18 May 2021 11:39
Delivery lady is epically rude. So I called to talk to the boss man. Asked them to drop my stuff in front of my garage instead of my door. (Shouldn't be a big deal as you can see it clearly from the street) He SHOWED UP AT MY HOUSE UNANNOUNCED. Then he had the audacity to ring my bell (while my baby was sleeping btw) even though there is a CLEAR sign on my door that we do NOT use the front door. So I came out from the back and he had the nerve to tell me how I should have my house? He also said dropping it at the garage wasn't going to happen because I have a dog. Who is TIED and DOESN'T EVEN REACH THE GARAGE. If you go up the middle of the driveway like most people would, it wouldn't even be an issue. (If she's even outside that is as she spends most of the time in the house with us) All around UNPROFESSIONAL. Who shows up at a client's house UNANNOUNCED, uninvited, and then proceeds to criticize them? Also I never gave him my address. He asked me for the tracking number for the package I called about and showed up the next day. Absofu*kinglutely not okay. I'm pretty livid he showed up at my house and then was extremely rude to me on top of criticizing my home.
20 December 2018 6:47
Guess its a extreme task to put mail in my mailbox, is it that hard drop the mail off to the house with the adress on the envelope.not rocket science, and they dont even have a phone number to call about this situation, thats customer service! Thnx Canada Post once again
24 November 2018 9:09
They aren't very happy or welcoming when you come in and the strike has only made their attitude even worse.

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