26 August 2023 3:41
The School looks drab, ugly and dirty - more like shabby parts of Toronto. Instead schools must have bright or pastel colors - walls, doors, windows, fences etc - to uplift the hearts and souls of Students, Teachers and Parents. I have been to a mighty School with swimming pool, 10-Bed Clinic, Boating Club, Multi Religion Chapel, Opera cum Cinema Hall cum Museum, 4- Large Play fields for Football, Cricket, Basket & Volley Ball + Park with Swings, Slides, Monkey Bar etc. That too in a Developing Country like India - circa 1964. SCHOOLS are TEMPLES of LEARNING where TEACHERS are UNTO GOD and MUST LOOK BEAUTIFUL and BRIGHT.
07 June 2023 14:01
Mrs. Liss was crazy. Would scream and throw tantrums. Ripped up school work in front of my face and threw it at me. She would scream at me when I was on the wrong page in a book; embarrass me and ask the entire class if they heard her instructions and have everyone in the class raise their hands and single me out. It was humiliating and downright evil. Turns out later I had a couple of learning disabilities I was diagnosed with. Till this day I haven't had a worse teacher. I told my mom about the constant bullying and harassment and she removed me from the school. Teacher unions shouldn't be allowed to protect these kinds of people. Canadian school systems are ridiculous (I moved to Florida and teachers were so caring and careful and this behavior was grounds for dismissal). Mrs. Liss you should be ashamed of yourself! You should've never have been allowed near kids!

*Edit: It seems I'm getting a decent amount of likes for this review. We should see if we can take legal action for child abuse. I'd be okay with a class action lawsuit against the district.you have my name, let me know
25 December 2021 18:36
Now I probably shouldn't blame the school for this, BUT, what I don't understand, and this was years ago, is why would you give detention to someone who was friends with the 2 kids who fought each other, I wasn't even a witness, I was just there friends. Im still salty about that. Anyway thank you
09 May 2021 1:25
Great school! It offers many programs that kids love! It's a very happy place there, everything is clean and the teachers are nice!

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