28 October 2023 11:55
Waste of time.
There is no clear path, they just need to keep your information in different formats (online and hard copy) to show how busy they are!
Polite staff though
29 June 2023 5:22
I'll waste 5 minutes of my time writing this review after wasting an hour at their office.

First off, get ready to WASTE your time filling similar forms asking for all kinds of personal questions that have little to do with getting employment repeatedly. They'll probably ask you to fill at least 2 forms on arrival and then some more later with essentially the same information - bureaucracy at its finest.

The employees just hang around, chit-chat like a bunch of school kids while offering no actual service. There is no proper ticketing/queue system so it's all dependent on who they "think" came first. When we arrived at their office, we filled out those stupid forms and they told us that they will call us. They never did and after waiting for 45 minutes and seeing people who came after us "get service", we were just about to leave when my wife made one last attempt (I had checked twice before and was told to wait) to check if we could get someone to talk to.

The lady tried to sell us on their silly bridging programs that are designed to make you feel that you are getting something of value when in reality its just a way for them to provide no real world value but get more of our personal details and justify a reason for them to keep getting funded by the govt and waste everyones time.

Overall a strong 0 for actual service and a stronger negative 5 for wasting our time. Go there if you hate your privacy and love to waste your time. Recommend defunding the agency for good.

Update: They keep calling me and leaving voicemails saying "they can help improve my experience"

Translation: how can we get you to remove this negative review?

It's not coming off. Stop calling me. Either fix what's broken or face the music.
16 May 2023 4:56
Remember, all the job consultants here have pressure of their own performance review and their own pay. Sometimes they put their interest above and beyond client's. Don't be naive, use your own judgement to detect if they are ly-ing.
11 May 2023 18:28
Horrible service, the receptionist was extremely unprofessional, lacked knowledge of the process and rude. I saw two other prospects leave Infront of me because of her behaviour.
02 May 2023 2:38
I came to Canada, dreaming of a bright future ahead of me. When I arrived at the airport, the excitement of starting a new journey kept me awake despite the extreme exhaustion of the long flight.
At the same time, I was bewildered by not knowing how to start my life as a newcomer and what was expected of me by the system. I was searching for the answers to those uncertainties until I joined "IT Connections: Digital Economy Connections" from Acces Employment. The program guided me on the right path in pursuing my career. Most importantly, it gave me the knowledge, tools, and confidence to appreciate my worth.
Now I certainly realize my bright future and witness that Canada is a great place to live.
30 April 2023 8:30
I highly do not recommend this Employment Center. To whom it may concern I had a very bad experience as at your employment centre I found an employee very disrespectful and rude and also racist. The employee did not help me with my resume because I had been to another employment centre. She made no effort to help me and she was engaging with another person speaking non English in front of me. I am writing this letter to let you know that I felt discouraged and I feel this employment centre needs to have more compassion and not lie to me as a human. The manager is very unprofessional. They don’t appreciate the job what they have. They just want to get payed and not do their jobs.
04 January 2023 1:05
I had a very negative experience with ACCES Employment. They completely failed to follow up with me or provide any assistance in my job search. I never received any calls, emails, or any form of communication from them. I was extremely disappointed with the lack of support and guidance they provided. I found my time with ACCES Employment to be a complete waste and I would not recommend them to anyone. They are not helpful, and I have no idea why they could be helpful. I did not get anything at all from them. Overall, I would rate my experience with ACCES Employment a 0 out of 10.
26 July 2022 18:06
I was one of the participants at their online IKEA customer service training. I was told that the hiring manager mentioned my name, they all liked me during the training, I definitely can get my foot in the door, the best in the group etc etc. At the end of the training, I applied to their sales member position. They gave me an interview with the new IKEA downtown location’s manager. He started the interview by telling me that they consider me for a higher position with a better hourly wage. It went perfect. After waiting for 3 months, they told me that they decided to select among their own staff. Yes their own staff. After wasting our time and giving us hope none of the 20-25 participants was hired. This is my 6th year in Canada, and I came to one conclusion: this country is a big joke and a hoax. All the so called “immigrant supporting” job opportunities, trainings blah blah end up nowhere. Trust me. Change your name to an Anglo-Saxon one then magic happens! They start calling you for interviews. I had many immigrant friends been to this place and their classes, programs just name it. None was hired or had a real opportunity for employment after. There are thousands YouTube videos about how to write resumes. Instead of wasting your time, watch them instead. I damn the day I put a step here. Lived in the states and been to Europe many times but this is the most discriminative country I ve ever seen. They just know how to hide it.
01 February 2022 4:48
Not an employment agency. All they do is give you "the skills" to "find" a job. Lady to my face asked why I only had retail on my resume and despite my Journalism background, told me to apply for a print shop job. I'm more depressed than ever. No one helps you or cares.

Edit: Nadia is really nice and seems to care though
22 June 2021 10:25
Jennifer Hall, why would you hire a f at p ig Shannon Marsh, eating like a p ig, , and place it in such important job position?
12 January 2021 7:15
I want to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Monica Ganguly for her guidance and mentorship through out my initial journey in Canada. Under her excellent mentorship one will definitely learn, grow and prosper. She has an excellent knowledge of Canadian Market. I Highly recommend her.
14 August 2020 20:44
They did not help me find work related to my credentials. Leni kept giving me labour work, retail and coffee shop postings. I was asking to get matched with any accounting positions, which I am qualified to do and have the degree in accounting. They wasted my time. I felt they are focused more on reaching their numbers than actually helping people get employment in the field that they are looking for.
26 April 2020 11:40
Tried to register for an employment program with them. The only person who works with it never answers phone, not in the office and doesn't return messages. Waste of time
28 March 2020 6:46
Remeber, all the job consultants here have pressure of their own performance review and their own pay. Sometimes they put their interest above and beyond client's. Don't be naive, use your own judgement to detect if they are lying.
29 January 2020 10:20
I have updated this review after a manager from this location reached out to me to reflect my experience.

I met with an employment consultant, who professionally looked over my resume, listened to my experience, and worked with me to determine what my needs are. Unlike my past experience with YMCA, the consultant at ACCES did not encourage me to go through a resume writing session or revamp my resume in an outdated way.

My initial impression of ACCES' onboarding service is below:

I'm not an immigrant but I needed employment support as I've been unlucky for months with getting my foot in the door. An acquaintance recommended ACCES to me. Here is my experience to date:

1. They do not do phone consultation. You need to drop by in person.

2. I dropped by as suggested but was refused by the front desk because I arrived within the last 30mins of their operating hours. So, I asked what I could expect from their consultants and what I would need to bring with me when I meet this person. Was told to bring job postings and my resume.

3. I tried again the next day, with all the documents suggested. I was told I would be in line to speak with an employment consultant. I filled out an online registration form on site- why I could not do this ahead of time or heck, the day before when I was refused, who knows.

4. After a long wait, I spoke with the "consultant" for less than 5 minutes. This person told me that because I know what I am doing with regards to resume writing, finding postings, etc, she wouldn't recommend any workshops to me. Which is what I expected, but why did I have to speak to this person in the first place to tell her what I already know only to be told she can't help me? She gave me the business card of a "real" employment consultant. I asked if I can see him today and was told I could not and that I should e-mail him ("or call", she adds as an afterthought) to arrange an appointment

5. I call him immediately after I leave her desk to arrange an appointment. He refuses to arrange an appointment over the phone and asks me to e-mail him my resume. I literally have my resume in paper in the same office space and he won't meet me so I could hand it to him.

6. I e-mail him with a link to my resume as I cannot attach a file from my phone, and follow up for nearly two weeks. In a follow up e-mail, I attach a PDF file. All I get is voicemail and no replies.

7. Frustrated, I call ACCES to ask if I can get the contact details of a different employment consultant. I'm told that even if I haven't connected to the consultant I was "assigned", they will not "change my consultant".

8. I am finally able to speak with this consultant I was "assigned" to and it turns out my e-mails are going to his junk mail. He isn't able to view my attachments or open any links I provide.

In summary: complete waste of time. I am extremely disappointed with the services provided. I am sure many people have been helped by these people but the experience to even talk to someone about what you need is abysmal.

Moments like this make you wonder how it is that people get paid more than you do and have a job while you don't.
19 January 2020 1:10
My lead was bad. She didnt even respond properly and was following age old practises. They didnt even have feedback process and was instructed that i must not complain about them. Had to ask my file to be closed and moved to JVS toronto. They are best and know most current trends of s/w industry
02 December 2019 0:16
It is a very welcoming place which was great since I was nervous as it was the first time I was job hunting, and wasn't sure what to expect. But all the staff was very helpful and understanding and made sure to communicate with each and everyone present there. Although I ended up getting a job without the help of ACCES but they constantly sent me job updates and information about openings. And were regularly in touch. They also provide courses which would help getting jobs in various fields. Definitely should give it a go if you're looking for work.
02 November 2019 20:53
Very helpful staff and programs. Perfect place to start Canada for new comers. Highly recommended!
01 October 2019 0:30
I will highly recommend it. I attended the IT Connections program last year. Don't worry about the money. It is most likely going to be refunded to you. Some of the programs might not be eligible for an OBPAP reimbursement. Please check with Acces on this point.

I found it useful because: -

1. It helped me stay busy and gave me a schedule to follow when I had newly arrived in Canada

2. I met people who were in the same boat. That gave me immense support to see that I wasn't alone

3. They provided me key inputs about my résumé and taught me how to tailor my résumé for any job

4. They brushed up my communication skills and helped me become interview ready for the Canadian market

5. They taught me the Canadian way of corporate communication

6. They taught me how to network with Canadians

7. They created a platform for guest speakers from the IT industry to share their story as immigrants. That not only gave me hope but also gave me strategies to steer my job hunt

8. Through Acces, I got a chance to work on a live industry project. So I could add it as Volunteering experience on my resume

Cheers to Team Access!
30 September 2019 4:08
I went to the office on College, they registered me and told me to send and email with my information and resume. It has been three weeks and I haven't heard anything from them. I don't recommend to anybody to go to this place is a waste of time.
27 September 2019 4:58
Very unpleasant experience with front desk.not ready to guide people (living out of Canada) who r trying for jobs in Canada.they want us to catch a flight and come there in person, even for a small discussion (information regarding job markets) with their employees.they need to understand that a person outside Canada, needs a basic guide (information) on how these job markets r and what they expect from a job seeker.for that v need to talk to the counselors, which they r not ready to connect with, unless v come to Canada.
24 September 2019 21:24
I didn't like the service I received in this company by some people. I had difficulties in this company with English, I don't speak fluent English, but that doesn't mean I can't look for a job.
20 August 2019 4:48
Best place for internationally experienced bankers to prepare themselves for Canadian Banking jobs.
They provide bridging course.
29 April 2019 0:46
For new immigrants to Canada, ACCES offers one of the best services with respect to preparing you for the Canadian job market.
There's loads of workshops to help with resume writing, interview prep, Canadian workplace cultures, etc.
The staff are very nice and really helpfulness.
06 March 2019 0:30
Companies face is reception which I found unpleasant I may add some stars later if I find anything up! Yes the later experience made significant change in my opinion that is why I am updating as I promised. It is good place! For getting help in finding minimum wage job! For advice tips which may help you to find a professional job.

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