07 November 2023 15:53
How does Briarlane hate its tenants? Let me count the ways.

Two odours assault you at 1833/1835 - the first is the stink of raw sewage originating from the garbage chutes. It's especially bad on the 4th floor where one tenant has a commercial air deodorizer hanging ON THEIR FRONT DOOR to help mitigate it. Briarlane has done nothing to solve the problem and they're all out of ideas.

The next odour is cigarette smoke. Oddly, given that it's apparently a non-smoking building, the B level, stairwells, and elevator have the pungent reek of stale smoke. They should enforce the rules they claim to have in place or admit they have no interest in delivering the smoke-free housing they promise.

The elevator is also a problem. As the building is on a grade the ground level at 1835 is the 1st floor. At 1833 it's the basement. So it would make sense that the default floor for the 1835 elevator would be on the first floor, right? NO. Foolishly, both elevators sit in the basement, which means anytime someone enters the ground level at 1835 and calls the elevator they have to wait for it to be called up from the basement. Lazy programming that for years has not occurred to Briarlane to fix in order to make living in this neglected building more tolerable for its residents.

This building has 19 reviews here on Google. It has an average rating of 1.6. That is appalling - even in the world of residential property management. It's an unusually harsh grading that's indicative of the contempt Briarlane has for the residents of 1833/1835.

Finally, why has no effort been made to make the exterior in any way appealing? Surely some maintained landscaping wouldn't set the owners back given that they're not spending money anywhere else.

This review describes circumstances that have long been problematic, and are current issues as of this post. The rare efforts management has made to clean or improve have been executed poorly.

You can gripe about individual superintendents all day long, but it's the fault of the owners and building operator for doing the bare minimum to make this property a pleasant place to live.

Do right by your tenants, Briarlane. For once.

***Update - over the long term it has to be cheaper to pay a premium for a competent superintendent who can effectively communicate with residents and provide acceptable upkeep than to do whatever is resulting in the current revolving door of superintendents who aren't even extended the courtesy of being announced to the residents they'll be assisting.

Briarlane is welcome to provide feedback.

**Update - the superintendent forgeting to wheel-out the garbage and recycling so that they sit full for an extra week is unacceptable! Get it together!

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