:43
A lot of gripes in the postings. TMH Emerg is like every other hospital in NB. The triage nurse assesses every case. Life threatening takes precedent minor cuts at bottom of categories. That is common sense.

Staff normally always courteous. Thanks to them all

Always had good service sometimes it takes longer than others but higher priority rules.
20 October 2019 22:08
I cut myself and needed stitches. Sat around for five hours before deciding to walk out. During my wait, three people were called in. I'm old enough not to worry about scars. My immediate concern was tetanus. I went to a pharmacy, purchased a pack of butterfly closure and did it myself. Not pretty but did the trick.
23 August 2019 10:02
Was brought by ambulance around 2340hrs after an accident at work that injured my ribs & hip.
Have been waiting since 2350hrs, it is now 0417hrs and I haven’t even been spoken to by a doctor or a nurse.
I’d have been better off quad dosing some Advil and rolling the dice on liver failure.

The nurses that I had spoken to upon arrival & that set me up in my room were pleasant and lovely.
Just can’t believe the wait times. It’s ridiculous.
18 July 2019 18:30
The emerg nurse yells next. How are you to know who is next. Could be 50 people or more in that rm. Come on management.

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