08 August 2023 21:19
The staff in the office are amazing they have given me so much more than I expected in the way of support in my time here. I dread the end of my stay here in transitional housing coming to an end soon. I will really miss having so much information and guidance at my fingertips. Even usually at a moment's notice! Although I have had a few ups and downs, I will not mention, cause honestly that is to be expected in a place that caters to individuals from all different walks of life. I must add even tho there have been a few mishaps along the road in certain areas. I have always been treated with respect and dignity. The staff really are there when you need them. They will go above and beyond for you as long as you treat them and the property with respect and obviously follow the rules! Just don't arrive here thinking you can just cause hell and do whatever you want.there are rules to be followed and they make sure to keep an eye on the cameras as well as who is coming and going where! Don't think it's a place to take for granted and run a muck, take care of your apt.it's really the least you can do for all they do for the community. I am so grateful for my time here and don't know where I would have been right now without this amazing organization.

Bethlehem, Place
St. Catharines
Transition Housing.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the homeless community as well as people who have been, traumatized, abused and / or addicted. You are there for people at their lowest, those missing their children cause they got stuck in a bad cycle or maybe they just got screwed over by the system, then Inflation hit with a bang and even the strongest of people got thrown to the wolves, whats the point when it's impossible for so many to even pay rent? ! So many of us ended up on the streets cause our landlords were selling their house for at least double what they bought it for.to a greedy corporation! But who wouldn't really? But now that big guy in the tower wants 5x the rent.and even if you can pay it they do a credit check and of one the other 5000 other people coming to see the rental at least one of them has a higher score than you, it goes on for months/years till your oh so drained from wasting your time just to be turned down once again! Obv people are homeless for many other reasons as well but this was my experience and the one I've heard the most, this has grown so large in scale these past few years, Its scary to wonder where I will end up after this? Nah I am optimistic cause I believe in this place and the people who have worked with me and given me reason to believe again, The agencies working so hard in our community for this cause we all got this, we have to! So here's to the next few years of the government's so called "10 year plan to end homelessness" I'm gonna believe in that not cause of the big man but because of places like
Bethlehem and
YWCA, Start me up,
Street works, Ozanam,
Coast, Cason, Detox
A.b. C, Community Care and the people that are making a difference in so many ways everyday volunteering their time, giving out free meals when they can. The Churches that lend out there space at night so people have a place to sleep. Out of the Heat and Out of the Cold.
I'm sure I've missed a lot but I believe because I've been shown compassion and I choose to believe because there are people who care and who are working there bums off so we can have more affordable housing! We need more landlords willing to sign up for subsidized rent, when the landlord chooses to do this for a tenant on NRH list they are taking a person off of that now 10 year or so waitlist and making room for someone else without a home at all! I think we should be sharing this more and getting that information out there to any good landlords still out there.
P.s To anyone who actually bothered to read this way too long rambling story of a review! Thanks for reading.

Thanks again to the office staff at BP, y'all know who you are! Keep up the good fight!

peace, love and bubble tea!

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