25 September 2023 4:43
They'll let you die on the floor and accuse you of being dramatic and asking 'is your wife always like this? ' Allison Holthoff died on the floor of the waiting room after waiting hours for help. All because no one took her pain seriously. Her widowed husband doesn't blame the doctors and nurses but blames the system. But he should blame the nurses because they decided her pain wasn't real and that she was overreacting. They made this decision off of nothing but their own negligent and uncaring feelings. They were lazy, incompetent, and let 3 kids loose their mother. At the very least, they should be stripped of their certifications to work in the medical field, and at the most they should be prosecuted. They do not deserve mercy because they did not provide it.
14 July 2023 14:30
Waited in the ER for 6 hours just for the doctor to take my blood, the nurse said the results would take 20 minutes and the doctor only came back two hours later, I seen him just sitting around when I had to get up to use the bathroom multiple times. He didn’t tell me what I had or how to relieve my pain either he just gave me a prescription and left
15 March 2023 17:38
People die waiting for help in this ER! Allison Holthoff, 37, died at the ER waiting for help. According to CBC, her kind husband doesn’t blame the doctors, he blames the system. I deeply respect this man, a father of three children. However, the doctors and the nurses who attended Allison must all take responsibility for what happened at the emergency. They ARE the system. These are the grown up adults who hopefully were taught to make ethical judgments! The fact that they all saw a poor woman, a mother of three, dying of stomachache and did very little to help is just as on them as on the system. These nurses and doctors are used to situations like seeing pain and they do forget how important it is to help others. They would rather stay in the corner and gossip about their problems then fulfill the duties they were hired to do. I’ve been to different ERs in BC and we have exactly the same situation here! I cried in the ER because of my stomach pain and I remember how long I waited for help. Did the doctors follow up with me after they couldn’t help and I chose to get back home with my pain? No! They judge patients, see them as liars based on the Grey’s anatomy they watch and pretend they are the smart heroes. Doctors, nurses, wake up! You think you have a difficult job? Trust me, you don’t! There are many more professions that are more physically intense and intellectually challenging. If you chose your profession, BE HUMANE AND RESPONSIBLE! Don’t just waste your time. Be the change! Otherwise, you are no batter than a flock following imaginary system that you overcomplicate in your heads.
28 February 2023 16:56
Hospital experience was minimal but had no issues. The parking is a racket though. 2023 and you have to pay in coins. Don't carry money? Their ATM charges you $3.50 to make a withdrawal. That's 50 cents more than the actual parking fee. Put a tap and go on the parking exit, add an app, or make it free. What a money grab.
27 February 2023 17:02
Doing a great job at watching and making tic toc videos, not doing much other then that
10 February 2023 22:28
So often we hear about the negative things that are happening in our healthcare system. Today I had an efficient, friendly and professional experience in day surgery. Marsha at registration quickly got my information and sent me on my way. All the nurses that were involved in my preparation and procedure were attentive, friendly, took time to explain everything and provided me with excellent care. Thank you all!
19 December 2022 16:31
Took my son was in the ER for a couple of days due to breathing issues. They brought him right in. I'm in a wheelchair due to a knee injury. The nurses were so extremely nice and helpful with both me and my son. His treatment plan was explained to me and followed, i never felt in the dark. Beyond impressed.

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