16 January 2024 21:47
Called to get a taxi and got told 15mins so I waited the 15 mins and 5 mins extra and still no taxi, so I call back to get some info if it’s still coming and I get told oh yeah he’s just about 5 mins away so I said okay thank you… as I waited 5 mins past and I decide I’ll give it a bit still but still nothing. So I proceed to give a call back asking and immediately the phone operator got defensive and said his drive was already there and he even wait for me which is not true and then proceeded to ask if I knew where I even was when I know for a fact where I’m exactly am. And I tried to tell him that it’s not true and then he just hung up the phone on me. Used to have many good experiences with this company but now I can actually see why people really dislike this service.
03 January 2024 23:37
Very terrible tried calling a taxi to go somewhere with couple of my boxes the guy on the call was so rude wasn’t even understanding at all
Worst customer service I’ve experienced
16 December 2023 10:10
Worst dispatcher I have ever dealt with. They had horrible customer service when requesting a taxi and very rude over the phone. Would not recommend to anyone. You are better off walking.
08 December 2023 13:21
If I could give less than 1 star I would. They have no taxis available for pickup and they are not nice at all when they answer the phone. I’ve tried over 3 times to request a ride but no one is available. This is ridiculous and we are just trying to get home safe during the holidays. Some nicer attitude and respect would be nice.
21 September 2023 14:28
Very prompt, other cans were going to be over an hr, on a Thursday, mid day? And these guys were maybe 20 minutes and car was clean. Having been a cab driver myself, these guys are great!
13 September 2023 7:51
Quick to answer the phone, quick to arrive at pick up location. Drivers were courteous and professional.
20 August 2023 4:35
Called them, and asked a simple question: and the man had arrogance, was impolite. I hung up and chosen an other taxi company
03 July 2023 6:10
Ride was arranged by odsp to take me to a medical appointment and they never showed up. Dispatcher was very rude yelling that I was supposed to call when it had already been set by odsp.not only missed my appointment but was verbally assaulted by the dispatcher. Never want to use this company again.
Something I will share to anyone who will listen.
The whole situation would not have escalated if the dispatcher hadn't decided to be a tool and start yelling.
04 June 2023 6:36
The male dispatcher that is currently working at this company is not only rude and ignorant but curses at clientele.

He has on multiple occasions forgotten about pickups that were pre-ordered, sent taxis to the wrong location, unapologetically hung up on me and actually cursed over the phone at me.

This cab company desperately needs to fire this dispatcher.

I have missed multiple appointments and been stuck outside in treacherous weather only to be disrespected and ignored by the dispatcher.

If the owner of this company reads this review; I desperately beg you to fire this man because he is creating a reputation that you're not going to be able to unravel very easily.

I am praying that this happened soon because Trenton itself is very limited in taxi services.

I cannot wait till Uber gets here.

And if the dispatcher has a chance to read this review, sir I hope you find Jesus.
27 April 2023 22:34
The dispatcher is very very rude and will hang up on you if he does not like what you're saying and he will laugh right in your face not very professional the company is a very amazing company owned by an amazing person but the dispatcher is very rude and very disrespectful they need a different dispatcher all he does is laugh at people and hang up on them not appropriate for his line of work the dispatcher makes the company sound bad and look bad when it is not a bad company
03 March 2023 6:58
Taxi driver in the van 21 at 3: 35 decided to run a 4 way stop and nearly caused two accident and nearly hitting a few people. Great driver to have
16 August 2022 13:37
I am glad I gave this place a chance! This taxi service is GOOD. I am not sure why everyone is giving low ratings - I booked ahead for a very important ride, and I had no problems - in fact - the service was excellent and the driver was really friendly (Jamie)! I will definitely use them again - I am happy I ignored the negative reviews.
07 August 2022 16:59
Every time I need a ride I call abc taxi quick to be picked up they now do wine tours they will even drive you to the airport for you vacation. Great local small town business nothing but thumbs up for me oh wait and if they are slow enough you can eve get a drive back that means they will drive you and your car home 5 star
07 August 2022 13:32
Horrible taxi company. Extremely rude when you call and wait times are ridiculous yet they leave if you aren’t down within 1 minute of them arriving. Never again! Only going to be using Driven taxi from now on.
27 July 2022 1:12
Never good service, call centre is always rude and taxi drivers vary. Cars are always a disgusting mess
14 June 2022 2:53
Called the taxi and i was told the price would be “25-30 dollars or by the meter, whatever is cheaper” and was told it was on its way right away. (only a 10 min drive to my house) 30 min later the taxi was still not there.i called again and i was told only a couple more minutes, another 20 goes by and the taxi shows up after waiting outside the entire time only for it to tell me after driving that the price will be 35-40 dollars.and when i called to fix the price they said they made a mistake on the price because they thought my address was else where.unbelievable.this has not been my only problem with this company. 100% recommend sidney taxi over this joke of a company.
24 May 2022 9:41
Well. Honestly, my first impression of your taxi service was good when I first arrived here in Trenton, however, you should not say you are coming soon when you are not. 30 min waiting for nothing.
Not showing up is an insult to customers.
11 May 2022 12:25
I waited from 11 39 am and was still waiting at 1pm I kept calling there office and was told 3 times taxi would be only 20 minutes, the dispatcher seemed like he couldn't care less that I was standing outside in the cold. Freezing I finally got a lady worker at Giant Tiger who I may say was very concerned about the time I had stood there. I finally got a taxi from a different firm, who where there within 15 minutes, I WONT be using there service again.
06 April 2022 0:54
Love the drivers, never had a bad experience with them!
I trust them three times a week with bringing my littles two and from daycare!
18 March 2022 17:11
They tried telling me Noone is available that will take a service dog as well. What kind of service is this

25 September 2021 12:09
We got picked up at 1 am and we noticed our driver was swerving, stopping at green lights, driving super slow and other weird behavior suggesting he may have been impaired. He also told us aggressively that we didnt need to wear masks. (We still did). We should not have taken that fare. I called to let them know and they didn't seem too concerned.
01 September 2021 0:35
Too busy middle of the afternoon I couldn't get a ride for two hours. Ended up calling another company who picked me up in 7 minutes.
27 August 2021 23:16
Drivers drive like they are on their way to a fire and smoke in the cabs when no one is in them.
26 June 2021 7:40
Called and waited an hour and a half for nothing called back and they said they came ten minutes before while we were outside the whole time. Was rude and hung up when asked when next cab was available. Called Sydney taxi and they arrived in 5 minutes from across town. Will be getting in touch with owner.
11 June 2021 13:13
I called this morning at 6: 20am asking for a taxi, I was told they would be over right away. 15 mins later still no taxi so I called back. Was told my address wasn't written down and the dispatcher had left for the day and they would send someone right away. 3mins later the taxi shows up.down the street because the 2nd person told them the wrong house number, and then the driver got snippy with me about not giving the right house number.
31 May 2021 1:35
I have used this taxi service a few times now and each van and driver has been in the same condition. The vans were filthy and they reeked of cigarettes and of course the driver's reeked of cigarettes too and none of them ever wore a mask. An Absolutely Deplorable taxi company that I will NEVER call again!
23 May 2021 13:34
Dispatch is extremely rude, attitude when you attempt to claim back your property, and when told if they don't hand it back you will involve police they automatically hang up and black list you. I have had numerous drivers smoking on the job, higher than a kite driving my children and myself. I've had drivers hit on me and when I refuse them I get verbally attacked out windows and called horrible names. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! Further more I've begun escalating this matter through the city as well as BBB.
15 May 2021 7:13
Service is good for a small town, I will call abc to pick me up from Belleville before ever giving central taxi the business.
06 May 2021 11:00
ABC taxi knows what it's like not to be able to get around when you have appointments or personal errands. They work long hours and are willing to work with their clients to make sure they have the best experience as possible while in their vehicles. They cover a wide range of towns and are pretty reasonable prices. So when your means of transportation are down and u need to get around don't hesitate to call ABC taxi.
17 April 2021 18:28
Very unprofessional. Called to have a cab take me home from work. I was told 25-35 minutes, I waited over an hour and a half with no show or call. Luckily i was able to reach another company as it is a 3 hour walk home.
16 January 2021 23:26
Dispatch could not have been more rude. Driver was polite and patient while I fiddled with the car seat, but took a round about way to my house.
01 October 2020 15:19
This goof dispatcher hung up on me because he was rude to me and I talked to him proper and then said that he was going to call the police on me and tell sidney cab on me
16 August 2020 12:33
ABC taxi driver was driving on the wrong side of the road to pass me and 6 other cars; doing
100km/hr on a gravel road. The speep limit was 60 km! We followed him right to Better Buds on the reserve! SLOW DOWN! ABC Taxi van # 34. Thursday June 11 7: 30pm. We were not the only vehicle to follow and take pictures!
03 June 2020 15:43
Called In and asked for a cab. The dispatcher was extremely rude.i simply asked they call m, e when the cab was to arrive at the address as i have spent long periods of time waiting for cabs that were late. He started to become more rude saying i should contact other cab Companys.and not everyone in the world has a cell phone, I told him that i understand but he does have a phone in office as hes using it.i was then hung up on.called Sidney taxi got a cab for roughly the same price.was super polite and is willing to call upon arrival. This dude working at ABC is a lazy ignorant person and should be removed from his position.gives the company a bad name.
04 April 2020 21:04
Dispatcher caller is very rude to hung up on me about 5th times! Then was told me to be there in least 10 minutes but I'd been waited for more 40 minutes late from 3: 20pm and have to be at office before by 4pm to pay my rent. I wasn't too happy and not too appricated. Sidney taxi is always busy more than ABC, I get it because lots people wasn't happy with ABC and rathers Sidney taxi better. Sidney taxi had told me to waits for a hour or so I won't able make it to the office by this time.
10 January 2020 17:45
The driver that took me from my home to my destination was lovely. However, when i called at the end of my grocery shopping the dispatcher was incredibly rude. He asked where I was going I told him i needed to make a stop on the way. He muttered rudely under his breath that I was taking the grand tour and before i could say anything back barked '10 minutes' and hung up. I called back, surprised, and asked if I heard him correctly. He sounded frustrated and said his phones were ringing off the hook 'dear'. I asked if making the stop was a problem and he brushed off with 'ya whatever it's fine'. I said if it was a problem and their service doesn't like to make stops I could call someone else. He said 'what ever ya wanna do' and hung up on me again! I still don't know if it's maybe against their policy to make stops? I don't take cabs very often so I don't know if it's bad cab taking etiquette to ask? I called Sydney and they were polite and *shocker* didn't hang up on me! From the looks of the other reviews I can't see how these people are still in business. Avoid!
10 August 2019 14:57
They swear at you over the phone and do not provide any service what so ever. Once recieving my cabby they seem to love to take detours and the longest ways possible if you are not paying attention! Be aware do yourself a favour and call an uber!
27 June 2019 13:21
Door wouldn't open from inside, guy took his time getting out the drivers side to come open door while charging us still.then on our way back taking us home doesn't even turn down our street goes past it to charge us more! Really not impressed and would not recommend.
24 May 2019 18:02
Terrible taxi services. Dispatch hung up on the bartender at Boston pizza. They won't be getting any business from them anymore
01 May 2019 21:55
Unbelievable i called and asked for a cab to the nursing home i work at told them entrance two and a half hour later they wernt here i called them back and they told me someone was sitting here for 15 minutes which was a flat out lie because I have been standing at the door waiting for them noone showed talk about a horrible service, plus when i called back the dispacher hung up on me before I was done talking never ever using this cab company again i could have walked home in the time it took these imbicils to show up and it takes just over an hour to walk home from work for me.then when the cab finally did show up the driver took a rought out of the way just to cost me more money not impressed and will continue walking from now on.
27 March 2019 23:17
Incapable of meeting time of arrival when booked night prior. Then attitude from dispatcher compounded. Do not recommend.
08 March 2019 16:51
How are they still in business? Drove like a bloody mad man, turned meter off half way home and made up his own price. It won’t be long before Uber gets here.
17 February 2019 19:11
Bunch of litter bugs just watched this guy throw a full cup of coffee out his window while driving could of hit another car or mine takes 2 seconds to throw it out.
22 January 2019 3:09
Tell them you want to pay with debit on the phone or else you’re going to pay extra for the ride to a nearby atm.
30 December 2018 22:27
Worst cab company ever! Vehicles are falling apart. Most drivers are dirty and smell. A few dispatchers are extremely rude. The office is discusting.the " office manager "is a gossip. And the owner just doesnt care.
13 November 2018 2:25
Usually use Sydney taxi which charges 22.60 flat rate every weekend from the address I leave to my home. Tried ABC this time, meter was over 19.00. The driver was kind and called the office to let them know Sydney charges 22.60 flat rate. Best ABC could do was 25.00. Never calling ABC again. If you can't price match or do better with the price of the same ride from another company, then you shouldn't be in business

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