07 September 2023 3:14
3 lanes opened on a Sunday afternoon, took about a 10 min wait in line, once at the agent, we were thru in under 1 min.
He was very friendly and happy
03 August 2023 9:50
Smooth entry into Canada. The border agent asked us why we are going to Toronto when we can just go to NYC instead (we live in Connecticut). She then told us that Toronto is just a smaller and worse version of NYC and ya know what, she was not wrong.
31 July 2023 22:53
Overgrown bully. Imagine a guy mocking you for a purchase that you made. Legal moral and regular consumer product but for some reason he thinks it is worth mocking you for.
15 June 2023 6:23
The Border Agent was nice and friendly. Considering we crossed during a Holiday we were surprised that the lines were not longer. We have sat in line previously for and hour or more, this time it was very efficient
01 April 2023 10:26
I had to come here to express my gratitude to the officers working out there. I found them really polite and helpful. The officers at the USA side was rather pale and straight-faced!
28 March 2023 10:11
Amazing experience at crossing. Polite, kind and helpful officers at the crossing. They were super responsive and the entire process was completed within few minutes. And the drive towards thousand islands in winter was just breathtaking. Completely humbled by the experience.
27 February 2023 5:46
Very polite and professional. My family didn’t have to get out of the car in the cold weather and the officer even asked to roll up my windows as she was checking so we don’t freeze.
15 February 2023 8:33
I am not sure whether it was this crossing, but the personal was friendly.i was singled out and asked to walk over a mattress of some sort.probably for checking my feet for broken bones.owner of a mug with red 'porsche' on it around the year 2000 knows more.me and my stepfather got reeanected in a world famous TV Series: D it showed easily what an inapt person he is, but what are the odds, emancipation of children doesn't exist in germany.
14 January 2023 5:11
Had a terrible experience with this crossing. The agent made a mistake filling out the declaration form, then LIED and said I didn’t declare the items in my car. Ending up wasting a good 1 hour in the inspection garage. At the end, they found nothing that had not been properly declared. What a waste of time and tax payers dollars
01 October 2022 15:36
There was literally no wait to cross midday on a Saturday in July. That fact alone is worth a 5 star review. Unlike other border crossings in Ontario, the views were stunning and contained far more trees, picturesque waterskiers, little islands dotted with pretty little cottages than decrepit concrete and road construction. If travelling from the east GTA to New England and value beauty, peace, and serenity over outlets, fast food, and lineups, this is the border crossing for you.
13 August 2022 13:31
Je suis passé récemment au douane en rentrant des états unis avec un passeport Français et un permis de travail.j'avais un véhicule à importer également.les agents sont aimables, professionnels et on fait leur possible pour m'aider dans les démarches, rarement eu une expérience aux douane aussi bonne.thumbs up à la personne qui s'occupé de mon cas au bureau des douane.
23 July 2022 10:18
A terrible experience. Us and numerous other couples trying to use the Arrive CAN site found it very difficult. Boarder staff saying will only take a few minutes. For most people there this AM it was taking about 1 hr average. The staff was near useless. I asked to speak with management who did help me. By that time my husband was having chest pains from the stress.
29 May 2022 13:29
Mostly competent and polite officers. However, when it gets busy, they never seem to open enough booths. FYY, waiting time of 45 min frequent on busy days; worst I've had is 75 minutes.
18 February 2022 12:20
Understaffed and I was turned back to the US for no intelligible reason. She said I looked like I was had too much stuff for a brief stay after holding me for over an hour. She also said my "case was taking her too long. "
Needless to say this cost me quite a bit of gas and some frustration. I would consider a different port.
Upon re entry the US border agent was extremely kind.
03 February 2022 7:55
Stated that I was only visiting for 48 hours on a Friday.
Got randomly selected to take a COVID test which I couldn't drop off until a Monday but returned to the US on Sunday.
1 Star for wasting Canadian taxpayer dollars
11 January 2022 21:09
Had an officer tell me he "does not care about my medical conditions" and then threaten me with his gun after telling him I am on autistic spectrum, have anxiety, and PTSD from a previous abusive crossing.
19 June 2021 15:45
Avoid this crossing at all costs. My sister and her handicapped husband (and 2 cats/trailer) crossed at this border and they went out of their way to be cantankerous, rude and unhelpful. Welcome back to Canada. So disheartening and shocking that they would treat people with so much distain. Horrendous experience for them, please try another crossing.
09 May 2021 11:44
They were very professional and understanding, and when I do return that will be where I cross. I have something I have to do first,
02 May 2021 23:47
Après une journée de travail, fille d'étendre plus des deux km, dans les conditions que la douane est fermée pour les trafic non essentiels.
Manque du respect. Manque des professionnalisme. Une seule ligne ouverte à 19 heures.
05 April 2021 5:52
Never encountered much traffic here. Polite and professional officers. Hassle free crossing always
10 March 2021 5:24
Profilage raciale pour les camionneur, si vous etes indien ou arabe, vous aurais de grande chance d'aller a l'inspection et d'être traité comme un criminel qui transporte de la drogue, ils vous diront de vider vos poche, vous poseront des questions sur votre travail et statut ici au Canada et vous dirons que si ils trouvent quelques chose de criminels c'est vous qui êtes responsable (ok mais c'est mas nous qui chargeons et ont à pas accès au docks donc c'est de notre faute pareil), ce douanier a inspection c'est fait un white power trip ils sont même pas capable de mettre un douanier francophone pour les questions et ils auront l'audace de vous dire que c'est le système informatique qui choisit les camions, mais Oui bien sûr! Mêmes m'a Blonde qui blanche et québécoise l'avais remarqué on roule en team

je préfère garder l'anonymat sous peine d'être envoyé à l'inspection par vengeance à chaque passage.
25 October 2020 19:38
I'm proved of you officers at the Canadian border of Alexandria Bay. Why? Aren't they too serious?
I was stopped overnight there and when I woke up in the next morning I find my battry dead. Disaster, right? What I can do? I saw a canadian officer in a border car. He may was in his duty but I just rose my hand. He politely "yes. Sir. " Said. "My battry dead and I need help for booster" I said. "Where are you parked? He asked me. And 3 minutes later, he and another officer apeared and give me a boost for free. The the Canadian officers in the border, saved my battry, couple of hundred dollars of money, and my morale is back into normal.
Thank you officers that even I do not know your names. Thank you Canadian Border Agency. Thank you Canada.
How I can not be proved to be Canadian!

Ensafali Hedayat
10 September 2020
[email protected]
17 April 2020 1:54
The best border to cross and always polite and always understanding. They ask questions but they are polite to ask and doesn’t bother you to be asked since it’s the law. Thumbs up and 5 starts to this border. Thanks for making it easier
05 March 2020 7:17
I’ve tried calling and emailing the CBSA at Lansdowne and received no reply to either. The only reason I rated this site one star is because I couldn’t rate it ZERO!
04 February 2020 8:05
Did flag poling here for my parents’ immigration landing. Super clean and nice office with friendly officers.
30 November 2019 22:33
服务一塌糊涂, 昨晚来做landing, 一位稍胖的officer 很不耐烦地问我 为什么要来这里,十万个为什么, 然后态度很不屑一顾地把笔扔到桌子上。 态度极其恶劣, 不适合做一位边境服务人员。 相比对面的美国海关, 这种做法太不专业。Service is terrible, I did PR landing last night, one officer who had really bad attitude, asking me why come here? Why not go to Rainbow bridge? Niagara ports they only service immigration Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, no weekend service! I tried to borrow a pencil, and he throws it on table. He is not suitable for being a border service officer. Compared to U. S CBP, States custom have more professional service than Canada. It’s totally unacceptable, we pay hundreds of thousands of CAD to CRA. We, the taxpayer, pay your salary. Think about it!
30 November 2019 0:42
14 octobre 2019
Côté commercial - air bête comme ça ne se peut pas. Pas de cheveux sur la tête l'agent sans sourire et sans façon. Pas capable de parler français non plus au Canada. Très mauvaise expérience avec cet agent qui est de notre pays auquel on revient. C'est la 1ere fois que j'en pogne un aussi bête que ça à notre retour. Pis on passe au moins de 2 à 3 fois par mois. C'est la 2e fois que je traverse les douanes des Milles-iles et probablement la dernière.
1ere expérience = moins pire mais pas plus agréable

2e expérience = très désagréable
22 August 2019 23:18
One of the best and smooth Canadian Border Service office, especially if you are doing inland PR landing in Ontario - this is the place for you. Their services are offered 24x7 (unlike other CBSA offices in Niagara region) and have lots of able officers. They were welcoming, friendly and approachable.

PS: Thousand island viewing tower (in a stone throw distance) is a bonus - it was beautiful and scenic.
14 July 2019 15:08
Very bad service I recommend to not to go there. Especially for students in canada. They don’t even wanna deal with student problems. They just want to sit on the chairs. I’m very disappointed.
13 June 2019 21:02
That was a terrible service. They do not want to do anything just sit. One of the officers did not help us, we tell every detail but he did not care.
He does not deserve the money earned.
19 July 2018 8:58
I actually had an awful time. The line to cross the border took almost an hour and the man who assessed us gave us a really hard time for no reason.
24 June 2018 10:49
My father and I visited this Border Crossing in the height of the heatwave in June 1994. We were heading to a relatives wedding in Ontario, and the cheapest deal going at the time was to fly to New York and drive there and back in a rented Plymouth Sundance (a K car, but a pretty decent one despite being cheap - and it had the desperately needed luxury of air conditioning).

We came through on a weekday, around lunchtime, and the place was reasonably quiet, about the same as a UK motorway bridge toll booth. There was a nice roofed area, that kept most of the intense, blinding sunlight off the waiting vehicles and the hot tarmac, and the offices were deliciously air conditioned. The staff were polite, courteous, and didn't lose their cool despite the heatwave that brought insane humidity, air temperature, blazing sunlight, the perfect storm to bring on my father's sudden meltdown and loss of temper at having to pay tax on the wedding gift he had been bragging about.

They were very thorough in explaining why crystal imported from overseas required duty (reasonable), that there was no other option (reasonable), and, in the most polite tones, that if he didn't like the situation we could turn the car around and cross back in New York State (again, perfectly reasonable).

After paying the import duty I manhandled and practically shoved him back into the car so as to avoid a diplomatic incident. His own hubris had created the situation, and the guys at the border were doing their jobs. In fact, I felt so bad about it that once I'd got him out of harm's way, I went back in to thank them for their patience, congratulate them on a skillfully handled job, and apologise for the scene, which they good naturedly put down to an attack of jet lag.

So in summary I salute these guys. With all manner of powers at their fingertips they were kind, considerate and restrained. They were indeed a credit to their nation, and demonstrated the calm efficient nature that is innate to the Canadian people. Yes, it is now 24 years ago, and many changes may have taken place, but this is my personal recollection of a place that remains important to me all these years later. One day j would like to retrace the journey, from JFK to Ontario and back by car, only *this* time I get my way and get to stop at Niagara Falls! Honestly. Who drives that many miles and decides its "too far out of the way". My father, that's who. The walking diplomatic incident waiting to happen. Godspeed you, Canadian Border dudes, you're the best!

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