09 February 2023 4:14
I love this school and had a lot of good memories when I first start studying oversea. Much appreciated Principal Mrs. Zahra and all BICC teachers.
24 January 2023 8:11
I really don't like the quality of teaching here. The school staff is extremely rude.
02 January 2023 16:41
My experience here was generally positive and I would be more than happy to repeat it. Some of the instructors have become good friends long after the course, as they have real experience and know their stuff
29 December 2022 13:33
I graduated from here and I can say it the teachers and my friends cone close to me very very familiar so I just had a lot of fun with foreigner friends and teachers also very enthusiastic at teaching as a friends, and they operate parties which helps to communicate with foreigner friends so I love this school
26 December 2022 14:57
The best school you'll ever find! The small population makes student-teacher relationships more meaningful and helpful. It helped save my academic career.
25 December 2022 23:22
Great school! My kids are very happy to be at this school. Teachers are very nice and helpful. Thank you BICC
16 December 2022 6:50
Mr. Kevin is a really supportive science teacher. He takes time after class to help me whenever I am confused and has even spent up to one hour explaining concepts to me after school.
16 December 2022 4:16
Mr. James makes jokes all the time in his classes. I look forward to reading his daily jokes on the white board because they make us all laugh. He makes Business class so interesting for everyone.
08 November 2022 21:55
The school that recognizes students as ATM devices. Even if you pay, you get points inversely proportional to your efforts. Isn't it good for school if a student scores well? Extremely sensitive teachers. Especially the "PRINCIPAL"
06 August 2022 13:01
I was planning to send my child to this school, but seeing a friend whose child is in the school reflected that the teacher's knowledge level was very low. My friend said that their children reflect a lot, especially the school's network is always down. I think you should think carefully before sending your children to school
15 February 2022 12:20
The school is a diploma mill. The owner is all about money. Please don't send your children to feed the greed.
08 August 2021 18:57
Doubtful institution which should be supervised by the Ministry of Education.

- Uncompensated teachers despite their passion and qualifications of teaching.

- Very fast speculation of firing its employees with disrespect and disregard.

- "Counsellors" yelling at their students which has been sugar-coated as a manner of motivation.

- Grades are significantly inflated which is against the purpose of learning and misleading its bright students and parents.

- Almost 40% of its students are smoking outside of its building, yet the school stands being "not responsible" although most of its students are paying $10k+ per year for tuition.

Please do not consider putting your child into this entity if you value education and fair plays. It is a waste of your money and destroys your child's work ethics.
11 February 2020 5:51
After I graduated from university, I moved back to China to work. Sometimes when I think about the time I spent in Canada, BICC has gave me a lot of memories. I miss my high school life so much, I miss when Eric was angry because I skipped my class, I miss Zahra, she is so cute:) Wish you guys all the best.
21 January 2020 21:52
This is such a wonderful school, people are nice here. Kayle and Eric help me a lot for applying for universities. Really appreciate that!
05 August 2019 9:03
Looking back, I am glad that I could go to BICC for my senior year of high school. One year ago when I was considering this school as an option, I was quite skeptical because of my past experiences with international schools. I was a major quitter. I failed to graduate on time for several years, and at the time transferring from a school to another seemed the only possible way for me to finally put everything to an end. So, I gave BICC a chance. It actually is more reasonable to say that I gave myself one more chance, and I can tell you with pride that it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Trust me, although it might not feel like it right away, it is impossible to find more caring and encouraging teachers than those at BICC.

​Every person is different, and everyone’s work ethic differs. I cannot give you specific instructions to follow or rules to abide by, though there are some things I want to tell you: First, please ask questions. If you have questions regarding a class that you have tomorrow, wait for your teacher after class and ask them. If you were not able to do it that day, go to school earlier and ask them before class. As I said, teachers at BICC are incredible. Being an incredulously unsure person I am, I constantly doubted myself for the whole year. Whenever I was questioning my ability to keep on studying, I went up to my teachers and asked how they decided what they wanted to study at university and how the college life was like for them. They were so kind that they spent their break between classes to talk to me about their experiences. Those moments motivated me to continue. Not only was I able to learn about the courses I was taking more thoroughly, but I could put a lot of things into perspective by simply asking some questions.

​Second, listen to your counsellor. It is not an exaggeration to say that the only reason I could go through all the tedious schoolworks and university applications without giving up was the way my counsellor, Mr. Ted Lee, took care of me. He knows exactly what you have to do to succeed in your school year. I am not telling you to rely on him every single step of the way to university, but listen to what he has to say, and do it when he tells you to do something. The application process, including taking the IELTS, sending the result to schools, writing personal essays, preparing all the documents needed for applications and so on was beyond difficult. However, I have never panicked about it like I would have because Mr. Ted came along every time I encountered any sorts of difficulties. I cannot thank him enough for all the efforts he took to help me. He will plant you like a tree if you stumble, trust me.

​Lastly, prioritize your responsibility. I will assume that you are an international student living in Canada on your own. You are set free from your parents just now. You think you can do whatever you want to do from now on. I know how that feels painstakingly well, and I can tell you that that is how I was unable to graduate from high school when all of my friends went off to college. Set a goal, whether it be graduating, like myself a year ago, or going to your dream university. Acknowledge your responsibilities and prioritize them. No one will do your work for you. The minute you set your foot in the school building, you have to know what is important and what is not yourself because no one is going to remind you like your parents did. Take advantage of resources in front of you. BICC offers loads of them.
21 July 2019 5:20
It was great experience, since the weather was nice for the day as well as it felt that I am able to get out of the monotonous cycle by leaving field trip. However, in my opinion, the trip for next time should be longer than previous trip that some students can go back to home right away.
13 July 2019 20:39
I could see many walls that were drawn by the people. When I saw the walls it looks great! Also, I could share with my friends. Later we went to 401 Richmond. I could see many pictures. Also, I could see many people who were working their picture. But we walked for a long time. That is very hard for me because I have the weak leg.
26 June 2019 15:31
I had the chance to visit many sites in Toronto which i had never visited before. Also, i learnt more about the creativity and how different pieces of Arts are created by the combination of mixed media. Graffiti Alley is so much great that I can not even put it out of my mind until now, which trigger motivation and creativity in me. All in all, the field trip was wonderful and useful. Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee
22 June 2019 15:26
I like this trip. This trip is very fun, all students can relax after learning in the school. I hope will be more trips with students throughout the school.
21 May 2019 7:24
Kyle办事效率特别高 人还长得特别帅。I will be studying in University of Ottawa in Fall, thanks for helping me for my university applications! ️
16 May 2019 8:10
BICC is a school with great education quality. I completed the high school courses here. The overall feeling is that the school is very good, the teacherss in the school are very friendly, very active in educating students. I would Miss Ivy the most. Eric is always busy managing school and busy solving problems for students every day and taking every student seriously. Teacher Kyle is also very supportive and helpful. When I have problems in life and study, I will go to ask him. He can give good advice, and he also knows many delicious restaurants. When I have problems of applying for universities, I went to ask Kyle, and he patiently answered me. I am graduating from this school soon, I will miss everyone very much.
03 April 2019 0:24
A great place to work, the school owner, the vice principal of the school go an extra mile to help their teachers whenever they need any assistance. The whole team of BICC deserves full marks for its professionalism and talent. My best wishes are for BICC and its all the stake holders.
25 March 2019 17:38
Probably one of the best school in Toronto if you want to aim for university admission. Counsellors here know what they are doing and have enough knowledge for university admission. Very detailed and organized as well. This school will not give up on you as long as you put your best effort into it.
17 February 2019 8:22
I’m a student from a private school near BICC. Today I went to there and just want my friends to do a questionnaire for me which is an assignment of my data management course. Our topics are about lipsticks and transportation. In the questionnaire, there is nothing about information of school or teachers. Even you don’t need to write your name. The Vice Present turned us away and said some word rudely. If this event stops there, I wouldn’t be so mad and post this to here and yorkbbs. The principal said to the students in BICC that if students do the questionnaire again, BICC will call the police. And the principal even confiscate our paper. I didn’t do nothing about your school, I just want my friends help me. BICC even doesn’t allow that.

Don’t transfer to BICC. This school is bad. The staffs of this school is mean and rude. They don’t know how to tread people nicely. I even suspect that they are racists.

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