12 October 2023 21:35
Taylor was amazing to deal with, there’s a night and day difference with duke. Walks are easier and being around other dogs is less stressful. I highly recommend Taylor and mango dogs.
29 September 2023 13:40
When I brought my 4 year old doodle, Ollie, to Taylor I was feeling quite discouraged. Ollie is a great dog when home with us but had over the top reactions (barking, pacing) to people coming to the door or even walking by our home.
Taylor was able to help with that and also with improving his leash manners and his recall.
Thank you from Ollie and family
27 September 2023 0:07
Our trainer Taylor has been extremely helpful. He is always available to answer questions and is super pleasant to work with! Our dog Cash is already making amazing progress!
26 September 2023 14:21
I can not say thank you to Taylor and Mango Dogs enough. Freyja, my two yr old rottie, was extremely reactive and becoming aggressive to new people in my home. I could no longer take her for walks because her leash reactivity became so bad.

Today, after only 3 private lessons and a lot of homework, we just returned from a very long walk on a crowded walking trail. I am literally in tears with gratitude because it was the most enjoyable walk we’ve ever had. She never left my side, she went for a swim, and just pure joy.

I have my dog back and we can now enjoy the rest of her long life.

I will forever recommend Mango Dogs to absolutely anyone. You & your furbaby are worth this program. Thank you thank you thank you Taylor!
25 September 2023 7:31
We started seeing Taylor 3 sessions ago. When we started we could barely go for a walk Arlo would pull, bark at other dogs and be everywhere all at once. He was very reactive in every sense of the word. Today we finished our third session and walked through a neighbourhood by multiple dogs and all Arlo needed was a firm no as a reminder. These guys are the real deal. Worth every penny. Attached photos of Arlo for everyone’s enjoyment.
24 September 2023 2:06
We’ve been working with Taylor and what a difference with our dog! Night and day! I will recommend him until the end of time! He’s not only extremely knowledgeable but personable and truely cares for dogs.
21 September 2023 20:28
We are beyond impressed by the progress we’ve seen in Jasper since we started working with Taylor at Mango Dogs!

Jasper is our 6 year old Havanese who had quite the list of behavioural issues including resource guarding and obedience when on walks. Taylor even took the time to take us on a walk with Jasper on a path he was familiar with near our home to show us how to handle real situations we could encounter when out with Jasper. After our first 4 week sessions it is already a night and day difference, it really feels like Jasper is getting it. Can’t wait to start group classes on the weekend!
06 August 2023 1:52
We’ve had Harper and Hailey, a (toxic) bonded pair from Mexico, for about 5 years and we somehow managed to deal with the (many) issues that came up between Hailey’s anxiety and Harper’s aggression towards strangers. We accepted having company at our house was a whole to-do (crates, muzzle, bratty barking etc), and that because boarding or daycare was not possible, we couldn’t vacation together. We worked with a behavioral vet for over 2 years. We managed mostly through low stimulation environments and avoiding triggers. We accepted that we made this commitment to these otherwise WONDERFUL pups.

When Hailey went blind suddenly in May 2023 things, took a steep nose dive. They would fight multiple times a day, sometimes to the point of injury. They could barely be in the same room with each other. After about 3 weeks of living separately and basically operating prison yard style to allow each dog to have free range time, we got a referral for Mango dogs from our vet and started working with Taylor. Taylor admits that our case is definitely one for the books.

We are only about 10 weeks into our 1 year program and we have already seen leaps and bounds in Harper (the aggressive one). After our first session of flooding something definitely clicked in him. You could see his body language change, and the way he considered his choices, and even got more affectionate!
We even had Harper in place (back tied) and had people over at the house without any signs of aggression. This is MASSIVE for Harper.

Hailey’s progress, even with her still adjusting to life as a blind dog, has shown great progress. Her training goals are slightly different from Harper’s but we’ve seen tremendous progress so far as well. Taylor has been so incredibly patient in the ways that each dog has needed.

I cannot recommend Mango Dogs enough. They saved us from having to re-home one of our dogs. To be quite frank… Taylor has saved Harper’s life as he would not have been a good candidate for re-homing. We can’t thank you enough Taylor! Looking forward to starting group classes.

Matt + Anelisa
11 June 2023 11:11
If you are looking for help training your dog you’ve come to the right place! We were having leash reactivity issues with our dog, to the point that we were embarrassed to walk in busy areas because of the lunging and barking. One of the trainers (Taylor) met with us to assess our dog and explain the process. Taylor was great to work with and very knowledgeable. We are very happy with our progress so far, we are doing things with our dog that we never thought possible. If you want to have a better relationship with your dog and correct some unwanted behaviours I would highly recommend working the Mango Dogs team.
26 May 2023 20:50
As a home with three large-breed dogs, one a senior and the other two litter mate puppies, we reached out to Mango Dogs to help with several behavioural issues.

From the very first phone call and home visit- the whole team was fantastic. Taylor and Amy were assigned to our case, and right away we started to notice big changes. The training has improved our relationship with our dogs, as well as their relationships with each other. Group class on the weekends is something we look forward to- it’s a great learning environment, and also comforting to be surrounded by others who are going through the same journey with their pups.

Training is an ongoing process, and with 3 large dogs, it’s a big task, but we never feel alone. The whole Mango Dogs team is ready to help and answer any questions we have - and we have had our fair share!

A HUGE thank you to Ted, Taylor, Amy, and Justine- you’ve all been so helpful and knowledgeable and we are so glad to be working with you folks.
22 April 2023 1:49
We have been working with Taylor for a little while now and have noticed a big difference in our dog’s confidence and reactivity. The structured program we’ve been following, coupled with now joining group classes is proving to be exactly what we needed for our rescue girl who can be very nervous/reactive to new environments. We’ve been able give her lots of exposure to triggers to help her learn appropriate behaviours and learn to trust with the support from the trainer and tools given to us. Taylor has always been available for any questions and support along the way to help us as owners, too. She’s coming along so well and we are very thankful for the program, and would absolutely refer others to the program.
19 April 2023 23:26
Best money spent! Mango Dogs staff are so knowledgeable regarding dog behaviour. Training is amazing. They equip you, as a dog owner with so much understanding of why your dog is having issues and our personal trainer Justine has filled us with so much confidence as she trains us (lol).
It is so comforting to see Hollie become the beautiful dog that Justine told us she could be. Group training with Ted and staff is great! It gave us the confidence to be around a lot of dogs at one time. It’s awesome to have a place to go where other dog owners have the same mindset of bringing out the best in our dogs.
No judgement in group class if your dog is struggling. I would recommend Mango Dogs to anyone who is looking to get the best out of their dog.
Irene Meko
17 April 2023 19:27
We had always wanted to add a Great Dane to our family because of their regal and calm demeanour, but quickly came to find that was not the case with our 13 month old, Osler. We did puppy obedience classes, consistent at-home training and still couldn't manage his reactivity around other dogs. Leash walking him was a nightmare, and he would lunge, bark and try and rush to greet other dogs constantly - which, as a 130lb (and growing) pup, was getting out of hand very quick.

I found Mango Dogs through a Google search and reached out to them the same evening. It was the best decision we've ever made. Even during the initial in-person consultation with Ted, he had Osler completely listening and obeying him. We didn't recognize our dog! Our trainer, Taylor, came to our house for a one-hour training session every weekend, and gave us all the tools we need to redirect unwanted behaviours.

Walking Osler is so enjoyable now, and he knows exactly what is expected of him. We're looking forward to many adventures with him now knowing that we have complete control over any situation. We're so grateful for Mango Dogs and the professional, personalized training they offered. We are excited to get to group class every weekend and continue our progress!
13 March 2023 22:35
We adopted our rescue dog Lucky, from South Korea in August last year. Lucky was bonded to me in few months but he was still skittish to my partner even 6 months after we adopted him. It was impossible for my partner to even put a leash on Lucky without my help. Lucky bit my partner few times when he tried putting a leash on. I was worried when I was out and I had to be ready to be back home any minute. Lucky was always running away from my partner at home. We tried lots of treats as positive enforcement training but did not work out. I was searching for a dog trainer and found Mango Dogs. We did a few phone consultations with Ted and moved on to the training with Taylor. All the methods from Ted and Taylor combined together and worked like magic. Lucky became a different dog in a month. Lucky is not skittish to my partner and always come for a leash. Now my partner can pet and even kiss to Lucky. We never imagined this could happen. Also, Lucky was very reactive to other dogs while walking. He lunged, barked and nipped but he walks like an angel after training with Taylor.
Now We actually enjoy walking with Lucky. We highly recommend Mango Dogs. We could not be happier. Thank you very much, Ted and Taylor. -Ellie and Dave-
11 March 2023 7:18
We had a terrible, unprofessional experience seeking services from Ted. In our phone consultation he listened to me describe my dogs behaviour for less than 5 minutes and then went on a 45 minute rant… He went on and on about how my dog was going to bite my unborn child in the face, how I need to look at rehoming him immediately, how I will fail as a parent and dog owner if I don’t rehome my dog, how no other trainers will be willing to work with us (wrong…), and how he absolutely refuses to take us on a clients. All of these statements were made without meeting us or our dog. If you are pregnant or have a young child at home DO NOT contact Mango Dogs… there are much more professional, compassionate and proven trainers to work with that will help you. Our experience was so unnecessarily discouraging and upsetting. All of Ted’s comments were completely unfounded and unprofessional.
08 March 2023 17:07
I highly recommend Mango Dogs. We worked with Ted and Taylor and after 6 weeks or so, we have a new and improved Teddy. We had issues with him jumping on people, pulling on his leash during walks, ball possession and his recall was awful. It’s a small investment but worth every penny and you have the reassurance you are working with the pros! Even after your one on one sessions, you get to continue working with Ted and Taylor in a weekly group setting. You are not just left on your own, you have continued support, which is essential for long term success. I’ve learned so much, but my big takeaways are, you need to learn how to properly communicate with your dog, you do not speak each others language. They need to understand what you are asking of them and this is where Mango Dogs excels. Consistency is key, and if you do the work, you and your dog will live a much happier life together!
We are so proud of our boy, Teddy. ️
Thank you once again!
06 March 2023 19:02
We are amazed at how fast our Rottweiler (Axel) has progressed. In just 5 weeks he is like a brand new dog.

Axel was very reactive towards other dogs and people when walking and driving in the car. After 5 weeks Axel was in a group class with 32 other dogs walking like a pro. Now he’s great in the car and in public, we can finally take him places with us again.

His place training has been a huge help in the house. We can tell Axel to place, and he’ll go to his bed and stay there until released. This is great for cleaning the house, cooking, eating, and a total game changer for when people come to visit.

Axel’s recall was terrible. Axel will now come on the first call every single time even with distractions such dogs or other animals.

We can’t thank Taylor enough for all his help. We now have full control over our dog and we can enjoy doing the things we use to love doing with him. We were hesitant at first because of the cost but trust me when I say it’s worth every penny.
28 February 2023 9:23
Before seeing Amy at Mango Dogs, our dog would bark at other dogs and pull on the leash. Since starting our lessons these behaviors have greatly improved. This has allowed us to have a greater trust in our dog and has been a positive experience. Would highly recommend!
10 February 2023 3:16
Hello Everyone:

I am writing this review about our 3.5 year old female GSD. After having to say good-bye to our last Shepherd we were unsure about getting another dog until we saw this beauty! We knew the breed but it became obvious quite quickly that she was in need of some help with reactivity to people and other dogs.

We tried a few other trainers with some success but needed something more. We were at our wits end but not willing to give up on her.

We contacted Mango Dogs and Kawhi completed the one month board and train with Justine.
Justine has a special connection with animals and did an amazing job! She/Mango Dogs are readily available to help, answer questions and are personable and are very knowledgeable.
Kawhi has become a different dog being able to be around other dogs and people. She no longer barks and growls at people while in the vehicle.
She is able to attend group classes. I really never thought I would see the day that she would be able to do this.
Without this help, knowledge and tools given to us by Mango Dogs and Justine, we would not have our beautiful Kawhi living with us today.
We learn something new everyday and we are all a work in progress.
We have recommended this company and Justine to other people and will continue to do so.
02 February 2023 7:24
4 weeks ago, taking our two very reactive German Shepherds anywhere was an absolute nightmare. We had absolutely no control while walking them. They would pull the entire time and bark and lunge if another dog came within 50 meters of us. It was not fun walking them at all.

4 weeks later, we're walking loose leash in a Petsmart and Home Depot, something we thought would never happen. We look forward to walking them and aren't worried about seeing other dogs anymore.

The progress we've made in the last 4 weeks completely exceeded our expectations and we couldn't be happier.

We can't thank you enough Taylor!
Greg, Stacy, Lilly and Moose
11 January 2023 7:05
We have a four years old Shiba Inu mix, which is stubborn, domineering and a little aggressive to strangers and strange dogs. After training with them my dog can play with other dogs and can be around with strangers and not being aggressive, he will keep his distance but that’s exactly what we want. Really professional team!
05 January 2023 3:08
Amy was amazing to work with. Vern graduated in 4 weeks. Now going to group class. Sometimes he gets a little anxious around other dogs. 15 min in all is good.
29 December 2022 20:09
I took my 2 1/2 yr old Great Pyrenees named Moose to Mango dogs for aggression with other dogs and people coming to the house and to better basic training. We were lucky enough to work with Justine! Justine has been nothing but amazing to work with and Moose just adores her, and is always there for any questions I may have. She was there for not only Moose through training but myself as well. I have seen such an improvement in Moose I even have neighbours saying how well moose is doing now. We have been going to group lessons and I love that everyone supports everyone. I highly highly recommend Mango dogs to anyone!
25 December 2022 4:35
I was lucky to get some 1: 1 time with Ted and my Field Lab. He helped me through understanding Sully better, equipped us with some training and tips. I now have the most trustworthy dog you can imagine. His recall is beyond and with wildlife al around our property, that is very important.
That’s a photo of him patiently staring at a fox in our driveway.
19 December 2022 23:13
Taylor was a great resource and help with our training. I already have a different dog then when we started, and I am excited to see how much more he can improve with the group classes
17 December 2022 0:36
The training with Mango Dogs has been amazing so far, Taylor has been a great teacher and is always able to answer any questions I have! My dog River has become much less reactive and his leash walking has gotten so much better. We look forward to joining the group classes!
04 December 2022 9:55
Taylor has been so awesome to work with getting my pup adjusted to a new living situation, and working on some not so fun behaviours (serial people humper)! We've only been to one group meetup, but looking forward to more.
28 June 2022 20:33
I was very please how Amy’s training not only helped Koda but helped us as well. I am looking forward to being able to give Koda her best life. I would recommend Mango dogs to anyone who has a reactive dog.
16 June 2022 9:10
Amy/Mango Dogs have been incredible to work with. Our dog was a rescue & very reactive when walking on a leash to the point, we had to take her out before sunrise in the woods to avoid people and be away from homes if she started barked at anything else, like a leaf blowing by.

The walk-doctor program has changed all that. The techniques, knowledge, and training provided helped us better understand why our dog acted in specific ways and how to help her through those situations. It's definitely helped us be better dog owners, and walks are enjoyable for everyone now.

I will be recommending Mango Dogs to anyone who may be struggling with dog behavior after my experience. A+ service.
12 June 2022 11:59
Koda had sever leash reactivity. She could be triggered by a dog a football field away. Amy gave us the knowledge and the tools we needed to help us and Koda to feel more confident, relaxed and in control. With the one on one training, the homework and all the support we needed Koda is a completely different dog. Amy has been amazing. Koda is doing fantastic. We can walk down the street and pass other dogs. Koda is so relaxed and walks are a joy. We can't wait for the weekly group classes to maintain all that we have learned. I would highly recommend Mango dogs to anyone with a dog. Amy has been an absolute blessing. ️
07 May 2022 7:33
Amy certainly knows what she's doing and is absolutely amazing! I would highly recommend Mango Dogs.
05 April 2022 20:49
We went to Mango Dogs for help with our Shiloh shepherd Ghost. Before training Ghost used his giant size to pull on the leash and greet people with all 110lbs of love. After working with Amy he has made huge improvements. It’s a joy taking HIM for a walk without him taking US for a walk. Amy gave us the tools and knowledge to train Ghost on recall and other commands as well. We would definitely recommend Mango Dogs to anyone who needs help with their dogs behaviour.
05 April 2022 4:50
In April of last year, I decided my 7-year-old Golden Retriever needed a friend and came across Lola the Bloodhound who needed a new home. I thought that adopting would have to be much easier than raising a puppy. She was already 2 years old, but it didn’t take long to realize she was full of bad habits that were impossible to break on my own. She would not acknowledge I was calling her name when we were outdoors and was doing whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. She was hauling me around on the leash and I tried every different method of harness/collar I came across but was having no success with anything. As a big hiker with my Golden, this was a huge downfall and change to our routine. Lola was horrible when driving in the vehicle, barking at every person, dog, or object that we drove past. She was counter surfing and destroying things at home, and howling/lunging at dogs and people when walking through our neighborhood or when tied on in the backyard. Due to her size and associated power, I knew it was only a matter of time before she got us into trouble, so I decided it was time to get professional help. I remembered previously coming across a woman walking her extremely well behaved and obedient dog off leash - when I asked her who she used as a trainer she said Mango Dogs. I checked them out online and decided to reach out and schedule a consultation right away.

Ted and Amy were very attentive and gathered all the required information at the first session to come up with the best training package to suit our needs. Each session was very informative, and we progressed towards breaking bad habits and meeting various goals at each one. Lola needed a few more sessions than expected due to her strong-willed nature, but Amy was always very patient and willing to see us again.

Lola picked up on some things (such as off leash recall or the place command) as quickly as the end of the lesson, and others (such as on leash sauciness and howling) took a lot more time and effort - we are still working very hard with Lola at home to iron out these remaining kinks, but she has drastically improved from the time that we initially reached out for help. I have friends that often mention how much she has changed in a very positive way since I first brought her home.

I cannot imagine that I would have got even 1/100th as far as we have if it wasn’t for Amy and Teds assistance, knowledge and training style/methods they use at Mango Dogs. I already do and will continue to highly recommend Mango Dogs to anybody who is having trouble and needs assistance with their dogs. I believe they have the skills and knowledge to help owners work out any issues with any breed. We will likely be attending group class for many many Saturdays into the future!
15 March 2022 7:30
Arlo was a great puppy - very good natured dog; however, as he got older and bigger he became very reactive to other dogs. This became such a problem that I would plan my route where I felt we would encounter the fewest dogs. As soon as he saw another dog he would get completely jazzed and would start barking and lunging, practically dragging me behind him. It progressed to the point that I became extremely anxious just thinking about going for a walk. Walking was not fun. When in the house he spent most of his time in front of the window waiting for people, dogs and cats to walk by at which time he would bark like a physco dog. I approached a well known dog trainer who told me I would have to go through the entire obedience program. I said that was fine but I had to address his reaction to other dogs first. That wasn’t going to happen because it wasn’t part of the lesson plan.

Someone mentioned Mango Dogs to me and we had an assessment with Ted and Amy. They assured me that they had dealt with these problems many times and could get us on the right track. We have had 4 lessons and are now ready for the group classes. Arlo has come a long way but is still a work in progress mostly because I have to work on consistency. He is completely manageable now and is improving every day. I now walk where I want to walk regardless of dogs we may encounter.

Not only did Mango give me the tools and instruction I needed to correct Arlo’s problems, but perhaps even more important, they gave me the encouragement and confidence I needed to make Arlo the pet I wanted. Many thanks to Mango. I highly
recommend Ted and Amy. They really know dogs and what makes
them tick. My only regret is that I didn’t contact Mango Dogs 6 months earlier.
14 March 2022 22:55
When we started mango dogs we were becoming to be very scared of our own dog, his aggressive behaviours were getting out of control. We felt scared taking him out of the house, being around company, and in our day to day interactions with him. Since we have started the training with Mango Dogs we have noticed huge improvements in him in ways we never could have dreamed of last month. We no longer dread walking him, his walking on the leash has greatly improved, he now greets company in a nice calm way, he stays on his bed until he is told he can leave it, his barking at the door has improved and he comes almost immediately when we call. He is more humble all around, he is much nicer to play with and he no longer acts like he runs the show. We would recommend mango dogs to anyone dealing with behavioural issues with their dog, and even if you aren’t the training can be life changing for you and your pet!
22 February 2022 4:48
Imagine eating a meal without a dog underfoot!

I sought out help when Ozzy started to be more concerned with female dogs than listening to my recall.

Amy was professional and knowledgeable. She taught me how to keep Ozzy in place (Stay) and through conditioning, recall is working again.

It is so relaxing to have this big goofball wait patiently to be released during a nice meal or when there is a lot of new things happening in the house.

A much less stressful environment to be in when you have established that trust and control over an overzealous teenage dog.

Definitely satisfied. Would recommend to anyone looking for that balanced approach to training their dog.
13 February 2022 5:45
Our experience with Mango has been amazing. Our dog used to be anxious and reactive but with the help of Ted and his team he has improved so much and is much more confident. I would refer a friend to Mango in a heartbeat!
17 December 2021 4:38
We first reached out to Ted at Mango Dogs this past spring from Ontario. We were set to move to Nova Scotia at the end of July and knew we needed help with our then 6 month old puppy, Rooney. Roo had just finished a 10 week novice obedience class and we could see she was very anxious with unfamiliar people and situations. We were surprised to be told however, that she needed behavioural modification training or her anxiety would result in her being an aggressive dog by the time she was 2 years old. Immediately we began searching the internet for someone who could help. We discovered Mango Dogs website and based on Ted’s personal story and the numerous first hand accounts of families and dogs who had benefited, we emailed Ted.

Ted responded immediately that he had a program for anxious dogs and we started with Mango Dogs as soon as we were able. It was the best decision for Roo and our family that we could have made! Right from the start Ted listened to and addressed our concerns in ways that made sense and were manageable for us. As early as our initial consultation, we knew we were in the right place and by the end of our first lesson, we were able to start implementing strategies that made a difference in Rooney’s behaviour.

Prior to starting with Ted, Roo’s anxiety had us dreading taking her out in public or having anyone over as she would bark excessively and uncontrollably. As sweet and cuddly as she was with us, she was the exact opposite with anyone else. In addition to her anxiety, she also began to jump up at us repeatedly whenever we came home or whenever she got excited about something. She was being controlling, jealous, and pushy with our older dog and she also began resource guarding. We were quickly becoming very frustrated and exhausted trying to manage Roo’s undesirable behaviours which seemed like a full time job. Despite reading numerous articles and books on dog training, we were having little to no success.

Enter Ted at Mango Dogs and life with Rooney is now much easier and enjoyable! We have just completed 4 private lessons and we are implementing strategies for Rooney’s anxiety and for introducing her to new people. We can take her on walks with little to no barking at strangers. She gets along much better with our other dog and will now even share her ball and other toys with him. Her jumping up has almost disappeared and we can now walk in the door without Roo climbing all over us. Life with Rooney is now about enjoying her company as opposed to constantly managing her behaviour. We look forward to starting group classes and to the progress we will continue to make.

We are extremely happy that we chose Mango Dogs and would highly recommend them to anyone who has behavioural concerns with their dog!
04 December 2021 11:14
The training provided by Mango Dogs has made a huge impact in our dog's behavior. Our dog is sweet but has reactivity issues specifically on-leash. We were at the point where it was becoming tough to walk our dog in our own neighborhood. She was pulling all the time, barking and lunging at other dogs. Amy provided us with a strict plan of attack on how to combat these issues. In just over 4 weeks our dogs behavior has completely changed. Our dog no longer has issues on-leash and her recall is now to the point where we can trust her off leash at places like the beach. I would highly recommend Mango Dogs.
28 November 2021 23:54
Mango Dogs has been an absolute game-changing experience.
As far as obedience and behaviour go, Luna was incredible with certain things, where people were often impressed with how well trained she was. And I know this was nothing short of the effort I’d put into training her on my own. The problem was, this was not the case for everything and especially not under varying circumstances. No matter what I tried, before Mango Dogs, and I tired a lot for a long time, I wasn’t making any progress, and felt as though I was spinning my wheels. Luna’s leash walking, for example, was fantastic when we went to our usual places where I’d already spent weeks slowly working her to a solid, loose-leash walk. As soon as a new location was introduced, though, all the progress was out the window, and we were starting from scratch, every single time.
Mango Dogs training still requires you to put in the time to properly train, but the feeling is so different when you’re actually making progress and seeing results.
I’m also eternally grateful to Amy and having gotten to watch her work with Luna. It is no word of a lie when I say it brought tears to my eyes. Luna’s biggest struggle is her own apprehensiveness when meeting new people, causing her to bark, the people to become afraid from the bark, and the tension between both to just build. Amy took the time to recognize the roots of the issue, to evaluate Luna as the individual being she is, and determine that she’s not processing things properly. She’s getting worked up before she can process, and Amy’s provided us with the tools to help Luna work through her initial tension. And with consistency and commitment to using these tools, my spouse and I are able to go out with an entirely different Luna, who is able to actually enjoy the world around her and not be afraid of it. It was heartbreaking for me not being able to bring Luna many places or do certain things with her, and it’s truly liberating to get to see her enjoying herself and just being my happy pup.
I cannot say enough good things about Mango Dogs and would recommend them without hesitation. They treat every dog as an individual and when needed, use personalized strategies, depending on what works best for your dog and you.
28 November 2021 21:57
After over 40 years of sharing our home with eight different dogs ranging in size from a Pug to Newfs, and often two at a time (Cocker and 166 pound Newf; 130 pound Newf and Boxer; same Boxer and rescue Pug), we considered ourselves fairly skilled in raising and handling our canine companions. Then we got ourselves a single Brittany who proved to get the better of us. (He may even have been referred to by one family member as “the dog from he. ”). His extremely high energy combined with his stubbornness was difficult to handle. Regular puppy training and classes were having very limited success.

As he grew, the problems with his behaviour grew as well. Trying to calm him when he was overly excited (which didn’t take much) left me with bruises on my hands and forearms on more than one occasion as he mouthed and nipped me with more pressure than any dog should ever use on a human (other than possibly a fleeing criminal). After six months, we were left feeling frustrated and defeated and were at the point of seriously considering returning him to the breeder.

Hoping for one more shot at keeping our pet who we loved but could not control, we contacted MangoDogs. It was the best move we ever made.

Ted and Amy are highly skilled in dealing with dogs as well as the people who own them. We got no judgement from them, only solutions to our problems. We were given professional guidance on the proper use of an e-collar and step by step instruction in every detail of training. Amy was our personal trainer with Schooner and showed us various methods to deal with each issue we had and we could then choose which method best fit our lifestyles.
The transformation over a number of weeks in our relationship and home life with our dog was nothing short of amazing! Even our four cats benefited.

Being able to walk Schooner without being dragged like a rag doll or being able to play with him without being jumped on, chewed on, or tangled and/or tripped by his long line (which was necessary otherwise he’d just run like the wind) was such a gift. We can now even call him off chasing the deer that frequently visit our apple trees. Our trust in him and our enjoyment of him has grown immensely thanks to Amy and Ted. And we expect it will only continue as we take advantage of their weekly pack walks on Saturdays over the next six months. Their level of commitment in helping people and their pets and their long-term availability and expert advice makes the investment in their training program priceless!

My family and I would not hesitate to give MangoDogs the highest praise and a 100% whole-hearted recommendation to anyone having problems living harmoniously with their canine companion. You will be thanking them (and yourself) for changing chaos into controlled calmness and for showing you how to give yourself and your dog a happier life.
25 November 2021 10:10
Mango dogs have been a complete game changer for me and my pup. After being attacked and injured by another dog, my normally happy go lucky dog became reactive to other dogs. And her reactivity escalated to barking/lunging at other dogs when walking by them. There was no rhyme or reason to who she would react to either. Suddenly I found myself afraid to take my dog anywhere, and she certainly couldn't be trusted off leash.

Enter Mango Dogs. I had heard about them from a friend of mine who really praised them and their training. I made contact via email and the response was very quick and supportive. I met with Ted and the gang at Mango Dogs, and very quickly he was able to ascertain what was going on with my dog and how we could fix it. We have been working on our skills for over a month now, and I am happy to report that my pup no longer shows any aggressiveness, reactivity.or lunging activity. She is happily playing with other dogs off leash, her recall has improved, and she is the happy go lucky dog she was prior to her attack.

Not only was Mango dogs great with my dog, but they truly gave me the confidence I had lost to work with my dog to make sure she was going to be the most well rounded pup she could be.

I would, and do, absolutely recommend Mango Dogs for anyone having reactivity/aggressive or other issues with your dog that you need assistance with. The level of professionalism and support is unmatched in my opinion.
26 September 2021 16:28
We brought our shih tzu that had leash and dog aggressive behaviour and a tendency to chase bikes and cars. After our third session our pup was fully trained to go for walks with lots of distractions. He is a brand new dog now! Super impressed with Mango dog training and HIGHLY recommend.
24 September 2021 8:10
From the moment we brought our boy home, we were very conscientious with our training and creating a good structured routine. As a GSD puppy, he had lots of energy to spare but we felt we had the fundamentals down with a lot of positive reinforcement. By 8 months old, we noticed the beginnings of leash reactivity with Archer. The positive reinforcement only took us so far (with a lot of high value treats like meatballs) before he was over threshold by the mere sighting of a dog in the distance. We dreaded walks/ hiking because of the possibility of an off-lead dog approaching us with no recall, which in the city was A LOT. After a lot of research and one close call incident (at 12 months), we decided to reach out for a free consult with mango dogs. Ted provided so much education in that one consultation, that it didn't take much convincing for us to sign up. From then on, Amy provided our lessons. Amy is so approachable and patient; she instilled so much confidence in our ability to guide Archer on the right path. For this reason, I would 100% recommend anyone struggling with their dog’s reactivity to reach out to mango dogs. Archer is now 14 months old and we had our first group lesson today. It exceeded our expectations. He’s learning how to socialize again while respecting his on-leash walks with us. We’ve gained so much confidence in our abilities to control situations and read his body language. Thank you, Amy and Ted, we will see you at many more group sessions!
23 September 2021 6:03
From the moment we brought our boy home, we were very conscientious with our training and creating a good structured routine. As a GSD puppy, he had lots of energy to spare but we felt we had the fundamentals down with a lot of positive reinforcement. By 8 months old, we noticed the beginnings of leash reactivity with Archer. The positive reinforcement only took us so far (with a lot of high value treats like meatballs) before he was over threshold by the mere sighting of a dog in the distance. We dreaded walks/ hiking because of the possibility of an off-lead dog approaching us with no recall, which in the city was A LOT. After a lot of research and one close call incident (at 12 months), we decided to reach out for a free consult with mango dogs. Ted provided so much education in that one consultation, that it didn't take much convincing for us to sign up. From then on, Amy provided our lessons. Amy is so approachable and patient; she instilled so much confidence in our ability to guide Archer on the right path. For this reason, I would 100% recommend anyone struggling with their dog’s reactivity to reach out to mango dogs. Archer is now 14 months old and we had our first group lesson today. It exceeded our expectations. He’s learning how to socialize again while respecting his on-leash walks with us. We’ve gained so much confidence in our abilities to control situations and read his body language. Thank you, Amy and Ted, we will see you at many more group sessions!
11 September 2021 16:55
5 stars, without a doubt. When we brought our dog to Mango, he was struggling with such bad leash aggression that we were afraid to take him out of the house, even for very short walks. He also struggled with other problems, like leash pulling, jumping, and general impulse control. After completing our sessions with Amy, his issues are almost completely resolved, and we actually LOOK FORWARD to regular walks. The homework is doable, clear, and Amy customized it exactly to our pup. I cannot emphasize enough how much this training course changed our (and our dog's) lives for the better. When we finished our private lessons at Mango, we actually felt like we had the necessary tools we were missing before to train our boy. If you are willing to put in the work at home, you will see a difference. Amy was fantastic to work with and I would highly recommend her (and Mango dogs in general) to anyone in need of a little help.
09 September 2021 3:47
My experience has been phenomenal i didn't know where to go and ended up working with Amy I have a working line german shepherd and anyone who knows german shepherds they can be a handful. I struggled with socialization obedience and many other things as well as reactivity but thanks to mango dogs they exceeded expectations when I felt lost alone and frustrated. They will work with you communicate and give you your homework but you must study and work with it.i could not have done it with out them especially Amy. Highly reccomend for professionalism quality and overall understanding don't go there feeling embarrassed go there willing to learn and open minded
Thanks again for everything!
30 August 2021 6:42
Our 10 month old Golden Retriever was struggling with recall and leash walking, and not responding to purely positive reinforcement. After our first class with Ted, we spent a couple hours at home working with his ecollar and he is now a pleasure to take off leash. We now have the confidence to take our dog to the beach and trails without fear of him taking off. His (and our) quality of life has improved ten fold. I would absolutely recommend this training for anyone struggling with recall, leash walking, or boundary training. Thanks again Mango Dogs!
27 August 2021 1:18
Training was very efficient. Came it with a dog that pulled and barked at everything. Have yet to do the group training but I’m sure that will go good. Price was a little expensive as we did two dogs together and ours was double the price of the other. Other then that it was fantastic. If you have a problem you want fixed in your dog Ted and Amy can fix it.
14 August 2021 18:16
Our dog made massive strides after just four sessions of training with Amy. We weren't sure we could ever have him off leash or take him for a relaxed stroll past other dogs. We now have the tools to deal with all of his different challenging behaviours - but still lots of work and practice to do with these tools, of course. Amy is very knowledgeable and skilled and extremely helpful. We feel totally different about our life with our dog and can't wait for adventures with him! Thanks for all of your help Amy, Schooner and Ted:)
13 August 2021 0:34
5 stars, without a doubt. When we brought our dog to Mango, he was struggling with such bad leash aggression that we were afraid to take him out of the house, even for very short walks. He also struggled with other problems, like leash pulling, jumping, and general impulse control. After completing our sessions with Amy, his issues are almost completely resolved, and we actually LOOK FORWARD to regular walks. The homework is doable, clear, and Amy customized it exactly to our pup. I cannot emphasize enough how much this training course changed our (and our dog's) lives for the better. When we finished our private lessons at Mango, we actually felt like we had the necessary tools we were missing before to train our boy. If you are willing to put in the work at home, you will see a difference. Amy was fantastic to work with and I would highly recommend her (and Mango dogs in general) to anyone in need of a little help.
10 August 2021 9:12
My Dog barked at everyone and everything, pulled on the leash every time it saw a person or dog. My dog no longer barks at people or other dogs and does not pull on the lease.
06 August 2021 9:14
Without Ted and Amy I doubt very much that I would have been able to keep our girl. Akira was out of control with leash pulling, high prey drive, loosing her mind if she didnt get what she wanted and the list goes on. With the excellent guidance from Ted and Amy I am overjoyed that we have a different dog. To say our experience at Mango dogs was a positive one would be an understatement. Our experience with Mango dogs has been nothing short of Life Altering and I highly recommend them
28 July 2021 12:07
Prior to going to Mango Dogs my 11 month old German Shepherd Sasha was fixated on cars. Initially, she would stop and stare, which very quickly then progressed to lunging and barking at them. I focused on avoiding the issue so we began only walking on trails. In time, Sasha began lunging and barking at people while walking on the trail (similar to what she would do with cars). We tried multiple other trainers to try and fix this issue before going to Ted. After only 3 sessions with Ted, Sasha can now walk on busy streets with no issues. This is certainly something I never thought would be attainable in such a short period of time. Sasha’s recall is also much more reliable. Overall, I could not be more pleased with the service we received. I would recommend Mango Dogs to anyone having reactivity or aggression issues!
28 July 2021 1:51
I rescued Macy, a 3 year old lab/pitty mix, just over a year ago and from day one she was extremely leash aggressive towards other dogs. Despite working with other trainers, we were only taking baby steps forward and I was still continually let down by her reaction to other dogs. It got to the point where I seriously considered surrendering her, the stress of it all was too much for me. It was suggested to me to check out Mango Dogs and I am so glad I did. Macy is a different dog just after 4 one on one sessions. For the first time since I got Macy I didn't cross the road when we saw a dog, we passed by it on the same side walk and Macy barley cared, I almost cried. Macy can hang out in the front yard now and remain calm when other dogs walk by, even when they bark at her. One owner commented "I wish my dog was like her. " I can't begin to summarize how my life has changed since I started training at Mango Dogs. Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think I could take Macy for a walk and not have to run the other way when we saw a dog coming. The stress of having a reactive dog was too much for me and I had honestly given up hope. I encourage anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation to make the investment in Mango Dogs, you will not regret it!
19 July 2021 20:58
I originally took my dog Leo in because he would pull so much, making it not fun for us to go on walks. He also had a couple dog fights at the park. Mango dogs picked the appropriate program for me and Leo to do the proper training. Amy was our trainer and she was extremely observant on Leo’s behaviors and always knew a solution for any of my questions. Mango dogs helped me and Leo build a great connection of trust that we have together and now he walks with a loose even no leash when I want him to! He can now go to the front yard and hang out with us without being tied up! He also just watches other dogs that walk by instead of charging after them. He is the best boy ever thanks to Mango Dogs! I highly recommend this company for any of your concerns!
16 July 2021 18:42
I cannot say enough good things about Ted and Amy and the miracles they performed with our Akira. Being a Shepherd Husky cross she is a highly intelligent yet rambunctious breed. We noticed an immediate improvement in her listening to our commands after our first meeting. Akira has now gone from a lunging, pulling people down, not listening canine who had several instances of bad interactions with people and dogs to a well behaved responsive lady we knew she was inside. Now we can take her for walks, meet new people and dogs without having to wrestle her! I highly reccomend Mango Dogs for all your furbaby issues.
03 July 2021 23:50
We took Rory, our 1 year old German shepherd to mango dogs with a long list of issues we wanted to fix. We were at our breaking point with Rory and felt like we had tried everything. Rory had major leash aggression towards other dogs and we were at the point where we weren't even comfortable taking her out for a walk.
After just one day of training with Ted and Amy we felt more confidence in ourselves and Rory. The personal one on one sessions were unlike any other training we have done with Rory (and we tried many other trainers). They really took the time to know our dog and personalize her training program to her needs and ours. We now have so much trust and confidence in our dog, and Rory truly is a different dog since going to mango dogs! We are so grateful for everything Ted and Amy have done for us and can't wait for future group classes!
02 July 2021 17:49
We have a year old german shorthaired pointer. We struggled with recall and walking on a leash, and impulse control. He is not aggressive.

We had 4 sessions with Amy - she's great!

Still working through leash walking in the group classes.

It's a great program and we have a much better relationship with our dog.
01 July 2021 16:15
We had trouble with our dogs being overly reactive while on-leash, and barking either out the window at passers by or at visitors in the house. We’d spent a lot of time working on it using various techniques, but with little success. After just a couple of sessions the first two issues are pretty much completely resolved, and we’re sure we can deal with the visitor issue once we are allowed to have visitors again. It was an amazing turnaround, and has made things so much easier.
29 June 2021 12:40
Marshall is a lovable over enthusiastic two year old boxer who came to live with us while his owner had to work outside the province. So basically he moved from the country to the city. While outside he barked at everything, dogs, children, trees, his shadow, he tore around the yard destroying the shrubs (just for fun), he would not come when he was called. Because he is big, strong and excitable we could not take him for a walk. We were desperate and started looking around for solutions. Mango dogs were recommended by a friend. We did our research and reached out to them.
Hard to believe that after the first session and a week of homework we could see positive results, three weeks later we could take Marshall for a walk which he thoroughly enjoys as do we. I loved when Ted said “goal is you should be able to walk in icy conditions and not worry about him pulling you” (something like that) I certainly can see that in the future. Week four, we covered specific issues. We definitely have a different calmer dog, we are in control and I know my neighbours appreciate it the quiet. I must add that each week Marshall was always happy when we arrived for at Mango for his training sessions. He listens and is very smart.
The support from Mango is ongoing in their group classes so we can get help if we backslide. We are happy that we chose Mango Dogs and thank Ted, Amy and Dylan for their help.
25 June 2021 2:15
I reached out to Mango Dogs for help with my 13 month old Border Collie, Loki. I was having a very specific issue with leash reactivity towards other dogs, and wasn't able to find the missing piece of the puzzle on my own.

Ted was exceptionally quick with his initial response to my inquiry, and I was very pleased to see the thorough questionnaire required before their initial assessment took place.

Meeting Ted and Amy for the first time was a very comfortable experience, and was I put immediately at ease by their knowledge and professionalism. I especially appreciated the opportunity to watch them work with my dog, rather than being asked to just handle him myself. It was a viewpoint I had not experienced before, and was invaluable to understanding what I should be looking for.

I can not recommend Mango Dogs highly enough, and am thankful for the gift of confidence they gave back to me!
21 June 2021 21:29
I consider myself to be a animal person. Never met an animal I didn't like in my life.

Enter in my youngest dog. She came from a BYB, had a not so great start and she came pretty quickly with issues. I did everything to try and nip it quickly.

I did puppy training, dog parks, exercised her as often as possible, exposed her to people. Everything you're told to do. A handful of trainers and different methods, the best equipment I could find in her four years and all I saw was decline.

I spent a lot of time crying by myself, because I just didn't like my dog and didn't know what else I could do aside from give her away, but I didn't feel right doing that.

None of the methods I had been given worked for her and I didn't think anything could. The more I tried, the worse she seemed to get. I resigned to feeling like my dog was just too damaged and that was her best and just the way she was.

Finally I hit a point where it was no longer manageable and she dived into resource guarding, reactivity/biting myself and other dogs. Walking her was so bad that I just hated it. Ultimately, I was left so stressed being around my own dog because she was unpredictable. My nerves were shot. I couldn't even find a trainer willing to call me back, let alone qualified for her issues anymore.

Coming to this place has given me an entirely new dog that I love being around. In 4 years, I never enjoyed a walk, never felt really proud of my dog until we got help here. I never was able to just play and smile or take her to do fun things that make having a dog so great. All the things that create a good bond, we just weren't able to do. It's hard to do those things carrying the weight of behavioral issues by yourself.

I wasn't really sure at first that it would work, we've been failed so many times before, but I had to trust the process. It's a process that works.

One thing that's different about this place is that when you go in, they're real. You don't get any facade or fluffy lies, and they know what it's like to have difficult dogs, it's not just words, it's experience.

Money well spent.
16 June 2021 3:49
Amy, by far is the best person with dogs ever!
I took my Alli girl in and within a month with Amy she was a different dog. I highly recommend mango dogs for and and all you doggy training
14 June 2021 10:21
I was at my wits end with our dogs, one of whom developed extreme on and off leash reactivity, the other seemed to be born with it. Living in urban Halifax, you cannot have dogs who act this way- we were about to become midnight walkers. Ted and Amy have given the dogs and us our lives back. They get better every day in and out the house, (no more screaming out the window) and they are clearly happier and calmer with not bossing us around. The professionalism and clear instructions were a lifesaver. I can’t thank mango dogs enough. Dogs walks are fun again!
11 June 2021 1:41
I reached out to Ted and Amy for help training my rescue dog (Luna) because I had tried positive-only training before and while this was useful for teaching her some things, I didn’t have the tools I needed to teach her impulse control and correct bad habits like leash pulling, getting overly excited when people come over, and lunging at cats/large vehicles etc.

Most of our training sessions were with Amy and I would highly recommend her for anyone looking for help training a rescue dog. I have seen a big change in Luna’s behavior over the course of the private sessions:  she’s much more responsive to commands, less impulsive, and calms down more quickly when she does get excited. I also learned a lot from both Ted and Amy, and now feel that I know how to teach Luna new things and work on correcting undesirable behaviors in a way that’s productive. Thank you so much, Mango Dogs!
08 June 2021 9:47
Before meeting with Ted, our puppy Banks was starting to develop some unfavourable behaviours and habits. Lots of parking, pulling on the leash and very territorial of our home. We have seen a huge difference in a very short time frame, and couldn’t be happier with Bank’s improvement. We can confidently go on walks and have visitors to the house. We would definitely refer Mango Dogs to others who need the help! Ted was very knowledgeable and supportive, looking forward to the on-going group classes for continued support.
02 June 2021 12:12
Henry, who just turned one, is the third golden retriever that we have had in our family. We wanted to make sure we would have a super well-trained dog - our other two were pretty good but they were leash-pullers all through their lives and had other "light" behaviours that we just didn't want to have to live with this time. We read the books, watched the videos, used the clicker, bought bag after bag after bag of treats and made baby-step progress. We might have continued on this way (probably never reaching "super well-trained" status) except for two things. First, we were invited away one weekend a month or so ago but couldn't go because we had no one we could trust him with because of his strong leash pulling especially when he would see another dog - we were afraid someone would get hurt as well as the fact that walking him was just not a fun experience (he wasn't aggressive towards other dogs, just 100% determined to get to go visit them). The bigger issue was that he had had three episodes of resource guarding where he snapped at us - we didn't want to have a dog that we were nervous about having anyone around, in particular young children.

We had our first meeting with Ted and Amy after a sleepless night worrying that maybe Henry and we were not a good match. Wow, what a relief to hear their confidence that all our concerns could be addressed. We were amazed at the learning he had after less than 10 minutes with Ted. Then we had our four sessions with Amy. And things kept getting better and better. We can play ball with him and he will actually bring the ball back and drop it instead of running away and growling if we try to get it from him. We recently started introducing him to off-leash walks in places where there aren't a lot of other people or dogs - we thought he was going to get whiplash from how quickly he turned and came when we called him, often without even having to "remind" him with the collar! Our evening witching hour consisting of constantly grabbing pillows and blankets and napkins has vanished. People can come to our door and not get attacked with kindness (he was never reactive - he just loved everyone way too much). We don't worry anymore about him getting something in his mouth and not letting it go or growling at us. Like someone else said, we're looking forward to him progressing to the point where he doesn't need to wear the e-collar - but we'll be patient! We've gone to our first group class and loved the training ideas we took from that. Looking forward to more of those.

We wouldn't hesitate to recommend Ted and Amy to anyone who wants to have a well-trained and trustworthy dog - you don't need to have major concerns with a dog being reactive, aggressive or anxious to benefit from Mango Dogs' training (although if you do, from reading all the other reviews, they'd be the ones to go to). Thank you so much! Lynn, Don and Henry.
31 May 2021 19:07
I remember the first time it happened. Our dog Lexus became suddenly aggressive and reactive toward a friend visiting us at home. It was sudden, startling, and scary. She was 2 years old and super-friendly as she always had been - except this. Then it became other hit or miss reactions. Reactive to some people & dogs when on leash. Then people coming to visit - she was protective now at our door. Then her recall was gone - off leash walks in the woods were now out of the question. Where did our dog go? Most of the time, she was lovely as always with others, but we could no longer fully trust her in all situations.
We tried various things over the following months - no lasting success.
Then we met Ted.
I would say Ted does ‘dog + dog-owner’ training. He taught us many techniques, tools and tips of how to handle a variety of situations. Taught us the exercises we could do with Lexus. We learned how to work with these new tools, learned new skills. Over a series of weeks and now over several months of practice, we have a level of trust in our dog again. She is not perfect, and we’re not either, but its an amazing turnaround difference. We still work on things. We keep work on keeping senses sharp. There are still moments & situations that could have been a problem in the past, but now we have the tools to be proactive and to keep control. It has been a 180 degree turn-around, thanks to Mango Dogs - both Ted, and Amy. Thanks! When talking with anyone who has these issues, I always recommend Mango Dogs!
31 May 2021 10:22
My family and I found Ted and Amy @ Mango Dogs after our dog's behavior became way out of hand. Our dog Maze is 100 lbs; a mixed breed bull terrier and lab, about 2 years old at the time. Maze pulled on walks and he was utterly uncontrollable, especially when other dogs came around. I mean, really uncontrollable; full on barking, growling, snarling and lunging.

Maze's behavior had grown so bad that my family and I experienced trepidation when it came time for his daily walk. In addition to being unable to control him, we became worried Maze was developing a bad reputation around our neighborhood. I thought to myself, "I really love Maze, and he's a good dog, " but our relationship was quickly becoming more about the stress caused by his poor behavior, and less about the fulfillment and the companionship that comes with dog ownership.

That's when we finally approached Ted and Amy @ Mango Dogs. At first, I didn't really think that anything could be done - I was hopeless - but upon our first meeting and consultation with Ted, I finally found hope. In that meeting, Ted took Maze through some exercises to assess Maze's responses to certain stimuli and social situations. Ted shared his insight, and offered clarity by explaining how Maze is making his decisions, and offered tips on how to begin to curb Maze's behaviour.

We stuck with Ted and Amy @ Mango Dogs ever since, and even after all this time, they continue to encourage us to message or have dialogue with him and Amy regarding any questions about our dogs and about the techniques that we learn in class. I've come to Ted and Amy with specific questions on numerous occasions, always to come away with greater understanding of Maze and insight.

Maze has grown in his attentiveness and discipline. My family enjoys our time with him, and I look forward to our daily walks with Maze. We thank our lucky stars that we meet Ted and Amy at Mango Dogs, and their techniques, guidance and insight have truly increased not just the quality of life for Maze, but that of my family's as well by helping us reclaim a healthy, loving relationship with our big 100 pound dog!

Thank you Mango Dogs!
23 May 2021 21:26
Both Ted and Amy are super personable. My dog was reactive to other dogs on walks and now she behaves so well and it makes such a big difference for everyone! She's such a good girl now!
Thanks Amy! And my daughter likes her too lol

Georgia (pups), Olivia, Cindy and Peter
19 May 2021 13:13
We’ve been very happy with the professional approach Mango took to our concerns with our pup. Amy and Ted were very knowledgeable and knew just what to do to help. We’ll continue to use the ongoing support and follow their advice on our growing canine family member.
11 May 2021 2:05
Amy and Ted were amazing to work with. I have a rescue dog (Lexi) that is super sweet but needed some work on reactivity and impulse control. The training helped us work on the relationship between Lexi and our cat, being able to walking past people and dogs without reacting, counter surfing and reducing the reaction to the doorbell and people coming into the house. One of my main goals was also to be able to let Lexi go off leash by summer. The recall training with the collar now allows her to do so. It's definitely a work in progress and I am impressed at the change in the first 4 weeks with all we were able to accomplish. I look forward to the group sessions and continuing to improve!
10 May 2021 7:50
We took Romo to mango dogs to help us with his reactivity on walks and around the house. Before Mango dogs it was impossible to recall Romo from the fence if there was another dog around and he would bark like crazy, now he is much better and we don’t have to chase him around the back yard to get him inside. His walks are also improving, before we would choose our walks to avoid seeing other dogs and now that is less of a worry. Romo is also much more polite when someone comes in the house, he will now stay in his bed when the door opens, when before he would be jumping all over the gate trying to get to the door and barking like mad. In the last few weeks Romo has received numerous compliments on how calm he is now, and we are able to have play dates with another dog at our house, which I would have never thought possible.

Amy was great to work with and responded quickly to all of our messages. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend mango dogs to anyone looking for some extra help!
08 May 2021 20:13
We are a four dog household and always had the mantra, if you don't like it, don't come visit. We existed with chaos at the door any time someone came by…. Or even a car in the street. Walks were full out wrestling matches on a good day. Time spent off leash in the woods, often ended with porcupine encounters or lost dogs.

Then, in October 2020, Ferguson (Golden Retriever) and Oso (Columbian Street Dog) were mere steps into a pack walk with one of our other dogs, when Fergus, seemingly out of nowhere, viciously attacked Oso.

I feel we came very close to losing a dog that day…if not via injuries, surely by a re-homing.

We had always had a multiple dog home mixed with rescues and purebreds and had been fortunate that we had never experienced serious issues, up until that one day last fall.

We had been lulled into a sense of safety and structure that didn't exist. Our home was shattered in mere minutes.

After everyone got stitched up and treated, it started to sink in that real professional guidance was needed and it was needed sooner than later.

We reached out to Ted and we immediately started receiving structure and guidance. While we were not clients yet, Ted took the time to walk us through what our future may look like. He used his experience in these matters to calm us and gave us the info and guidance we needed to at least keep the fighting dogs separated temporarily and invited us to come in so he could meet everyone. So, off we went to see Ted and Amy, with all 4 dogs in tow!

The main concern was Fergus and Oso. Fergus had an obvious issue with Oso. Fergus would growl lowly and go very stiff at random times when Oso was nearby.

After the big fight, we had lost trust In Fergus to be around any other dogs and honestly, he made us nervous period.

It's not over yet, but with Ted’s work, in a very short period, we have turned things around and feel confident we are on the right track. Not only has Fergus and Oso’s relationship improved and they are living happily in close quarters; but Ted has managed to bring a semblance of order to all four of our dogs. Among many other improvements to our pack, the dogs are now capable of calmly walking on leash, while maintaining their attention on us and not on outside distractions. They have also significantly improved how they greet people at the front door, and we have not had any porcupine incidents now in over 6 months!

Our time with Mango Dogs has opened our eyes to a long list of behaviours we no longer want our dogs practicing and when we go to parks, we now see a huge difference in how they all behave…they look for permission to play and greet, they give other dogs and humans space and mind their manners and practice recall…it's such an amazing feeling!

Not only did Mango Dogs shape up our house of dogs, they just as importantly gave us the tools and confidence we were lacking to ensure that in the future, we will be better positioned to identify issues and help the dogs in our home now and any who come in the future to lead a safe and active life.

We have been dog parents for a very long time and have been through all kinds of training and all kinds of issues and found it often easy to justify behaviour that really never should have been allowed.

I would hope that people would seek out Mango Dogs right from the start to train their pups properly. It has for us, and would for anyone, make a huge difference in everyone’s life and has been a very worthwhile investment.

And if you are unfortunate enough to find yourself at the end of your rope and living a nightmare with fighting and aggression as we did, I wouldn't hesitate to call Ted ASAP. It will change your life for the better and may save your dogs.

We have a long road ahead of us but are fortunate to have Ted, his team and his dogs to help us along the way.

Shaunessy and Jesse (and Oso, Ferg, KC and Navi)
17 April 2021 18:58
Amy was so great with our 3 yr old Bernese! She was so hyper and hard to manage in high intensity situations and Amy really helped us understand the proper ways to control her and keep everyone safe! Highly recommend!

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