19 November 2022 11:52
Words can't express how mad this place makes me but if you like your heart to be broken go here they do it well
13 November 2022 9:56
It is so sad when nasty people represent animals. "furry friends" isnt a good name as apparently they utilize their "friends" when they are healthy. It's a shame that poor attitudes of people will essentially affect the lives of these poor animals. Having someone interested in kittens after fostering them and wanting to adopt only to be told they were put down.makes my stomach turn. They should be shut down instead.
04 February 2022 8:57
I visited their shelter at 25 Hart Drive a little over a week ago to drop off kitten food after seeing their post online that they were desperately in need of donations - So many adorable kitties! The place was very well kept and the volunteers were thrilled with the donations, very happy to be supporting such compassionate folk. Would adopt more if I had the space.
01 February 2022 11:23
We have adopted 3 cats through furry friends this is an essential service and they provide great care for all the cats they rescue and transition into furever homes.
12 December 2020 8:14
As a no-kill shelter Furry Friends offers a place for unwanted and down on their luck kitties to go with no fear of being euthanized no matter what their past was like or what challenges they face in the future. It's so great to walk in and see the resident cats and know that they are safe, loved and well cared for until they find a forever home. And even if they end up being tough nuts to crack and need some time to unwind, there's no hurry to get them out the door! Each kitty is respected and cherished.

A really great rescue that I feel 100% positive and amazing about supporting.
30 September 2020 1:42
The shelter cares immensely for its resident cats, but beware their adoption policies, which, frankly, are nonsensical. Upon starting to volunteer at Furry Friends, I immediately fell in love with the cats at this shelter, and even filled out an application to adopt one of them. To my surprise, my application was denied because one of the three cats I have at home is indoor/outdoor. I understood that the shelter has a strict indoor-only policy with its adoptions, which I undertook to obey (in fact, my other two cats are indoor, without issue). However, this was not sufficient for the adoption coordinators, whom, without taking the time to inquire about the circumstances, have effectively deemed me an untrustworthy cat owner because I allow one of my cats to go outside. The justification given by the coordinator was that the adopted cat may see that going outside is an option and get upset that he is not allowed out. While this certainly could be a possibility, it hardly is the only one, as evidenced by my other two cats, who are completely content to stay inside. Even so, households with only indoor cats are not immune to accidental escapes. Further, if the coordinators had spent any substantial amount of time with the cats, they might be able to ascertain which cats are behaviourally more likely to protest not being allowed out, and therefore make better-informed adoption decisions instead of writing potential adopters off for trivial reasons.
29 August 2020 22:21
This is John posting. Our sweet precious Lui was saved by Furry Friends; and we found him at Petsmart. He became my constant companion. Our love for each other lasted almost eighteen years. He is still loved and missed every day. We are dedicated to support this wonderful organization with a donation twice yearly. We hope you will to. John and Darlene in Mt St Luis
25 August 2020 15:55
There's one lady on the board that is incredibly rude and obstinate. I think this is a good cause but I guarantee she is turning people off adopting/fostering.
25 August 2020 8:57
This shelter seems to take very good care of their cats however I would never reccomend adopting here. They offer you cats that are not what you're looking for at all even though you tell them what you're looking for. The process also takes extremely long. I understand that it is volunteer run and things are slow due to covid, however, I adopted from Streetcats which is the same and within two days I took home the exact cat I wanted and was very happy with their adoption process. Furry Friends also does not ever get back to you, I emailed them about a specific cat after being approved for adoption and they emailed back 4 days later saying she had been adopted already and then again offered me another cat I was not interested in.
25 August 2020 1:08
I have been volunteering at Furry friends for over a year and absolutely love my time at the shelter. It feels good to take care of the cats and to see them find loving homes. Great spot
21 July 2020 0:02
I'm here to drop off around 10 bags of cat foot I normally do every once in a wile but no one is here I hope to get a call back so I can drop off food for our furry kids my favourite place in the world
13 July 2020 21:26
At first I was disappointed and frustrated that my application was not taken into consideration immediately, as I receive no call back in a three week period as well. HERE’s the REALITY FOLKS.there are a lot of animals in the shelter quite a few whom are feral or semi-feral there are only a certain number of volunteers and a certain number of hours in any one day to accomplish all aspects of running a shelter. I am mediately loved all of the volunteers they were caring and giving of their time and their love to these animals who had come from abused circumstances.

The ownership and the board has changed and once I had spoken with the Board of Directors my adoption was quick and smooth.

People who wish to adopt need to take more affirmative action realizing the limited amount of time these volunteers have in vetting The people in the homes were wanting to adopt!

Beyond just filling in an application, which any human being could and do lie about their circumstances, one must take the initiative and reach out again and again to back that application up with sincerity.

We cannot fault this shelter for taking the time to do it’s due diligence in ensuring that every cat that is adopted out of that shelter ends up in a loving environment that is suitable from every standpoint.

These people are runoff their feet at this shelter, I know because I visited a few times before I came home with my forever Furry Companions.

The only Ones being hurt by your Negative reviews are the kind and gentle animals living in that shelter awaiting adoption.

So if you really were a good person or family and you really wanted to adopt then you wouldn’t have giving up so easily on the shelter and you would’ve taken into consideration the fact that these people have lives jobs and then come and take care of these animals in their spare time and I have seen how busy the shelter is and I can see and understand why they need to be sure that the cats going out or going into loving homes with families who carry a strong ethical principle around adopting an animal.

These animals need people who have PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE.so if you don’t have the patience and persistence to go back to the shelter and say hey what’s happening with my adoption and prove to them that you are very serious about parenting these animals then you shouldn’t be having a pet in the first place!

Don’t place the blame on these hard-working people simply because you may have been too lazy to do your own due diligence in following up!
21 March 2020 5:57
All volunteer run, they obviously love animals, lovely environment! Please donate if you can, or better yet, adopt!
03 March 2020 13:21
Waste of time. Not worthy of 1 star.
I had two cats, however one passed away 6 months ago due to cancer. My only cat now has only ever been with other animals. Since her friend passed away, she's been starting to show signs of seperation anxiety and depression. We are a quiet home with no kids and we are home every night and weekend. I went to furry friends and filled out an application for a quiet female companion. It took almost 3 weeks to hear back from them. When I finally got a phone call, I was instantly denied because my cat isnt spayed. Brenda treated me like I was some kind of animal abuser because of it. My cat is 8 years old, has never been pregnant and has never been outside of a house before. I live in a rural area where there are tons of coyotes. So to be blunt, there's is a very slim chance of getting my cat back if I ever did lose her. So since THERE ARE HEALTH EFFECTS of both sides of the equation, we figured there's no need to put my cat through that kind of trauma.

Moral of the story - this place is a waste of time and their adoption rules don't make sense. It's sad knowing that this shelter is always over or at max capacity but won't adopt to good homes.
14 October 2019 10:07
Volunteers here are amazing, Eydee (excuse the spelling) is very helpful and has helped me multiple times while i’ve been in, BUT, the person in charge of adoptions here is horrible. You’d think they would be excited to have people coming to adopt cats and reply in a timely manner as WE are helping them. But no, they take their time, beat around the bush, never answer questions or reply to applications.i’ve sent mine in over 5 times with no luck. Really unfortunate as this shelter homes wonder cats.
04 August 2019 7:30
I was part of the facebook group while Janet Kemp and Donald Mark Adams forcefully took over Furry Friends. I was rather reserved but received a personal message from Donald saying they would soon post up what the future plans for FF were and I told him I would wait for that. Instead, I was removed unceremoniously from the group. Unprofessional conduct with this new administration.
26 July 2019 15:05
On May 13,2019 Furry Friends was taken over by new management, though I believe many of the volunteers are excellent, the new management is unethical.
23 July 2019 21:18
We have adopted four beautiful cats from Furry Friends over 3 years, and could not have been happier with our experience and with how well run the shelter is. Keep doing what you do!
01 July 2019 1:18
This shelter is now run by crooked people. I would recommend donating and volunteering through other more reputable shelters in the area. It was illegally taken over from the founder Marie Aldred. I really don't know how everyone involved can look at themselves in the mirror every morning.

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