01 July 2023 10:23
This school was veryyy underfunded. The staff are overworked and biased, and the environment was not conducive to learning at all. Unfortunately since it was so underfunded it was also lacking in extracurricular activities.
29 June 2023 5:38
Even though I spent 4 years at this school, they were the best school years of my life. Great teachers and supportive staff. The gifted program basically changed my life. Great school!
16 November 2021 1:39
Very hard to find friends, teachers care more about "covid safety" than bullying and are also biased, very boring unless ur in a good class or recess or lunch, only a few teachers are good here but they usually leave because they also probably agree with my opinion, and mental health is at an all time low.point is that ive went to better schools and this was not it
13 November 2021 16:40
The people here are either GOOD or just BAD, but the school itself is not great but below my average expectations.
27 October 2021 3:14
Gifted program is a joke here. It’s only two teacher and won’t teach you much. Don’t want to help kids appear for any outside competitive exam or anything. More interested in penalizing kids if they make small mistake. In short if you are looking for a school where kids don’t make any mischief and your kids will listen every single thing teacher says is right this is the school for you. If you want overall development of the kids this is the worst school you can have.
12 September 2021 9:25
Premise - I went here for 10 years and am in my 2nd year of highschool now.

Gifted program teachers didn't really "prepare" me for highschool. It's more like they taught me how to make posters. My presentation skills improved, at least, due to pressure from the teachers. Other than that, your math skills, english, french, etc.will be underprepared but your highschool teachers will equip you well for that. Definitely study French on your own time if you are looking to pursue it further in highschool- I barely knew anything after taking French here. My math, english etc.skills were only honed because of my own will, and highschool teachers later on. They don't teach you much here. Math is definitely the most BS subject here as they will teach you how to make arts and crafts instead of actual math. The school is underfunded; you can often see cracks and holes in the walls and ceiling.no air conditioning in the summer. It's also mainly an elementary school so if you plan to take gifted here you will only have about 20 people in your class (as well as the same 20 people in your grade during grade 7 and 8). You won't know as many people as kids who go to an actual middle school. Also, the school is on a list to being demolished soon. The community is good- kids won't severely bully you or anything like that. So, it's a friendly environment. There's an average amount of fun/memorable events. And the clubs are mainly BS.
14 July 2021 4:09
Churchill Heights Public School is good and clean, the school environment is good and the school teachers are competent and are empowering the students by imparting good education and training.
12 June 2021 20:57
Cool and ya
i think that its ok but they don't make you feel gifted
P. S.this is the lessons: Gr8 language and social studies, Gr6 science Gr 3 math GR k music (covid)
24 March 2021 5:22
I went to this school for a while before i moved. This was by far the best elementary school ive been to! The community is awesome; i learned a lot and overall its a fair system.the teachers are really understanding and the gifted program helped me make a lot of friends! Overall the best school ive been to by far!
11 March 2021 18:45
Walked in and asked for two large pizzas (one with pepperoni), some fries, and a cherry coke. However, some old lady with a "principle" sign rudely told me to leave and that I was "interrupting students' learning". 0/10, would not recommend.
Ms. Dorman was a good teacher though, thanks for everything.
10 January 2021 5:17
Hey there, it's me. If you read the other reviews, they will tell you that the school is underfunded. Teachers are amazing btw
03 December 2020 1:13
Everyday of my middle school life my friends and i talked about the unforgettable memories we all remember from churchill.although the staff has changed since we were last there, id recommend it to anyone considering.
30 October 2020 19:26
I like the school. I've only been here about two years and I still go there. It's a nice school. There are nice people and some people are pretty rude there, but overall for the people its nice. The teachers are nice but the best teacher was only temporary. His name was Mr. Calce. I also made one of the best friends of my life and her name was Diana Zhu. The principal was SUPER BIASED but thankfully this year she will not be at the school (idk why tho) I hope there will be teachers that cares about our mental health because the past two years none of the teachers really cared. Not much wrong with the school itself. Mostly just the people. 6/10 experience. Definitely better schools out there but not the worst. Also. Diana If you see this. HIIIIIIIII!
14 September 2020 2:30
I feel that the intermediate teachers in the gifted program prepare you pretty well for high school. The other gifted teachers are good at teaching students critical thinking and doing projects with great detail. However, sometimes certain staff members are a bit unreasonable or unfair towards the students and bias is shown very evidently towards some students. The student connections and friendships made at this school is something i'll never forget. Although it is a small school, this does make the students of each class/grades very tightly knit and almost like a community. Apart from the education and people of the school, the building itself is kind of run down or under maintained. I understand that it is an old school and not densely populated but I feel there is much maintenance to be done for the school building itself. Likewise to many other reviews, I also feel that the school is underfunded. There is a lack of equipment for thing such as the science lab. With the lack of funding, some students found it more difficult to learn things through hand on experience and lab experiments. In the end, the school isn't terrible but there are many areas that need improvement.
28 July 2020 5:01
Some good people and some bad.some teachers (not all though) and the principal are VERY BIASED, as they'll blame you for something that you never did.the schoolyard is big, and there needs to be a bigger gym.i wish there were a snack program, but props to there being a gifted program. The snacks and special food on special events are a bit overpriced, and the anuual hot cocoa tastes, well, really tasteless and a bit like cardboard. I still really love this school and all the memories, but there just needs a few changed things.
14 April 2020 22:22
I'm close to graduating and I'm so glad I came to this school. The teachers are great, although they can come off a little harsh it's all tough love. Ms Ali and Ms Ifejika will prepare you for success in high school and I am so grateful. The people in my class are really great and honestly, some of the best people I've met. However, the school is quite underfunded and needs repair. Gonna miss this place but some changes need to be made.
29 April 2019 0:02
70% of the staff acted like they cared about the wellbeing of students, but didn’t.
Not much wrong with the school itself, there were good and bad teachers.
One of them is a fake feminist, another had bad breath. The teachers I had invaded your privacy and had no regard for your overall health (mental) or safety. I throughly regret my time here. Was there for the gifted program for a few years, and the program itself is good if you want to be with students on the same level of intellectuality as you.
Hopefully the staff change out soon, and the school receives better funding. The only silver lining is probably the fact that one of the worst principals ever is no long employed there.
Best teachers were definently Ifejika, Rajballie, Siva, Dorman, and Qualtrough. Didn’t care for the others.
I left this school with bad memories.
20 January 2019 8:09
School is pretty decent. Underfunded and not the best but it's not too bad. Most teachers are very nice.

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