09 December 2023 14:30
Why is a place like this still open after a 3 year old died in the washroom and NO ONE on shift batted an eye, everyone there should lose there jobs and don’t deserve to get paid AT ALL
08 April 2023 11:18
It's funny, when I share my experience that I had with the CAS on this platform, it miraculously gets taken down? This organization should be tried by a court of law at minimum. These are not the people that you want around you, or your children. They manipulate, lie and hide facts to get the outcome that they ultimately want. Thankfully the individuals that I dealt with were put in their place by a very determined father of 2 amazing girls!
***Remember*** They are not to be trusted even if they tell you that the sky is blue! Especially J. S
20 April 2022 22:34
I'm a teenager going through emotional and verbal abuse. A school contacted them to "help me" and because it is a "trustworthy" organization. However, the lady DID NOT help me.firstly, they gave me a Fire Safety Plan, even though I live in a rental unit with Carbon Monoxide alarms everywhere, and I am not a Pyromaniac. Secondly, when I told them about my abuse allegations, they blamed my "teenage hormones", even though I have pretty decent behavior, which only perpetuated the fact that my parents have the right to abuse me because they gave birth to me, and the the abusers always and will be in charge, no matter how the victim feels. Therefore, it it a terrible organization, that I DO NOT RECOMMEND. PERIOD. Greedy scumbags that only steal your family's tax $$$.
10 April 2022 8:10
I used to welcome families here with their social workers. I can say I was traumatized for life how the workers treated families and others around them.
31 March 2022 19:22
Well it's a big hard rating a place like this, since the circumstances which cause you to frequent it are typically not pleasant. However, the facilities here are modern, clean, and easily accessible from any part of the city. The fish tank in the lobby is a highlight, and if you require any other provisioning there is a Rabba across the street. I would advise anyone making a visit here to bring water, as they don't have any available. I have not as yet utilized the cafe which is attached. There is a pay parking lot across the street next to the rabba, as of March 22nd 2022.
07 February 2022 13:44
The worker said I need to talk to the father for kids eventhough he had history of abusing child and me (I was pregnant). I am traumatized talking to the kids father. I am worried my kid who is with his dad. I hoped somebody can watch over my kid. She said the CAS investigation was closed so they can't help and it doesn't matter he had history of mental illness or abusing child. She kept telling me to find the way to communicate with the kids father and also she said I can't call the police because I am worried about my kid. I was really shocked what she said. If you can't help me then thats fine. But you can't tell me what to do.
05 January 2022 7:26
If you need help and child get abused, NEVER XOME HERE! Rather go to police! They don't care about you and your child unless you pay money. They only focus to steal child from parents for their own good, MONEY!
31 December 2021 11:16
If unprofessional and rude dentistry is what you’re looking for, you’ll have a great time with the dental nurse at the clinic here!
12 November 2021 1:47
Consistently looking for reasons to cancel access for any parent that walks in the door. Aggressive social workers who are only nice to you to gather information about you, and then try to make you look like a bad person in any conceivable way.

Wish I could give this place 0 stars
19 June 2021 0:59
The work your team has done and continue to do, I can’t explain how grateful I am for you! I would give you 100 stars if I could. Thank you for creating programs, opportunities, services for vulnerable individuals/groups. You are impacting so many lives positively!
13 January 2021 13:39
After receiving a new worker, I finally have a date of when my children are coming home.
It has been 1 year and 5+ months.
19 November 2020 9:14
My son was pinched regularly by one of the teachers in his day care ABC Academy, and the day care has the classroom video. ABC academy compliance manager talked to the CAS and somehow CAS agreed to NOT investigate the case. We were never shown the video until today. I called CAS and told them it's a consistent issue, and that teacher will be doing this to the other kids, too. However, CAS just don't want to open the case. I keep hearing CAS will investigate even when a father "threat" to hit the child, it's ridiculous that CAS would ignore an actual physical abuse of an Early Child Educator, who has access to so many other kids.
08 September 2020 1:53
As a CAST kid I was beaten by the other kids; It wasn’t a safe environment at all, it’s like prison for children; To fit in you become a criminal I’m glad I ran away I realised I was becoming something that just wasn’t me. Also when parents hear cast well it has a bad connotation and therefore don’t won’t to have their child hang out so viable relationships go out the window. They should start listening more to the kids that have been through it. In conclusion I don’t believe it is better it’s just another scar.
20 August 2020 12:36
Loved it, they need to be balance in between both genders. Never less keep focusing on the kids!
07 August 2020 20:29
I have been dealing with CAS for 1 year. I contacted them as I was concerned about my son's emotional well being and safety. My ex husband (who suffers from unmedicated mental health issues) alienated my son from me during our high conflict divorce. My ex actually encouraged my then 10 year old son to be both physically and verbally abusive to me. Ex would video record these altercations and refused to to assist me as I was shielding myself from my son's physical attacks. My son now has signs of anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation. Took months but CAS finally acknowledges my ex's behaviour. Still, they have done nothing meaningful to assist. They keep providing "warnings" to my ex but these warnings are completely meaningless. I can't understand why CAS believes it is in a child's best interest to continue to grow up in this environment. Every day I worry about my son and whether today is the day he takes his own life. There is something gravely wrong with a system that punishes good parents and allows abusive parents to destroy the lives of their children. I would strongly recommend that CAS case workers receive training on parent alienation and the devastating effects it has on children. It is something you can never recover from.
12 July 2020 12:24
Anyone who says this place is great has to be white because this place is not it horrible people.should be ashamed to work there
04 July 2020 11:34
This is a organization of strong at hearted people who work hard. I use to be with them until I grew out, Keep up the good times.
26 November 2019 1:46
I can not believe all the negative reviews of this organization. Sounds to me like money first not the children. I was just going to make a donation, but after reading all the reviews i changed my mind.
13 August 2019 8:18
This agency ruined my life and I'm still trying to pick up the pieces years after their file has been closed. They spent almost $300,000 in legal fees trying to rip my family apart, while spent 0$ trying to help my family. They gave my children to an abuser. Someone who had been caught with a loaded firearm while with my son, and a convicted drug dealer who had only finished serving his sentence a year before they placed children with him. This abuser in turn started alienating my children from me. I have suffered, my children have suffered, none of my workers were registered with the college, no one would stop my abusive ex from using my own children as a weapon against me. Now 4 years later my children have Parental Alienation Syndrome and are being emotionally abused and manipulated daily.
The Childrens Aid Society aided and abetted my ex's Welfare fraud and legal Aid Fraud the entire case, from apprehension to Court of Appeal, after refusing to investigate documents, statements and case notes which directly proved he was fraudulently claiming welfare whilst while working a full time job. Further they allowed this fraud to continue for the sole benefit of my ex being able to obtain a legal aid certificate to pay for his lawyer to represent him in keeping my children from me. CAS allowed tax payers to pay for my ex's legal fees even though they knew he was gainfully employed and had visited his workplace on many many occasions.
08 July 2019 13:12
What ppl domt understand is that you dont have to talk to them. My neighbor made a false allegation against me to CAS (Kitchener). They came to my door and insisted that I let them in. I told them "No, I dont trust you because you have no governing body to protect me" I offered them my kids' doctor and school numbers and invited them to call. They stated "without consent the doctor/school cant tell us anything" I replied "They are Mandated Reporters and by law have to report if they feel my children are being abused or neglected, you dont need any information protected by privacy laws"
They left without entering my home and 2 months later I received a letter in the mail stating they had no concerns. Learn your right ppl!
02 June 2019 7:03
A woman named Jessie intimidated and coerced me into signing the medical release for my doctor to release my child’s records. Since I had nothing to hide, I signed it. She later added MY NAME to the release form and had my doctor provide her with my own records as well. Such a gross violation and invasion. I was targeted and harassed for being a single parent, and no legitimate help was offered to me at all. They literally just wanted to try and wrest another child from their parent and add them to their $y$tem, based on a laughable complaint made by a mentally disturbed neighbour. They don’t actually care about the child, they care about ruining the lives of parents at the expense of children. And they care about the paycheck each intake provides.
When they get an actual abused child, they must lose their minds with glee. That’s the attitude I get from this place. They are child prison recruiters, not protectors.
02 February 2019 2:54
DO NOT SPEAK TO THESE PEOPLE WITHOUT YOUR LAWYER. They try to take children away from their families because all of their funding comes from your child tax benefit.

Make sure you secretly record everything they say to you weather it’s over the phone or in person. They WILL try to twist your words around. Also, be sure to make them aware that everything they submit for evidence needs to be in writing. These people hate being held accountable for their actions. There have been multiple lawsuits against them already! Children have died as a result of the CAS putting them into the care of convicted child abusers.

DO NOT ACCEPT REFERRALS FROM THESE PEOPLE! If you need a drug test, go to your doctor and pay the $75 to have it done privately. If you need a mental health assessment, get it done privately. It may be expensive but it’s better than these people twisting things around and taking your child away for made up reasons. I paid $350 for a psychotherapist to assess me and I was cleared. As soon as they contact you, take your child straight to the doctor. Have a full physical done and ask your doctor to sign a letter stating that your child has no signs of abuse or neglect. If your child has Mongolian spots or any other natural marks, the nurse working with the CAS will lie and say they are bruises. Do not trust these people!

DO NOT be scared of them! Let them ask you every trick question under the sun. Do not fold under their pressure. Half of the people working for this company don’t even have a high school education. They are not a government agency therefore they don’t have any standards regarding hiring. They’re in the business of taking children away from perfectly normal and healthy families to make money from their child tax benefit.

They tried to take away my 4 month old baby because I had an anxiety attack 5 years before I got pregnant with her. They twisted things around and said that I tried to take my own life! I have no diagnosis’s and I’m not on any medication because I don’t need to be. I fought like hell to keep my child and I suggest you do the same!
27 September 2018 18:17
I have informed the CAS by recorded call that I am speaking as a human being recognized before law. That they shell release all children that have been apprehended unlawfully. I also told them they need to send letters on concerns and how they expect to help the families.we need fair and public tribunals.we all have rights to be presented facts before discussing it with anyone this is our right.
When I phoned CAS Isabella in Toronto they hung up on me.plz everyone do there part speak up as humans born into the human family.
17 September 2018 4:01
Well I'm a kid in care n I think they treat us kids pretty good. I don't know about any other person than me
12 March 2018 11:00
CAS is a sad excuse for an agency that claims they have the best interest for the child. If a parent has any sort of disability or any complaints against them even false ones you can count on CAS to try to invade your privacy and waste your time immediately without having any physical evidence against you and they immediately ask you for a home inspection or else you will end up in court if you refuse this.

When it comes to asking for assistance they claim to have services for this but the only assistance they give you are references to other agencies and they don’t have any information on their website about community services only a few numbers a caseworker will provide you. Mind you this can help so that's a reason to give them 1 star. I’d suggest CAS find a better method of discussing any reported issues with parents and guardians and gathering as much information if they can in order to determine if someone could be at risk or needs a case built up against them in order to help the parent keep the child. I know enough people dealing with various CAS agencies and they really need to figure out what’s best for a child cause in a lot of situations there is no plan to help the parent do this only a figure it out and when you do we will get back to you sort of attitude.

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