15 January 2024 17:38
My experience at the Courtice health clinic was extremely disappointing and distressing. Without diving into too much detail (I would prefer management reach out for a more thorough conversation), we arrived for a scheduled appointment for an EKG for my toddler, which they refused to accept or acknowledge, even with evidence via email. We were told to take it up with another department, subsequently forcing us to wait another hour in line as if we were just walk-ins.

For following the exact directions given to us over the phone and by email, we were not met with apologies of miscommunication or even help to rectify the situation. Instead, the receptionist's treatment of my toddler and myself was unprofessional and actually concerning. This clinic claims to treat patients with respect, empathy, and professionalism, none of which were received. The behavior exhibited by this receptionist is unacceptable, and would not be appropriate in any profession let alone a health care establishment. The dismissal, annoyance, and overall shortness with us was appalling. We took the high road and kept calm even with those in the waiting room all noticeably surprised by the receptionist's response to us.

Patients should feel safe and supported when seeking medical care, and their concerns should be addressed with the utmost seriousness and respect. This receptionist alone makes me wish there was a negative stars button, because that is how we were treated when arriving for a simple scheduled appointment.
29 December 2023 10:23
I went to this clinic to have my stomach looked at because I've been in a lot of pain.

While waiting, an elderly lady came in who claimed she had been forgotten about the day before. She had waited 2 hours until the clinic closed and they completely forgot she was there. She was forced to leave and had to come back the day I was there. The lady who was calling out names to go into doctors rooms called my name, and I literally heard her say to the doctor that she was there the day prior and that they did in fact forget about her.

Absolutely unnecessary and unacceptable. The elderly lady went home with what she thought was a UTI and had to come back.

The lady who said they forgot abour her was also extremely loud and having inappropriate and unprofessional conversations that the entire waiting room could hear.

When I was seen, the doctor seemed completely checked out. She didn't seem to actually care at all and didn't feel my stomach or ask me any real important questions. She referred me for a scope and said someone would call me to tell me when to come in. That was Saturday. She never gave me any sort of paperwork and when I called the operator, they told me I have to go back in and wait again to speak to someone about my referral. I waited 2 hours to see that doctor in a waiting room full of people with colds and flus (why people go to the clinic with a viral cold and flu is beyond me anyways they literally can't prescribe anything for that) and now I'm being advised to do it again to get answers on a REFERALL.

Canadian health care is a joke.
31 October 2023 21:46
Literally just left urgent care. The doctors with the crazy white hair was insanely rude to my husband and I. Beyond belief disrespectful. She was extremely argumentative when he was stating the symptoms he was experiencing. I will always stick up for over worked health care professionals this but this was just a massive joke. I hope the doctor in urgent care finds some peace in her life because that attitude was horrific! Don't come to this urgent care unless you enjoy being treated like absolute garbage! Good riddance.
17 October 2023 16:56
Fantastic walk in. They are as quick and efficient as possible but always give great advice. I've been many times with myself and my kids, and always have had a great experience.
24 September 2023 12:09
Dr pangs office, I don't understand how it takes over a month to get an appointment then they cancel cos the Dr's sick and can't rebook for 2 months.how are their no alternatives? Most Dr's offices will have a Dr step in to help or refer you to another Dr. It's absolutely insane and now I'm looking for another family Dr.
13 September 2023 4:08
**Update: We went to the clinic during the afternoon (weekday) and it was surprisingly empty and quick to see the doctor. Both nurse and doctor were great. Reception was very nice as well.

Office called two days later with results, which was nice to not have to go and sit for two hours waiting to see a doctor just to have them tell you something they could have told you over the phone.

Will switch from our current usual walk-in clinic to this one.

*Original - (Only one star because we haven't been yet) After seeing the pic of the sign that said they are only taking people with a family doctor on site - I called the mainline. The receptionist told me that Public Health made it a rule as of April 1st of this year that they must take anyone, regardless of whether they have a family doctor onsite or not. Trying them today. Fingers crossed.
26 August 2023 15:20
It’s 9: 36 am. Why are people still standing in line waiting to be checked in? This is the worst service. Isn’t this area called URGENT care? What is the receptionist doing? We were already at Oshawa clinic urgent care at 9: 00 am and we were told no doctor until 11: 00 am. This should be called the slow care.
19 August 2023 3:12
I love the walk in clinic, I've always had amazing experiences. I'm grateful to their team for taking good care of me.
21 July 2023 16:11
This clinic was so amazing the doctors here really listen to your needs and concerns. Also the nurses are friendly and very helpful. Receptionist was nice as well, very easy to check in. Throughly impressed with the care and service, I think all the staff here deserve so much respect and appreciation for their hard work
25 June 2023 21:09
Absolute garbage clinic, says the place doesn’t close until 3pm, showed up at 2: 20 with a sick baby and was turned away by a security guard saying the clinic was refusing to take her. Avoid this place I could only imagine what type of service they provide if they are turning away sick babies under 1.
03 June 2023 13:21
My Five stars is for DR FORRESTER.

I have suffered with severe "eczema" on my Knees, elbows, neck and fingers For about 15 years. Well thats what i was told I had at the Ajax Westney Heights Clinic & they prescribed Topicort Steroid cream to me, which never really worked and sometimes made it worse. They kept repeating the cream no matter my concerns of it not having an effect on my painful, scaly patches.

Anyways fast forward to October 2022 -we moved to oshawa/courtice area so since my Ajax prescibed cream finished I thought ill give this new clinic a go.

I spoke to Dr Forrester. He is such a genuine, kind and compassionate Doctor. Within a few minutes of assessing me he told me I actually have Psoriases. Imagine my shock.

All these years using the wrong cream and being told by the Ajax clinic that I have Eczema, hence there was no effect. I have not worn shorts or dresses in 15 years and Wouldn't be able to sleep at night from the peeling skin and painful bloody, itchy feeling. I was always embarrassed of my body and wouldn't go out because of it and have spent hundreds of dollars on other creams to help calm my skin down.

Doctor Forrester prescribed me a different medication cream.within 3 months I am now Psoriases FREE. I stopped using it and now use a rich oatmeal cream to continue to prevent the regrowth of Psoriases.

Doctor Forrester, if you are reading this. I want to personally thank you so much. You are A God sent gift in this world to heal people. May God bless you and your family. I love you so much and will ALWAYS pray for you.

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