21 June 2023 10:07
Dentists and Angels
This is a review for Dalhousie Dental that will be in detail. I was fortunate enough to be able to get some serious dental work done at a discounted price, which was what I was looking for but like everyone I was a bit nervous about which Students I’d receive but nonetheless I was looking forward to getting some dental work done but I also faced another problem (something I’ll keep private here in this review) that could have destroyed any hopes I had of getting this dental work done then add on which student I might get and what their personalities will be like. Will they understand my personal issue and if so, how will they help me with it? I was writing this off as a bad experience before it was even booked! I decided to chill out and wait to see what happened on the day of my first appointment and thank goodness I did as my meeting with the dental hygienist Lauren was fantastic. She was aware of my problem and was so understanding and thoughtful about it all. Lauren went above and beyond to make sure I felt comfortable while at the dental clinic and explained everything before it happened and always asked for my permission before doing anything. Lauren was a complete Angel and made my experience at the school to be one that I’ll never forget due to the compassion and understanding, not to mention that she’s absolutely amazing at her craft of cleaning teeth and dental hygiene in general. I felt so lucky to have had the pleasure of being in Lauren’s chair and can guarantee that anyone else would have the same experience, that’s how wonderful and professional Lauren is with her patients. I still had the actual dental part and dentist to deal with so I didn’t want to celebrate quite yet, despite Lauren telling me how fantastic my student dentist was. The time finally came for me meet my student dentist, who’s name is Seth and after meeting him I knew I had scored 2 for 2! Another Angel from above who also went above and beyond to make sure I was comfortable and happy at every one of my visits. He is also amazing at his job and will quickly become someone you felt like you’ve known your entire life. Seth is an absolute gem of a person with a personality that you’ll absolutely adore immediately. Seth would even sing/hum a song while working on my teeth to help calm me which was very helpful at relaxing me and making me feel safe and sound.
I couldn’t believe I had been not only blessed once, but twice. Lauren and Seth, who eventually became like friends, made sure every visit I had was a comfortable one. I can’t stress enough how wonderful and professional these two Dalhousie students were as they were truly that great! They made me want to go to every single visit which is a rarity as I thought I’d be canceling a few appointments. I could go on all day and night about these two “Angels” that I was lucky enough to cross paths with while on a major life’s journey but I’ll stop here, but not because I want to. Please recognize these two for their outstanding work and how they handled my situation. Their kind are rare these days and for me to get them both at the same time was a complete blessing. Everyone I came across here at Dalhousie Dental school was an absolute joy with a special shout out to Doctor Raftus (sp?) and Christine who are fantastic leaders at the school. Thank you to everyone that helped me along my personal journey. I really couldn’t have done it without you guys. What a fantastic establishment with such wonderful people there to help out. Thank you all for everything.
29 May 2023 3:36
Dalhousie dentistry needs someone new to answer their phones. The lady who answered seemed like she had better things to do. She had a nasty and impatient attitude. You'd think with people being able to write reviews on the spot for a business, that those who work in customer service would be a lot nicer to potential clients. They are losing money for businesses.
17 May 2023 16:34
I don’t know why I kept going back here & letting them work on my teeth. Based on a few friends’ experiences & based on mine, I wouldn’t recommend this place. It’s best to go to an experienced dentist where you won’t have all kinds of issues. They were having so many problems freezing my teeth. I NEVER had this problem at any other dentist, even when I was in pain. They’re doing fillings on peoples teeth that should really be root canals or extractions. They’re not doing certain things right. I don’t know how they’re being taught. Even with the instructors supervising, they seem to be making the wrong calls. One of the instructors here Dr Ackle is unprofessional. Encouraging your students to ignore patients and not return their calls is not okay. Dr Ackler is a poor communicator.
22 October 2022 9:34
The best experience from start to finish. Not only did they relieve my pain, but they gave me back my smile, and my confidence. The students have exemplary customer service and genuinely care about their clients. I have never been treated kinder or with more respect. Simply Amazing! Thank you

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