29 September 2022 23:08
I went to go see her after I had my son a couple years ago because of complications I had, the experience and way she made me feel I been so terrified and scared to go see another gynaecologist because of the experience I had with her. Who put me down about my weight not even a month after having a baby then proceeded to checked down there and when I told her it hurt she ripped the clamps out, slammed them down on the table and walked out. To this day I have put up with the pain I have been in for years because of what she did to me i am to scared to go back to another gynaecologist.
07 May 2022 7:22
Horrible doctor. Is not allowed to deliver babies for a reason. She's lucky she avoided a full revocation of her ability to practice
28 March 2022 14:07
I saw her years ago. Only once. She wrote UNPLANNED in red ink on top of my file. I told her wanted another child we just hadn't been trying. She wanted to know if we were married. We are still together with now our 4th on the way after 13 years, but still common law. It was a very weird interaction, she was not friendly or warm. We did not return.
30 December 2021 10:15
The office was dirty and disorganized (no covid cleaning and long wait times). Yegappan did not give an option to get undressed in private. She expects you to quickly undressed infront of her. She wore NO gloves during the physical examination and took off her mask while doing it. It was such an uncomfortable experince. I tried to call and cancel my appointments and voice my concern but there's no voicemail or answer. It's not worth it at all. Below the standard of care.
10 December 2021 1:33
My daughter was carrying twins, dr yegappan caused the death of one of her unborn babies, she told My daughter false information about her pregnancy trying to convince her to have an abortion, she is very rude and unhelpful, she's caused my daughter pain during basic exams, today is my daughter's due date and she's been unable to reach the office since it has opened. I do not recommend
17 November 2021 14:19
Thank God she accepted to meet me! I had difficulty finding available doctors. She was super helpful, treated me well, the secretary was always very polite. She is there to do the work. And she did very well! She was professional! It was efficient!
19 August 2021 18:32
Terrible they seem to have forgotten that covid is going on and refused my 17 year old service cause he card is expired are you serious, no one has one right now. Disgusting! Wasted my time
15 August 2021 6:46
She is very rude, judgemental and unprofessional, does not use gloves or mask.very proud of being a doctor.dont waste your time.
07 July 2021 1:11
I don't understand the negative reviews. She consulted for 2 pregnancies and delivered one of my child. No complaint.
We had subsequent appointments since and they have all been positive experiences.
Will continue to see her again.
13 June 2021 12:55
She’s a disgusting excuse for a doctor. Almost killed my unborn child for a lack of care. She’s extremely rough with her exams and she’s rude with horrible bedside manner at that. I decided to try and ignore the reviews I read about her and still went with her as an OB but I severely regret my decision. DO NOT GO TO THIS DOCTOR!
11 April 2021 5:49
These reviews made me concerned, however my first apt with Dr. Yagapaan was a positive experience for me. I did wait 40 min past my apt time and I was only the second person in waiting room. (that’s reason for 4 stars). They should prob book the apts further apart.
But the secretary was very nice and polite.
Dr. Yagapaan was very direct, to the point and really asked about my health history. She made suggestions to me about my concern and we came to a solution that was best for me.
Other then waiting time I have no complaints
07 April 2021 17:51
Very bad. Very mean. Careless. Heartless I would not recommend to anyone to go there. I was skepticals after all the reviews amd i still went! Soo regret it.
30 January 2021 15:14
She delivered both of my child and have never had a problem or issue with her. I was very happy with everything she did inregards to the birth of both of both of my children
31 March 2020 12:18
Wish there was a 0 star option.
This was the most disorganized place I’ve ever had the displeasure of going to. She had several patients waiting for over an hour and a half if not two hours and showed no regard for the time of her patients. The receptionist was very nice and clearly just trying to make the best of a bad situation.
The waiting room was dirty and the doctor rude. Would NOT recommend.
04 March 2020 13:36
With an appointment make me wait 1.30 hrs in the lobby and 40 min in the consul. She was attending several ppl at the same time and she did no care about my situation and also the way she talks is rude.
18 February 2020 19:07
They are very unprofessional at this medical office. On my very first appointment with the neurologist he had already somehow lost 3/4 pages of my results. So because of that he didn't see an issue, and sent me on my way and ignored what I told him about my issue. It wasn't until I had a hard copy of my results, and waiting an additional two hours in his waiting room did he finally see me. He seemed more receptive to me after that, but I could still felt like he truly didn't care.
Now I've been trying for over 2 months to book a follow-up appointment I called again last week to be told that I would be called back with an appointment. They never called me and I find out this morning that he is now on vacation for a month.
I truly hope this place gets shut down
12 February 2020 4:04
My experience with Dr. Yegappan was horrible. The office seems very disorganised with people waiting forever to be seen. Dr. Yegappan was very unprofessional and judgemental when discussing my situation. She asked me to undress in front of her. When performing an examination she gave no warning, basically shoving the speculum inside me and taking a swab with no care. I left feeling very violated, which is not okay especially in such a sensitive setting.
29 January 2020 19:57
J'ai donnais 1 etoile, et si je pouvais je ne donnerais aucune, pas a docteur Yegappan, mais a son inprofessionnelle, raciste, assistante.
Je n'ai jamias eu de problem avec Docteur Yegappan, elle est tres attentive, professionelle, et tres humaine, par contre son assistante et tres vicieuse, raciste, et inprofessionelle.
Ça a commencer avec des longue periode d'attente, sachant que je suis enseinte, elle a toujour eu le culot de me faire attendre et donner mon tour a d'autre passions, au debut je croyais que c'etais pas intentionnelle mais avec le temps je n'ais aucun doute qu'elle a des problem avec les minorités languistique comme mon cas.
Je déconseille fortement cette office au minorités parlant" Francophonne specialement" tant que dr. Yegappan ne la pas changer.
13 January 2020 5:49
I'm not sure what is going on in this office now. It was good at one time but since her receptionist has been gone that was with her for years things have changed.
16 May 2019 18:46
I called sixteen times. SIXTEEN. I called five times yesterday. I've tried scattering the calls throughout the day. I've tried calling multiple times in a row. Nothing works. I find it hard to believe that the receptionist cannot find the time to pick up the phone within all that time. I had numerous tests don a surplus of three weeks ago and I have heard absolutely nothing back. This is just unprofessional.
20 March 2019 6:36
Terrible experience. My issues is now worse. My family dr referred me and without every speaking to me. Yegappan told my family dr she spoke to me and to send me to the hospital because I want to have my tubal litigation reversed. I do not want that and I have never received a phone call from her office or ever spoke to her in my life. I have been too scared to find a new referral for 9 months now because of this experience and now my issues are even worse. Recently started looking for help again.
14 March 2019 18:34
I wish there was a 0 stars option. She's an absolutely terrible doctor. To start, I had to wait an hour and 45 minutes past my appointment time which I find completely unacceptable. She was extremely rude, judgmental and unwilling to listen and called me immature for vocalizing how uncomfortable I was during my first ever exam, and repeatedly kept trying to push prescriptions on me that I am not supposed to take. Awful experience altogether.
14 February 2019 21:40
This office is completely unprofessional the receptionist is just rude the doctor needs to get better bedside manner she's also unprofessional telling your clients to go find another doctor after driving two and a half hours to get to the appointment to find out the office is closed and they said that's too bad that is totally unprofessional horrible experience each and every time I go and horrible experience the last time I went
21 December 2018 15:15
This was by far the worst experience I’ve ever had. I showed up 15 minutes early for my appointment only to wait over an hour and a half before getting in. My friend and I asked the receptionist when we would be going in multiple times and expressed that we had somewhere else to be soon and she was rude and unhelpful the entire time. On the phone she was just as rude, talking to me as if I was a child that did something bad. She kept saying I was irresponsible, immature and I needed to get my life together. They both are so judgmental it’s disgusting. As soon as I sat down with the dr she was rude and offensive and was vocally judging me and my situation. She tried to force me to choose a certain option that I didn’t want when there were other options, and I continuously said I would like to try the other options. She kept insisting I do what she said until I got so annoyed that I just agreed and left after already being there for hours. I go home, take the medication that she gave me instead of doing the surgical procedure that I had asked for instead multiple times. The medication didn’t work so I went back and asked her if I could have the surgical procedure instead. She told me I was irresponsible and didn’t do anything how I was supposed to and that it was my fault it didn’t work, and kept denying to set up an appointment for my surgery. This was so frustrating especially considering my situation, which was already insanely scary and new for me. I went to her for help and to feel a little better about my situation and she completely did the opposite, made me feel stupid and at fault for everything, making everything so much worse. Do yourself a favour and don’t go here if you actually want a doctor who cares and wants to help you feel better.
15 November 2018 9:52
I decided to switch OBs because I was just not feeling comfortable with Dr.yegappan. She is polite, but I felt a lack of communication. Well, since I switch obs I did not call to cancel the appointment because I thought they knew its my first time so I did not know. The secretary called me she was very rude and unprofessional and saying that I am an adult I should be able to call and cancel myself, saying that now I have to pay 50$ plus another price in order for Dr. Yegappan to transfer my file to the new OB. Like seriously! I would not care to pay the fee or whatever, but they way the secretary treated me just no. She is suposed to be professional! So if anyone is trying to switch obs just remember to cancel your appoitnment and be aware that there is a charge to transfer your file.
16 September 2018 12:46
The receptionist is wonderful, Dr. Yegappan is very bad bad and not polite, I would not recommend her
05 September 2018 19:35
Absolutely terrible service. I tried cancelling my appointment more than 48 hours in advance but they do not have an answering machine so if they are away from the desk, on the other line or out of hours there is no way of contacting them. I called several times and only was able to get a hold of them the day of. They proceeded to tell me that I must pay a $50.00 fee to reschedule my appointment. I expressed my concern with my health and safety and the woman on the phone said "Oh my god would you just get over it. Pay the 50 dollars or go somewhere else. " and then proceeded to hang-up on me. This is a disgrace to our healthcare system. This woman should be reported.

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