17 November 2023 18:55
Very helpful staff. Was in and out and was able to process my case fast and efficiently.
05 November 2023 5:43
You have lawyers falsely accusing one parent, the one not their client to enrage judges. Therefore families are separated and long-term trauma affects children.

The Canadian Judicial Council dismisses claims of bias - you cannot appeal to the Human Rights Commission because of a gap in the law.

Coercive control is disseminated inside the court by lawyers. This is no solution.

MEDIATION is much safer, more moderate. Court actors do whatever they want to you - It is not safe.
Contumacy: your legal orders will be ignored by an aggressive team.

I have never seen this contempt for parents. Relief for women is rarely addressed, by lawyers or judges.
Fraud - though I was clear the father took a 4K loan from our son, Judge Patrick Monahan, revealed his thinking about women said I did. Defamation court costs were 29,600. Father engaged with false narrative, and escalated this to hide past action. He ignored an Appeal Decision to return the child to me. The Ontario Superior Court would not address it.
So I believe that this institution has been corrupted and cannot serve Canadians - in fact serves the staff and personnel with salaries which are not the value of serving a family at a vulnerable time.
It is interesting that in vulnerability, children are targetted, and in this court this is completely ignored. Real family history cannot be addressed because of the fabrications. In thirty minutes it is impossible to maintain truth and counter a lying party at the same time. There are simply too many profiting from the lies.

2 fake child lawyers improperly interviewed my minor child and threatened me without consequences. G. Gottlieb, R. Aalto

Restitution for families through class action.

Judge Pollack said, 'after you primed' the children to the father. Rare.

Of the divorce trial judge that I tried to speak to clearly, Toronto Star reporter K Donovan wrote:

“I write to express my profound disappointment and deep sense of shame in the organization I work for under your leadership, ” the young lawyer wrote in November 2016 to then-deputy attorney general Patrick Monahan (judge at our trial who believed various false claims in 2018)

Seeking maximum impact, the junior lawyer copied her two-page letter of complaint to the executive management group and dozens of rank and file lawyers at the attorney general’s ministry. She was responding to Monahan’s glowing description in a staff email of Malliha Wilson, his assistant deputy attorney general who had just received a lateral posting to another part of the Ontario public service.

“Your memo is particularly distressing given that you and other senior leadership in government... Are fully aware of this pattern of behaviour, ” the junior lawyer wrote. “Yet you chose to sweep all of this under the carpet. ”

He was transferred to Ontario Superior Court after the problems with the Ministry of the Attorney General became public. Lawyers in his ministry 'feared that their immediate manager would sanction them [for talking to the reporter] ". The reports were hidden for years.

Theresa MacLean on September 17,2015
i) denied she received the Restraining Order on May 28,2015

ii) admitted the true date she signed for receipt for service was May 28,2015, three months before my child was abducted, during her client's TRO - not August 10 claimed September 17,2015

Judge Horkins accused me of forgery - turned red when I asked, "Do you see what is going on here? " He said, "Yes. " Maclean had been yelling for his return to the court to give her 2K for forgery which she knew to be false.

A. Ernaux says the transference of power from one man to another is done with costume.

J Monahan during the trial in 2018, yelled at the stenographer.

Monahan charged me 29,600 in court fees paid to the father, ignored the dozens of cheques I wrote to keep my child in school * believed many false stories told
*one was that I took a 4K loan from my son and did not pay it back. This fraud decided the judgement according to the judge's footnote.
Expect nothing different.
20 August 2023 6:50
I’m shocked, can’t believe how this people can be so rude on the phone. Feels like they really hate their jobs. They hang up on me few times when I try to argue with them… can’t not avoid this place, but be aware.
21 February 2023 0:50
I have no idea what type of people you hire for phones. I’m calling on 3-6-23 at 2: 15pm and she keeps answering and hanging up the phone. Now she has me on hold. I called her from another phone number and she finally answered so she’s been ignoring my call all this time. Please get rid of this person. She’s very rude. Her excuse for hanging up rudely is that it’s busy. I’m sorry but please hire better people
19 February 2023 22:38
Well they never pick up the phone nor they return your call or email. When you go in person, the guy at the door for family intake yells at people and they are not sure who should be served first. On top of that there is only one person serving a long line….
11 January 2023 18:59
FYI the working hours are 9-11am and 2-4pm. Came at 11: 30 today and had to wait till 2pm to hear that I need to come back again. Very disappointed.
29 September 2022 10:48
It's a good historic building for our federal courts but signage inside is terrible

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