08 October 2023 12:07
I met with Dr. Moncayo for the first time today and found her to be accommodating and very pleasant. As new-comers to St. Catharines it was wonderful to learn that Dr. Moncayo was willing to accept both my husband and myself as new patients. Given the fact that Dr. Moncayo has qualified as a physician in 3 different countries, including Mexico, UK and Canada, I felt confident that she was highly trained and extremely competent.
07 October 2023 7:54
I can't begin to explain the complete incompetence of this clinic. Doctors and Office Staff included. My family and I have been seeing Dr. Ogala since he began, two years ago and we are still waiting on a referral for my child. He makes alot of referrals and you never get an appointment. After a year of having symptoms of diabetes it was dismissed and then I lost my vision because It went undiagnosed! I am extremely unwell with a neurolgical disease and chronic pain disease. After I lost my vision, had diabetes and was suffering neurolgically I went to my appointment (4 months to get in) and he didn't have any paperwork or labs from any of the doctors I've seen, even though I have copies of everything and he's clearly copied on everything. The Office staff is unorganized, extremely rude and guard the doctors and access to the doctors like junk yard dogs, especially Michelle. She is so incredibly rude! It is literally impossible to be seen, heard or treated properly by this Doctor and his office. I have had several doctors urge me to find another family doctor as they are dumbfounded at the care I am receiving considering my health. When I saw Dr. Ogala and he didnt even have any current reports on me despite the fact I had seen each specialist more than twice. He's copied on Everything! Afterwards it was put on me to call each doctor I had seen and ask them to fax in their reports.
Without seeing the current reports Dr. Ogala blamed medication (I'm on 4 medications!) And they were checked by specialists and were approved. I've been on them for years, longer than I've seen Dr. Ogala. After he had told me the medication is causing my extreme neurolgical symptoms and shamed me for taking 4 medications, he then offered me more medication. Medication I'm allergic too but he wouldn't know that as he was not looking at my file. I asked for a back and neck xray as I've been in excruciating pain and there has never been an xray of either. He said I had no reason for it. I would say 3 years of weekly nerve blockers would warrant an xray. Especially with the onset of Neurolgical symptoms. The spinal cord and the cervical area should be checked! He said no but gave me an xray for my fingers and foot that were sore from a recent fall that are showing no signs of a break or sprain. He contradicts himself in every situation. He doesn't read files (or his office staff just doesn't give them to him.) and then each appointment goes after my medications that my PCP and other specialists I see agreed that I should be on. That's all he does. He addresses nothing. My daughters been waiting over 2.5 years for a urologist appointment yet Dr. Ogala didn't even order an ultrasound or bloodwork to see what's going on.
He is not trained to treat mental health which he admits and has a very rude approach to it as well as he will not prescribe medications and instead will send you to another doctor just for a proper dose. One time I watched him Google the dose. I have to bring around a file with me of all my tests, specialists reports, xrays, bloodwork and if he doesn't get letters from the specialists he sends me to do, I have to call and get them sent in. I am not receiving the proper care. I am presenting and have had symptoms that are making me lose my vision, ability to talk, walk, swallow, and an mri with an indicative of a neurolgical disease and every doctor I've seen in the 4 months I didn't see Ogala, brought this theory to me and are trying to get me into Hamilton. It's very disappointing when your sick and your family doctor isn't even in the loop and makes me do the work. I've been told by the few doctors that are taking care of me to please find a new doctor. I lost my vision because of the lack of care I received. My sugar was at 27! But he hadn't checked my sugar in over a year. Now I am presenting with symptoms of MS which was completely dismissed despite the clear physical evidence and the fact he has has yet to see the reports. You will not receive proper care here! If you are truly unwell person run. At best they treat colds.
14 August 2023 14:18
It's hard to find a family doctor these days. But we were going to find a new one after the terrible experience of this clinic. Every time we've gone there we've had to wait for well over an hour, and that's with an appointment.
Today we waited for 90 minutes. When I asked why was taking so long, and I asked very politely, I got nothing but rude answers.
This place is shockingly bad.
07 August 2023 22:31
Worst experience ever! 2 hours waiting, letting people go ahead of me who got there 20 minutes after I did. Also no bathrooms so if you miss your name if you leave to use the bathroom, you get bummed to the bottom of the list. WORST WALK IN CLINIC EVER!
13 June 2023 11:51
Worst clinic! Doctors don’t want spend more then 5 minutes with patient or don’t want to listen what patient has to say, they just want you to be gone and doctor doesn’t even know what test to be done
29 May 2023 15:48
This place is a joke, you say your open till 4 but your doctors all leave at 1: 30. Are you serious?
21 May 2023 6:11
I received a message from a woman as Michelle to call them, I called and she put me on hold around 15 minutes until the line cut off, I called again and she said remain on hold, I tried to ask how long takes i call you back because i was already on hold, she rudely and aggressively said you have to be hold and continued, the third time I called and ask to speak to a manager before transferring me to that woman again, the receptionist just said she is going to transfer me, I asked her is there any manager there? She did not response. Then personally I went there within a few minutes after the last call, i asked to see the manager and the receptionist told me that manager is not in site and I need to leave my contact if i wish to get call back.
1- beside the way I received from them, why they did not tell the manager is not available and just wanted to transfer me to that woman? When I asked them nicely on the phone!
2- is there not a better way to talk to people?
18 April 2023 19:29
I just recently started going to see Dr Gorleh and I love it! I bring my son and daughter there as well! He is there to help and guide you in right direction. The front receptionist staff are nice and friendly the nurses there are amazing and so friendly! Especially Nadine, she greets you by name, and just asks how family is doing etc and they always ask about my kids and wish I brought them along! I always feel welcome when I walk in there!
18 April 2023 2:57
Not recommended at all, because of their reception staff. Their staff needed to be trained for better customer service.
08 April 2023 12:59
I am happy with my doctor and they have made positive changes to reception and booking appointments
03 April 2023 18:31
The receptionist is absolutely disgusting. Constant attitude and always putting you on hold for long periods of time.on hold for 30 or 40 minutes all the time. Constant over booking
29 March 2023 13:38
I have been coming to Grantham Medical Clinic for years. The receptionists are all so sweet and kind and go out of their way to help me and my children. I have never experienced any type of negative or rude behaviour coming from any of them. Dr. Alnhisi is very knowledgeable and has always made sure that I get the right referrals and prescriptions that I need. I am thankful for the care that receive there.
01 March 2023 16:25
Dr. Alnhisi cannot be bothered to properly tend to his patients, leading to alarming gaps in medication prescriptions. He doesn't listen, doesn't care enough to look into issues, and has zero care for people with psychiatric issues. This is a prime example of a doctor who doesn't care about his patients, and cares most about his bottom line.

Update, May 2022

Service is even worse than before. Doctors are almost never here, the staff apparently has high turnover and they keep hiring the absolutely most inept and/or apathetic staff. Be prepared to waste your entire morning or afternoon for one 5 minute appointment, because wait times are abysmal and you will NEVER be warned when you check in. If you value your health, go literally anywhere else.

Update Augusr 2022

Service is just getting worse. The walk in clinic effectively does not exist, as they only take a couple hours worth of registrations for the full day, and then close walk-in registration four hours before close. The desk staff are rude and unhelpful. The only reason I keep going back is lack of options for a "family doctor", and I use the term very loosely.

If you have other options, avoid at all cost. They do not deserve the money they make off of their patients.
11 February 2023 4:55
The worst experience! I wouldn't give the receptionists one star if I could. They were mean and lacked any sense of empathy for the patients. They provide misinformation. One minute they say you need an appointment then when you try to make one they say you can't have one. They say come in at a certain time, take time off from work and find out there was no Dr available.
The support/ receptionist/staff and I assume is a nurse.treats you like you are trying to rip off the system. Tried to get a form filled. Nurse gave me a very dirty look when I was trying to explain my needs. They treat you like you are trying to take something personally away from them. They act like they are the Dr's and tell you the Dr will not help you.
They have no idea of what patients needs are or just doesn't care.
18 December 2022 10:31
There are hardly any dr's for walk in clinic now. You call and are put on hold for a long time then they finally get back to you and say dr is leaving early so aren't accepting more walk ins and to come back either the next day in a certain 4 hr period or another day during 4 different hours. What happened to the actual clinic hours?
13 November 2022 18:52
This clinic is a joke and a half got there for 2 and they close at 6 just for them to tell me there wasn't any doctors accepting patients right now. Been trying to go back onto full duties at work for the past 2 days! If I could give 0 stars hands down I would
01 November 2022 7:58
Iv been waiting for almost 2 hrs and lied to that it wasnt going to take long! I definitely recommend going somewhere elts!
28 October 2022 9:40
Everything has been changed at this clinic.
This was our go to clinic and helpful people but not anymore: (
Other day I took my son there
Called them ahead of time and informed we are coming
Went there at 4.15 pm and informed that we are not taking patients because we have enough patients so asked do you know clinic around here and I was told straight NO.
Was told to book an appointment
Booked an appointment and came in 1.30 hour wait.

It doesn't seem like anyone is trying to help or willing to take time and help you!
24 October 2022 13:38
Dr. Alejandra Moncayo is my new doctor and I am pleased to recommend her to anyone. She's very professional and extremely thorough. She is kind to and respectful of her patients. I am very fortunate to have found such a lovely replacement for my retired physician. She's absolutely worthy of a five star rating! I have seen just terrible reviews for the reception staff and those reviews are unjustified. The staff is excellent.
13 October 2022 6:37
I like my doctor their, but having to go in every month for percription refills is a waste. They need to allow a fax from your pharmacy, seeing as I've been on most of the same percriptions for years. When I have to see another doctor I only get half and now my percriptions are all messed up.
06 October 2022 1:33
The worse clinic with receptionists without patience and with the worst doctor I have ever met. Dr. A Shama. Unfortunately I can’t find another option, so sad. My family doctor is not there, nobody knows when she will back, So disappointed whit this clinic and with the system in general. You can die before an appointment.
30 August 2022 11:56
Takes way to long to make an appointment and when you do have one takes way too long to see the doctor. Switching doctors was the worst idea or my life thinking it would be easier because they were closer. My new doctor is good (Ogala) but how this place is run is terrible. I’ll switch to 5 stars if they can pay out my fee to switch back to my old doctor! Also they make you come in for prescription refills. I’m not wasting 2 hours of my day every month to refill a prescription I’ve been taking for years.
24 July 2022 4:53
Dr. Abu Shawma has been my doctor since he has been at the grantham medical clinic. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a compassionate knowledgeable doctor. He actually listens to what you have to say and treats accordingly. I agree with other reviews that the office staff needs a complete overhaul, they are rude and very insensitive, not all of them mind you. I seem to only get the great ones when I go there but have overheard some serious negativity from others as I wait my turn. Expect to wait at least an hour when you have an appointment but it's worth it to see DRr Abu Shawma. He has saved me many times. I am so grateful to him for his compassion and sincere intent to see you well.
26 June 2022 8:07
Horrible experience walk in an hr before close the lobby is empty & I'm told no longer accepting patients today. Asked where I could seek treatment & was told I don't know we close soon. Ridiculous service
22 June 2022 9:49
I Love this walk in Clinic!
Second visit here and Veronica (receptionist)
was very pleasant.
Nadine was extremely friendly and had a great sense of humour which is nice when Ur not feeling well.
Dr. Strassberg was prompt in seeing me.very polite and personable!
I highly recommend this Clinic!
Also the Pharmacy Staff are very welcoming and all had smiles!
Will be definitely coming back for any further care!
Thankyou Guys!
13 June 2022 9:24
K. (I won't single her out her whole name) is not a very professional receptionist at the Grantham walkin clinic. I have seen her deal with patients with disregard to their feelings and issues. Today was no acception.
And it was me she attacked. She threw a piece of sticker for me to attach to a form in which this was something she was suppose to do. I do not know why she behaves in such a manner.maybe she is overworked. Or underpaid? That I doubt.
The pharmaceutical staff are wonderful as well as other receptionists.
And the Doctors are very professional.
30 April 2022 8:54
Good service, reception does not waist time chatting about irrelevant stuff to keep the line moving
08 March 2022 8:35
Nevermind the fact the reception ladies are cold, indifferent n rude almost every time I hv been there, but the doctors there are as bland like goo. Uninterrsted in pursuing causes of worrying blood tests results or giving advice on steps forward after a diagnosis.now even for a migraine or ache, they insist on telephone consult. Best if you close practice n b teledoctor. One of the worst medical practices in the city.rude n indifferent hypocrites
28 February 2022 11:27
I Just start going they because my doctor Retired from his practice so now I go here and they have been pretty great one Doctor he need his stuff
28 February 2022 11:25
Is Dr Ogala accepting new patients? If not, are any other Dr’s at the clinic accepting new patients?
23 February 2022 6:33
During crazy Covid, they went above and beyond for me to get my meds re-filled. They were yelled at and insulted and still were so chill and polite with me. Amazing People
10 December 2021 3:36
As my family physician goes I'm very happy with this clinic. They do however have to get better at the phones. I was left on hold, returning their call, for 27 minutes. Nope not an exaggeration looked at the clock when I first was put on hold and hung up 27 minutes later figuring I must have been forgotten about so would try again later.
02 December 2021 16:30
My 21 months old son had fever and running nose, called in for apt. Both me and my husband fully vaccinated, my son stay home not send him to daycare at all. Reception on phone was very impatient and unprofessional. She said would not accept till Covid 19 negative test result. We asked if it is their policy or all other clinics have the same policy, she just hang up on us. She even not mentioned that if the doctor can do by phone apt or other option. Don’t understand how this ignorant and cold heart people can be hired in our health system. Do not recommend at all.
30 November 2021 21:26
I have been their patient for seven years. They are professional personable on time. Dr Abu Shamma has always been kind and considerate as have others there. Penny Schild
27 November 2021 7:29
Don’t expect a smile or greeting from anyone here. Astonished by the lack of customer service when I brought my 2 year old daughter here for the first time. Brought her there with a cough and without the slightest evaluation they gave me a number to call and get her covid tested before we could see a doctor. I asked if she knew how long it could take to get an appointment. Her response: “I don’t know. A few days. It’s not like we do the booking here so how would I know? ” There are a few special words for people like this. One starts with a B, another with a C.
18 November 2021 3:48
Dr. Grada, Christina, Holly, pharmacy department and all the staff here are absolutely amazing. Each and every person here is compassionate, sympathetic, knowledgeable and very friendly. I am blessed to have found such a wonderful clinic. Thank you all for going above and beyond!
04 October 2021 10:34
Staff was all very friendly and Dr Ogala ACTUALLY listened to my concerns and sent me for testing to find out what's causing my health issues. Hard to find a doctor that treats with care and compassion but he is the holy grail!
03 February 2020 4:06
I've been coming to this clinic since it opened and I'm taken great care of every single time. They always go above and beyond what's needed. Can't recommend enough.
30 December 2019 21:30
If you value your health and your families please go anywhere else you'd be better of going to home hardware and asking the paint girl what sickness you have then going to these doctors.lets just say ive never once got the right diagnosis here. Multiple times brought my children here and begged for medicine to be told there fine. Then i have to go.back 2 weeks later when there even sicker. One time i was told my son was fine. Thats why were in emerge for 3 days. They are beyond retarded here from the front cashier's to the receptionists even the pharmacist man dont ever step foot in this building!
10 August 2019 0:10
Excellent medical care.
Friendly staff and caring doctor.
In and out within 35 mins.
Highly recommend this medical clinic.
Thank you.
10 June 2019 23:27
Please don't use this place, my mom had a sore ear, Dr.said it was a buildup of wax, use oil for three days and come bk, again they cleaned it out with water, dr said they got wax out, but bleeding, not to worry, two days later lots of pain again went to family dr. He couldnt believe it her eardrum was totally ruptured, blood in the ear. Now she has to see a specialist. Please be careful when choosing a clinic. See you own dr. Or hospital if possable.
01 May 2019 23:28
Always friendly staff, Dr. Alnhisi took on my family as patients and has been very good to us each time we are in to see him. Walk in times have been decent just like a typical walk in. It's order of arrival of patient, very professional.
02 February 2019 8:20
Dr Grada does not seem to care about his patients. My husband tried to get his medications updated and was told there is a 2 month wait to get an appointment. So he ran out of his medication. And no clinics or pharmacies would renew them. Dr. Grada seems to be between places and is unable to be reached at all. Fabulous service. Trying to get a new Dr. -Asap.
30 December 2018 20:53
My family Dr is here he's great and sometimes on walk in clinic here which is even better for me and my family this walk in clinic is one of the shortest wait times I've been to thanks for being awesome

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