18 April 2023 0:46
Made an appointment about my asthma that has been getting worse and worse. I am going through puffers every 2 or 3 weeks when before the year 2022 I havent had to use a puffer in 10 years. So you see that this is a big change in my health just from me saying that and I am really needing to find out what's going on. My appointment was for 2: 30 and called to let them know that I'm running late as I was stuck behind an accident. Mind you I am coming from Odessa as well. The lady on the phone seemed fine and said she'd let the doctor know. (She never told me that I won't be able to see the doctor). Once I got there at 2: 45 the receptionist tells me I've missed my appointment and there's nothing they can do. I even said to her that this appointment is about my asthma and that I was the one who called to say I won't be here on time. She said that if I was 5 or 10 minutes late that'd be ok but not 15 minutes late.
I'm an emotional girl so being told this and not even trying to help when it's something as serious as not being able to breath got me in tears. During the night, I wake up multiple times gasping for air. Literally. Some nights are worse than others. You don't know how scary that is unless it's happened to you.
I just can't believe they literally told me that they can't squeeze me in or anything. I am not happy about this at all.

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