22 October 2023 0:00
Vous devez avoir un médecin de ce Centre pour avoir un RV en urgence avec un des médecins.
21 September 2023 1:12
Extremely Disappointed with Negligent Treatment of Lower Back Pain

I am writing this review to express my utmost disappointment and concern regarding the dismissive and negligent treatment I received from A Dr.during my last appointment. I visited his office seeking help for severe lower back pain, which I had been experiencing for an extended period. Aware of his tendency to downplay patients' concerns, I even brought my significant other along to ensure my condition would be taken seriously, but to no avail.

From the moment I described my excruciating lower back pain, it was evident that this Dr.was not interested in addressing my concerns or providing adequate care. He casually brushed off my symptoms, making me feel as if my pain was inconsequential and unworthy of attention. Despite clearly outlining the extent of my suffering, he chose to ignore the severity of the issue and, instead, trivialized it.

Due to his blatant disregard for my health, I was left with no choice but to endure the debilitating pain, hoping it would eventually subside on its own. However, things took a drastic turn for the worse, and I now find myself with a loss of sensation in my right leg, extending past my knee, affecting parts of my ankle, and even the top of my foot. This horrifying consequence directly stems from this Dr. 's failure to act responsibly and treat my condition promptly.

It is truly alarming that a medical professional, who is entrusted with the well-being of patients, would dismiss a serious complaint and neglect to take appropriate action. The consequences of his negligence have had a severe impact on my daily life and overall health, leaving me struggling to perform basic tasks and compromising my quality of life.

I believe it is essential for patients to trust their doctors and feel confident that their concerns will be met with genuine care and expertise. Unfortunately, my experience with this Dr.has shattered that trust and left me feeling betrayed and abandoned by the medical system.

I strongly advise potential patients to exercise extreme caution when considering Dr. 's at this clinic as their healthcare provider. If you value your health and expect compassionate, competent medical care, I urge you to seek treatment elsewhere. No one should have to endure the physical and emotional toll of neglected pain, as I have.

In addition to the grave negligence in addressing my lower back pain, I must emphasize that this Dr.displayed a shocking lack of compassion and professionalism by refusing to provide me with a much-needed doctor's note for Employment Insurance (EI). As my pain worsened, I was unable to work, and EI was my sole source of income during this distressing time. Despite being fully aware of my financial predicament and the urgency of the situation, he callously declined to assist me.

It is deeply concerning that this Dr.now holds my financial well-being in his hands, given his refusal to support my legitimate need for an EI doctor's note. As a result of his actions, I find myself burdened with additional stress and anxiety, compounding the physical pain I am already enduring.

In conclusion, my encounter with this Dr.was nothing short of a harrowing ordeal. His lack of empathy, disregard for my pain, and failure to take appropriate action have resulted in serious complications, leaving me with a loss of sensation in my right leg and foot. I implore the medical community to hold practitioners accountable for their actions and prioritize the well-being of their patients above all else.

Please think twice before entrusting your health to Dr. 's at this clinic. It is my sincerest hope that sharing my experience will prevent others from facing the same ordeal and inspire positive changes in medical practices.
16 September 2023 8:03
Warning! Doctor Peter is not for the anxious or anyone with mental health issues. If you are unsure of anything, you will be told it is not a big deal. Be prepared to have to stand up for yourself and get yelled at for it.:/
27 August 2023 12:48
Our family doctor very helpfull, knowlegeble and carring. The reception services improved by 100%.
14 August 2023 12:28
No one ever returns your call or sends an email to confirm appointments even after I've called and left 2 voicemails asking if they could return my call and leave a message with the appointment day/time because it was booked months in advance instead they called me 4 minutes after my sons scheduled appointment; they then put the blame on me, saying I should've had it written down I got rude with the receptionist because this has been on going for over a year now they are refusing to see my 15 month old baby until I come in person to apologize to staff who isn't even doing their job. Lack of empathy and the sarcasm when they speak to you is allowed however.

I have my family doctor who calls and cancels my appointments regularly and then my appointments are delayed again by months and once me or my children go in it's like a race to see how many patients they can get out the door the fastest, I've been misdiagnosed and I'm fortunate my situation was minor at the end of the day these are peoples health and lives you are being entrusted with and they're taking advantage of the shortage of family doctors because they know you'll likely stay due to not really having another option except for in a years time or more.

Myself is one thing you don't want to deal with me as a patient but to deny seeing a baby is a little far of a stretch.
07 August 2023 14:56
My husband and myself have been under the care of Dr. Gauthier for the last 5 years or so, and we feel very fortunate to have her as our family physician. She is very knowledgeable, professional and empathetic. She always takes time to really listen to our concerns and pays attention even to our non-verbal cues. We feel safe as patients in her care. She is a great advocate for mental health and we are truly grateful for the care she has been providing.
Personally I have also dealt with Dr. Benoit during Dr. Gauthier's absence and she is another amazing doctor with excellent bedside manner. She always addresses me by first name as she enters the rooms and as a patient, this means a lot.
We also appreciate the prompt responses by the front office staff. They are polite, caring and professional and the phone calls are always returned and they make booking appointment very easy and accessible.
The ease of having a great pharmacy on site is another benefit for this clinic. Camil, the pharmacist, is fantastic and he always speaks to you with a smile and explains everything. Excellent customer service.
We are aware that our healthcare system is not perfect, however, as patients at this clinic, we feel privileged that we have access to speedy healthcare during clinic's emergency hours instead of sitting at the hospital ER for an entire day.
Thank you for all you do. We appreciate it greatly.
11 January 2023 8:46
Being a patient at this clinic was really dissapointing. Dr. Sweidan would only request phone call appointments and hardly ever saw me in person. When we did have phone call appointments, the call would drop or lose connection and he wouldn't call me back, And the office was/is impossible to reach without a 15 mins waiting time. I was charged on those calls for "missed appointments ". He was never on time for any of the calls making it very hard to schedule work around. I had asked him if he could remove my I. U. D and he couldn't do it himself in office, wich most dr. Can, after asking him again to remove it he sent in a refferal to another doctor at a very busy hospital instead of asking the other doctors in clinic for help. He lost that refferal and after pestering the staff and him for over 14 months I met a sympathetic nurse un-related to the clinic, who reffered me the next day to her own private gynecology clinic. My last straw was when I no longer felt safe in his care and the clinic refused to switch doctors within the clinic. I wasn't allowed to apply for a new doctor within the building location.and was charged 50$ to change to a new one outside of the clinic. It took me 2 years of seeing no doctor at all, but that was ultimately the best decision for me.the staff can only be as good as their doctors. I pitty them for having to work for doctors like him.
16 December 2022 5:55
Waiting for a simple prescription to be faxed to the pharmacy for 5 days, they sent it twise to the wrong fax, three other I dont know where it went, now they want to charge 20$ for shoe insole prescription. Left hand dont know what right hand doing, so not well organozid and careless
16 August 2021 19:37
CAN NOT STAND OUR DOCTOR. We are having a hard time finding a new doctor so we're stuck here for now. Do not recommended bringing your family here.
30 July 2021 18:25
I have tried to remain positive about my experiences and push back any negative feelings. However Dr. Peters approach can be a bit condescending and lacking empathy. After each appointment I have been left feeling uneasy and uncomfortable. She is professional and not inappropriate however she does not listen to the needs of the client and just follows her check list- giving off a more “cold” vibe. She will question the clients judgement and advocation of their situation. Phone call appts are never on the set time, and have even been caught off guard with a phone call days prior to the scheduled appointment. She is young and competent. I hope her bedside manner and therapeutic relationship/communication with her clients improves with time. I have had several family doctors and have never felt uneasy/uncomfortable sharing confidential medical information before now.
10 August 2020 8:54
Friendly and helpful staff. My family doctor is incredibly patient, explains conditions and treatment options thoroughly, and keeps up to date on the research in treatment effectiveness. Helps me to avoid unnecessary visits for referral renewals and prescriptions are sent directly to my designated pharmacy. My doctor is great with my child and speaks to her in an age appropriate manner. Very punctual, which is rare for medical clinics.
20 July 2020 3:53
Dr. Peter is easily one of the most unprofessional and dismissive medical professionals I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. I felt completely uncomfortable with the way she mishandled my medical requirements. As it stands I feel the clinic is discriminatory and mistreat their patients based on these prejudices. Unless you are a rich white middle aged country dweller, I would avoid this entire center: (

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