21 January 2024 9:18
I'm unsure what all the fuss is about in the other reviews. Considering what this is, the purpose it serves, and the supply and demand related to its operation; I would say this Drive Test operates quite well. Granted, I did not require a road test.

I showed up at 8: 25 am on a Saturday, so 5 minutes before opening. There was a small line up already, but that is to be expected as this is the only Drive Test open on a Saturday in the area. After waiting a few more minutes, the place opened and I got a ticket. I sat down and waited about an hour, after which my number was called. The clerk was extremely professional and efficient at exchanging my license from another province. This took maybe 15 minutes. Then I left.

If you are looking for more than that as an experience, I recommend you re-evaluate what to expect. The clerks there have a very large number of requests to fulfill, so in order to make their job easier you should come prepared. I was able to find the info I needed online beforehand, and I confirmed this by calling as well. If a clerk happens to be a bit gruff/direct with you, imagine the pressure and stress they're under having to deal with essentially a never ending demand of clients, many who often come in with a bad attitude or ill-prepared. You'd have to be a saint to remain perfectly composed under those conditions.
14 January 2024 21:59
Great and fast service! I arrived at 7: 15 am for my G1 Exam Test and by 7: 30 am I was sitting down writing the exam. Also, it was pretty empty so it was quiet enough for me to do my test with focus. The staff was lovely and very helpful (Thank you sweet Catherine). If you want a positive experience, go on a Monday morning right after they open!
23 September 2023 14:28
My wife and I came here on Saturday September 16,2023, to exchange our Quebec driver's license for an Ontario one. We came at 9: 30 am and there was already a line up outside the door before the Centre opened it's doors.

From the time we waited in line for a a brief period to leaving the Centre, it took 1 hour and 50 minutes.

There was a lot of people in the Centre on a Saturday morning. You need patience. People complain that the workers are slow. Well, there are like almost 200 people waiting for service. This is not like a grocery store where they can just scan things quickly!

We were served by a man with glasses, possibly Hispanic and he was Awesome!
20 September 2023 0:02
Worst service! There is no service or help desk. I have wait here for so long and then i got reply that “we can no answer your question” even the phone line is not working.
15 September 2023 22:20
If I can give zero star, I definitely do that. The manager is the rudest person I have met in my whole life. So unprofessional.
09 September 2023 10:54
Racist, rude, long waiting times, employees doesn’t inform you nicely they’re acting like they’re doing their jobs forcefully. They were rude to my family and made them wait for more than 4 hours!
05 September 2023 15:21
The person who came to take the examination was completely polite and had a good nature. The test Centre is completely organized and all staff members are supportive.
04 September 2023 22:02
Takes so long to get served, then if a retake is needed, you need to wait again. Plan for at least 4 hours on a Saturday.
04 September 2023 17:50
Had a great and smooth experience thanks to Mohammed.

Purpose: M1 Knowledge Test, valid for 90 days.
Drive Test Instructions: Follow Yellow Strip (on the floor) to get a ticket (from a yellow ticket booth)
Wait for your turn, complete paper work with the counter with the agent
Follow green strip to get the the written test centre
Write your exam:

M1 Exam has 3 sections:
Signs - 20 questions, need 16 correct to pass
Motorcycle section - 24 questions, need 19 correct to pass
General section - 20 questions, need 16 correct to pass

My wait time - 15 minute for counter agent (indoor, without a queue)
Exam - No wait
(Arrived at noon on a rainy weekday)

Prepared using online tests only (Hold a G) using Apnatoronto and M1testpactice websites.
02 September 2023 10:48
I went today (Tuesday) for the knowledge test. Reached there by 7: 15am. I was done with everything by 7: 45 am. Be an early bird and enjoy the shorter wait time.
02 September 2023 7:40
Rude staff.the driver exam instructor was not on time. I am very confident with my driving skills nd I have a lot of experience but the instructor still failed me and made stuff up saying i didnt shoulder check/checked blind spots or put my signal and etc.they just make stuff up so you can pay money over and over again.their washroom is also very dirty, and the building smells too and its always crowded.
24 August 2023 17:41
Went at 8: 00AM on a Saturday and only waited about 30 minutes when the centre opened. Omar was super helpful and kind. It only took a total of about 1.5hrs start to finish to get G1.
20 October 2022 14:14
This is such a broken process for licensing. Wait time is horrid people aren’t here to direct anyone the just yell from behind the counter why did we privatize this again.
20 October 2022 10:48
Most of the counters are closed and that is creating more crowd in center artificial waiting and long queues.
11 October 2022 11:14
I arrived at 8: 45 AM and waited 4 hours to get my out-of-province license switched for an Ontario one. The staff were great, there just aren't enough of them. Every review says the same thing - how have they not hired more staff?
04 October 2022 19:06
I didn't appreciate being here today. The line is extremely long with 3 counters. So please don't waste your time here. Expect 2 to 3hrs if waiting time.
04 October 2022 11:08
I have never been treated with so much discrimination and contempt in the 5 years i've been in canada since i've been to this place.literally triggers my ptsd, hope you're all proud of yourselves
04 October 2022 4:45
Hours long wait. The number of people getting licenses every year is something you should be able to plan for.
02 October 2022 16:32
Not sure how it is now but back then it was the worst place to go. Easy place to failed because the examiners are bad and it is also a busy road. Canotek is the way to go,
26 September 2022 22:42
Wait 6h and when I did my g1 all the question are tricked so you pay them more money to get tricked go to somewhere proper no staff and you have to wait hours
25 September 2022 10:11
My driving instructor (Fahim) was super good. He gave me very useful feedback and I was basically ready to take the test at the end of my third class. 10/10 do recommend, loves to talk about cars and is a funny guy making the long hours very enjoyable. Passed my g2 test on my first try yesterday.
19 September 2022 19:28
I waited 5 hours to submit my medical papers. If you can go to another drive test centre.
After 230, they were not giving out any numbers.
15 September 2022 11:09
At most I've seen 4 of the 7 kiosk open to serve people and that was for barely 1h then they switched to only two, which slowed down the wait time to a standstill. To the employers of Drive test, you're in the middle of the capital of Canada, people come in droves and you need to supply the workforce to actually run these people through.

Which then brings the point that when you do get your turn, the employee is so out of it that they merely refer you as a number to be process in the endless grind. That is if they aren't outright condenscending and rude at times.

I've been using this location because of it saved me on travel time, but I'm done after doing my last test there I'm going to other locations and hopefully find one that's better maintained and crewed.
11 September 2022 13:58
Arrived just before 10 on a Saturday, and left at 3: 15.
Extremely long wait, and at about noon they put out a sign saying they were no longer accepting walk INS.

The process was very confusing (I. E.the number system) and when finally served, service was not good. Very rude and felt rushed.

Once I got the number to write my test I was out in 15 min.
09 September 2022 8:55
This place should be public. Using a private company to do this is ridiculous. I used to wait half the time I waited there when I was in QC.

It is a scam done to swallow taxpayers money into the pocket of friends of the government.

07 September 2022 0:02
Went to receive a m2 after completing a M1 saftey course. They said printing off the m2 only takes a few seconds but there to busy. I went in at 12pm took off a half day of work. They couldn't print off my paper before the closing time of 7pm. Never have seen a zoo like this place.
06 September 2022 11:27
I did my G2 here yesterday and had an AMAZING experience. All the reviews prepared me for the worst, and I was terrified, but it was great. The only downside was having to wait 1.5 hours in my car until I did my test. The nerves became almost unbearable after such a long wait. I was also nervous because I didn’t just have one examiner; I had an examiner and a trainee. The trainee took charge and the experienced examiner was just there to help the trainee. I was so nervous because it felt like more eyes were on me, ready to spot any mistakes I made! Thankfully, the trainee was LOVELY. He was middle aged and had dark pepper coloured hair in a ponytail and was the NICEST examiner I could have received! All this to say, don’t be scared if you end up with two examiners! I passed with ease.
03 September 2022 14:40
Wafik is the guys who has pathetic, looser behavior and has nothing better to than harassing and shouting people like saying ‘’don’t you know how to drive etc. ‘’ I know that this place has bunch of rude instructors from the comments online and talking to people (not all of them of course) but as a drive instructor this guy is the worst. He shout so much that my wife started to cry while driving. First be a human after that try to be something in your life! I am so mad right know that I don’t really know what to say or do! You can fail people for their mistakes but insulting them for being a new driver is a different thing. Go figure out your personal problems outside of work you scammer Wafik!
01 September 2022 0:04
Did my G and G2 at this location. The ppl were super nice and very helpful. Felt completely comfortable during both of my tests, shout-out to Clark! The only thing I didn’t like was the waiting time tbh.
31 August 2022 18:07
I bought a driving test book through online in 2020 and did not receive it.
Every time when I came here, I saw men driving their cars and came for the writing and the knowledge test:).
29 August 2022 2:15
Just to let people know what to expect.

We arrived on a Friday, at 8 AM. Didn't get in to do my written G1 until a little past 12: 30 PM. So expect to be waiting a long, long, long time to be seen. What other people in the reviews said, they have multiple booths, but only a few open, probably due to not being fully staffed. The two workers I did interact with were very nice, which made the difference.

The G1 test is $159, no tax, this includes your G2 driving test as well for the future. They did my eye test, photo then writing test on the computer. The G1 was insanely easy, so don't stress or over-study, it was almost entirely common sense. The g1 ontario driving app, the questions were identical.

Good luck to anyone doing their test
24 August 2022 9:26
Waited 2 hours and 40 minutes for them to tell me my form wasn’t specific enough. Employees were super rude:/
23 August 2022 22:00
Despite having 8 counters, only 2 counters are in operation even in week days. If you are planning to go there esp to change the license feom other provience, would advise to take a day off. Very poor service.
17 August 2022 2:20
I've spent 8 hours for passing the G1 knowledge test here. Totally experience like I'm a full-time employee here. Ignoring 3 hours waiting in line. I spent 2.5 hours awaiting for their supervisor come to argue why I can't attend the G1 test. And finally they found I'm availble for attending G1 test after the irresponsible crew was shifted. I finished the quiz in 20 minutes. And spent another 2 hours awaiting for the result after 4-5 batches examinees had left. And they also didn't have any explaination about why it takes so long without losing embarrassment.
14 August 2022 3:45
It was Awesome! My drive test practice instructor (Hashim On - Point driving school) did a great job. 5 Stars
And to crown it all, the road test instructor at Walkley was also great. I got my G2 licence and was told I could book my G licence straight away because experience was back dated and added to it. I am so happy and excited.
02 August 2022 9:09
Literally hell on earth. Arrived 5 hours before close to do a knowledge test. Got a ticket to talk to customer service. No signs posted to say they weren’t helping more people. Waited an hour for our ticket to be called, but instead it was just wiped off the screen. Finally got someone’s attention for the very rude supervisor to laugh in our faces and tell us that we would not be served.
Please note that putting an “out of order” sign on the kiosk does not inform people that they will not be served, that universally means the machine is broken. I recognize everyone is busy, I also work for a client facing government organization. But please be clear and transparent with clients so they don’t waste their time and yours.
29 July 2022 1:16
Service kiosks were broken so unable to get a number. Waited half an hour for staff to provide direction but never received any. Left because nobody knew what was going on. Tons of people waiting. Severely understaffed.
12 February 2022 11:28
This place is severely understaffed for the amount of people that were freezing in the cold. The staff were pretty rude and it felt like I was dealing with teenagers than adults. While I did not appreciate the poor attitude, I got what I needed at least.
04 February 2022 22:01
Had an appointment for my G road test that I made 6 months ago. There was someone at the front door directing the crowds. I waited an hour and a half for an instructor to see me. The instructor was thorough and knowledgeable. Let's just say I'm glad I don't have to go back to do it again!
30 January 2022 14:18
I should have my road test yesterday, however, when i came on time, after waited for an hour they told me still have to wait for 2 more hours for G test or reschedule to Saturday. OK fine, then i rescheduled, today is Saturday, and again i already waited for half an hour also seems still a long time waiting, can anyone make a better arrangement for the test? It does not make any sense of wasting those time since we already booked in advance!
27 January 2022 19:32
Worst place to do drive test they treat you as animal no human right people are frozen in the cold outside waiting for 2 hours they have seats inside but they don’t let them in what a shame you feel you live in 3ed world Country.
27 January 2022 7:30
Went to this location and was told I needed an out of province inspection to change my plates and to come back. Returned to this location, told the employee organizing the line that I was here to switch my plates and SHOWED THEM TO HER in my hand. Waited several hours in line, only to be told that they don't do the plates here. As I was leaving, I told the employee organizing the line that she had me wait for hours for nothing, so at least she could give the correct info to a future person and not waste their time. She argued with me that I told her that I was here for my drivers license (nope, because I already have that), and when I told her I was here for plates, she said "WHATEVER", and walked away.
12 January 2022 9:31
The worst experience i had manager gives no solution very rude and disrespectful hanged the line while i was still talking because she had no solution. They had mac users issue which was not states on the site made me pay for a date paid money was withdrawn with no confirmation i called they said it wasn’t booked because Mac technical issue that wasn’t stated and they said they all have no solution and hanged up in my face how is that a customer service so rude disgusting and disrespectful! Manager is the worst supervisor doesn’t make sense and have no solutions as well how is that helpful why are they working if they can’t do their job!
09 January 2022 3:55
Appeared G1 written test. By the time we reach center at 6: 40am, there are already 10 people in the queue waiting outside in freezing cold on Saturday.
There is no shelter and no toilets. You have to stand in the queue until the center opens up.

Once you get inside, you can expect reasonable service. Thankfully I passed in the first attempt:)

I'm still wondering why they have not come up with online slot booking system for G1 test.
25 December 2021 18:05
Long lines - don’t come after 3pm on a Saturday. Was here at 3: 20 on a Saturday.and lines wrapped around the side of the building. Employee came out at 3: 40 to tell everyone that they had already given out tickets to as many people as they think they will serve that day.

Give yourself at least 2 hours before close on busy days (e.g. Nice weather).
12 December 2021 3:21
I went on Saturday. Arrived at 1: 45. Waited in line until 4: 45 and there were still at least 10 people ahead of me in line. I was never served. You have to wait outside with no access to shelter, seating or bathrooms. This service is unacceptable. I don’t know why we pay taxes when it goes to horrible places like this. Don’t bother going unless you can be in line by 1pm and expect a LONG wait.
21 November 2021 20:55
The examiner is the rudest person I have ever seen, keep yelling at people, shut the door hardly, keep saying go go go even the green light is just on. I don't know how pathetic his life is, but it shouldn’t be the reason to be violated or rude to anyone. And its hard to file a claim, the protocol is cumbersome. If you have other choices, definitely go to other places. If it’s your only choice, just try to ignore the rude people, focus on passing the exam. Don’t let the whatever people affect your mood. However, the reception staffs are all friendly.

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