29 September 2023 15:14
I have taken two dogs to Dr Jogar and he has been the most compassionate Vet. He saved one of my dogs’ lives on at least two occasions. He put her health first instead of the bill on several occasions, as some might. He also answered my emergency call at midnight and went out of his way for my dog multiple times. Dr Jogar has been amazing. I wish there were more Vets like him.
31 July 2023 14:46
This “vet” is a scammer, does not care about your pet, he just wants your money. I brought my cat here to get an IV of fluids because he was dehydrated from a urinary blockage that resolved. The vet asked which vet clinic we had his blockage cleared, I said it passed by itself since my cat is peeing well on his own again. He checked my cats bladder and said “his bladder is hard he is not peeing, I can feel a blockage”. I informed him that my cat peed 4 times on his own this morning, the “vet” said “no he did not. That was not pee”. When i asked what the pee smelling and pee looking like liquid was coming out of him, the vet did not have an answer for me! When I asked to feel the blockage in my cats bladder, he said “YOU wont be able to feel it, I can only feel it…. ”
Then proceeded to give us a contract to sign for $2000 to “push” the blockage back into my cat’s bladder? Rather than remove it? When my cat was peeing on his own. This “vet” didn’t even attempt to express my cat’s bladder to actually check for a blockage. Then got upset when we left without doing his suggested procedure of further pushing a “blockage” back INTO my cats body….
The kind nurse wished us well and suggested we follow up with a different vet. Not sure how this man is licensed to be a vet.
20 May 2023 7:55
Had a very bad expierence here. If you love your pet stay away. Dr. Jogar doesn't know what he's doing.
29 April 2023 18:11
Took my healthy puppy here to be spayed about two years ago, let’s just say, she never made it home. He didn’t have the right equipment for the procedure & ended up overdosing her. Has taken my family almost two years to recover from this ordeal. Should have gone to a more experienced Vet. Complained to the board but all they said they will send him on a course. We not only lost out on our beautiful puppy, we also lost out on $4000 plus the stress & emotional heartbreak.
If you truly care for your loved ones do not take them here, he showed zero remorse for what he had done, no care whatsoever.
23 April 2023 16:17
Dr. Jogar was terrible, if you love your pet don’t take them to this vet. This vet is all about poor service and money.
31 March 2023 22:51
They gave me appointments then I was on my way with my boy then secretary girl called me vet is leaving now by 2 minutes away. When I arrived the hospital the vet was still there but he didn’t check even asked nothing he passed us left there
20 February 2023 19:10
This place is definitely a 1 star rating. The reception staff deserve more stars than Dr. Jogar. His attitude towards customers is awful his expertise is as awful as his customer service.
19 August 2022 15:41
Dr. Jogar and his wife run this veterinary.
They're both kind, professional, understanding and very helpful.
Sadly we found them when our aged dog was in agony and pain towards the end of his journey.
We're grateful for how they handled the situation.
The process is emotionally as difficult as you'd think (if not more) and we were glad that we had to put our guy to sleep here
It just felt right being in their space. The energy.
He then sent us a follow-up post card which was very heart warming
If you're nearby definitely worth checking them out, especially compared to others who try to leverage your emotional attachment to often times bill you plenty before doing anything.
Thanks again Doctor for your assistance
19 August 2022 2:43
So they charged me an extra $50. When I asked them why, they said they told us there's a $35 physical examination, which I believe they didn't tell us. And if they did, why did they charge us $50? ! I finally got a refund but these people charge extra money if you don't say anything. Avoid them at all cost. If they're your regular vet, look for alternatives
15 August 2022 4:04
So disappointed with their lack of response. I called so many times during their office hours and no one would call back or respond. I even sent an email and there is no response back. For a well-established animal hospital, you should keep track of emails and calls.
30 June 2022 6:52
Please reconsider or avoid going to this vet at all costs, especially if you have an older pet!

We were recommended to this vet by family and decided to bring our cat in for his check up. Despite my cat having a visibly enlarged abdomen, the vet gave him all his shots and gave him a clean bill of health.

Within one week, our cat took a turn for the worst. He became extremely lethargic and I asked my mom to call the vet just to be on the safe side. My mom brought him in and the vet took x-rays and determined he had two tumours in his stomach, fluid (from the tumours) and had an infection and anemia. He then proceeded to charge my mom nearly $700 for medication and shots which turned out to be absolutely useless.

We returned later in the day where he proceeded to show my mom some pages in a veterinarian textbook (I kid you not) expecting us to understand what was wrong with our cat. It was very condescending. We are not vets, we are pet owners. Tell it like it is without beating around the bush. He failed to do so. He mentioned something about blood transfusions which he does not do.

The last 48 hours of my cat's life were some of the worst days of my life. Watching my cat go from energetic and lively to a shell of his former self was heartbreaking to watch. Watching my parents attempt to give him pills and medication prescribed was devastating. It was all in vain. Purchased to line the pockets of this vet.

My cat did not deserve to suffer the way he did in his final moments. Please spare your pet the same fate by avoiding this animal hospital at all costs. If only this vet told us straight up there was nothing to be done and to bring him home to keep him comfortable, it would have saved us time and money. It is not the vet's fault my cat was unwell, most likely he was unwell for a while and it came to the surface and tumours are incurable, but he did not provide the proper treatment and instead unnecessary prescribed medication my cat did not need to take and instead caused him unnecessary stress which the poor thing did not deserve.

Up until the last day of my cat's life, we were getting calls to go in for more shots and to purchase food for him. Sums up the kind of place this is.
24 May 2022 12:56
I have taken my 6 year old Golden Retreiever to Dr. Jogar for over five years now and am incredibly happy with the level of care and compassion he has shown Benji. I am shocked to hear about the negative reviews because they simply do not reflect the type of diligent care and work he provides to pets and pet owners. Benji has had dental cleaning, procedures, and all sorts of care here with no issues.

One time when Benji had to stay overnight after having a gastro blockage, Dr. Jogar stayed late with him after-hours and was able to answer any questions I had, even after office hours. Other vets would have left Benji alone overnight, but Dr. Jogar stayed with him.

When we got our second puppy, Dr. Jogar immediately knew that she was having knee problems and told me to be cautious about it in coming years. He has never administered medication without confirming with me first, and letting me know the prices as I am a student and he knows it may be difficult for me to afford at the moment.

I urge readers not to be persuaded by the negative comments on these reviews and to actually give the office a chance. Although they are busy, Dr. Jogar cares deeply for the animals and I would trust him over and over again with the lives of my dogs. I recommend him to anyone seeking a vet.
10 February 2022 6:55
AWFUL vet reason why my 8 year old cat died.
My regular veteran in Woodstock had changed ownership and was so far from my house so I decided to try this vet since he is was so close to my home.
Biggest mistake. Biggest regret ever!
He advised me to remove my cat from his prescription urinary food he was put on years ago from the previous vet saying that it wasn't healthy to continue feeding him this prescription food since he no longer needed it and if a ln unlikely situation where to arise in the future it would be easily fixable. Most horrid advice for a vet to recommend ever for my male Persian cat who had a minor urinary blockage years ago and been on this food with 0 problems for years ever since. After taking his recommendations and switching over to a high quality cat food (not for urinary) my cat developed a blockage within month's his situation deteriorated within 6 hour's. He went in for an emergency appointment in Woodstock his kidneys where failing due to the urinary blockage. The vet said it was one of the worst cases she'd ever seen. Everything possible for my cat was done but he passed away overnight all due to something that was preventable and avoidable had I kept him on his previous prescription diet for the rest of his life and not listened to this vets negligent uneducated and dangerous advice.
He shouldn't have a license to practice.
08 February 2022 6:53
My dog has been a patient of Dr. Jogar since he was a puppy, he is now 4 years old. I also had my previous dog under his care until he past in 2018. My experience with this clinic and Dr. Jogar has been mediocre and I haven’t really had to write a review before. What changed my mind from mediocre services to just disappointing was an incident that prompted me to take my dog’s care elsewhere. My dog was experiencing vomiting 10+ times and couldn’t keep water down which started abruptly. He was lethargic, uncoordinated and in obvious pain. I call the vet and got an appointment. I took him in and repeatedly told him what my dog’s symptoms were, but I didn’t feel I was being listened too. He prescribed meds for pain, antibiotics, probiotics and gave him two shots to stop the vomiting. While in the parking lot of the vet clinic my dog had vomited again on the seat, so I went back to the vet and told him of the incident and that it was concerning and he responded, ‘it’s okay, allow the meds to work’. I took my dog home and things got worse with him continuously vomiting, lack of appetite, drinking numerous amounts of water and vomiting it out, and pain. I called the clinic again and asked to speak to the vet and the vet gave the staff a message to take my dog to the Vet Emerg. The staff gave me Vaughan-Richmond hill vet emerg clinic. Since the info was provided by my regular vet, I assumed this emerg clinic would be good. I took my dog to the emerg and they did an X-ray and blood test and the results were that he had foreign body in his stomach and his blood test showed dehydration. He received electrolytes and by evening had gone into surgery. Pre-surgery experience with emerg clinic had basic communication skills but post op care was nil, no follow up or update after they released him (a day after surgery) and I was repeated told to take him for post op care and/or any issues to the regular vet. We were sent home with four days worth of meds for pain and anti acids. After the pain meds were done my dog started experiencing shivering, increase salivating, fever, and pain. I called the emerg clinic and they said that it was concerning but asked to me follow up with our regular vet for check up. I called my regular vet explaining this and he said call the emerg clinic as they are the ones that did the surgery. It was a few days of going back and forth with each party telling me to go to the other and not providing any care for my dog who was struggling. What completely broke my trust in this clinic and Dr. Jogar and staff was when the vet and staff said ‘I am not the one who did the surgery and so I am not responsible for his care’. Now I do understand the surgery wasn’t performed by him but there should be a level of compassion here for the situation. His lack of care for my dog’s health was extremely disappointing. I could not believe I trusted him with my dogs’ care for these many years. Due to the lack of service, compassion, care and follow up, I have decided to change vets to ensure my dogs medical needs are met in the future.
27 December 2021 20:47
Fast-convenient-good customer service and reasonable pricing definitely bringing Rico back here
18 December 2021 13:36
I have tried many vets before, and I have been with this vet for over a year now. Each time he performs the highest quality work and very thorough exam. His prices are affordable and reasonable. He accommodates all of my needs and SAVED MY DOGS LIFE after an emergency. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
28 November 2021 8:10
I wouldn’t recommend for many reasons. Called to make an appointment only to be told it wasn’t on file. Front desk staff is kind but vet himself is hard to understand, interrupts when you’re asking questions & doesn’t answer the question anyway. It’s very important to be able to communicate well with your vet for your pets sake.
25 November 2021 9:38
I typically don’t write reviews but after the terrible care my pet received here it had to be done.

The previous doctor who owned the place was definitely much more attentive and the glowing reviews are all his hard work. Dr Joger lacks the professionalism and the care of the previous vet. He will refuse to listen to your pets symptoms and will spend a maximum of five minutes with your pet before charging you hundreds for medication you don’t need while you’re still confused as to what’s wrong with your pet. The way he handles your pet is also very rough, my dog get so anxious just walking by the plaza now.

Took my dog in September as he randomly started to scratch himself excessively. During the first appointment the doctor wouldn’t listen to anything about how my pet was acting and blamed it on an ear infection even though he was biting and scratching at his back and paws. Went back four times in the span of a month and a half and it wasn’t until i got frustrated and forced him to listen to my dogs symptoms that he suggests a $500 allergy test. I had been asking if it was allergies from his first appointment yet he kept denying it. My poor dog was struggling for a month and a half all because the doctor couldn’t be bothered to consider all his symptoms for more than 5 minutes. Switched vets and was able to spend a fraction of what i wasted paying this place and was able to get my dog the medication he ACTUALLY needed.

All Dr Jogar cares about is money and doesn’t actually care about your pets at all. Save your money and find another vet who actually cares. Funny enough all the pet owners in my area know how terrible this vet is and have their own terrible experiences with this place. All the bad reviews should definitely be considered before going here to get help for your pets, they’re definitely not wrong about this place. I wanted to give them a chance because of proximity but i wish i never did.
22 October 2021 17:07
Thank you - our 8 yo had to have emergency surgery, and we were struggling to find a place (with somewhat reasonable prices) to accommodate on a long weekend. Luckily we found Dr. Richards, Angela and the entire team here. Very accessible. Very caring. Accommodating. Would definitely recommend to all. We were actually disappointed they don’t take pets for regular visits!
29 September 2021 18:44
They do not read emails and the vet doesn't know what a prescription is.
I asked for a note to go to the pharmacy for my dog in Saturday. We're Tuesday, and he still didn't figure a PRESCRIPTION out.

Seriously. Go somewhere else. It's scary.
18 September 2021 3:59
I called this clinic on Friday for my dog who has seizures. She needs pills.
They asked me to send them an email before Monday with her medical file. I sent it to them.
I call on Monday before our appointment to check that they did order the pills we're coming for.
Woman on the phone tells me that she actually never opened my email and doesn't know about the pills. Then checks 10 min then says that she doesn't have them and to come on Friday.
Friday I am not available, but check that Monday, they have the right pills. They say they do.
Monday, which is today, my husband comes for the pills. We told them, by email and on the phone, many times, including right before we came, that we need 750mg. They gave us 250mg.
My dog needs to be given 9 pills a day instead of 3 because of their mistakes.

We paid 84$ for pills that are not the right dosage, and we are going to run out way sooner than expected since we need to give our dog 9 pills instead of 3.

When I called the vet back home he showed lack of professionalism, lack of compassion, didn't recognize his mistake, didn't apologize, didn't offer a solution that would benefit my dog.
What he did say is: if you're not happy give me the pills back I give you your money back.
My dog needs the pills to stay alive and healthy.
We waited a whole week for this appointment.

I found this clinic by searching Affordable clinic Richmond Hill, this clinic is not an affordable one, it's a CHEAP one.cheap service and cheap communication.

Please, protect your dogs and yourself and go to an actual professional clinic, one that orders the right meds, one that reads the emails they ask you to send them, one that has a professional service, one that cares about your pet and that understand that there are issues bigger than money.

A very disappointed client.
12 September 2021 8:03
Dr. Joger is there when we need him the most. Thank you for your work and dedication. Exceptional service for so many years.
06 July 2021 10:36
Dr. Jogar is truly one of a kind! He is a compassionate, knowledgeable, experienced and affordable vet. Thank you Dr. Jogar for taking great care of Mikka till her last day
27 June 2021 16:08
Have been going to EMAH since my pup was 4 months. Dr Surjit is very knowledgeable, patient and thorough. Four of my friends started going to him as well and say the same thing. I love that they don't try and upsell you things - no unnecessary telemarketing, vet marketing calls!

Thank you for being there for Rufus when ever we have a problem, you have squeezed us in.
13 June 2021 0:01
I'm very satisfied with services and pricing. My dogi, Belfie, is seeing Dr Jogar since she was a puppy. He is very professional and caring.
02 June 2021 23:41
I truly don’t typically write reviews.this vet is extremely shady, Surjit Jogar does not keep schedule of appointments and had no clue what we were coming in for.our Male savannah has an ear infection and we were told by the doctor he would take the swab for testing, it’s been two weeks and our appointment for him was today, he had no clue what ear infection we were talking about and wanted to give him a vaccine we were not aware of for today.he must’ve just thrown all the swabs away, very unprofessional and unorganized.he did not want to tell me his name & I was put on hold several times. “Doctor” Surjit Jogar.we need better “professionals” for our animals!
01 June 2021 21:38
I do agree with some of the other reviewers that sometimes the booking at the clinic is a bit disorganized - could the office be better optimized? Yes, for sure. However my review will focus strictly on Dr. Jogar's abilities as I've seen them with my two dogs. Dr. Jogar is well experienced and is a quiet and soft spoken gentleman. He makes sure to ask you for permission to perform any tests that need to be done and provides insight into your pets health helping to diagnose them and make them better. This clinic is cost conscious for their clients - if you want bells and whistles, regular calls and reminders - then based on my current experience this is not the vet for you. If you've been a long time pet parent and have a good feel for the health management of your pet and you keep track of things on your own and don't need the bells and whistles - then this is definitely the vet for you.
03 April 2021 9:57
UPDATE: 01/20/21
After viewing my review, I got a call from the clinic offering a full refund of $118. I only asked for a $40 +tax refund, as that was the main thing I was unhappy about. My dog does appear to be better today, so I'm changing my initial 1 star rating to 3.5. Please improve your admin, especially for new clients. The clients should not have to be the one prompting questions, and the clinic in general should have information of the client BEFORE we get there (like our name and number!). Appointments should be booked, and information should be communicated properly. The clinic did not ask me to change my review here. I am doing it out of appreciation for them taking action after reading my complaints.

This was my first and last visit to this hospital. My dog was limping yesterday morning and continued to limp today. From the positive reviews, I decided to try and book an appointment at this hospital. I called this morning to book an appointment (all other vets are required appointments) and a man picked up the phone. He wasn't especially welcoming, but that's not why I'm leaving them a 1 star. I explained to him that I was new and was looking to bring my dog in for an exam. I asked him what times he had available today, he told me at 2 and at 5. I decided to go in at 5: 30. He didn't ask me for my name, my phone number, my dog's name, nothing. I had to ask him if he needed my information, and he said no. First red flag. Then I asked him if he needed any of my dog's information, and he said "Give me anything you have. Like vaccines". I had to ask HIM what I needed to give. I thought, okay. This is just an exam, so it should be fine.
I arrive at the clinic at 5: 30, and there was Dr. Surjit Jogar and a woman. They both looked at me, confused (like the look people give you when you walk into the wrong room). I had to tell them I called earlier and was told to come at 5: 30. The two of them looked at each other, clearly hearing this for the first time. Dr. Jogar agreed to take us and we were told to wait and fill out a form. They never asked for her medical records.
Overall, Dr. Jogar was professional, friendly, and seemed to know what he was doing. He didn't ask to see my dog walk, however, and proceeded to check on her legs. He checked her eyes, ears, paws, and heart (typical exam stuff), and then he pulls out a clipper and starts shaving the fur between her paws! Not a word! I was confused and started asking him what was wrong. He said she might have a yeast infection, and so she's limping. He shaved all the fur from between her paws (he was pretty rough with her, but she was pretty fidgety). He then poured this pink solution on her paws. I had to ask him what it was to know that he was disinfecting her paws. Then we placed her on the ground and she was walking around happily from excitement.
My bill came to $118. I was shocked. The simple paw hair shaving cost me $40! That is almost the price of a full body haircut. He didn't tell me what he was doing, he didn't ASK me if I wanted him to do it, and he didn't inform me how much it would cost. This in itself cost MORE than the exam. I was too shocked to complain and paid anyway. She's home now, and she is still limping.
01 April 2021 21:16
A great pet doctor and he has nice staff. They are so kind and patient with my puppy ️. If you looking for a pet doctor I highly recommend them ‍️. The prices are reasonable and doctor does anything your pet needs. Thank you Dr. Surjit Jogar
26 March 2021 2:19
Shady service.

They don't ask for documentation (which is kind of worrisome when going for a check-up the first time), don't keep record of your appointments, and overcharge newcomers.

Before preforming procedures, they don't go over what they are actually going to do with your pet. They then go ahead and do it without the owner's permission and charge you ridiculous amounts of fees.

If you're not of their ethnic group, don't even think about going there. Discrimination in a multicultural country.

Do not be fooled by the other high reviews at this location. Any bot / multiple generated accounts can be created to boost up reviews to 5 stars.
16 March 2021 7:23
I am typically not one to write bad reviews, but I had to considering the horrid experience I've had with this vet. If you are considering taking your pet to this vet please read this before doing so. The great reviews and good prices made this vet seem like a great option, but you truly do get what you pay for. It is astounding to me that there are so many good reviews for this vet and it seems shady. I recently moved and needed a new vet in my area, as my kitten was needing to getting spayed. Firstly this vet had no knowledge that I had made an appointment with him even though an appointment had been made a few days prior. The whole business seemed unprofessional with countless customers coming in and being told to wait in their cars as if over booked. I ended up leaving and making an appointment to come back to have her blood work done to prepare for her spay surgery. Now here comes the BAD part.after her blood work came back he called to say he couldn't spay her on the Monday because her white blood cell count was low. I kept asking many direct questions of what was wrong with her and how it could be treated etc.yet I was left with more questions than answers. I went in asking questions, had my partner call in after with questions etc yet no questions were answered. I was sold expensive vitamins that I was told could help but that it could not be cured.but was not told what it was that could not be cured. So this is very stressful not knowing what is wrong with her when my questions will not be answered. I am going to drive the 30 minutes back to her old vet to find out what is wrong with her. Then i get a call 5 days after when her spay surgery was booked for saying she is late to her appointment.firstly, you said it is unsafe to do the surgery.and secondly.that was supposed to be 5 days ago. So this vet is very unorganized, unprofessional, and does not communicate effectively. I would 1000% not recommend this vet.
09 March 2021 6:22
Will definitely go back here! This vet was recommended by a family member because he went over and above for them and their dog. This is the first time I have ever experienced a vet who was not money hungry. Instead of putting my dog through expensive tests that other vets have, he actually examined her and knew what was wrong and instead of asking for another visit he said to call in a week. I love my own dr because he doesn’t just throw unnecessary meds or tests at a problem, nice to find a vet who is the same!
20 February 2021 8:22
Outstanding service and professionalism! Our giant schnauzer has recovered beautifully from major surgery and we are truly grateful to Dr Surjit.
15 February 2021 11:50
They are professional and responsible. Responsibility is not something we see with every vet and it is sad. Many vets see our beloved pets as bags of money. Well, this is not the case here. First of all, they DO instead of talking. If an action is needed, it is done! It is is very important if your pet is experiencing issues which might get out of hand without immediate care. For our cat, doctor took at a large mass and while our cat is a super flat Persian, the whole process was very smooth for him and us! I definitely recommend them.
29 December 2020 20:02
The care and time they give your pet is beautiful. Its great to have a staff that is caring and respectful. Top notch service even when we have had emergencies they get you in even if they have to stay late.
11 December 2020 6:55
Got 4 purebred cats and 1 purebred dog. All of them are taken care by Dr. Jogar. His wife and him are highly trained professionals who are very knowledgeable, kind and patient with our furry family. Even though we live 40 KM away from the clinic, there was never a doubt that we will stick with Dr. Jogar. We highly recommend Elgin Mills Animal Hospital.
31 October 2020 10:08
Our dog had an small wound that had become infected so we brought her to this clinic and we're so glad we did. The infection turned out to be worse than we thought and required surgery to cut the infected portion out. The staff at this clinic were fantastic! The first appointment was at 5: 00pm and they were able to do blood tests right away and surgery the next morning. We were visiting from Alberta and didnt have the funds to take her to the emergency clinics so this vet office really helped us out. We had called other clinics before we found this one and every other clinic just said to take her to emergency and wouldn't even consider fitting her in but they were able to see her the same day. They were so kind to our dog and took very good care of her. I felt comfortable leaving her in their care. I highly recommend this veterinarian and would definitely bring our other dogs here if we lived in Ontario.
19 October 2020 14:44
Love the Dr! My cat passed away and he took extra care and accomodated my work hours past clinic hours to explain everything in detail and gave me time to process my loss. Very helpful and friendly staff as well, 24hr phone service
30 August 2020 12:07
I called this place to inquire about pricing. A male with Indian accent picked up my call, and didn't seem to be interested in answering my questions. Guess I'll have to bring my business elsewhere.
29 August 2020 6:22
This has been my vet for about a year now. My boxer Junior has had so many medical problems over the years. Ive brought him in for a reoccurring anal gland infection that the Doctor treated. We really didn't want to remove the gland and the Dr worked with us trying antibiotics and flushing the gland without ever being pushy on surgery. He's been infection free for over a year. Not long after that Junior had a stroke, we rushed him in after noticing he was unable to walk and throwing up. The vet gave us an honest opinion about the outcome and treatment costs. Unable to afford thousands in diagnostics we brought him home and thus began a long recovery and a lot of concerned calls to the vet who always patiently answered my questions. Junior recovered about %90. I brought him in again today for a swollen paw and again the Dr and his employee took their time looking at him, gave me our options and advice. Here's hoping Jr is feeling better soon. Highly recommend this vet. Very compassionate, reasonably priced and honest.
29 June 2020 6:58
Where do I start. Dr. Jogar is the most compassionate, caring, dedicated and an extremely knowledgeable vet. He does this job for the LOVE of animals, not for the $$$. He has saved my dog, Misty’s life on two occasions when she got stabbed and when she had a viral infection. I will NOT take my dog yo anyone else. I recommend everyone to him and no one has ever come back with a negative thing to say.

He is so compassionate with all the animals. He has a soft, nurturing approach which calms the animals down. His office and vet area is spotless! He will tell you not to waste you money on things that are not needed. He truly is the World’s most Trusting and Caring vet!

Misty loves him after having had surgery two years ago. Not many vets are liked after the animal remembers pain associated with them.

I will never take my dog anywhere but here.

Rachel and Misty.
15 June 2020 14:35
This one is my own vet. He has a big heart. Not only he treats my morkie but also took care of my hamster. 3 weeks ago when my kid's hamster was lethargic and refused to eat for 2 days, he took us in immediately in the midst of this pandemic and even didn't charge us after seeing that she's in critical condition that suggested us to go to another small animal clinic. Though or hamster finally passed away, we appreciated his effort.
03 June 2020 16:58
Doc clearly don’t know what he talking about. Seriously I am highly question about this animals hospital professional knowledge and conduct.
12 April 2020 19:03
Dr. Jogar and his team saved my dog, Star! Other vets in Vaughan either declined, implied she couldn't make it, or charged prices which took advantage of the situation we were in. Despite the fact that they had other appointments that day, the team at Elgin Mills took our dog in immediately. They were so good with Star. She is now at home in recovery and the doctor made sure we had every resource needed to help her through it. Best vet experience I've ever had and I will always be grateful to them for saving my girl!
11 April 2020 11:56
We have been going to Dr. Surjit for years now (since before he was at this location). He is a kind, gentle but most importantly very knowledgeable vet who has helped with all our pets’ needs from prescriptions to surgeries. He has a wonderful manner with our animals and with us! His rates are reasonable and he takes walk-ins with long hours including Saturdays. Best of all if your pet is staying in his clinic for the night, he stays with it! This was most reassuring to us. Our “Daisy” was in his clinic over 5 nights and poor Dr. Surjit spent every night there overseeing her well-being and this was before he had a proper cot there to sleep on! It touched our hearts. We love this vet!
04 March 2020 11:02
Good vet. You can see he's quite caring with our kittens. Knows how to handle them well while he does the check up, ear cleaning, nail trimming etc. Very decent prices considering some of the high costs of vets in that area.
14 February 2020 21:27
Vet is always available to help me and their prices are reasonable! I commute just to keep my pup at their vet!
06 January 2020 10:05
Was very nervous about dental work and the anesthesia however the vet was very patient and even let me stay throughout the procedure to keep an eye on my dog.
11 November 2019 10:39
Amazing veterinarian, I trust him completely with my pets health. Knowledgable and available, you won't be disappointed!
13 October 2019 3:03
Highly recommend this vet as he genuinely cared for my husky and was very helpful & professional. Gave full-honest details and information about everything, and followed up with a solution. He took my dog in right away after an accident, and helped us get through it. Followed up with phone calls to make sure he was doing better. Will definitely be returning! Fair and reasonable pricing. Hard to find honest genuine vets like him!
26 August 2019 20:54
Used this hospital in few occasions with my dogs and cats. Most honest vet in GTA. Try to help not to grab your money. Thanks.

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