22 October 2023 22:59
My 27 year old son applied for an OHIP funded position in the Bellwood drug rehab program, after waiting two years an opening came up for him this August, he’s now 29. I picked him up after seven weeks in Bellwood on Oct. 12 and drove him home (to his uncle’s basement in Toronto). He seemed calm, happy and looking forward to getting on with his life. He spoke very positively of his time at Bellwood. His family is very understanding and supportive I offered financial help for as long as it took to get his feet under him. His uncle is kind and loving and lets him live rent free. Thursday October 27, my son was out in bars again and spent at least $500 (money he doesn’t have) on drugs. I don’t think this program is successful in any way. He lasted two weeks before relapsing! What a waste of tax payer’s money since his program was OHIP covered. Maybe an adult who has some part of their life under control, will benefit from Bellwood and get help with their substance abuse. My advice to a parent who has watched their young adult struggle with addiction for years and does not seem on track with any part of their life, this program is of no help. My son has a BA and an MA, he’s never had a regular job and has not been able to lift himself out of the cycle of substance abuse and move on with his life. This morning I don’t feel he ever will.
16 October 2023 20:41
Naturally I was terrified walking through the doors to the intake. I’m glad I did and stuck to it. I’m happy healthy and beginning a new life journey. Everyone I met were friendly and helpful. I would like to thank Jo, Gill and Sara-Jane. Your kindness and guidance will never be forgotten.
24 September 2023 17:30
My six weeks at Bellwood helped me found myself again, helped me to love myself again. Taught me and gave me tools to use with my sobriety. The community and my fellow peers was a huge asset. If you're willing to do the work for a better life, a life of sobriety, Bellwood is a facility that did this for me.
24 September 2023 15:20
My time at bellwood has been transformational. It's been a difficult journey, but a rewarding one. It works if you work it. Thank you to everybody involved in my treatment.
24 September 2023 4:12
Bellwood was amazing and taught me so many skills to help with my recovery. I met so many amazing people during my stay. I will keep in touch for sure. The staff are amazing and very caring. I'm going to miss Bellwood.
20 September 2023 20:53
This place seems to be a joke. I have a family member who went there and they only ever allowed one single phone call out and trying to call in is like trying to move a brick wall. No one ever answers the phone and when they do they have no clue what to say other than can I take a message. I am POA for this family member that went there and they still couldn't give me information. Until literally the day after he was discharged. Not to mention they didn't inform anyone that he was. So now his family doesn't even know if he ok due to his phone not being answered. So now we (his family) have to wonder and worry until we hear from him. I called this establishment literally everyday 4-5 times (different times of the day) for a month and it was only ever answered twice. That definitely says something to those who r trying to reach out to either support family who r there or seeking support themselves.
22 July 2023 22:30
I had the fortunate opportunity to spend 10 weeks at Bellwood. During this time I participated in 4 programs; Eating Disorder, Trauma, Core and MAP.
Staff such as Mr Adrian, Elza, ED team, support staff, cooks, maintenance and nurses made my stay here as pleasant as possible considering the circumstances. I can’t thank them enough and will miss them dearly.
I highly recommend this facility to anyone with mental health or addiction issues. This was my second time at treatment (went to a different facility) and I was hesitant after having a negative experience the first time around.
Needless to say, I’m extremely happy I gave Bellwood a chance and I’ll never forget the positive connections I made there.
I also feel a lot more positive about the future than what I did prior to going, which I didn’t think were possible.
Thanks again to Mr Adrian, and all the Bellwood staff. You folks are amazing… Ps; Adrian deserves a raise. ️
14 July 2023 18:35
I am a graduate of the in-patient Core (addiction) Program at Bellwood. Bellwood gave me everything I needed to succeed in recovery and transition to living a new sober life. The innovative programming, holistic approach, staff, and community (both in-patient and alumni) are amazing. If you’re ready to start living a truer, healthier, and more beautiful life, I cannot recommend Bellwood enough.
08 July 2023 0:33
Bellwood has given me myself back. There have been good days and bad days but what I have learned is that it s all apart of life. I had been avoiding life for 10 years in active addiction. As well as trying to numb out experiences that had harmed me growing up. I didn't think I could do this life anymore, this was my last chance for life. I am so happy and grateful I walked into the doors. I feel very optimistic about my future as I have gotten back qualities about myself that I had thought I had lost forever. I have hope. I feel changed. I feel free. I am leaving with coping strategies to help me manage life. Thank you to my PC Gill, Leora, Kitchen Staff, Alanna in Alumni, and the SCs! As well, as the welcoming community that gave me support and allowed me get out of my negative space and comfort zone. I have a whole new perspective on life. Thanks again Bellwood for allowing me to grow and get back to who I was really meant to be.
06 July 2023 14:06
When I arrived at Bellwood I was broken and bruised from the inside out. My injuries were not a result of anyone else's doing but my own. Alcohol is not my friend.

I made it 134 days sober my first attempt at recovery and then I fell.hard and fast. Arriving at Bellwood I had an idea of what treatment (again) would be like however I was, and remain eternally grateful for this experience.

What's different about Bellwood? It IS a therapeutic treatment centre! Support is 24/7 and without judgement. From the intake team, to support counsellors, therapists, nursing staff, maintenance and housekeeping staff, to management and even the chef and kitchen crew all showed genuine caring and kindness in their efforts. It was obvious that they love their jobs and this made all the difference!

I learned coping skills in a way that was engaging and inviting.the facilitators new the material and delivered the message with passion. Participation was encouraged and still boundaries were respected if at times sharing wasn't in the cards.

Just like the first day of school, peers make all the difference. I was greeted warmly and with welcome, despite my messed up face. My peers are who pulled me out of my funk and reassured me that I am not alone in my recovery. They guided me and encouraged me to work MY program. We cried, laughed, and shared our life stories and views and we also celebrated our successes and talents. Programming at Bellwood is holistic.from healthy eating to sports and fitness, arts and crafts, to talent nights and such we built each other up and encouraged each other to grow. I was able to embrace clarity and rebuild myself and my life. The 1/2 century group enlightened me to the AA way of living and continues to be a huge support.

50 days goes by very fast and with each comes the promise of new beginnings and healing. Bellwood helped me to do this and can help you too! Start counting up to sobriety and acknowledge your worth.because 81 days later, I AM worth it.

19 June 2023 6:50
I am a liaison from Cocaine Anonymous for Bellwoods. Which means I put 12 step meetings on there. I have had the opportunity to see clients when they first come in and then when they leave. And the growth and development that they receive when they're in Bellwood is nothing short of a miracle. The care, comfort, and non-judgmental as well as unconditional love and a knowledge that the clients receive from the counselors and the staff at Bellwoods helps them grow and become the people they were always meant to be. I have had the opportunity to have some of the clients connect with me after they leave the center inquiring as to how they can continue what they started at Bellwoods by going to 12-step meetings or extra outside counseling and therapy. It is my opinion that none of this could have accomplished without the Magnificent team at the Bellwood Treatment Center.
16 May 2023 18:38
I was sceptical of Bellwood before coming in, reading the reviews like I’m writing now about how positive of an experience they had and how much it changed their life seemed so far out of reach. I came through the doors broken and hopeless. Having no faith in myself or the program (MAP) being able to “fix” me. However, what I did not realize was that I didn’t need to be fixed, I needed to be helped and supported in ways I have never been before. The facilitators, SC’s, PC’s, nursing and all the staff are amazing, caring individuals that work to make the community what it is and make you feel like you matter and have value you didn’t realize. The community itself is what makes the program so special, everyone is so welcoming and kind and I could not imagine not having all the new friends I have made through being at Bellwood. If you’re skeptical like I was, please reach out and get information, it could be the call that starts you on a beautiful path to recovery and life long wellbeing.
10 May 2023 18:00
I had the opportunity to attend Bellwood for there core program a few months ago and it was an amazing experience that helped teach me about my addiction and mental health issues and teach me healthy methods to get through rough times in life without using drugs to cope. The therapist doctors support counselors and clients were all extremely helpful and I am forever grateful for the opportunity that Bellwood gave me by allowing me to attend there amazing facility and program. I would recommend anyone who is struggling with mental health or addiction to consider reaching out to Bellwood as Bellwood has completely saved my life.
Thank you Bellwood for helping me start my new life in recovery.
09 May 2023 17:37
If you are questioning your life, have problems with substance abuse, problems with mental health, I highly recommend Bellwood. The knowledgeable staff and amount you learn is absolutely outstanding! You can change if you want to and Bellwood is an amazing tool to help you on your new journey! Thanks for everything that you did for me!
08 May 2023 9:35
I have a large place in my heart for Bellwood Health Services. They have been a catalyst to a positive change in my life and have instilled values that not only apply to recovery but to a healthy, well balanced future. I will make sure to spend a part of my life giving back to this amazing institution so I can to instil values and enrich the lives of others moving forward.
03 May 2023 3:38
This is an amazing treatment centre with high quality food, rooms, amenities, and such wonderful and helpful staff. This place helped me recovery from a 9 year long addiction by teaching me the skills and strategies to deal and cope with life. If I had to recommend a treatment centre this would be my first and only recommendation.

I think I'm going to thrive in life now and thrive while being sober
02 April 2023 17:53
I must say that I’ve never been to rehab before but my first time was absolutely amazing! From the maintenance, cleaning, kitchen staff, PC’s, SC’s and facilitators and especially the unreal supportive COMMUNITY makes all the difference in a great experience. Every centre will have its challenges thrown your way which is life but overall what a place!
28 March 2023 3:54
In short, Bellwood’s inpatient core program got my life back on track and frankly saved me. I left with a variety of knowledge, coping strategies, a fantastic exit plan and have been able to successfully recalibrate what was a seemingly permanent chaotic lifestyle. The care that I received from the amazing counselling staff, facilitators, support staff, nursing staff, recreational staff and all the others have left me with all the building blocks to start building a life worth living.
18 March 2023 17:43
Bellwood really helped me get back on my feet and kick off my addiction. A number of the facilitators of classes explained DBT and CBT methods, practices, skills and tools in a way that no other DBT and CBT classes I had taken had explained before and I learned new ways of thinking that have completely changed my life and how I view other people.
The cleaning staff, cooks, nurses and teachers in the building were extremely helpful to me and genuinely supportive, kind and fun to be around.

I entered Bellwood in Nov 2022 and was there for 7 weeks.
The only negative thing I would have to say is that during my stay, it was clear the owner of Edgewood (the company that owns Bellwood) trickled down his ideals to whoever was controlling/in charge of Bellwood as a facility. This resulted in the building taking in too many clients at once without proper screening, nor were they helpful to their own staff. It did cause quite a lot of discord and confusion at times.

However this was not to the fault of the staff in the building, who did their very best under those circumstances to help every client.
Other than that, I met some of the best people I’ve met in my life at Bellwood that have become lifelong friends. I’m happier, healthier, and more stable than I have been in years. I don’t know where I would be right now or if I would even be alive if it weren’t for choosing to go into rehabilitation in order to be able to function properly again in the world. I really do have so much thanks to the staff at Bellwood for creating such an uplifting environment. I see the world in ways I never did before, or only ever did as a child. And I have made so many wonderful connections with people of all ages and identities. I personally found Dwayne (who was not my primary councillor, but taught a few of my classes) to be one of the most open minded, insightful, intelligent people I have ever met. The people I met at Bellwood were a gift I didn’t know I would receive from rehabilitation, but one I am extremely grateful to have gotten.
05 March 2023 13:18
Words cannot begin to describe how grateful I am for Bellwood. I have been struggling with mental health and addiction for over half my life and thought I was immune to treatment. I had the opportunity to go through the Core program which was both intense and extremely rewarding. I was in search for the reason why and I found it. The therapists, the support staff and the clients exceeded my expectations so much so I have stayed connected as there are many opportunities Bellwood offers to stay involved. There are many volunteer options after graduation. They really do genuinely care about the people they support. If someone is struggling or has family who are struggling please reach out, my life has been saved.

22 February 2023 2:12
The only thing holding this establishment together is Dr Weiss. I went in for the mood and anxiety program and came out worse then when I went in. Please do your due diligence of making a decision before going to bellwood.
15 February 2023 23:46
I attended the Mood and Anxiety Program a few years ago. I was treated with kindness and compassion everywhere I went. The facility, the staff, and the programming were all amazing. The community itself was what made the my experience truly therapeutic and healing, a culture shaped by the kind and caring staff. I picked up amazing skills while in my stay, skills which I still use to this very day. I credit being a happy, healthy, well-adjusted person to Bellwood for all that the staff did for me.
11 February 2023 5:26
Bellwood is great placefor change. From the staff to the clients it is a place i highly recomend.special thanks to Alanna for her help and support.ps.the bean is amazing!
13 January 2023 22:15
Thank you so much. You guys have saved my life. I am so grateful for the entire staff and people I met here. In particular, I'd like to thank tara, and the whole SC staff for helping me, I never thought I would be able to live a normal life, but you gave me that oppurtinity and I will always be in your debt. Thank you
07 October 2022 12:06
I am completely disappointed in this facility. I do not recommend to anyone attending for Trauma/PTSD related treatment. On multiple occasions the circumstances in which I was attending Bellwood was completely disrespected and ignored. The 'professional' staff, as well as the volunteers "SC's" had zero regard for the loss of my son and the reasons I was attending Bellwood for treatment.
I was attending Bellwood for trauma and PTSD, after the loss of my son. To gain knowledge and a better understanding as to how I can move forward with my life. I was treated like a criminal.

I trusted the professionals and the program.
On the very first 'group session' JO Completely slapped me in the face with my grief - moments after sharing with the group what I was experiencing, and had gone through. This was my first interaction with the program. On the second day. It set a very negative tone. The staff continued to display zero regard for the loss of my son on every single group session and interaction.
Staff members tell me they would not be alive if they did not have their children. They would have never found recovery without their children.
Some of the professionals here cannot even conduct a sentence without swearing. (Yvette?) It cost upwards of 60K to attend, you would expect a certain level of professionalism.

One-by-one the staff and volunteers disrespected the loss of my son. They had zero regard for the trauma and stress I was experiencing.

I chose to leave this facility after 8 days out of a 57 day program.
While leaving, the staff agreed that they had conducted themselves in an unprofessional manner. They agreed I should leave due to the circumstances.

Imagine leaving a treatment facility under extreme distress and the staff at the facility agree with your decisions to leave. They agree that the staff conducted themselves unprofessional. They encourage you to seek one on one counseling and that their program is not the right fit.

I was blown away they did not do everything they could in their power to help me when I needed it most. They simply walked me out the door and wished me luck. ' Sorry we messed up ' We will make sure we let your family know its not just you leaving and that we messed up'.

You caused me a lot more trauma than you did help me.

I do not recommend this place to anyone.
30 June 2022 17:56
My name is Yasmin R and I was in the TRP and MAP, I came to Bellwood broken down and almost without hope. I was there for 8 weeks and during that time the staff helped me and were kind, the community is warm and welcoming and I made a whole new family while I was there. I am leaving with a whole new mindset and a better opinion of myself. I thought I was a horrible person because of my past, but I realized that my past doesn’t define me. If you are looking for a program to help then I sincerely suggest Bellwood.
29 April 2021 18:11
If I could put more than 5 stars for Bellwood I would! This treatment center has saved my life. If I didn't go to treatment I would be dead.

The positive and supportive atmosphere at Bellwood is astounding. I felt like I was at home and a part of an amazing community. Staff are always there for you, and will go above and beyond their roles to support you.

I truly believe that you get what you put into it, and I threw myself into programming (even if I didn't want to go that day) and learned so much. Not just learning about tools for my addictions and recovery post-treatment, but I learned at Bellwood how to LOVE MYSELF. This is something I have never been able to vocalize or truly practice self-compassion in my entire life.

Not only does Bellwood provide you with a vast amount of learning opportunities throughout programming, such as: Psycho Ed, DBT, CBT, Art Therapy, Grief and Loss, Processing Groups, Post Treatment Planning, Relapse Prevention, AA, CA, NA etc Fellowship meetings, physical health activities and so on. But the staff try to create fun activities for clients in down time. I was at Bellwood throughout the Christmas Holidays and New Years. The staff went above and beyond to try and create a fun atmosphere with holiday activities and even a Christmas present on December 25th!

I could go on and on. My Primary Counselor, the Support Counselors and Administration advocated and helped me find sober living, where I am now and couldn't be more happy and appreciative.

Like I said, Bellwood SAVED MY LIFE, and I hope to work there someday so I can see and support others recover and give back to such a great treatment center and community of people.

Thank you Bellwood and Staff, I love you all! Xx
11 April 2021 4:14
Bellwood health. Was one amazing journey for me I attended Bellwood back in 2005 and there Doors and arms welcoming me at a place that I did not want to be at.back then. I was there to work on my 38 years gambling problem.each day that I was there I was comforted educated felt like I belonged the Bellwood workbook I still use today 16 years later to work on myself.the staff actually they were staff but at the same time became friends! Continued to grow each and every day. As I learned the 12 step program, I entered as I learned with a empty tool box. And as I learnt can’t fix anything without tools. Bellwood slowly gave the tools to put in my toolbox to take with me when I was discharged. I actually cried smiled every emotion was there.today I proudly can say 16 years gambling free.every chance I get I am willing to give back volunteer enjoy the Growing alumni program.
23 January 2021 16:43
The staff at this place are very helpful and theres always someone to talk to unlike other rehabs. Bellwoods is a professional place and they know what there doing! It's a good place there I miss it in fact.
15 January 2021 14:12
I would strongly suggest Bellwood for those considering addiction recovery. I had gone through a similar program at CAMH in 2016. I completed that program but, unfortunately relapsed and went back to my dependence on alcohol. I joined the Bellwood program in Jan 2018 and completed. I also joined the After Care program which really helped me a lot to understand my addiction and how to overcome the challenges associated with that. I have been since then and intend to remain so.
A big thanks to my Counselor Chris Morris and Lee, who helped me immensely during my recovery.
27 December 2020 21:53
My experience at Bellwood during covid times was excellent! From walking through the doors to the day I left. I was there for alcohol addition in the core program for seven weeks. The staff was incredible from housekeeping, kitchen staff the food was great and fresh always. The nurses and doctors and facilators are top notch. Very personable and professional. I cannot forget to mention the S. C s. They are very accommodating and kind. I recommend Bellwood it has changed my life!
20 December 2020 19:21
I had a very pleasant time at Bellwood. I acquired a lot of Knowledge on Mental Health. My Therapist and the other Therapists and the Team of Doctors, Nurses did a tremendous job on my mental issues. Besides that, all the Support Staff working towards the care of the clients were very helpful as well. I do recommend Bellwood for the Care, Knowledge and in depth education towards any recovery of Mental Health issues.
22 November 2020 14:49
I arrived lost confused and helpless. I could not understand why How things had gone so wrong in my life. I came here with the thought I'm going to put my oxygen mask on.so that i could go back and take care of everyone else. Instead bellwood taught me how to love and take care of me.they gave me the tools to use when I needed the wisdom to carry on my journey without judging myself. The team approach is above any other treatment I have received. The councilors Doctors and SCs shout out to Mellissa for being apart of my journey.
I leave bellwood with confidence to be able to handle the rest of my recovery. Thank you for changing the trajectory
13 November 2020 5:18
Knowing how passionately the staff at Bellwood care about recovery and understand the key elements required to sustain this over a lifetime, they get a 5.
13 November 2020 1:05
The Mood and Anxiety Program was excellent. The counselors were amazing and so supportive. The food was great on the whole and all the staff-kitchen doctors, nursing, recreation staff and cleaning staff were amazing. I highly recommend this program to anyone suffering from mood disorders.
23 October 2020 0:01
Crossing over the bridge in through the front doors of Bellwood was the single best decision I have made in my life. Not only are the staff incredible, but the relationships I have with fellow alumni are pure and genuine. In order to get better you must face your fears. I couldn't even look myself in the mirror before attending treatment. I hated myself. Today I couldn't possibly love myself more and I am so proud of the beautiful life that I am creating. Bellwood gave me back my life and I am eternally grateful. Thank you to the staff for lending me their angel wings when I forgot how to fly. Bellwood is magical.
15 October 2020 12:45
I called yesterday, Sept 13, around 4pm in the afternoon to inquire about the mood & anxiety program. I am not sure the guys name but what a S. O. B!
He went on to talk about sharing a bedroom with 2 others and I immediately stopped him. I told him there is no way I will share a room with anyone especially in these days of covid.
His response " Is That Something You Want To Deal With Also " I would never go there after that callous and lame response.
10 October 2020 15:30
Stay Away! Little to no monitoring or supervision of clients leaving property to get drunk or high, which resulted in a COVID outbreak at Bellwood. This carelessness on behalf of management resulted in some of us being discharged from the program, midway through treatment, through no fault of our own. No effort by management was made to allow remote continuation of classes. This place is all about $$$$. You are just a paying customer. They also forgot to pack some of my personal belongings, and despite the nominal cost in replacing them, they chose to ignore compensating me. Very unprofessional and difficult. Consider going somewhere else. If I had the option of giving it zero stars I would, but I had to give it one.
06 September 2020 10:17
For those suffering from depression and anxiety, this program is great! The staff is absolutely amazing and show an incredible amount of compassion and empathy towards their clients.

The programmed helped with the way I think and allowed me to take a step in the right direction.

In class, you will learn many strategies to help with your mood. I was able to practice a few of these strategies during my stay and successfully use them during an anxiety attack. I didn't have to use my medication!

The food is delicious and the staff that work in the kitchen are always smiling and will greet you by name. I never had to say anything after a week because they new my order by heart! Love that!

The cleaning staff is friendly and work so hard to make your stay as pleasant as it can be under the circumstances.

I walk away from my 7 week stay feeling stronger and more self aware. It's important to know you won't be walking out of Bellwood cured and never suffer from an anxiety attack ever again. What you need to realise is you will be walking out with tones of tools and strategies to help you when those attacks happen.

Thank you Bellwood for your hardwork and determination! This program has changed my life!
21 August 2020 1:49
Complete BAIT AND SWITCH misleading marketing on their website. They have an entire section dedicated to OHIP covered programs, which very clearly states "There are no fees for standard accommodation while attending this program. " But when you speak to one of their sales people they repeatedly quote $14k for their services - even when you specifically ask for their OHIP covered standard accommodations.

It took 3+ phone calls for them to finally admit that they don't actually offer OHIP covered programs anymore (haven't for more than a year).

What a terrible way to take advantage of people who are dealing with an already difficult situation!

They should be charged with False Advertising!
19 July 2020 0:24
The only thing bellwood has going for itself is its superbe marketing team. This place is awful. The management team are the most incompetent individuals I’ve ever seen manage anything. Kristen Cleary was the former executive director — and she recently got canned for being a terrible person. Don’t go here. They will not help you. They will make things worse for you.
08 May 2020 15:25
While the food and cleanliness were both lacking, the staff was amazing. Nursing staff was changing so frequently that issuing medications often took so long but there are some awesome nurses there.
30 March 2020 20:33
If you're a police officer battling PTSD, the CTAP residential program at Bellwood is what you need. Its time to put ego and pride aside, and solely focus on your recovery. This program enables you to let down your walls, let out the pain, and let in the healing. The doctors, therapists, and counselors bring the most current information to the fore-front of this epidemic, they are dedicated, eager and highly skilled. Prior to Bellwood, I was hopeless, helpless, and out of treatment options. I can now say that I don't hate myself anymore, I have my confidence back, and my marriage is finally on the mend. Bellwood gave me the ability to fully understand what PTSD is, it gave me the knowledge to evaluate and monitor my mental health, and a unique skill set to treat my symptoms.
Bellwood, helped me reframe my way of thinking, break out of my isolation, get into a routine schedule, and get into the best physical shape of my life. The resources there seem endless. If you are reading this then you care about your mental health, or that of someone else, stop looking, make the call, start the process, if I can do it so can you. My advise to you is; surrender to your injury, accept it, and lean into your treatment, and everything will fall into place, it did for me.
The hardest part about Bellwood is crossing that bridge, once you do that, it will start a chain of events that will lead you back to yourself and loved ones again. I cant speak for others but the same significant changes I've seen in myself were unilateral across the board when compared to others of different occupations.

Marc. A- (a municipal police officer) Bellwood Strong!
Bellwood alumni 2020.

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