05 June 2023 7:28
Your incredibly gentle, yet powerful art feels birthed, infused with your heartfelt intentions and speaks clearly to the awakening that so many of us are experiencing. Your offerings are soulful and deeply appreciated.
03 June 2023 6:11
Gaias art not only adds beauty to my home but has become a touchstone of grounding, meaning, upliftment, and guidance in my life. I am eternally grateful to have found her and her inspirational work.

I first found Gaias “OM” painting on-line when searching images of “freeing voice” for a series of vocal embodiment and song writing workshops and retreats I was offering. I found this gorgeous image of a silhouetted woman sitting cross legged on the earth with a rainbow coming out of her mouth wrapping around her and beyond. It spoke to my body and heart instantly of the beauty and truth within being expressed though the voice, wrapping around those who are in its path. It opened up tensions and channels within me and I knew I had to have it in my home. I went to her website and fell in love with the rest of her work finding a number of other pieces to order and put on my wish list for future orders.

Three of her pieces are now on my wall across from my bed where I see them upon sleeping and waking. “OM”, “Earth Healing”, and Spirit of the Forrest”. I adore them! They bring me such joy and ease, and I find them of comfort and support, using them in my meditations. They have become alive in me and anchor me when I am out in the world, needing to find center and express my voice, or needing to feel my connection to my source and my “why”. They are with me all the time and I am looking forward to getting a big image of “She Flourishes” for our living room one day and feel the energy it holds in me in my life.

Thank you Gaia for expressing the art and truth living within you. It moves through and touches a similar place in me and that is of the truest gifts someone can give. Much gratitude
26 January 2023 16:19
This piece calls for deeper and deeper integration and wholeness. This piece is mesmerizing and rooting.comforting for me in a newer space. Gaia, your art is a companion on the journey. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and gifts so beautifully!
16 January 2023 17:08
Je recommande ce cours pour la richesse et la précision des informations précieuses et généreuses qui sont un gain de temps et permettent d'anticiper des problématiques techniques et pratiques qu'en tant qu'artiste peintre amateur je ne me serai pas poser. Pendant deux heures on butine les bons conseils et au fil de quelques récits d'expériences parfois drôles d'authenticité, on se met à s'imaginer soi emprunter un chemin différent, nouveau pour sûr et à se projeter tout simplement. Encore merci Gaïa!
19 October 2022 14:10
Beautiful and thought provoking art that creates a deeper sense of calm, the longer you look at it. Gaia is an artist for the Awakening and her pieces celebrate our connection to the natural world. Well worth the trip to see her art.
09 October 2022 17:30
J'ai effectué plusieurs achats des œuvres de Gaia, son art est magnifique, doux et puissant à la fois, et tellement porteur de sens!
Il me soutient dans mes moments quotidiens et c'est un pur Bonheur?
De plus, l'envoi des œuvres se fait de façon soignée et méticuleuse, tout est arrivé à chaque fois intact à la maison.
21 March 2022 9:51
You are an inspiration. I love your story and the way you have choosen to live your life.
Your art work takes me so much further than the canvas and leaves me with so much.
Thank you for allowing me to get lost in your world of creation.
Sandy Bundy
19 February 2022 0:30
I gave the art necklaces as Christmas presents to friends.everone absolutely loved them and the message.
18 January 2022 21:14
Art allows us to expand into a higher state and bring forth those visions for the world. We are connecting to
higher realms and allowing those insights to flow through us as a direct communication with divinity. It is a sacred union and gift. Good for you for trusting your divine gifts. Imagine a world where everyone honours their unique gifts and allow that to shine Every single one of us is important to the whole. Shine on Sister of creation! Much love.
16 January 2022 6:43
I recently purchased 2 earrings and a necklace from Gaia's new jewellery collection, and am blown away by their beauty and vibrancy! Of course I love Gaia's artwork but did wonder if I alone might be able to appreciate the detail in her awesome images. But they show up with such clarity, and the earrings sit so nicely. Such a joy to wear them! Thank you Gaia for finding this new process that brings your art alive in this vibrant, miniature format.
05 December 2021 8:30
Communication exceptionnelle!
On sent beaucoup d’amour au delà des œuvres️; c’est très apprécié de voir le suivi qui est fait dès la commande et jusqu’à la réception!
Un magnifique élan d’authenticité, de simplicité, et de professionnalisme.

Livraison ultra rapide et envoi plus que soigné! Bien évidemment je suis ravie de ma commande et de diffuser dans mon intérieur la belle énergie de vie de ces créations!
15 October 2021 7:03
I was introduced to Gaia’s art at an exhibition where original paintings were displayed and again several of her prints are featured at a local wellness store.
I was very, very impressed with the vibrant colours, the subject matter and detail contained in her art. I love art and have visited many galleries and never seen such thought provoking works. I recently purchased a painting which resonates with me personally and I love the emotion it invokes.
22 September 2021 7:13
I ordered a piece of art from Gaia. It is beautiful - a treasure that I am so happy to have found.
04 September 2021 8:52
Love Gaia’s art. She explains what her pictures represent. Looking at them in my home brings me joy
03 September 2021 1:00
De l'art spirituel. Un art qui parle à l'âme et guérit en reconnectant au grand tout. Merci à vous.
31 August 2021 16:04
I sent my niece and great niece a bracelet and necklace as gifts. They adore them! Such unique art as jewelry!
23 August 2021 10:33
I have recently received my second print from Gaia (Dancing with Wolves) and absolutely love it, as I do the first one I bought a few years ago (A Raven Call). Her artwork reaches out and connects in a powerful way, I am sure to many women in many different ways and on many levels. Hers is a true celebration of the remarkable and transcending way that women are able to communicate, to each other and to the natural world.
17 August 2021 2:25
I ordered two "She Flourishes" prints from Gaia Orion and I couldn't be happier with the quality - they are stunning! And they arrived quickly and with such personal care and attention. If you want more beauty in your life and to support an amazing artist, check out her work! This is for my daughter as she looks ahead to college this year.
28 July 2021 14:30
As an artist, Gaia Orion is a visionary, heart-centered, connected with the Divine within, in tune with the energies surrounding us and the vibratory world we live in, genuine, showing integrity, inspiring, inviting us through her art for deeper introspection, healing, awareness, transformation, beauty.

I met Gaia on a few occasions during her exhibition at Aurora Cultural Centre. I brought only my children the first time and the second time I invited my husband too. It was the first exhibition of a contemporary artist and the first exhibition of a visionary artist for all of us. It was a first in many way.

I was amazed by the vibrancy of the colours in Gaia's paintings.
I was mesmerized and highly surprised by the archetypes she depicted and the way she depicted them especially because one by one, almost all the paintings on a wall have been my power symbols over the years, from childhood through adulthood.

That is why I begin my review with that list of words - because I FELT her heart to the core and because I know from experience that only inspired and highly intuitive people can bring energy and inspiration in everything they do, no matter what it is.

And, from experience also, from her exhibition, I can testify that no print, no matter the size, can match the impression the original leaves on you, your soul, your being, your life. If you have the chance to buy her original paintings, don't doubt. Just take it.
25 July 2021 8:46
Gaia is amazing! I have been a huge fan of her visionary work for many years. Her work lends itself so beautifully to contemplation, meditation and gracefully surrendering to life. I treated myself to one of her masterful paintings and it emanates beautiful connection and grace. Merci mille fois, Gaia!
24 July 2021 18:28
I have followed Gaia over the years and am inspired by the expression of feminine spirit that her art and jewellery express. So lovely to share as gifts for my wild women friends and from time to time a gift for myself too! We need this deeper connection with our inner spirit and nature always and particularly during this year!
With Gratitude to you Gaia, Deb
18 July 2021 20:45
Gaia est une personne intègre et généreuse. Pour moi ce sont les deux qualités nécessaires et primordiales pour être une vraie artiste et une super coach! En tant que coach, Gaia sait accompagner, en respectant mon individualité, mes différences, mes élans. Elle encourage et apprend à oser avec des exemples concrets d'elle-même ou des artistes qui elle suit. Tout ce qu'elle fait et propose est dans le ressenti et dans l'alignement de sa vérité et du coup ça aide la personne coaché à consolider ses propres ressentis et alignements sans l'imiter. C'est un plaisir et un garantie de qualité et croissance de travailler avec elle. En tant qu'artiste, je vois en elle deux polarités complementaires. Je vois la Conteuse d'histoire, très liée à la terre et au sauvage, puis je vois la mystique avec tous ses tableaux sur les yeux de la conscience hypnotiques et révelateurs. Tu es belle rencontre, Gaia. Merci
18 July 2021 14:00
Dans sa touche unique, l'art est une expression du Soi et cette photo en exprime le rayonnement. ️
17 July 2021 23:24
Les deux toiles ont traversées l'Atlantique est sont arrivées en parfait état.
Elles sont encore plus belles que j'imaginais et créent une magnifique énergie dans la maison, alors Grand Merci!
20 July 2020 2:39
Touchée par cet art profond et vibrant. Joie d'avoir reçu quelques reproductions pour ma maison.juste magnifique! Belle connexion avec l'artiste.merci!
16 June 2020 22:24
I have the pleasure of owning three pieces of Gaia's works (art, book, necklace). I absolutely love all. Looking at her work, I feel it speaks to me on a deeper level. The colors are magnificent. Absolutely beautiful!
12 June 2020 3:05
I've admired Gaia's amazing Artwork for a long time, I had to order the story telling Cards and Earrings. Gaia's belief and structure is about Nature and Mother Earth as illustrated in her Art. Her Art Medallion Jewelry is aww inspiring. I appreciate that she includes the story of the piece! Everything is eco-friendly and even the plastic bags are biodegradable and contain 50% recycled paper.
09 June 2020 18:50
I bought a necklace from Gaia and, while travelling, realized my friend from Zimbabwe loved it, so I gave it to her, returned to Canada and bought three more of the same kind so I could give them away! They are so beautiful and unique, yet still affordable.
04 June 2020 19:51
Gaia's ability to transfer her beautiful images on to her jewelry is impeccable. I have 2 pair of earrings now and just feel so connected to the universe when wearing them, which I do most days. The circular shape, transfer of the images' path, is very powerful.
01 June 2020 20:15
I recently purchased my first large print from Gaia after following her for years. I couldn’t be happier with the purchase. It is even more beautiful than in the pictures and her personal attention to assure the purchase and delivery went smooth was way above and beyond what I expected. Now that I’ve purchased my first piece it will definitely not be my last.
22 May 2020 7:19
I ordered a pair of earrings from the website and found the customer service phenomenal, website easy to use and the quality of the artwork.beautifully rendered. Would highly recommend!

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