08 February 2024 17:53
What an experience! I am so excited! The best decision was to travel from the US for my eyesight “transformation” performed by Dr. Herzig at the Herzig Eye Institute. I was treated like royalty from before the procedure to the follow up visit. It is so remarkable the improvement in my sight and it has only been two weeks! I was seeing clearly in less than a day with no down time. I now have better than 20-20; I have 20-15! I can read the tiniest print! Thank you, thank you to the entire staff who are excellently trained and know how to deal with people. I was definitely the customer/patient being served. What a breath of fresh air! I was fully convinced that the treatment prescribed was tailored for my specific needs. Yay! My procedure was on 02/07/2024!
21 January 2024 2:58
I did a consultation at 5 different clinics and Herzig stood out. Their testing, examinations and explanations were very thorough and comprehensive. They made me feel comfortable and never pressured. In the end I wasn’t the ideal candidate for LASIK or SMILE. I appreciate Herzig being honest instead of wanting to take my money like other clinics were eager to do. I’ll be recommending family and friends to get consults here.
01 January 2024 18:05
Dr. Herzig and his entire care team were very professional and provided excellent services. The process from the initial consultation through the pre-op and surgery were very well organized. They were reachable and helpful when I needed the reassurance. Thank you.
16 November 2023 18:56
Even though you have an appointment you have to wait hours

Update: we went two other times and it was very organized and timely. That one day seemed to have been an exception.
15 November 2023 21:28
Seemless and now seeing things clearly and bright at a distance. They scheduled my surgery for both eyes 1 day after the other.
21 September 2023 12:06
My name is Emma Shen and I don't know why this account is linked with my husband (Ian Dong) 's name.

Before I went to see Dr. Herzig in 2012, I couldn't see close and couldn't see far and I had sever dry eye symptoms. My daily life was not good.

After I went to Herzig Eye Institute, my dry eye problem was tackled by their team with eye drops, eye ointment, procedures. After I suffered less from the dry eyes, I had a procedure done and my proper visions lasted until 2022 (10 years.)

In April 2022, I had another eye procedure done by Dr. Herzig to let my left eye for looking far and right eye for reading. It took time (around 10 months) to get my eyes adjusted. I am 60 years old and now I feel like my visions have gone back to the visions when I was young (I used to have perfect visions). Every time when I can see everything far and close, deep in my heart, I would always say to myself: "God bless Dr. Herzig and his team". It has been a great experience and I am lucky that I went to Herzig Eye Institute. The monies that I paid are worth every penny.

Emma Shen
09 September 2023 22:07
I am very pleased with the professional, caring and after-surgery follow up. There was plenty of pre-operation info so that I am aware of everything step and made me feel extremely comfortable!
06 September 2023 19:23
Excellent…. Quick efficient and exceptional detail to make sure tests and surgery are successful
26 August 2023 14:36
These guys screwed up the SMILE on the right eye, it burned so much post-surgery compared to my left eye, so they told me a fake story that there is a "small particle" in my left eye, took me back to the surgery room and lasered my left eye. For real, you can't even make this stuff up, Dr. Moddabber needs to learn to speak the truth instead of making false statements to cover his rear-side.
20 August 2023 11:18
I had my SmiLe Relax procedure done with Dr Modabber in early March. I wanted to find the best doctor in Toronto and did a ton of research. I've had several other consultation in other prominent clinics but this one stood out. The process for assessment was very thorough! The discussion with Dr Modabber was very informative. He not only described the benefits, but also the limitations of SmiLe for my specific case. I am 44, and had myopia and astigmatism, as well as started to develop presbyopia. Dr. Modabber explained that after procedure I will need reading glasses (I accepted that happily).
The actual surgery was very fast, less then 10 min all together. There is no pain, and it is not as scary as I imagined it.
Right after the surgery, I received the package with all the eye drops I needed and instructions.
I had cornial haze for about 2 weeks (I could see well, and drive, just felt like I was looking through a bit of a fog). I had Starbursts and halos at night. Halos resolved shortly after the haze disappeared. Some Starburst I still have, but it does not bother me at all (plus my vision will continue to heal for another 3 or more months). I had some dryness for few weeks, but now, three months out, i do not use any eye drops. My follow-up appointments were prompt and Dr Modabber had given me his phone number as well to call in case of issues (thankfully I did not need to use it). For those considering SmiLe, I would say go for the assessment! Start there. Find out if you are a candidate. Then go from that.
I was so nervous (I mean, its my eyes, right?) But I am (personally) so happy I've done it! I've recommended Dr Modabber to several of my family and friends and two are looking to book assessments for the fall.
Overall, I am so happy that I had realistic expectations for healing process and results, that i chose Dr Modabber at Herzig, and even happier that I can finally see!
19 August 2023 3:37
To say I left Herzig disappointed, would be an understatement. After having my initial consultation with Dr Modabber, I was told I could get the Lasik procedure no problem. I was super excited for this, as I have been wearing glasses for 25 years.

I booked my surgery, and had the choice of Dr. Modabber or Dr. Herzig. I chose Dr. Herzig due to all of his experience, and the fact the he had fixed my wifes eyes.

On the day of the surgery, I arrived and met with Dr. Herzig. After another examination, I was told he didn’t feel comfortable doing the surgery as it could do a lot of damage to my eyes. It should have never been approved. If I hadn’t chosen Dr. Herzig for my surgery, who knows what could of happened. Honestly that thought is very, very scary…

This was not a great experience. I also lost 3 days of pay, as I took work off for this. The staff is friendly, and I’m thankful Dr. Herzig didn’t go through with it. Other than that, it’s been a very upsetting experience.
30 July 2023 13:04
The clinic on Bloor and Dr Modabber are the best in the industry! After a two year long circus act with TLC, we had an outstanding experience at Herzig! Dr M went above and beyond to obtain Health Canada permission for some innovative lenses. He is professional and personable! All pre testing was done in hours (not months)! More time was spent with the doctor than technicians. For the first time since I was a kid I can see without glasses! I would highly recommend this doctor and Herzig to others seeking a safe and reliable solution for their eyesight problems.
05 July 2023 15:09
I had my first consultation last week with Dr Chao and she was absolutely phenomenal. She was more comprehensive than my own optometrist or even my doctor at OTEC. She answered all my questions, plus gave me more information to help with my decision making.
Still in the decision-making phase but quite sure this is where I will come once I decide on my ICL surgery.
13 June 2023 4:34
Dr. Modabber did my ICL surgery 7 days ago and I couldn't be happier. I wore glasses for ~25 years of my life and am incredibly happy with the results.

My comfort level is higher than when I was wearing daily contacts and my vision is currently 20/15.

My healing process was swift and easy. I had surgery on a Thursday and had no issues returning to work on Monday.

My only regret is not receiving the surgery earlier in my life.
11 June 2023 4:19
I had the ReLex SMILE laser eye surgery done on both of my eyes at the Herzig Eye Institute last Thursday (26 Jul 18), under the care of Dr. Herzig and his staff. The procedure itself took less than 5 minutes per eye and the results were highly noticeable the next morning when I woke up with 20/20 vision. The staff were more than helpful taking eye measurements prior to the surgery and explaining the post-operative care and scheduling my follow up meetings.

This is without a doubt in my mind, the best financial and life decision I have ever made. I highly recommend Dr. Herzig to anyone considering laser vision correction.
09 June 2023 12:02
It was really hard for me to trust someone with my eyes and literally waited for two years with hesitation but i took the chance to fix my eyes with ICL which went successfully!

This is a place where high professionalism and discipline is reflected! Highly recommended!

Thank you Dr. Herzig and all the team.
21 May 2023 10:18
I've been a patient at herzig over 5 years with the dry eye clinic and recently had a very bad experience. I have done lipiflow yearly (dry each treatment) for the past few years. Since my doctor was replaced, the dry eye clinic is now only open 1 day a week which means all appointments are rushed with very little care. A doctor is supposed to supervise the lipiflow treatment but the doctor announced that she was busy with other patients and left me with a technician alone. Although the technician was very kind, she struggled to place the machine in my eyes repeatedly. During the treatment, the applicator actually slipped off one eye which has NEVER happened before. After paying the expensive price for this treatment, I expect a doctor to be there to ensure I am getting the service I paid for without issues. Not to mention, the consent form specifically says I would be monitored by a doctor (which was the case previously). So I did not consent to having a technician only administer this and am concerned this treatment didn't even work if the applicators were not applied correctly/falling off. I am so disappointed as this used the be the best dry eye clinic with best service. This treatment is not covered by insurance so you'd think that more care would be taken as this is all out of pocket at the expense of the consumer. I hope they consider making their schedule more flexible so we can receive the care we used to at the dry eye clinic. I also filed a complaint on their site but have yet to hear back. I don't want to get any employees in trouble but rather, make sure people are getting what they paid for. The doctor didn't even check on me at the end of the treatment until I requested to speak to her.
13 May 2023 17:39
I had the smile procedure done in february of this year at Herzig.words cannot express how thrilled i am! Being able to see without contacts or glasses is truly one of the best gifts you can give yourself! I am so very grateful for Dr. Modabber & staff.thank the universe there are people like him (smart) in this world! He is awesome! I wish i could give him a hug.thank you Dr. Modabber!:)
16 April 2023 19:25
Here is a company at its finest. Extremely professional, clean and modern office. They made everything super easy and financially achievable. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for help.
04 April 2023 0:51
My entire experience was excellent, from my initial consultation, right through to the post-op follow-up. They were extremely friendly, professional, and helpful.
30 March 2023 23:29
Dr. Modabber is the best surgeon I have ever had. My experience at Herzig was excellent. I had laser cataract surgery and new lens placement. During my consultation, I found that Dr. Modabber was very knowledgeable, professional and caring. He check both my eyes and suggested my treatment options, which I accepted.
Dr. Modabber and his team kept me very comfortable and calm during the procedures. He was very quick and kept talking to me through every step, saying things like, 'you're doing great'. I highly recommend Dr. Modabber. I will always be grateful to him for giving me back the gift of sight! Now I can drive comfortably on the 401 and care for my grandson Yianni.
10 February 2023 2:00
The most impressive doctor both in knowledge and manners to comfort an anxious patient. The staff are caring, punctual and helpful. Cannot write enough good things about this Exceptional Doctor.
25 January 2023 20:45
From the beginning, to the check up after my procedure I was treated with the most amazing care. Every one I came in contact with was so friendly and caring.
23 January 2023 13:10
My entire experience having laser cataract surgery at the Herzig Eye Institute was second to none. Needless to say I was very apprehensive about my surgery but the staff and Dr Herzig himself put me at ease. I was absolutely shocked at how pain free and stress free this procedure was. Everything was explained clearly to me and my results were wonderful. I don’t ever remember seeing this clearly. I am very, very pleased with the results. Thank you Dr Herzig and staff.
20 January 2023 16:21
"You are the perfect candidate". Long story short they did not do their due diligence and this surgery caused Strabismus, where my vision got so much worse I needed heavier glasses and my eyes went cross eyed. For months I was so miserable, I went back multiple times and all these people did was try to sweep things under the rug. I was dismissed and rushed out of the office. Once I finally got my second surgery in attempt to correct things, I still had to go to months of therapy. They refuse to take accountability or refund me and pay for therapy. DO NOT GET YOUR SURGERY HERE because the off chance things go wrong, THEY WILL NOT HELP YOU much or take accountability or refund you.
12 December 2022 5:49
I recently underwent Refractive Lens Exchange surgery with Dr. Modabber and I am so pleased with the results!
Dr. Modabber and the team at the institution are extremely professional and knowledgeable in their field and made this experience very smooth for me. From the initial consultation to my follow up appointment after surgery, Dr. Modabber provided me with excellent care which made me feel completely comfortable throughout this journey.
I am so thankful that I have regained my full vision and forever grateful to Dr. Modabber for his professionalism, hard work, patience, and amazing patient care.
30 November 2022 14:27
Everyone associated with Herzig Eye institute are total professionals, starting from Dr. Herzig right on down. The surgery was so successful I am on cloud nine. After almost 60 years of wearing glasses, to now only needing reading glasses 2.50, is nothing short of a miracle.
31 October 2022 23:06
I am so happy I don’t have to wear glasses any more! It took me a long time to get the courage to do it, and it has turned out even better than I hoped for! Hertzig is a top-notch facility and the entire team took great care of me. Special thanks to Dr. Modabber for giving me perfect eyesight. I can’t adequately express the thrill when I wake up every morning and no longer need to reach for the eyeglasses.
28 October 2022 17:34
I went in for cataract surgery on my left eye recently. Since I had the right eye done a few years ago (at a different clinic) I thought I knew what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised! From initial consultation through surgery everyone at the clinic has been pleasant and amazingly efficient!
Dr. Modabber gave me great advice to correct my left eye one diopter nearer. After surgery I was in the recovery room and I was stunned that I could read the text on my cell phone without glasses. I was fully expecting to be dependent on readers for most reading tasks. The vision through my left eye is so sharp and clear, not saying that my right eye isn't good, but the eye corrected at Herzig is above and beyond that.
20 September 2022 19:38
I had the SMILE procedure done by Dr Modabber back in June 2022. My eyesight is perfect and better than 20/20. The whole procedure is easier than going to the dentist. Dr. Modabber and the HEI staff were all so kind, comforting, and answered all my questions. I cannot say thank you enough to the HEI team!
10 September 2022 16:59
Fantastic service, with experienced and seasoned medical and support staff. Dr. Milad Modabber assessed my eyes, carried out my cataract surgery (with toric IOLs), and followed up with me soon after the surgery. The results were phenomenal!
09 April 2020 8:05
How can you not accept payment via an insurance company? Not all is able to come up with that amount of cash upfront. Disappointed. I will have to look elsewhere for service.
07 April 2020 4:15
I did the SMILE procedure Feb of 2020. Can't believe how painless and simple it was. From Consultation to surgery, everything was smooth and easy. Consummate professionals. I highly recommend this place!
25 March 2020 1:17
Most importantly, Herzig is one of the very top providers of Eye procedures in the country, and you can feel that leadership and expertise in their highly professional service, beautiful location, and friendly, empathetic and engaged staff.

Selfishly, for those of us who were there for a family member getting a procedure, Herzig has a remarkably well-equipped waiting room with Wi-Fi, comfortable seating, coffee and some truly legendary cookies!
19 March 2020 20:02
Very pleased with my experience at Herzig Eye Institute. Everything was explained thoroughly and all questions were answered fully.
I was anxious about the procedure but because of the professionalism of the staff and how well things were explained even during the procedure I found it to be very stress-free.
18 March 2020 1:13
This is more a review of the service I didn't receive. I went in for a free consultation and they doctor told me he didn't think I should risk getting the procedure. This is important because I'd had a consultation with another laser eye place and they didn't mention there would be any risk. Always respect businesses that place principles before profits.
06 March 2020 2:29
Had my SMILE procedure done at this place about two weeks ago. Overall the process was quick and painless. Dr. Herzig was very friendly and calming. I went to many other clinics for consultation and ultimately chose Herzig were due to surgeon’s experience and the overall professionalism of the clinic. This the only place I went to had optometrist conduct pre-op exam. This is also the only clinic that identified some concerns with my cornea and referred my file to surgeon for second opinion which ultimately recommended SMILE instead of LASIK. They certainly earned my trust and ultimately earned my business. I’m happy with the outcome of my surgery and couldn’t be happier that I can see 20/20 in 2020! My eyes are still healing and as time goes on, my night vision is constantly improving. Dry eye is a real issue following the surgery but with some lubricant eye drops it is manageable and does get better as eyes continue to heal. One side effect the clinic did not tell me is.after the surgery I kept on adjusting my “invisible glasses” due to force of habit! Clearly my brain thinks I’m still wearing glasses because I can see everything:)
03 March 2020 9:28
Dr Herzig did my lasik procedure 25 years ago. My vision remained stable up until recently. As It turns out I had developed cataracts which Dr Herzig recently corrected. Miraculously, my vision which was hazy is now super clear again. In addition, I see colours much brighter and the yellowish tinge I used to see is now gone. The staff is top notch, and Dr Herzig is truly amazing. If you are considering any procedures to do with your eyes, DO NOT LOOK ANY FURTHER THAN THE HERZIG EYE INSTITUTE
22 February 2020 16:22
Had SMILE in the spring of 2019 and was the best decision I ever made. Kudos to the entire team that made the process easy and painless. Love my 20/20 vision!
17 January 2020 9:55
As long as I can remember I’ve had to wear corrective lenses; glasses and contacts have been my routine for over 50 years. Finally after much investigation and comparisons in regards to places and eye correction surgery options, I decided to trust my eyes with Dr. Sheldon Herzig. The eye examines were well executed and the consultation was informative with no pressure. I weighed out my choices and decided on SMILE correction and had the procedure done November 7th, 2019. It was stress and pain free. Dr. Sheldon Herzig and his team were all professional and made me feel very comfortable and at ease. My follow up appointment the day after went well with my vision showing improvement. It’s been a week and I am seeing much better and am hoping that within the next few weeks my vision will be as perfect as I dreamed. I highly recommend this clinic. The options are incredible and the procedure is perfected to a fine art. The days after the procedure include lots of scheduled eye drops but the eyes heal wonderfully as the blurred vision becomes clearer and the gritty, dry feeling subsides. An exceptional experience with a very competent and personal staff, with excellent results. It’s taking time to get used to the new mono vision but I am slowly adapting to the change. Many thanks to the Herzig Eye Institute Staff and Dr. Herzig.
27 December 2019 13:14
Had the SMILE procedure done on both my eyes. The process exceeded my expectations. At first, I was a little bit anxious, but the procedure was absolutely painless. Dr. Herzig and his staff were phenomenal. From the first consultation to the actual procedure, all of my questions and concerns were addressed. I have to say that my vision is better than I expected. I would recommend this procedure to anyone that wants to improve their vision. Thank you again Dr. Herzig!
08 December 2019 5:19
I'm a 28-year-old female who had been wearing glasses and contacts since I was 10 years old. My prescription was very bad - my contact lens prescription was approx -6 in both eyes, so I think about -8 for glasses. My corneas are super thin - about 60% as thick as the average person's, which made me a poor candidate for Lasik. Previous clinics had tried to push Lasik on me, even though the more I researched it, the more it sounded like a risky idea for my type of eyes.

I went to my first consultation at Herzig at the end of October 2018. The consultation lasted a long time - from what I remember over 1.5 hours. I was impressed with this, because they did a lot of tests - way more than the other clinics had done.

In the end, they recommended ICL. None of the other clinics had mentioned this even though it seemed like I was the perfect candidate for this type of surgery (I did a lot of independent research to confirm this). I think the reason is that very few clinics and doctors are qualified to perform ICL. From what I understand, Dr. Herzig has done hundreds of these.

I agreed to the surgery and was scheduled in for February 2019. Between October and February, they did several more tests and took SO MANY measurements to make sure my implanted lens would be the right prescription. They also had me go to a retinal specialist to make sure my retina had no minor tears that could affect the surgery.

The surgery went 100% perfectly. It took 20 minutes and was painless. Someone else who had had his ICL surgery done within 30 minutes of mine was recovering in the same room as me. He reported the same initial feelings that I had - no pain, quick surgery, and he could already see pretty well (it takes a few weeks to reach optimal levels).

My only recommendation is to try not to drive at night for the first 3 weeks or so following the surgery. The halo effect at night was pretty intense for the first week, and definitely noticeable for one month following the surgery. After that, it wasn't really noticeable.

It has been almost 9 months now since my surgery and I can see perfectly. I can do anything I want without prior preparation - swimming, hiking on a bright sunny day, extreme sports, etc. It's a wonderful world and I can finally see it for myself! Thank you to Dr. Herzig and all the friendly and competent staff who made this dream a reality!
07 December 2019 23:54
Did the SMILE procedure over 2 months ago, my vision has been fully correct and have no complaints! All the staff are friendly, nice and efficient.
30 October 2019 20:49
Went in for consultation for SMILE and the process was efficient.

My refractive consultant Christina was very helpful, fast, and accommodating with no pressure to go ahead with the surgery.

She also handled my pre-surgery referrals efficiently to ensure that I understand all the risks involved for my specific eye condition.

I would recommend Herzig for the level of service provided.
19 October 2019 17:28
Very difficult just to book a consultation. I called and booked a consultation, apparently the receptionist didn't book it in so when I called to confirm there was no appointment. Everytime I call they never picked up there phone goes straight to voicemail. The only appointment they have available is a month from now. I am shocked to hear I have to wait a whole month for just a consultation. They need to hire more staff. Not to mention the receptionist is very rude and gives attitude on the phone.
18 October 2019 21:58
The experience was great from the consultation process to the follow up post-surgery.
The support team were well organized and attentive. They did what they could to make patientS comfortable as some patients are quite nervous. I can see without glasses for the first time sine I was 4 yrs.old!
22 September 2019 13:42
What a lie changing experience. I had my surgery on August 15,2019 and haven't looked back (literally ha!). The staff are amazing and were always available to answer any questions I had. The atmosphere is really welcoming and most importantly calming. You barely feel like you are there for surgery at all. The entire experience was completely worth it. Most importantly their prices were all inclusive. No hidden fees for prescriptions or extra visits. I would highly recommend Herzig for your laser eye surgery needs.
20 September 2019 7:44
When it came time to have my cataracts removed there was only one place I would trust with my eyes. Dr. Herzig corrected a cataract operation by another surgeon that did not go well for my husband. My husband was so pleased with the results, that we use Herzig Eye Institute exclusively.
When the laser measuring which is so accurate and the laser removal of the old lenses was explained to me, I knew this was the right procedure. My husband had had the standard measuring done some years ago which resulted in the wrong lens being implanted. The laser surgery softens up the lens for removal so it does not shatter. Again my husband had the lens shatter during surgery.
My sight is wonderful after having both eyes done. I would recommend Herzig to anyone I know if they are ready for cataract surgery.
Thank you again for restoring my eyesight.
Suzanne Hodgson
14 September 2019 11:00
I had my IOL procedure in February 2019 done by Dr. S. Herzig. I was totally "done" wearing glasses for 35 years, every day and all day.
The assessments and operations were done fast and completely painless. My vision was good from next day.
On one of my eyes, the time to cure the inflammation was longer than I liked it to be. I was coming to the clinic for check ups and follow ups quite often. But Dr. Helen Brandenburg who assisted me, is one of the most gentle and understanding person I know. I have learned a lot from her, advise to "cure" dry eyes. And I can now say, after 6 months I finally feel good and worry free.
Thank you Dr. Herzig for clearing my vision with your knowledge, great professionalism and calm.
Everybody in this clinic is extremely nice, helpful and warm.
Thank you all!
Irina Radulescu
02 September 2019 17:59
Great staff, great experience! 20/20 would recommend (get it?)

The feeling of getting better vision can not be explained. If you are considering laser eye surgery herzig is the place to be.

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