27 July 2023 15:24
Eva was extremely helpful! Low sleep needs and super active baby who needed a lot of help going down for naps is happy and thriving and is an independent and fantastic sleeper now! Eva helped to adjust his schedule and change to the better sleep happened practically overnight!
25 June 2023 6:45
Our toddler started having sleep issues. In in just a matter of weeks Eva helped us solve the issues and gave us tools to help us prevent these issues from coming up in the future. Her personalized action plan was worth every penny!
31 May 2023 2:29
Eva was great to work with! She has put a lot of work into the sleep bible program and she really helped us with our consulting sessions. Eva was patient and not pushy with us, sleep training is stressful and we really valued that Eva was there with answers to our many questions. Our baby is sleeping great now and we recommend the program!
29 March 2023 17:16
Eva's program was a game changer for our family! Highly recommend! And extremely grateful!
13 March 2023 5:50
Eva is truly a lifesaver! I was about losing my mind tending to my 5 month old, who would wake and cry if he realized I was no longer contact-sleeping with him, and needed comfort feeding to fall back asleep. On our worst days, he awoke every half an hour! In fact, I could not complete my initial call with her without 3 wakings/interruptions and we had to pause each time! Initially, I tried to figure out his sleep as I was very hesitant to sleep train or spend money on it. But it really was a great investment! Eva assured me in many ways and used methods that we were most comfortable with. It was a very hard month as we got rid of so many dependencies and instilled a new skill, and Eva was very patient with us. She worked on my son's wake windows, overnight sleep and naps; and now he sleeps 11-12 hours a night, feeds just once overnight, and is totally nap trained too. Eva imparted so much of her knowledge that I feel confident knowing exactly what works for us or, tweaking things in the future as he grows. Thank you, Eva!
05 March 2023 0:48
Eva was an absolute pleasure to work with! I wish we would have used her sooner! She was extremely knowledgeable, responsive, and empathetic. One thing we particularly liked was that she took us into consideration and allowed us to pick the training method that we felt most comfortable with! Our baby is now sleeping through the night thanks to Eva and we couldn't be happier!
26 February 2023 23:19
Joining Eva’s Sleep Bible program was a life changer for my daughter and I. I love that Eva explains so many different approaches to sleep training and you can decide what method works best for you and your baby. My daughter was 6 months old when we started and she went from only falling asleep while nursing and waking up every hour throughout the night, to falling asleep on her own and sleeping through the night within a couple of weeks. A year later, she is still a champion sleeper. Thank you, Eva!
23 February 2023 18:22
Eva's course helped us so much with night weaning our 1 year old! We went from waking up around 8 times a night to 0 in just a week. Amazing! Her course is super detailed and she has tips and tricks for all different sleep scenarios and situations. Highly recommend!
11 February 2023 3:17
Eva is wonderful to work with and really helped us with our toddler who was sleeping in our beds and giving us difficult nights. Now he sleeps in his own room and goes to bed so nicely. Thank you Eva!
03 February 2023 0:52
Thank you, Eva, for your newborn sleep program. I was using the principles of the program since day one and my 5 week old baby slept 8 hours with one dreamfeed (6 hours uninterrupted) last night!
25 December 2022 2:50
Working with Eva has been an absolute pleasure! She has done the impossible! My baby is getting his much needed sleep now and so is mom. She is super knowledgeable, has all the patience in the world, and is always there offering support and guidance. It is the best investment one can make! I highly recommend her to anyone in need of a sleep consultant.
07 November 2022 7:38
Had an amazing experience with Eva’s program. I hired a sleep trainer for my 1st baby and she taught me 1 system and was way more expensive and I had access to her for 6 weeks. Eva’s subscription and constant support is a way better model! She also teaches ALL the ways to sleep train so you can pick and choose what works best for each child. Loved the Facebook support and quick response! Recommended to all my mommy friends:)
21 October 2022 20:15
Loved having help with our daughters sleep since we couldn’t give up middle of the night feed due to drs orders. It was also amazing to be able to ask questions as things came up with our baby and our 3 year old. Thank you, Eva!
18 October 2022 21:20
I am so thankful for Eva's support over the past two years. She provided my family with sleep strategies that were not only achievable but individualized to suit our family needs and lifestyle. My son has wonderful sleep habits, thanks to her!
06 September 2022 15:27
We are beyond thankful for Eva's help with our 7 month old. I had previously done nap training and was still struggling with short naps. One phone call and 3 days later I am now waking my baby from naps and no more early mornings. We have had the odd hiccup but reaching out to Eva is easy and she is super responsive and helpful. If you're looking for a sleep consultant who is to the point and no wishy washy business you'll love Eva!
05 September 2022 6:53
My son is now 3 years old, but I can still vividly remember the horrible sleep deprivation I experienced when he was a newborn. This was my second baby and I was determined not to have the same experience as with our first baby.

I live in the US and knew about her newborn coaching program from online. We had a phone consultation and I felt very comfortable with her. We worked together over the phone, and she emailed me a sleep schedule and program to use right away with our baby.

Eva's newborn coaching program taught me how to help my baby to sleep for more predictable stretches of time. This made caring for a newborn more manageable. He eventually became a wonderful sleeper that followed an age-appropriate schedule. I am so happy I began this from Day 1! My mental health immediately improved with consistent sleep. Sleep has become a family value that we truly prioritize now!
29 August 2022 3:44
Eva helped me get my twins on a good schedule and had them sleeping thru the night by 7 months.
Eva answered all my questions and was such a pleasure to work with!
27 July 2022 21:36
It was such a pleasure working with Eva. She was so patient and really worked one on one with myself and my husband to get a clear understanding of our child's needs. We were feeling desperate and unsure if our problems could ever be solved, especially since my son was already 3 years old. After filling out an extensive questionnaire and meeting with Eva for over 1.5 hours via zoom, I really felt like she understood what we were going through and how to best approach our specific challenges. Eva made herself extremely available via email for constant follow up questions and her responses were always spot on and super helpful! Our son has made so much improvement in the sleep department and I also feel like I am equipped with the strategies necessary to tackle any setbacks we may encounter. I would highly recommend Eva if your child is experiencing sleep difficulties and you just want him/her to sleep through the night so you can too!
09 July 2022 3:17
This review doesn't need to be long as Eva has a ton of good feedback already.

Simply put we thought we all hope was lost with our 2.5 y/o. With the state of how things were before we asked Eva for help, I thought the road to recovery will be 3-6 months.

I am shocked, even now, that I can tuck him in, say goodnight, close the door behind me on the way out without any fussing in less than 3 weeks.
06 June 2022 21:50
My four month old spent the first couple of months of his life not sleeping due to severe acid reflux. Once we started treatment, we were able to get him sleeping but we’re not able to successfully introduce independent sleep habits and more often than not was fed to sleep. Around 3.5 months old, he hit the 4 month sleep changes and sleep became a challenge again because he only knew feeding to sleep and was needing it multiple times a night to go back to sleep and his daytime sleep was starting to take a hit as well.

I contacted Eva and with her 1: 1 guidance was able to build a sleep plan where we built up the foundations for success followed by a sleep training plan for training at nighttime and following up with naps. Building up the foundations was a great success and paved the way for teaching my son to sleep independently. While our initial sleep training plan did not work out, I was able to troubleshoot with Eva and try an alternate sleep training method that DID work for my son. If I did this on my own, I would have probably given up but having a guide to troubleshoot and progress was most helpful.

Today my son is 5 months old. While we are still working on lengthening naps, he does go to sleep independently with either minimal or no crying whatsoever. Nights are a breeze with only one night feeding and back off to dreamland everyone goes.

I’d 100% recommend Eva for anyone who’s looking to navigate specific issues with their child’s sleep!
19 May 2022 11:22
When we contacted Eva, we were desperate as we were struggling with our co-sleeping toddler's napping and sleeping. It took my husband and I combined 3 hours a day just to get him to sleep and he didn't sleep through the night and woke up many times. Needless to say, we were exhausted and when we contacted Eva, she told us in 3 weeks he will be sleeping on his own room without our help. We didn't believe it at the time but we were desperate and willing to give it a go. Within days of Eva's help, we were seeing progress already. After 3 weeks, our 2.5 year had successfully moved out our bed, into his own bedroom and was putting himself to sleep after bedtime stories. His napping completely restored and not only is he much happier, we are finally getting our rest back. We cannot recommend Eva more. She taught us the proper cues and parenting strategies around sleep, and the knowledge we gained has been invaluable. Thank you Eva!
06 May 2022 19:11
In a nutshell my family and I had great success with through Eva‘s sleep program. We had gotten very lucky with our first daughter but our second who is two was finding it much harder to stay asleep through the night and we were at our wits end, so we reached out to Eva and within two weeks our once very stubborn toddler was now sleeping through the night. Our experience with Eva’s program has pretty much saved us from countless nights of very minimal sleep. We couldn’t be happier.
30 April 2022 17:50
Eva’s newborn class was perfect for us and our little one! He is sleeping independently during the day in his crib for naps and longer stretches at night. It took patience and consistency to implement these gentle sleep techniques Eva teaches. We started when our guy was 2 months old. He is almost 3 months now and he is becoming more comfortable being put down drowsy but awake. We can see him slowly connecting how to put himself to sleep independtly and only needs gentle guidance at times to help him.
24 April 2022 11:27
We had contacted Eva after 6 weeks of absolutely no sleep. Our 2 year-old had been sleep trained since 6 months, napping like a champ and sleeping 12-13 hours overnight. As if a switch flipped, she just started aggressively fighting bedtime each night for at least an hour and wouldn't sleep longer than 1 or 2 hours at a time. To make things more difficult, we also were managing sleepless nights because we have a newborn as well. I contacted Eva who LISTENED and told us that we just needed to tweak our routine since our daughter was already sleep trained. It took an exhausting 2 weeks of hard work on our part, but that switch flipped again and from one night to the next our daughter has been sleeping beautifully! Absolutely no fights at bedtime, sleeps through the night, and wakes up her happy self! Now, she even tells us little things when she's tired like "tubby time" or "story time" which she knows are part of her bedtime routine. Not only did the plan literally go exactly as Eva explained to us, but we felt like Eva really supported and encouraged us throughout the process when we were completely exhausted and feeling hopeless. As other reviewers have said, my only regret is not calling her sooner!
03 March 2022 14:55
After a few unsuccessful attempts to sleep train my baby by myself, I decided to pay for a sleep consultant, and Eva was the best referral I could have ever had! She is super empathetic and knowledgeable. With her customized Sleeping Plan and 1-0-1 calls I had all my questions answered and my 8-months old who used to wake 3x in the middle of the night was finally sleeping 12 HOURS STRAIGHT! Eva even helped me to skip the 4 am feeding, and I started to have a full night of sleep - it's priceless!
19 January 2022 0:41

Wonderful service, amazing resource to have, concise to the point, and is so flexible and available to chat and support. EVA IS AMAZING!

We are so thankful to her program and her dedication and understanding (having first hand experience) in getting our families life on track with sleep training our almost 3 year old! He has never slept or napped sufficiently, we lacked structure and an understanding of sleep scheduling. Eva helped us with a catered plan that worked with our family and our day-night routine.

She is so wonderful to work with and we felt heard and supported the entire way through. Thankful that the plan was a huge success and months later we are still doing amazing following her notes and suggestions.

We would recommend Eva's services to anyone that is going through the thick of it. We wish we would have contacted her sooner.

08 January 2022 8:08
Eva is very knowledgeable and provides very accessible and simple sleep training. Minimal crying!
16 December 2021 9:04
Eva basically saved my life and our whole family's. While I was able to sleep train my first daughter simply from a book I didn't even know where to start with my second. At 3 months for weeks on end she would refuse her milk during the day and just want to feed all night long. She would wake every 2 hours like clock work and eat for 30-60 minutes each time! I was getting 2-3 hours total sleep MAXIMUM for weeks and weeks until I hit a breaking point and called Eva. She quickly and effectively helped us navigate this mess and get my 4 month old sleeping 8 hours straight as well as doing her naps in the crib! She was responsive and professional throughout and made sure we had all our issues ironed out! I'm SO SO SO thankful!
06 December 2021 3:15
Eva is highly knowledgeable about toddler sleep training and gets adequate information up front with her detailed questionnaire. We had a lovely phone call with her with frequent check-ins and as long as you stick to her suggestions, the method works! We had our toddler sleeping in the suggested time frame. Eva is responsive via email and has a highly informative website with a lot of resources. We have no hesitation recommending her if you are struggling with sleep training your child and in the future would be using her services should we encounter sleep challenges again.
02 December 2021 16:45
We started seeing Eva when my daughter was 11 months and we were not sleeping! Most nights she would wake up multiple times and scream until I picked her up and brought her into bed with me.
Eva worked with us each day and gave us a personalized plan on how to teach our daughter how to sleep!
I was super skeptical at first as the screaming wouldn't stop immediately, but after about a week, she started sleeping through the night.
By the 2nd week, the night time sleeping was for 11/12 hours STRAIGHT! It felt like a miracle.
Eva coached us on how to teach our daughter to fall asleep on her own and establish a proper routine for naps and the night.
Now my daughter is 1 year old, sleeps solid through the night and for 2 naps during the day with NO crying!
I literally could not of done it without her help, encouragement and constant guidance.
Thank you Eva!
02 December 2021 12:14
Eva was absolutely amazing to work with. She was always so responsive, professional, and kind. Tremendous patience when teaching us how to implement her initial strategies and answering all of my big and little questions in the successive follow ups. Her methods worked beautifully and quickly and has improved my entire family’s quality of life. I learned so much from her that I will be using for hopefully a long time. Thank you, Eva!
30 November 2021 16:30
Eva has been a life (and sleep) saver. Each time we had a sleep regression with our son, Eva had a personalized strategy/tactic that works quickly and effectively, without causing much distress (to us our our kid). She has various age appropriate methods that truly work, and takes time to understand our child before making recommendations. We can't recommend her enough. Her sleep strategies are magic!
14 November 2021 8:19
Eva is really amazing at what she does. I’ve used other sleep coaches in the past and this was by far my best experience. Eva helped me with 3 of my non-sleeping children! I also took her newborn course which was amazing!
She is fun to work with, clear, and kind. She will help get your child on a schedule that maximizes her/his sleep, and help you teach them to fall asleep on their own, and wake up when it’s morning. With her help you can finally become a functional human being once again!
13 November 2021 23:24
Was a great experience. She was very available and responsive. She is a complete expert. And it’s worth all the money and much more. I would recommend her again and again. A true game changer and life changer!
07 November 2021 8:09
Eva is responsive and incredible at what she does. She helped me get my 11 month old (who was previously waking multiple times a night to be nursed back to sleep) sleeping through the night. It honestly changed our lives! I highly recommend Eva’s services. She goes above and beyond!
- Jana (mom of 2 toddler boys)
03 November 2021 17:01
Eva is an exceptional person who really does care. She is very detailed and takes the time to go over every single detail in order to apply her knowledge to the fullest.

We had an issue with our little guy (who was 1 and a half years old at the time) not sleeping throughout the night for over 1 full year. He would wake up 2 - 3 times throughout the night for an hour or 2 each time.

As anyone could imagine this was complete torture for us. We didn't sleep and had anxiety falling asleep knowing what was coming in the middle of each night.

My wife and I reached out to Eva and explained the situation. She was very understanding and professional. She really knew exactly what we were going through. Eva quickly determined the cause and created a plan which in about 3 - 4 days was already working. A year and a half if this, corrected in less than a week. She was easy to get in touch with. Her communication was very clear, and her action plan WORKED!

It's now about 4 months after Eva's service and low and behold, we are sleeping well and our little guy is in best spirits.

I highly reccomend Eva to anyone who is in need of assistance. She is absolutely great in what she does, and takes pride in every situation. I really was skeptical at first, but she is the real deal.

We love you Eva, thank you so much for helping us and changing our lives for the better.

Tania and Mike (and Tessa, our daughter, who has been going through this with us in the middle of the night as well)
01 November 2021 21:56
Eva was a miracle worker with my 3.5 year old daughter! She went from co sleeping with us every night to sleeping independently in a bed for almost 12 hours. Sleep training a toddler isn’t easy but Eva was with us every step of the way. I would absolutely recommend her and use her again!
19 October 2021 0:55
We assessed a number of sleep consultants before deciding to go with Eva, her approach and professionalism has stood out for us, as we didn't want our son to go through too much stress during the training. Her methods were adjusted and custom as much as possible for us.

Eva was very responsive and helped us throughout the process and guide us through any issues we were experiencing and pivoting to current challenges. We sleep trained our son for both evenings and naps, and even though the nap portion took much longer than the predicted timelines, Eva was still willing to help us and see us through to the end, we are very grateful!

Our son is almost 2 years now, and starting Montessori, we notice his sleeping patterns at school and at home is greatly independent and we thanks Eva for her help to get our son to this level. Highly recommend +
09 October 2021 19:56
Eva helped us get our second baby on a schedule and sleeping through the night so that we could function! I was so sleep deprived that I couldn't do it myself, and Eva took all the work off of us, offering us a menu of customized approaches to ensure we would feel comfortable with a plan that worked for us, and supported us as we did it. It took less time and fewer tears than we thought it would and as soon as we did, our baby was happier, and we felt much better. Fast-forward a few months later, our baby continues to sleep very soundly and predictably. No tears or fighting at nap or bedtimes. Thank you Eva!
03 October 2021 2:19
After interviewing three sleep consultants, we chose Eva, and we are glad we did. Eva has a lot of expertise and helped us successfully sleep train our baby. Her analytic mind meant that she was was on point, and to the point, during our consults. Eva also gave us extra time when we needed it to talk through a complicated question without extra charge. Since our baby was sleep trained, we are all sleeping better and are very thankful for it!
01 October 2021 7:22
My husband and I were so exhausted and sore from our daughter not sleeping that we thought there was no chance she could be sleep trained. When we approached Eva she had the best plan out of everyone we researched and felt she was a better fit for us. We highly recommend Eva as she is very patient, kind, professional and impressed us from the very start with her knowledge and experience. Her training method/sleep plan was wonderful and her daily support was very comforting.

Our daughter now self soothes, sleeps straight through the night, has great naps, and we’re finally on a schedule. This whole experience was a game changer for us. Thanks for helping all three of us sleep again!
08 August 2021 9:52
We had a great experience with Eva. We started her program when our baby was 5 months and I just didn't know what else to do. My son had reflux so he had only slept on my chest for bedtime and naps and I wanted to make the transition to his own room and in his own crib. Because we were together all night, I loved how Eva came up with a customized action plan for us. We had him fully transitioned within 3 weeks and haven't looked back since. Thanks, Eva!
20 July 2021 8:08
At first I was hesitant and I felt like nothing would work to get my now 9.5 month old to give me more than 2 hours of consecutive sleep at night and more than half hour naps but Eva helped us out. She was patient and persistent throughout the entire process. She took me through the training process step by step, tweaking the details as we went along depending on how baby responded. I have a really difficult baby but that didn't stop Eva! I would highly recommend her!
26 June 2021 19:19
My little one was three months old, and she Was waking up every hour in the middle of the night. My husband and I were so exhausted. I have a three year old and we had sleep trained her ourselves but nothing seemed to work with my infant. That's when I reached out to Eva. She was so responsive and so helpful from the beginning. She asked me to send her a detailed log every day and gave me very clear instructions to follow. I am so happy and amazed to report that at the end of our three week consultation, my little one has been sleeping from 8 PM to about 7 AM with no night wakings. Ahhh! It's a miracle and I highly recommend Eva.
21 June 2021 17:29
I can't thank Eva enough for her guidance and support with the sleep training process. Our 6 month old daughter was consistently waking every 2 hours throughout the night, only napping 30-45 minutes at a time and required constant movement in order to fall asleep. After MANY months of sleepless nights, we reached out to Eva to discuss our situation and to see if there was anything we could do differently to help our daughter connect sleep cycles, and let face it, help everyone in the household feel more rested! Within a few days, she developed a thorough, step-by-step customized plan for our daughter after learning about her sleep habits, environment, daily activities, etc, and presented us with different options for sleep training that suited our comfortability. Within 1 week of sleep training, our daughter was sleeping through the night (with one night feed) and within 2 weeks she was giving consistent, lengthy naps in her crib! I HIGHLY recommend Eva's program. She is prompt, professional, knowledgeable and works with your level of comfortability.
10 May 2021 21:14
Highly recommend working with Eva! My husband and I saw no light at the end of the tunnel with getting our baby to sleep. We tried working with another consultant that was not for us. We stumbled upon Eva and were so grateful! She makes a highly customized plan tailored to your baby's needs and is there to help every step of the way.
10 May 2021 19:10
Working with Eva was life changing! She was able to get my daughter to nap and sleep like a champ. So grateful for her and I’d highly recommend to anyone who is missing out on a full nights sleep!
20 April 2021 1:24
I worked with Eva in Jan 2021 after reaching a breaking point with my four-year-old son's sleep issues. Eva had come recommended from a friend and was excellent. I was a bit nervous to sleep train because of my son's special needs but Eva handled everything expertly. We went from months of broken sleep to getting my son to sleep on his own and through the night in just three weeks. This was the best investment we could have ever made and I don't know why we didn't do it sooner. Thanks again Eva!
31 March 2021 0:58
Eva helped me out tremendously when I was really struggling with my newborn and taught me everything I needed to know to get her on track. She was straightforward and clear and set very realistic expectations about what to expect from our daughter at different stages of her development. We also used Eva’s services for sleep training and she was fantastic and helped make the process less stressful. We have had great success with all of Eva’s help and I’m sure we’ll be using her services again if new sleep issues arise.
17 October 2020 19:47
Eva is incredible. Her knowledge, availability and her open approach to sleep consulting was instrumental to sleep training my son. Her sleep bible is an amazing service with tons of resources and community to share questions and get answers. Eva is my go-to for baby/toddler sleep! And, I have a sleeping child! Sleeping baby, sleeping mamma. Win win.
11 October 2020 17:51
We had an endless list of sleep issues which Eva helped us resolve. Our only regret was not contacting her sooner!

Our baby girl has been sleeping through the night for the past 3 months. She has great restful naps during the day as well.

Eva was amazing to work with. She listened and supported us all along the process as well as provided tips to tackle any future challenges we may come across.

We can not recommend her enough. So happy to be able to sleep again!
11 October 2020 16:39
Eva is a sleep genius! She got my 3 and a half month old down from 3 nightly wakings to one within a few days! She's extremely kind, professional and knowledgeable. I'd recommend her to anyone who is struggling with sleep whether its your first or third child. She's worth every penny!
06 October 2020 20:24
The Sleep Bible program has been a lifesaver for us. We started with the newborn sleep program when our son was only a few weeks old, and by 4 months he was sleeping through the night. The private Facebook group has been great too as our son has gotten older to ask questions about wake windows and travelling. Now our 14 month old son is still sleeping through the night with no regressions, knock on wood. Thanks for everything Eva!
25 September 2020 3:50
I took Eva's Newborn Sleep Coaching Course a few weeks before my second child was born because I was extremely nervous about being a completely sleep deprived zombie. Her course is extremely valuable! She helps you understand your baby's behaviour and needs so that you BOTH get the sleep you need. Implementing the tools I picked up in this course is making for a much happier mama and baby! At 2 weeks postpartum I feel like I am sleeping so much more compared to with my first. Would highly recommend the course! (and I'm sure I'll be taking her other courses in the future!) Thank you so much, Eva!
07 September 2020 23:15
My 2 year old daughter used to be a great sleeper, but she went through a sleep regression and was sleeping in our bed/room every night after crying at the top of her lungs. We had enough and found out about Eva from My Sleeping Baby. After a phone consultation, she assured us, we could get her sleeping in her crib again. We worked with Eva to adjust sleeping times and re-sleep train and within a few weeks, my daughter was sleeping in her crib again with no middle of the night wake ups! I highly recommend Eva for any parent who wants their child to sleep independently!
16 August 2020 11:48
We had a great experience with Eva. She gave us the support and guidance we needed to successfully sleep train our baby. She was always very responsive via e-mail and video chats and we found it very easy to communicate with her from Singapore. Our baby is now an amazing sleeper - easy to put down for naps and can sleep through the night! Without a doubt, it was the best investment for our family! Thank you again for all your help!:)
14 August 2020 15:09
I was dreading sleep training, but having Eva virtually hold our hands and guide us through the process made it so much easier and less stressful! She was very responsive and was able to figure out our little one's somewhat unique sleep needs. Highly recommend!
29 July 2020 19:17
Working with Eva was fantastic for our family. She helped sort out our 14 month old's terrible sleep and developed a plan that worked for us. She was a pleasure to talk to and work with.
25 July 2020 18:58
Eva changed my life!

For the past six months I had been living in a fog. Lack of sleep, which led to complete frustration and on top of that it was the beginning of the pandemic. I called Eva, and from the get go she was empathic and compassionate to my unique experience. She helped us get our baby sleeping in a way that made us all feel safe. We went from over five wake ups at night to only one feeding! Our little one sleeps eight hours straight!

My only regret is I wish I called her sooner. She was really concerned with getting our little one to sleep, and she still reaches out to see how we are doing! She is an absolute gem. She saved our family.
17 May 2020 5:56
Eva with my sleeping baby has been a life saver for my family 2 times over! She initially helped my first born sleep through the night and has now (2 years later) helped my second child sleep through the night. She is super friendly, caring and most importantly KNOWLEDGEABLE. If you’re a parent reading this.my advise to you is to NOT wait (it won’t get better with time). Eva will help your child learn the skill of sleeping. You and your child deserve this!
11 May 2020 5:45
I contacted Eva when my baby was going through her 4 month sleep regression, waking every hour sometimes less. I was extremely sleep deprived. I had previously looked up many different sleep training techniques online but had no idea where to start. Eva helped me find the perfect sleep training technique with minimal crying and walked me through everything step by step. She wasn’t just my baby’s sleep coach but also a mommy coach to get me through my sleep deprivation! My baby now sleeps amazing. I’m so grateful for the help and time Eva gave me!
09 May 2019 11:36
Went from 10 wakeups a night to none at all! Eva has saved us frm the torture of interrupted sleep and we will be forever grateful. Highly recommend!
09 May 2019 6:29
Eva was a pleasure to work with and got my 10 month old on an amazing schedule. At 4 years old she is still a great sleeper! The skills she taught us helped us know what to do when baby #2 came along and we are happy to say we have two great sleepers thanks to Eva!
26 April 2019 21:54
I’ve rarely met people who love what they do more than Eva Klein. Her passion for helping babies and parents get the sleep they need is evident in her work and is what makes her a fantastic sleep coach. What a great gift to give someone or yourself! Thank you Eva for helping our family get the rest we desperately needed!
21 April 2019 23:25
I had a great experience working with Eva. She gave me all the tools I needed to get my 7 month old out of my bed and into his crib. He is a really snuggly guy who loves sleeping with his mama but I work some nights and I needed him to be able to sleep without me. Eva was so good at working patiently with my needs and parenting style and she helped me figure out all the right tools.
09 April 2019 22:02
Eva is very knowledgeable when it comes to sleep issues. She really helped me to figure out my toddlers and how to improve their sleep.
01 April 2019 6:11
Eva saved us. We didn't believe in sleeping consultants or that any improvement around our daughter's sleep is possible. But Eva listened to us, worked with us and tailored the method to what we were capable of executing. The outcome: everyone in the house is finally getting a full night of sleep. If you are having sleep issues I highly recommend to talk to Eva, the sooner the better.
26 March 2019 20:39
Eva is a fantastic sleep consultant. She helped me train both my boys who were difficult sleepers. I contacted her when my eldest was 6 months 2 years ago and when my youngest turned 4 months as I was so sleep deprived. Both times, Eva was patient, empathetic and guided me every step of the way through this challenging process. Now I don’t dread bed and nap times and have happier, restful kiddos. Highly recommend Eva to anyone who wants some sleep back into their lives!
18 March 2019 11:12
We recently worked with Eva in January and I had a baby who coslept and could only baby wear for naps. I now have a baby who is sleeping at night in her own crib and wakes once for feedings. She naps in her crib. Working with Eva changed our lives. We have an independent sleeper who is getting longer stretches of sleep and two parents who have their evenings back. Little did we know we would end sleep training with a baby with a minor cold, teething and having a cow milk intolerance - all figured out in the last of week of sleep training but she was a trooper and did a great job. Through the process, Eva was in a communication and giving feedback and advice to help through the process. She was amazing and would recommend her to anyone.

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