09 December 2021 16:25
My daughter has been learning ballet with Ms. Zhang for more than six years and she loves it so much. Ms. Zhang is an extraordinary ballet instructor who always treats students with love and respect. She knows how to inspire students, when to encourage and when to push. She is a very good role model for kids: professional, patient, kind, dedicated and elegant. Thank you Ms. Zhang and Elegance Ballet Studio!
01 December 2021 0:36
6 years ago, my daughter joined Elegance Ballet Studio. Before she joined, she would cry every single class that she went to, and I couldn't help her at all. But when she joined the Elegance, she didn't cry at all due to Mrs. Zhang's kind heart. Mrs. Zhang is a very professional ballet teacher, and she is the definition of "elegance". In the 6 years my daughter has been in this studio and learned a lot. Mrs. Zhang is more than just a ballet teacher who teaches kids ballet skills,but a caring and kind person who treat her students like her own children, showering them with love and respect on every step of the way. Therefore, I'm really grateful for all of Mrs. Zhang's hard work, and she proves that she can turn any ugly duckling into a beautiful and elegant swan.
03 November 2021 13:00
Dancing at Elegance Ballet Studio has been a great experience for our daughter. The instructor, Amanda Zhang, really works hard to bring out the best in each student. She really pushed our daughter to reach her full potential. Our daughter had flexibility challenges initially and thought she wouldn't go far in dance. But Amanda worked with her to help her improve and keep her in dance. Our daughter loves going here.
09 July 2020 22:53
This is a playing ground for kids, not a dance school. Your kids can't learn anything here. Not recommended.
18 June 2018 14:09
Nice teacher who provides not only teaching skills but also warms student ‘s mind. Thanks for everything.
02 June 2018 19:45
There is still have someone give them 5 five star. But I am sure you will not say so when you need to get refunded for any reason, even for their reason.

Here is some details I organized from the voice recording on that day.

On Nov 4, when I went to their office and ask that grey hair guy to explain the 15% handling charge, and ask he to show their on-documented refund policy. That guy got mad immediately, slapping the desktop and shouting at me, even grab the phone and threatening me he will call police. I am sure I am very calm all the time and never say or do anything improper. There were 2 waiting parents there and they should see what happening. I also have the voice recording on my phone.

It is already over 20 days since this bad experience, we never get any apologies from them.

After I post this review, I got another threatening message from that grey hair guy. It is really funny who give them the right to ill-treating and threatening their 3-year customer. I attached that message at the end. (the message is in Chinese, the ending part says: So you have no reason not to say the truth online, and also to my personal attacks, I can let bygones be bygones, but I hope you stop there, or wait for a lawyer's letter. Stan)

The original message I receved after I post this review: Harry,15%的charge我们开学校的第一天就一直有公布,也发过邮件告知所有家长,你没看不代表就没有。这不是针对个人,你注册的时候签了waiver,就是同意学校的policy,执行学校的policy是合理合法的。请记得我们就是看着过往3年,才同意给你退学费,既然你们没有意愿想要解决问题。其实老师对孩子都一直很好,本来这些问题可以解决的如果你真的愿意好好商量的话。所以你没有理由在网上不说事实,还对我个人攻击,我可以既往不咎,但希望你就此打住,否则等着接律师信吧。Stan)

A very bad experience with the grey hair rude guy to get prepaid tuitions refunded.

My 2 kids have learned ballet here for 3 years. Everything is ok until recently they changed class content and can't provide lessons for my kids. I prepaid one year tuitions and just started for 2 month, So we ask them for refund. At first they told us they don't refund at all according their policy. After argued with them, they know their class has problem and agreed refund. But when I got there, they then told me they charge 15% refund fee that I never be told.

The most funny thing is that grey hair guy is so rude to their old customer throughout all the time!

Not recommended. Be aware if you want to get into this school.
31 May 2017 2:01
Had a very good experience at Elegance Ballet Studio. Our son was enrolled for a summer session to cross-train and sharpen his technique for Men's Artistic Gymnastics. We found the staff very friend and accomodating. The Artistics Director is good with children and technically very - very good. She is extremely perceptive of the student's technical execution. The studio is very new and built specifically for the health and well-being of the dancers. We would highly recommend this studio.

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