18 January 2024 15:08
They are always leaving packages at the door even though nobody is home. One day they didn’t even give me 30 seconds to get to the door before dropping it on the doorstep and leaving. I have had packages stolen more than once and I have to now go through the company in order to get my money back. It feels like pure laziness to me, that they can’t leave a slip. People work during the day, and I live on a very busy street where many people walk by every day.
12 January 2024 22:01
If I could give them no stars, I absolutely would. My experience with FedEx has been the worst of my life using a shipping or delivery company. I was having issues with my phone, bit the bullet and ordered a few one on January 10th. On January 15th, I got a call and my tracking number let me know it was being delivered early. Fantastic! Nothing by end of day and at 9pm it updated to it would be delivered the following day as originally expected and it went from Vaughn to Woodbridge. Okay fine. The following day it said it would be out for delivery all day long until again about 9pm. Then it sad my package was we delayed due to weather and that it was in Glenburnie, half an hour away from where I am. I hear nothing for the next three days, it saying the same thing every day. Mind you, here where I am at this point the weather is completely clear. I check my package and it had gone from Glenburnie to DELTA BC. But it was still claiming it was being delivered the following day (I believe it was the 21st) and not surprisingly it sat in BC for a few days. Finally I phoned and asked why my package (that originally came from Alberta) was back across the country in BC. I was told he couldn’t tell me but he would put a ticket in for my package. Fine. The next day it says it’s in Belleville and then finally in Glenburnie. Day 1, I check the tracking and it says there was an attempt to deliver. 100% no way. I didn’t leave my house and I had my phone by my side the whole time. I check to see if there’s a delivery attempt slip. Nothing. Day 2, tracking once again says there was an attempt delivery. Again, impossible. I cleared my day to make sure I was home. Again, no slip. So I call FedEx and I talk to someone and ask if my instructions on delivery were not clear enough. I live in an apartment building and I had explained specifically that to get ahold of me so I can open the door, they just go to the box, scroll down to my apartment number and it call me on my phone. I can either let them in that way or meet them at the door. The guy admits that sounds fairly straight forward. And adds he will make a ticket for the driver so it’s on their twice so he noice. Today, day 3 of supposed delivery and no contact. I kept my phone with me everywhere, never left my apartment and once again, delayed. So I phone FedEx once again. Talk to a lady, she said she will try and contact the local facility in Glenburnie to re-submit the delivery instructions and to see if he can “ try again “ today. She couldn’t get through to them apparently. Tells me she has also contacted the main facility in Belleville and someone will give me a call. He did, he was more helpful then anyone had been so far. I explained everything and he admitted they routinely have issues with delivery drivers in that area and apologized profusely. He acknowledged my delivery instructions where quite clear and he wasn’t quite sure what went on but he’d take a look into it. He also admitted he had no idea why my phone kept on having a cross country trip. He was looking at my tracking history and was perplexed. Finally he agreed that my best option was to pick it up at a FedEx location in town as opposed to delivery. Which is a little out of the way for me but at this point it seemed the only safe option. The man was very helpful but the rest of the experience was beyond ridiculous and the fact that they know they have issues with delivery drivers in my neighbourhood… I was having it delivered for the convenience…. And now I have to go out of my way and it’s been nothing BUT an inconvenience. No thanks FedEx.
17 November 2023 5:55
They don’t care about customers. They don’t even answer their phone. They sent my parcel to a spot far away from my home and didn’t answer my phone. Also, I was at home and their delivery guy buzz a wrong apt so I missed my parcel and had to go an hour way to pick up my parcel.
11 October 2023 15:09
The worse delivery service ever! You left my $300+ package outside of the building and it get stolen. That’s not even the worse experience I had with Fedex Kingston. You guys choose to be LAZY and not deliver my package and send it right direct to the pick up center. IT GOONA TAKES ME 2 HOURS TO PICK THE GOD DAMN PACKAGE! DO BETTER
19 August 2023 22:31
If you are looking for a place that cares about customer service.this is not it! Try Purolator, UPS.run far, run fast from Fedex.
31 July 2023 15:32
No option for reschedule a delivery. Had to waste 1 hour for pickup. Stupid service system. Happened again. Worst delivery option in the world.
23 June 2023 3:38
They don’t follow the customer’s instructions I put in my delivery note leave it in my doorstep but they didn’t do it they will let me pick it up and there location is to far from my place they didn’t even update me with the status.
05 May 2023 13:16
Why cant a delivery driver deliver a parcel to the address on the parcel. This is not the first time i have had to drive around and pick up my product cause they cannot follow directions.worse yet is its a business with big huge letter on the front of the building and on the door.time to change all business related deliveries back to UPS. If you call have patients, the auto attendant knew more about my delivery then the lady answering the phone and had no ideal how to reply.so sad.why pay for service you never get. Against all advice I opened an account followed all the steps booked my first pick up received all forms and no one showed up. I called with confirmation numbers and still couldn't find the info had to reschedule it. Website is nothing but a sham. Did not receive the 50 percent savings. Most likely going to change back to Purolator.
05 May 2023 3:29
Didn't leave package but require me to pick up! I don't have a car and am partially disabled! Can't talk to anybody on the phone! I am angry and would give a -10 rating if that were an option! Worst customer service EVER!
24 April 2023 14:32
Does FedEx not understand that people order home delivery so they have it DELIVERED TO THEIR HOME? NEVER has one FEDEX delivery person even hauled a package out of their truck to deliver it nor ever buzzed me to tell me they’re here with my package. NOT ONCE! Not everyone can go pick packages up ya know!? You expect someone in a wheelchair whom is alone and obviously doesn’t drive, to go to YOU? The DELIVERY company? Get real!
I have MULTIPLE videos of these actions (or lack there of I should say). What’s the purpose in having delivery trucks then if you’re not going to bother actually doing the job?
21 March 2023 7:43
The driver was able to get into my building to leave a parcel in the lobby, but couldn't take the elevator to the second floor and leave my parcel at my door. Further more he left a large parcel in an open lobby for anyone to steal rather than take it to the addressee's door. To add insult to injury I have to trek out to the back of beyond in order to pick up my parcel. Two hours on the bus round trip to pick up a parcel that could have been left at my door. Honestly Fed X Kingston likes to make things as inconvenient as possible.
You know Intelcom seems to be able to do their jobs I don't know why Fed X can't. They sure as heck get paid a lot more than those hard working couriers for Amazon do. I wish all companies would stop using Fed X and start using couriers that understand good customer service such as Intelcom.
24 December 2022 7:07
Yesterday the fedex driver dumped a 30 pound box in the lobby of my apartment building. They bypassed the buzzer to call me to bring the box to my apartment because they were lazy and couldn't be bothered.
I have a life threatening medical condition; I cannot lift or carry anything heavy. I was put in a very dangerous situation as a result.
I will not use fedex services again.

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