16 October 2023 10:37
One of the primary roles of the College is to protect the public against unethical or harmful behaviour by its members. But the College has thoroughly corrupted this role. In actuality, the College will accept any - and I mean any - complaint against its members and will investigate every complaint thoroughly, regardless of whether the complaint has anything to do with the actual treatment of patients. What does that mean? It means that complaints against psychologists can now be used by the public as weapons. It means that if you know of a psychologist and, for whatever reason (say, you don't agree with their personal, political viewpoint), and you want to cause that person professional and emotional harm, you don't need to have ever been a patient of theirs or to have ever even spoken to them personally. The College has, apparently, zero standard for the type of professional complaint it will accept and investigate. The College will investigate every single complaint leveled against its members - I'm talking here about complaints that have nothing to do whatsoever with the psychologist-patient relationship or treatment - no matter how obviously frivolous or blatantly vexatious those complaints may be. This forces psychologists to lawyer up, to invest many many hours of their time working to defend their reputation, and to experience significant emotional and financial harm in the process. In this manner, I will submit, that the College has become corrupt by allowing a weaponization of complaints against its members.
25 September 2023 10:32
Treat transgender children with Psychotherapy rather than supporting mutilation of heathy body organs and pushing puberty blockers. There isn’t enough research on the long term effects of these modern affirming care surgeries. It’s a mental illness, not a physical illness. Stop normalizing Gender Dysphoria and allow parents to use therapy as a means of helping children accept and love their bodies.
12 September 2023 14:11
“Truth is treason, in an empire of lies” Keep it up, use that power to shut down disagreement!
11 September 2023 2:12
A star is way too much for such an obnoxious administration. The latter have exhibit their shallowness and corruption allover the world.
09 September 2023 16:35
I don't know where the turning point was but I'm deeply disappointed with the College's blatant disregard for basic human rights. It's so obvious there are strings being pulled and nobody is willing to come forward to say your recent actions are wrong.

The 5 College Staff - Directors need to go before this government funded operation can become respectable.

I expect a higher standard for a once prominent institution that now completely disregards democratic society or the right to freedom of speech.

It's 2023 and soon to be 2024 - Taking punitive actions against psychologists who voice concerns or criticisms against government of any party is downright disgusting. Your agenda is a joke and it will not prevail
08 September 2023 13:05
I don't like what the college of Psychologists is saying. I think they should be forced to take a class and pay a fine.
03 September 2023 16:57
This is not an authoritative regulatory committee that ensures the public's interest is upheld. It is an authoritarian cesspool that ensures that Trudeau's communist values are upheld in the private sector, or else. You'll go down in history accordingly, you scum bags.
28 August 2023 16:54
I wish I could give the College of Psychologists zero stars for their appalling dismissal and treatment of Dr. Jordan Peterson. This entire ordeal has been an absolute nightmare of injustice and a stark reminder of the utter lack of integrity within the field.
28 August 2023 1:47
Allowing fraudulent complaints to tarnish a doctors reputation is reprehensible and you are destroying faith in our institutions just to hurt a dissident that you don't like.
27 August 2023 13:30
You’re a communist organization ran by people of little substance and integrity. You’re truly an embarrassment to the professional education system. May the gods have mercy on your tainted souls.
27 August 2023 5:53
You, pseudo-college, should be doing the job the tax payers are paying you for and not use the institution as a political Witch-hunting. And not especially against your most well known member, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson. You guys are disgrace to the profession and should be re-trained in order to understand how communication (in and outside the psychological field) works.
26 August 2023 8:13
The actions this organization embody insult and shame unto the reputation of Canada and its people. A free country, cuckheld by its most egotistical philosophies, became an international laughingstock within half a decade due to absolutely idiotic decisions. This whole court case on Jordan Peterson is the drop that made the pot overflow. Psychology in this country is an insulting joke to all people who wish to help. The ego of these people is appalingly dissappointing, and the slightest bit of self-observation and awareness from those in charge of this fiasco would reveal the utter pointlessness of any continuation of this case. Do Better.
26 August 2023 0:42
The recent handling of Dr Peterson's case is an absolute disgrace. Would give negative stars if it were possible.
25 August 2023 15:58
The days of challenging a patient are long gone and replaced with blind affirmation and restricting practitioners freedom of speech. The only star this rating gets goes to professionals like Dr. Jorden Peterson.
20 August 2023 7:57
I think I should train you guys on some things. Maybe take you in the backyard and show you something.
19 August 2023 1:11
Yes. Continue. You are creating a martyr. You don't want to realize how appalling your behavior is. How you contradict yourself which is always a sign that you cover up the truth. Your behaviour, which is clearly visible, is not protecting the freedom of speech and not even responsibility of a healthcare professional to the Hippocratic Oath. You more care to bowing to the power and current trends, many of which are very questionable and I'm sure you are helping creating another black eye mark on humankind history. But with this degradation of values how can you even look at you in the morning and feel good about yourself when your decisions show so many elements of servants to the power as we saw in 20th century in different places predominantly in Europe?
Judging on your anti freedom decision I don't think you have any moral authority to even practice duties of this institution and if you have strong personal moral values you all should resign.
18 August 2023 14:49
Shameful with what they are trying to do to Jordan B Peterson. They are wrong and need to check themselves. All Canadians deserve fully free speech!
17 August 2023 5:59
It is a shame what you have done in the case of Dr. Peterson. You should close down right away.
26 July 2023 19:22
It is with a measure of dismay that one takes cognizance of the regrettable instance of directing unwarranted aggression towards Dr. Jordan Peterson. A figure of conspicuous moral rectitude and international eminence in the domain of psychology, Dr. Peterson commands the profound respect of the populace as an exemplar of unwavering integrity. Yet, it is with a heavy heart that one witnesses the expenditure of his invaluable temporal resources in addressing allegations that bear the hallmark of baseless fabrication. These accusations, borne from the ranks of a fractional and discordant cohort harboring sentiments of resentment and envy, regrettably undermine the tenor of substantive discourse.

As this matter transcends the confines of privacy and assumes a mantle of public concern, it becomes incumbent upon us to underscore the impending scrutiny that shall be directed towards those who have elected to partake in what can only be described as a lamentable spectacle. We can assuredly anticipate that the luminous light of scrutiny will unveil the actors in this unfortunate endeavor, subjecting them to the rigors of censure befitting their deeds.
16 July 2023 6:53
I have clear evidence of a psychologist FABRICATING reports on children and made a complaint. The College of Psychologist didn't even mention the reports in their response. What a sham of an institution. The people who run the College of Psychologists are crazy! Haha.
19 May 2023 20:58
You try to shut people down if they don't share your opinion. Just pathetic. If you want this prepare for a massiv backlash

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