19 June 2022 8:07
I should have seen this negative rating before walking in here. I have got all my info thru online web to sign up for a chequing account, could have pick up my card any location anywhere, yet I accidently chose this location. The Indian lady service teller here is beyond comparison, not only slow, but also lazy, clueless and hopeless. She asked me to present pretty much all of my info again, even much more details that required. Blame her system loading, freeze, crash.etc. And after atleast 4-5 times she asked for help from her supervisor, her co-worker on how to do, which to select or what to click step by step, she ended up open a wrong account for me, not even the one that I selected and successfully signed up over the web, but the one that herself decided for me. Now that I called the service phone line, they apologized for the horrible service that I received and quickly modify my account type back to what I signed up online at first, 15mins on the phone to fix the whole mess that the lady created in 1 hour 20 mins im standing in line watching her struggling.
Just learn from my mistake and avoid this branch at all cost, cuz there are like 8 closed by locations around this city.
27 December 2021 17:30
I was hoping to open up a typical personal checking account and made my way over to one of your banks so that I could start the procedure of the new account and also get some more information about the procedure itself. A women named Mrs. Hana and I spoke about creating the account and I specifically asked her if there were any inquiries (credit check) needed for there to be a creation of the personal checking account I was asking for. After asking Mrs. Hana several times, she proceeded to respond to me with a definite no. A few days after our meeting I get an email from equifax canada sating and confirming to me that an inquiry (credit check) has been applied to my account. Again, I have asked Mrs. Hana multiple times before continuing the process wether an inquiry was needed or not, and than I get an email stating the opposite of what she had said which means she provided me with a false answer. After reading the email, I give Mrs. Hana a kind call informing her what had happened and she proceeded to state that she hadn’t said there
Were NO inquiries needed and also added “wallahi” meaning she sworn upon god. Mrs. Hana let me know that she was going to inform her manager and update me. The manager contacted me and told me that he apologizes for the doing of Mrs. Hana and that there was also nothing he could do about it. I let him know that his apology unfortunately doesn’t do anything for the case they created due to false information. It is honestly ridiculous and clearly just unprofessional at this point, so many red flags yet no actions taken for them what so ever. Never got my account, only false information was given to me by the bank itself. Im going to close my account and never ever work with bank of Montreal again.
23 October 2021 18:55
I had a telephone appointment with Chakraborty, as well as an appointment to go in to sign some papers afterwards once they were done to set up a business account. He was very unprofessional - didn't have it done the day he said he would, made me hold for 10 minutes to find some basic account info (about account fees) that he should know (or at least be easily accessible), and spoke rudely. I only went with BMO because they're the only bank that are offering exactly what I'm looking for. I wish I had another option, because the interaction only go progressively worse. When he phoned to say the paperwork was ready, he wanted me to come immediately, but I was busy at home with my 3 children (under 3). When I mentioned I couldn't come now, but perhaps this afternoon because I'm home with my children, he said 'Can't you just leave them and come, you will only be gone for 20 minutes'. I confirmed that I couldn't do that, and he asked again. Upon arriving in the afternoon 2 minutes late to the appointment after searching through the branch to find him in his office, he couldn't remember my name, and said 'this will have to be quick, because you missed your appointment'. He didn't say another word to me, no 'how are you', no words to treat me like a person the entire interaction, other than 'sign here', and 'don't put the pen down, there are many more signatures'. I didn't even feel like I was treated like a human, let alone a customer who is valued.

Luckily, I hope to do all of my banking online and never have to go into the branch or have any more interactions with Chakraborty.
24 September 2021 12:13
Very unprofessional staff. What the point to spend millions on ads if you are not ready for accepting new clients?
24 October 2020 16:37
The staff.from top to bottom are excellent and helpful. I highly recommend that this be your home branch. These people will look after you as they have with me.
05 November 2019 12:58
Been a customer here since 1994. Everyone in my house has banked here and also maintain four corporate accounts.
Used to be an excellent service branch but since the present manager has come abt 2 to 3 yrs back.counter svc is horrible horrible and horrible. The manager himself is rather untrained in customer svc finesse.
I end up mostly in Appleby Dundas branch and or the Crestlawn branch in Mississauga near my company. Having so many accounts I would incur costs to get new chqs if I were to change my Bank so I bear meanwhile and put up with the poor service which is unfortunately the culture now in this branch.
19 October 2019 11:38
Contemporary service. In this electronic/internet era, this branch's personal service is much appreciated.
28 September 2019 18:22
I have been a client at this location for years due to the fact that it is where my family banks. I have never had to use my accounts except for normal day to day bills, deposits, and expenses. Recently however, I have had to make some changes as I will be moving to the USA temporarily. In all my appointments, I was not once told that I would not be able to access my account in the USA and would need to wire money to myself/be charged hefty service fees for using my cards in the US. After meeting with 3 consultants and only 3 weeks away from moving, I was finally asked the question: "How exactly do you plan on accessing your money in the USA? ". I had previously asked this question to my other advisors and none of them had said it would be an issue and seemed to ignore the question entirely. Since then, I have been scrambling and have had to open a new account at another bank which has offered me excellent service and has made me much more confident with handling my situation. I will still need my accounts at BMO due to joint accounts with family members but I am frustrated with all the trouble I went through and lack of knowledge with US-Canada banking.

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